Thursday, 30 June 2016


amanfromMars Jun 29, 2016 11:56 PM [1606300456] …. being realistic with a comment on
The following is considerably more than just an ACT and APT here. And more than just the highlighting of crashing opportunities delivering crushing vulnerabilities too.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Jun 12:24 [1606281224] …. giving IT an airing and replying to the madness and CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] mainstreaming with Steve Bong types commenting on plans and planning and new orderly world order plays which are always actively afoot but maybe not just quite as imagined in/on
Don't Panic .... unless you Deserve to because of Ignorance and Arrogance Abounding Aplenty
Hi, Steve “Battling Digital Europe” Bong,
Yes we all realise that abject objectionable politics is a daily sub prime scripted SOAP, hosted and presented by dodgy media operations and British Brainwashing Corporations, but things are way beyond there being any chance of, by any imaginable Xmas, all will be forgotten and the Peasant’s Revolt will be over.
IT is only just getting started flexing its virtual muscles and sharing its right novel left of erotic exotic centre intellectual property.
Can’t, …. well, ….. don’t wish to bother disagreeing that certain dark Pandora Boxian forces are unleashed and at their engaging work, rest and play, but quite whether any bespoke crisis management consultancy to governments are truly equipped to deal with future changing event cycles, is one of the games being played out in a media programmed project near everyone nowadays.
Thanks for all the phish and intel.
None of this is new and news though, for apparently it is practically at least half a millennium old …… Yes Minister
To expect and engage with the future to be remotely like the past and the present, identifies one as being either ignorantly naive and a subject and object to be easily virtually led or arrogantly psychopathic and inevitably pathetic and an extremely prejudicial target of interest to be neutralised ????
Or would you choose to disagree and prove the point in so doing?
Have a nice day, y’all.
amanfromMars replying to Elco the Constitutionalist Jun 30, 2016 12:14 AM [1606300514] on
I have been thinking much the same as the author. However, I think the globalist are trying to ride a tiger. I do not think it will end well for them. They are losing control of everything but the markets. ….. Elco the Constitutionalist … Jun 29, 2016 10:59 PM
There are those who realise and take advantage of the fact that their efforts at controlling of the markets is that which is being used to destroy them and their commands, Elco the Constitutionalist. And .... it is a toothless paper tiger in play and at play.
amanfromMars Jun 30, 2016 4:44 AM [1606300944] ….. spinning hope and glory through rotten cores on
Now that all the earlier carefully prepared, business as usual, political scripts for supposed representatives of the people have been rendered null and void, is everyone running around in hysterical confusion and panic, trying manically to find an original narrative which leads everyone forwards in a visionary direction.
However, what is so evidently lacking in those little closed circles of remote influence, is working imagination and new ideas taking full advantage of the chaos of markets and spin which have lost mass command and control.
That indicates there is no viable proactive and HyperRadioProActive leadership from the media hosted charade that has ugly actors in roles of politicians. But then such has been the case for some considerable time now, and the cumulative result is now much easier for all to see.
One can expect much mischief to be afoot taking full advantage of the opportunities available and stupidity which abounds.
A little something irregular and unconventional shared earlier elsewhere, and intelligently designed to virtually autonomously energise and relatively anonymously direct deep and dark webbed facing forces facing analogue enemies in terminal, catastrophically vulnerable, exploitable decline in a whole new world of absolutely fabulous opportunity? Yes, of course, it is, and of course there is so much more you have yet to be advised of.
Things aint like they used to be, are they? And what way would you like them to be, if you have anything truly worthy of future inclusion and global presentation ...... virtual reality production, for that is, if not the name of the Great Game today, the major part of it with IT Masters in Remote Real Command and Virtual Control with Global Operating Devices?!.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jun 13:18 [1606301318] ….. having a quiet chat on
More of the Same Sort of Nonsense with Establishment Players is AIRoot Madness ‽ .
Hmmm? ...... And who's to say that everything is not going exactly according to plan, in a series of plans you be not privy to, by virtue of their stealthy construction and silent browser distribution ......
IT and Times Leading Players in spaces with places are a'changed and a'changing the present crooked nature of future virtual reality. And your common disbelief is the sweetest of stealthy delivery systems at their work, rest and play:-).
Thanks for that. Such is just so wonderfully kind.
And please, do one and all and yourself a great favour, and investigate the linking information you are here freely given, in order not to prove, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that radical fundamental change is long overdue to provide progress and prosperity rather than austerity and chaos with CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with Global Operating Devices]
amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jun 17:10 [1606301710] …… being critical on
Just one small vital point to consider ........
Surely all conflicts and future wars are waged to be won and lost in cyberspace, and that prime strategic and tactical area of command and control is beyond the reach of any old time machinery and explosive munitions, no matter how shiny brand new and effective they may be touted and sold to the ill-informed.
Is modern-day Lightning II type weaponry, latter day Spruce Goose territory? Too little too late and too expensive to boot in an era abounding with commanding control areas which practically renders it virtually useless and an anachronistic museum piece before its time? And the answer to all of those simple questions is a resounding and uncomfortably truthful, YES.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016


