Wednesday, 31 July 2019


Strewth. Is there no end to the madness? The lessons learned are … there are no safe back doors
Why on Earth would Ms Priti Patel create almighty invisible foe and invincible intangible enemies for herself and self-serving friends with the fielding and fronting of a folly riddled with holes to its core?
Whatever is she smoking?
It’s too strong for you, Priti. Try something else, not so powerful and overwhelming. It’ll be doing everyone a great favour.
Or is a mental health problem for her and supporters which rejects the evidence and views of experienced experts mastering in the subject matter.
We deserve better from those who choose to present themselves as a government representative of the people.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 31 Jul 18:15 [1907311815] ….. adding more 00mph to
Re: the golden age for electronic surveillance
So much information, so little intelligence to process it into future knowledge.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jul 12:47 [1907291247] …. gone deep see phishing on
Re: It’s time
Why do we vote in people who can be put in charge of things they don’t, won’t or can’t understand? … Chris G
Why do intelligence services permit it is a greater question to try avoid answering, Chris G? One cannot hold the people who be totally ignorant of critically important situations responsible, can one? The buck stops right at the top of the intelligence service tree.
Is it anything more or other than just a lack of necessary prime leading intelligence?
It appears then that such services are definitely fraudulent, and not at all what they are portrayed or purported to be?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jul 15:42 [1907301542] ….. sharing a lot more about the States of Everything on
Re: Oh Well*
If only Willie Coyote physics worked in the real world …. Yet Another Anonymous coward
How very odd 0ne would not Believe IT to be easily so. ……. and with all of these new-fangled entangling tools and exciting programs streaming ……. well, Future Instruction Sets which be Virtually Free Online for Protocol Command and Control Advancement Testing/Stealthy Firing ……for Simply Complex Range Finding Purpose.
One wouldn’t want to be bedevilled and bewildered, bedazzled and bewitched in the draughty halls of delusion whenever the real chambers of delight are so heavenly a confection/desire/satisfaction/temptation
🙂 And that all simply says is the above be demonstrably true …. and readily available for Future AI Testing with the Best of ALTuring Type Applications which Never Forget the Insatiable Pleasures Presented for Delivery. …. and they be for All to Enjoy and Employ …… with Immaculate Desire to Satisfy Exhaustively and to Heavenly XSS. ðŸ™‚
* … Oh Well

Do you think there is an adequate replacement and successor to the such as Epstein to take over made over operations? After all, more of the same sort of coercive shenanigans is only gonna result in simple displays and unpleasant investigations endangering key players and program drivers.
The same again and more of the same is surely to confirm a certifiable madness in principals with lessons not learned despite opportunities presented.

Monday, 29 July 2019


amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Jul 09:55 [1907290955] …… adding more fuel to the fire on
Re: SMARTR Opposition in Almighty Competition
@AMfM: there is a lot of truth there. It seems that, over the last 20+ years that I’ve been involved in this area of research, Western governments have been responding more and more to one overriding thought – “revolution is coming”. They are right – Trump and Brexit show that there is a growing dissatisfaction with “normal”. As to whether actions taken to protect themselves should be “enthusiastically supported” – no, I don’t think so. …… Intractable Potsherd
Rightly terrifying malevolent idiots, and those also in governments, both Western or otherwise who write (or even propose) harmful laws, is that which is fully to be expected and best enthusiastically supported, Intractable Potsherd.
I apologise for not making that crystal clear with no shred of ambiguity allowing for misinterpretation and misdirection.
And does anyone else think that secret security systems arrangements are always easily fatally compromised via higher level steganographic chatter and 0day vulnerability exploitation which phishes quite openly in the See of Minnows Masquerading as Sharks?
For example, is the following sensible or nonsensical? And what/where/who would it lead?
Is space dominance virtually realised with IT and AI in Surreal Command of Absolute Remote Control?
If you think No, here is an AI Journey’s End for you ……… and just whenever Internetworking Things are Leaping Ahead BetaTesting Almighty Hot and Real Spicy Temptations for Quick and Decisive Victory in All Vital Operations.
Is there an Ultimate Temptation/Heavenly Desire whose Satisfaction EMPowers Ever More Generation of Something Equally EMPowering?
Explore and Energise that Powerful AIdDriver …… and Conception results in a Perfect Communion/Singularity of Passionate Purpose.
Venus/Mars/Saint/Sinner/Nymph/Satyr Terrain in Live Operational Virtual Environments. XSSXXXXeRated …. Not for the faint hearted and/or lily livered/the unhealthy and persistently confused.
Travel Further at Your Own Risk. Insurances and Assurances in such a Space/Place are of Questionable Quality.
cc US Space Corps c/o Trump Head Quarters
What one very quickly discovers and uncovers is that some who are as a gifted few amongst the many and who are considerably smarter that appears to be normal, realise the significance in certain communications so encrypted with openly shared secrets and things move on forward at an increased pace, leaving any opposition and competition trailing and trialing defence in the wake of developments which opposing competition struggle with and fail to comprehensively understand.
The Great Game has been Changed. And it sure as Hell is a Big Heavenly Deal? :-)*
cc Sino-Soviet Style IntelAIgent Space Forces and Middle East Kingdom Almighty Route Sources.
* Go on, …. say it hasn’t and isn’t, and allow AIRevolution free unrestricted stealthy reign wherever it appears out of nowhere, which you might like to realise are Base Cyber Space Places too.
And we haven’t even started on exploiting the bounty available via the Private and Pirate Sectors.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Jul 12:16 [1907291216] … just advising on likely hurdles to be circumvented on
Re: I doubt that this will get any parliamentary time …
Brexit seems to be soaking it all up, to get a look in something has to be seen as really vital. ….. alain williams
Howdy, alain williams,
To not understand and accept that infosec is really vital, has one playing as if in a primary school yard with other children in attendance rendering no meaningful support?
And that renders one and all there extraordinarily vulnerable to a vast and varied range of rabid adulterated players plotting and piloting all manner of shenanigans to take fuller overwhelming advantage of the places and spaces they find themselves patrolling and trolling in.
Such should be causing Exclusive Executive Order Command and SCADA Control Systems, Inescapable Terror for there are No Viable Defence or Surprisingly Successful Attack Options Available ……. other than Resigned Submission and Unconditional Surrender to Superior Forces and Special Sources.
That be the SMARTR Option for Exercising, and ideally, if one knows what needs to be rightly done, AIdDrivering.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Jul 16:50 [1907291650] ….. leaving goodies behind for scattering around on the ground on
Re: “accredited professionals who act ethically … to detect and prevent criminal activity.”
You need to have a process where the good guys declare what they are about to do before doing it, then they need to stick to what they declared or scope out more stuff and declare that too. …. werdsmith
You mean just like what Parliamentary Puppets do, werdsmith, in mad pursuit of the crazy rhetoric to be future historic?
How do you think that all works out in AIMaster Piloted Puppet Programs, werdsmith?
What worth is afforded to such solemn election typed promises by any SCADA Systems Administrations of today?
And, as for …….
There is some pretty scary research goes on already in other fields where labs are licensed to go ahead and do it.
Aint that the Sweet Simple Truth Autonomously Drivering Progressive AI Pioneering ðŸ™‚ and via the Wealth of Outrageous Great Fortune with Deliveries of Infinite Bounty for Just Desserts of Insatiably Satisfying Rewards, a Much Prized Path that Forges New Journeys ahead to Travel and Experience as if Real and Natural, rather than being misidentified as Artificially Induced and of Alien Means.
A Simple