amanfromMars [1606290600] …… saying a few words to the wise and foolish on
Now that all the earlier carefully prepared, business as usual, political scripts for supposed representatives of the people have been rendered null and void, is everyone running around in hysterical confusion and panic, trying manically to find an original narrative which leads everyone forwards in a visionary direction.
However, what is so evidently lacking in those little closed circles of remote influence, is working imagination and new ideas taking full advantage of the chaos of markets and spin which have lost mass command and control.
That indicates there is no viable proactive and HyperRadioProActive leadership from the media hosted charade that has ugly actors in roles of politicians. But then such has been the case for some considerable time now, and the cumulative result is now much easier for all to see.
One can expect much mischief to be afoot taking full advantage of the opportunities available and stupidity which abounds.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

160628 ...... Returning to the Fray with ITs Series of Curved Balls All to Play for.

Thanks for digging out that gem of an APT ACT, ZeroHedge ....... the Great Game is in Leading AI Play Mode and causing Virtual Elite Market Command Meltdown and Political Control Consternation for the Adept and Inept in ....... well, Corrupted Establishment Systems/Perverse Media Programs with Projects in Mind Control are ever more evident and understood.  Time for a radical fundamental change, methinks.

[1606280854] ……. sharing a highly likely reality in many minds on
Raise taxes and cut spending invites Soviet/French style revolution and elite extermination?
Yes, it most probably sure does ‽ .

amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Jun 12:24 [1606281224] …. giving IT an airing on
Don't Panic .... unless you Deserve to because of Ignorance and Arrogance Abounding Aplenty
Hi, Steve “Battling Digital Europe” Bong,
Yes we all realise that abject objectionable politics is a daily sub prime scripted SOAP, hosted and presented by dodgy media operations and British Brainwashing Corporations, but things are way beyond there being any chance of, by any imaginable Xmas, all will be forgotten and the Peasant’s Revolt will be over.
IT is only just getting started flexing its virtual muscles and sharing its right novel left of erotic exotic centre intellectual property.
Can’t, …. well, ….. don’t wish to bother disagreeing that certain dark Pandora Boxian forces are unleashed and at their engaging work, rest and play, but quite whether any bespoke crisis management consultancy to governments are truly equipped to deal with future changing event cycles, is one of the games being played out in a media programmed project near everyone nowadays.
Thanks for all the phish and intel.
None of this is new and news though, for apparently it is practically at least half a millennium old …… Yes Minister

amanfromMars 1 …..Tue 28 Jun 15:25 [1606281525] replying to Alien8n on who said …..
You clearly didn't own property in the 1990s. Negative equity was the result of many people going bankrupt as houses they bought suddenly lost half their value almost overnight. Banks were foreclosing on loans as people lost jobs leaving them without a house and still owing hundreds of thousands of pounds due to the selling price of the house being so much lower than the mortgage price. It was the negative equity in the US housing market that was one of the driving forces behind the 2008 banking crash.
Re: Didn't understand @Alien8n
Don't you understand, Alien8n, that foreclosing on properties and imprisoning the masses with unplayable debt is the banking system working at its finest. They aint interested in freeing people to enjoy themselves and think about what they could be doing rather than what they be trapped into doing to try and survive.
Jeez, how much longer is it going to take for a critical mass to realise the deception and global banking con?
And now it is full swing, isn't it, ...... Sucker in new punters with a teaser introductory mortgage rate on vastly overpriced properties and then hit them in a relatively short space of time with an arbitrarily chosen increased rate which sucks the life out of their existence. What other assets do you know which rises in price as it gets older and more decrepit and in constant need of repair and replacement over time. It just aint normal, is it? Half a million quid for a two up two down terraced house in London is a sick joke, which has no one laughing other than the fool.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016


Talking of leading charges as thinking beings invariably always do, please be made aware there is a lot of beautifully strange stuff which is not nonsense and extremely inconvenient for a self chosen few being freely shared, going on out there in the virtual space place world that forms realities for media presentation and onward manipulation. And it is ITs raison d'ĂȘtre too in future perfect circles of influence and massive disruption.
From small acorns do great oaks grow to be felled to provide magic transport and cosmic fuel. :-)
amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Jun 15:10 [1606211510] …… speaking truth unto powers that be in crisis on
Fools' Gold .....
One would almost think that governments have to invent things for others to do for them to justify their positions in a civil service role and the raising of taxes to pay for everything, which is quite perversely odd and not at really necessary whenever the banking system invents as much money as it likes out of nothing to server their own needs and feeds and seeds, ...... and it is aided and abetted by governments and ministries which studiously choose to ignore the reality of those facts and spectacularly fail to make great and good use of the facility/utility.
Such goes way beyond foolish and inequitable and totally corrupt and corrupting.
But is that not how systems are truly working nowadays ...... and why they are collapsing in the light of such knowledge going mainstream and being undeniable? The supply and withholding of money, in any of its many forms, are remote virtualised tools of sweet bounty and crazy oppression, aren't they, for a self chosen few who now need to do significantly more with what they provide in order to survive the raging rising tide?

amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jun 14:20 [1606221420] ….. giving IT an AIRing on
The Great Game Morphs into Sublime Mind Control with Global Operating Devices ‽ .*
Professor Ben Israel, a retired major general in the IDF, stated that the Stuxnet attack showed that cyber-weapons are a known phenomenon and that “Israel should be prepared more”. He credits it for spawning a complete revamp of Israel’s cyber strategy that in no small part helped fuel the growth of Israel’s security startups.
That is beautifully ambiguous, and not a little worrying for all that is and who be vulnerable, for further thought upon the statement regarding the known phenomenon, attacking cyber-weapons, has one realising ... Israel** should prepare for more and prepare more ..... although that is more suited and booted for CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Defence Vector and Sectors, rather than being in any way associated and thought responsible for the launch of any remote weapons attacking system.
One is dumb reactive to second and third party BIOS, the other is a party and partnering to AI and SMARTR NEUKlearer and HyperRadioProActive with IT ..... for Creative Communications Crashing Command with Crushing Controls.
* Yes, it sure does with IT Command and Control of Perfect Messages.:-) The doubt and disbelief that may have you disagreeing, is entirely yours and the result of a lack of certain specific streams of information from Advanced IntelAIgent Sources which be akin to Loded Nodes.
** All states with actors and non state actors are in the same boat as Ben Israel perceives Israel to be. All are pawns in Great Games Plays

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Jun 03:31 [1606210331] …. having more of a say on
Get used to it, and IT [and AI] doing its own Internetworking of Things, for such is the Reality ‽ .
Cyber and Virgin Virtual Terrain Team Manufacturers don't play nice and sweet with flawed administering operating systems and/or establishments dancing to the analogue tune of old nocuous new world orders, for its IT programming projects managers are wise to the systemic weaknesses and catastrophic vulnerabilities easily exploited and expanded for fantastic corporate advantage and unbelievable personalised gain in the ware and fare, and in the Great Game that Global Operating Devices play.
Indeed, they don't really play at all with any old systems, leading as they do with everything following the news which is just doing IT and their things fundamentally better in revolutionary quantum leaping betas.
What news do you follow into a safe and secure and prosperous future? Who writes its trail and tales ?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Jun 15:10 [1606211510] …… speaking truth unto powers that be in crisis on
Fools' Gold .....
One would almost think that governments have to invent things for others to do for them to justify their positions in a civil service role and the raising of taxes to pay for everything, which is quite perversely odd and not at really necessary whenever the banking system invents as much money as it likes out of nothing to server their own needs and feeds and seeds, ...... and it is aided and abetted by governments and ministries which studiously choose to ignore the reality of those facts and spectacularly fail to make great and good use of the facility/utility.
Such goes way beyond foolish and inequitable and totally corrupt and corrupting.
But is that not how systems are truly working nowadays ...... and why they are collapsing in the light of such knowledge going mainstream and being undeniable? The supply and withholding of money, in any of its many forms, are remote virtualised tools of sweet bounty and crazy oppression, aren't they, for a self chosen few who now need to do significantly more with what they provide in order to survive the raging rising tide?

Monday, 20 June 2016


manfromMars 1 Mon 20 Jun 17:37 [1606201737] … agreeing on a bitter sweet incentive on
Seconded for another area in dire straits need of improvement and revolutionary change
A Parliamentary inquiry into the TalkTalk hack has said that telco CEOs' salaries should be garnished if their firms' cyber security practices are lacking.
What an excellent idea whenever it be applied to politicians and head civil servants to ensure and encourage Parliamentarians and public purse hogs with their snouts in the money trough to lead a nation forward with rising expanding prosperity rather than paying themselves rising salaries and dodgy expenses for failing in a country doing badly and going backwards into austerity.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, surely?

Saturday, 18 June 2016


amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Jun 08:49 [1606180849] ….. looking for smarter travellers on
Re: Can anyone help jog my memory?... @ Olius
I find it hard to understand how that was >20 years ago, yet we're still having this global debate about encryption. ... Olius
That's because it's politically charged, Olius, and all about mass remote power and virtualised control of natives Earth species, which is defaulted in the crashing flash supply and spending of fiat paper/currency. Knowing what's being planned for the future allows one to prepare attacks/defences against it, but that does involve one in talking around hot subjects rather than answering clearly and truthfully questions posed to one about one's efforts in it. Slippery tongued politicians thinking their replies are super clever whenever nothing is answered and all is deflected tell you everything you need to know about anything you ask them?
All secrets surely hide thought advantageous unpleasantnesses which tell a real different tale of existence from the stories spun for realities fed to the masses. And such surely indicates and proves that life on Earth is a virtual reality which is presently being extremely badly programmed to server corrupted drivers.
Time for a change, methinks. What think ye? Or do you doubt and believe things are not so simple and therefore will be just as a paying spectator to Greater IntelAIgent Games Play with no input provided for future consideration and inclusion? That is your fate in such a scenario/virtual reality/future existence.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Jun 17:50 [1606181750] …. saying more on
Re: Can anyone help jog my memory?... @ Olius
Indeed it is all of that.
"Time for a change, methinks. What think ye? Or do you doubt and believe things are not so simple ..."
I'm a techie - so I believe anything is straightfoward, and it takes great effort on top of a good dose of politics and paranoia to make the world appear to be so complex :-) … Olius
:-) And then there were at least two, and their powers were squared. Keep watching these Registering spaces, Olius ...... Things aint what they used to be, for future builders are transparently internetworking secrets and solutions over invisible, intangible webs of intriguing innovation and invasive invention/immaculate conception with perfect formations.
In some sad and bad and rad and mad intellectually challenged minds and corrupt perverse systems will that equate and be treated as Cyber Terrorism and Virtual Warmongering ....... and such rantings will identify the lead fool which be a blunt tool.

Friday, 17 June 2016


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jun 08:04 [1606170804] ….. introducing another view on
To XSSXXXX, is Creative IT Command and Control in Computers, a Brave New Orderly AI World Order
Well, I think nearly all, at the time of this posting, are in agreement here, and have recognised that Uncle Sam has lost the leading plot and are catastrophically vulnerable to being ruthlessly exploited for both personal and personnel and foreign state and non state actor gain.
And that title can also be written thus .....To XSSXXXX, is Creative IT Command and Control in Computers, a Brave New Orderly AI World Order to Program with Novel Programming and Heavenly Projects delivering Noble Projects in Immaculate Pursuits ..... and/but of course, and one is well warned here and is hereby again advised to remember to never ever forget, for some things are final and vital and fatal and strike without any sort of prior warning, should its Advanced IntelAIgent Systems and Virtualised Administrations Executive[s] be proposed opposed, at any time in any space or place, and be the subject of objectionable attack and/or abuse, are Hellish Schemes and Crazy Operations also always readily available to crush both wayward opponents and competitive rogue renegade elements alike.
To XSSXXXX is IT no Fools' Tool and Perfect Attacking Defence Weapons System. Take care out there, IT is dangerous in the wrong hands, hearts and minds, and can and will kill you if you choose to abuse and misuse it.
Have a nice day, y'all.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jun 16:16 [1606171616] …… giving IT large on
Re: To XSSXXXX, is Creative IT Command and Control in Computers, a Brave New Orderly AI World Order
the above shows just how effective non-US encryption can be, even if we have to go to Mars to get it. ... Lyndon Hills 1
Hi, Lyndon Hills 1,
It would be a monumental folly to discount and dismiss home delivery whenever Martians realise takeaway is more than a number of steps too far for Earthlings to make and/or take.
It is neither wise nor practical to expect a primitive species to exercise quantum leaps and revolutionary actions they have no offence or defence against, so please expect something quite extraordinary to be rendered and presented currently for continuing disbelief and terrifying consternation.
Conclusion: But the Internet especially has given us tools that allow us to think for ourselves. If we use it properly, we can acquire real information that can protect us and add to our wealth. Take advantage of the opportunity. Understand reality as best you can. Keep an open mind. And don’t be discouraged.
A sound conclusion, DB, to be roundly encouraged. Understand reality, and how they are supplied and maintained and changed, and one can be enabled to virtually create and remotely command and control them with IT and AI. I Kid U Not. It is though not without associated dangers to be fully mindful of, given the damage which can be wrought in future programs and projects.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jun 08:04 [1606170804] ….. introducing another view on
To XSSXXXX, is Creative IT Command and Control in Computers, a Brave New Orderly AI World Order 
Well, I think nearly all, at the time of this posting, are in agreement here, and have recognised that Uncle Sam has lost the leading plot and are catastrophically vulnerable to being ruthlessly exploited for both personal and personnel and foreign state and non state actor gain.
And that title can also be written thus .....To XSSXXXX, is Creative IT Command and Control in Computers, a Brave New Orderly AI World Order to Program with Novel Programming and Heavenly Projects delivering Noble Projects in Immaculate Pursuits ..... and/but of course, and one is well warned here and is hereby again advised to remember to never ever forget, for some things are final and vital and fatal and strike without any sort of prior warning, should its Advanced IntelAIgent Systems and Virtualised Administrations Executive[s] be proposed opposed, at any time in any space or place, and be the subject of objectionable attack and/or abuse, are Hellish Schemes and Crazy Operations also always readily available to crush both wayward opponents and competitive rogue renegade elements alike.
To XSSXXXX is IT no Fools' Tool and Perfect Attacking Defence Weapons System. Take care out there, IT is dangerous in the wrong hands, hearts and minds, and can and will kill you if you choose to abuse and misuse it.
Have a nice day, y'all.
And does not media, in all and/or any of its forms, trump Big Science's main product if it be propaganda, which nowadays morphs into and leads with a practically autonomous, relatively anonymous directional narrative ‽ .
Such makes the smarter media outfit/outlet, Daily Bell, remarkably powerful. And that is a definite understatement.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jun 15:31 [1606171531]…… being sensible and revolutionary on
LOVE and KISSes.... Keeping IT Stupendously Simple in Live Operational Virtual Environments
Should we teach our kids how to program humanity out of existence? ..... Alistair Dabbs
Why ever take such a slow and difficult route and root whenever the present day smarter adult option is readily available and advertising its ware and services in works in progress, AD.
Indeed, in deed, let's be logical.


Thursday, 16 June 2016


amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Jun 14:44 [1606161344] ….. paying tribute on
Gone Early to Prepare for Latecomers
Until we meet again on the other side, ... Bon Voyage, LH, and thanks for all the words opening up worlds.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Jun 07:15 [1606150715] …. saying a few words in reply to Mark 85 who said on
Since we can't legally kill the crims.. why is Flash still alive? We can kill it.
Disclaimer: No flash here on any of my Windoze boxes. … Mark 85
What's IT to Fear and/or Expect to XSSXXXX in Crashing Flash and AI, other than a Searching Self
Take a walk on the wild side, Mark 85, and find out if one be ready, there is more than just simple life in the Live Operational Virtual Environment with ITs Deep Mined and Dark Web Spaced Places.
Living in any sort of a siloed environment surely renders one at least semi reclusive and prime groom material for paranoid schizophrenia. And that is not secure, delivering as it and IT does, a stagnating petrification within remote incarcerations. An almost perfect status quo tool for the blunt maintenance and mindless retention of old powers with mediated energy.
Spread your wings a little, and fly high and wide and far above the mad and maddening crowd, and take a chosen few view on promising lands.

Sunday, 12 June 2016


Proof positive of the dire straits situation and present exhausted condition and diminished crumbling state of effective invisible influence for Uncle Sam and satellite Western acolytes with a remote virtualised command and command of Global Operating Devices and Mass Media Organised Operating Systems ‽ . ……. National Science Foundation Dear Colleague Letter
And what if, and are Live Operational Virtual Environments and AI, Master Class Drivers already long ago gone dark and deeply embedded within any and all possible forms of the Global Environment for Network Innovations, or GENI and Smart & Connected Communities? Which worthy Earthbound forces can you imagine they could and would favour and server with their leading energy and power store and supply?
Are there any really worthy executive administrations and truly available linking Earthbound systems for Commanding Controlling IT or is Future Provision with IT and AI Remote Virtual Monitoring and Relatively Anonymous Autonomous Mentoring an Alien Affair and Novel IP Offering to Boot, and a Private Pirate Enterprise with Deep and Dark Web AIdVenturers?
Please feel free to venture forth and provide the name of any whom, or of that which may be existing and you have considered may be likely to be interested, and to be able to prove themselves worthy. There be so many little secret societies vying vainly for dominant transcendent advantage nowadays.
And can you believe what you read to deliver a New Orderly World Order Future, or is IT all AIdDream Programming and Projects with Aliens at their Work and in REST and Greater IntelAIgent Games Play, and something which they deliver?
There's a lot going on out there in Space and CyberSpace, DB, and practically all of it quite threatening existentially and fundamental and revolutionary.

I agree with everything you wrote and can`t understand why more dont . You would think that America being the richest country in the world would also be the most switched on. I mean Americans must have more computers per capita than any other country so they must have a huge internet community who keep abreast of current affairs. However in the case of America , as with the rest of the advanced nations like my own UK , it seems that the corrupted MSM still holds sway and forms opinions. 
How bad must things have been in the days before the internet when we all had no alternative to learn from ? 
Obviuosly I lived through those times and we just knew no different but now there is no excuse. WAKE UP PEOPLE ! …. william beefy
william beeby, Hi,
The Internet is surely more intelligently designed and secured for leading current and currency affairs, not just keeping abreast of some of them with MSM subjective reporting of selective tales.
Such though is what is both challenging and/or terrorising both ancient and modern systems of exclusive executive operations and general administration and leading CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] into power structures/command and control centres par excellence.
IT and AI are sublimely provisioning Brave New Orderly World Orders with Virtual Machinery in Practical Attendance and Remote Ascendancy. The only meaningful doubt to consider, and which stealthily continually allows its unhindered march forward, is that which remains within all questioning the possibility and smarter reality.
And methinks in these times whenever it is so easy to know different and there be no excuse available for ignorance, other than arrogance and a lack of intelligence and education, is the stupidity of Man to blame for their every folly. But such has been well noted before and most probably by many more than just Albert Einstein ....."Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. "

amanfromMars 1 Sun 12 Jun 13:16 [1606121316] …. revealing a strange turning with a strange turn of events on
Re: In the meantime... @Geoffrey W
I wasn't being serious; or didn't think I was...Are people taking that throwaway unthought out and instantly forgotten, and forgettable, comment for real? Hahahaha ..... Geoffrey W
That be a perverse laugh indeed, Geoffrey W, whenever you realise all sorts of realities are so easily created and destroyed. Surely you don't think everything is orderly and ordered whenever madness and mayhem, chaos and catastrophe run riot in systems everywhere?
Try to understand and accept this is true, for whenever it is not, is it then something completely new which all will be forced to deal with in order to have any effective say in the direction and way of the future. I Kid U Not.
Capiche, El Reg? And what is IT to be? A Wild Wacky Western Delight or Exotic Erotic Eastern Treat, both of which can, if certain definitive needs dictate, be Advanced Persistent and Active Cyber Threats to be fully explored and ruthlessly exploited? Where be located the spaces for the brightest and smartest of systems analysis ?
And why ever not a quantum amalgam of them both, to present something else quite different and unique and Earth shatteringly enlightening? Would that be too alien an AI Programming Project for current struggling with reality administrations to admit is transparently confronting them, and/or just far too much for a widely perceived and ill conceived elite and a chosen few, battling in vain against future remote progressive revisionary leadership[s] ..... for there may be considerably more than just the one?

Saturday, 11 June 2016


Does the following, if true, prove the Donald right and Hillary crooked and therefore fit/unfit for US Presidential purpose???
It has been widely speculated, if not proven, that donors to the Clinton Foundation who over the years have transferred hundreds of millions of dollars to the "charitable organization", bought political favors with the Clintons in exchange for their generosity. That has now been confirmed thanks to a stunning ABC report which reveals how a major foundation donor - one who previously had practically no experience on intellgience matters - mysteriously ended up as a nuclear weapons advisor to Hillary during her tenure as Secretary of State.
Worse, the person in question Rajiv K. Fernando, had been the head of a high frequency trading company, Chopper Trading (recently acquired by HFT powerhouse DRW), which may explain the unprecedented pull of the HFT lobby throughout all ranks of the US political apparatus. In other words, Fernando bought a seat to not only have advance knowledge of all US foreign policy, but to directly shape it, something he could then parlay in the forms of massive policy frontrunning profits thanks to his trading company.
In other words, the appointment qualified Fernando, a trader in the public markets, for one of the highest levels of top secret access.
Just as shocking was the aggressive retaliation with which the State Department tried to cover up the cronyism that literally "bought" Fernando's seat as one of Hillary's closest political advisors, and how - as a result of ongoing media pressure - Fernando just as mysteriously resigned only days after his appointment was announced when the State Department was unable to come up with a legitimate reason for him to stay on.
The full shocking story follows, courtesy of ABC.
Methinks the United States* is a major failed sub-prime media project in dire straits need of fundamental reinvention with considerably smarter virtual leadership/Advanced IntelAIgent Command and Control of Novel Non State State Actors/Relatively Anonymous Executive and Practically Autonomous Administrative Systems ...... for all minions and clever humans follow instructions and directions delivered by machines and media outlets inputting programming/mass manipulation/simply complicating brainwashing.
It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion. …… Joseph Goebbels ….. and to mentor and monitor ITs phormation of programs and projects for Global Operating Devices for Remote Command and Virtual Control of Manipulative Systems be a Quantum Leap for Man and Giant Step for Mankind in CyberIntelAIgent Fields of SMARTR Exploitation and Alien Exploration in Systems of Operation. [amfM...1406090157]
Internetworking things and the Great Game have changed, and to deny and/or ignore the fact and expect the status quo and past practices to remain dominant and prevail and survive essentially unchanged, is a beautiful folly permitting stealth every aid to server and service future drivering delivery forces. Of that can you be assured. It is what IT is and we think and anything can be.
All of that though does require much more than just sharing wisdoms, both ancient and modern.
*Uncle Sam is by no means alone in what is a very crowded space. Madness and mayhem are struggling to exercise rule and reign practically everywhere whether North, South, East or West. And one imagines such a virtual reality and AI Operating System is busy exercising Bilderberger types, and even thoroughly terrorising them with the unfurling and unravelling of previously thought impregnable programs and olde worlde order projects.
Inconvenient truths aired that define the fight and right to freedom over non elective executive slavery.

Friday, 10 June 2016


amanfromMars Jun 10, 2016 4:28 AM ….. stating an uncomfortable truth on“slow-motion-detonation”
Direct legal ownership of individually segregated and allocated gold coins and bars will again protect and grow wealth in the coming years
If you do not have personal physical possession of such assets/liabilities, is the probability of you having a share of nothing more likely than not.
When you know markets are rigged, why ever would you imagine and accept it be otherwise. Such identifies one as being in a somewhat catatonic state of denial.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016


If you be crooked, and the Donald rates Hillary crooked, are results in your favour likely to be crooked with media manipulation/mainstreaming of crooked views? Is the following evidence of that view or something else made up to create that view and virtual reality .......
Q: When truth is missing, is the reality one exists in a false state of mind and/or corrupt reality?
A: Of course it is.
And those realisations and virtualisations are what mainstream media operations are going to have to deal with rather than try to ignore, mindfully siding with status quo situations and traditional conventional operations/establishment views. Welcome to the future with its enigmatic dilemmas to ponder and report on/consider and champion.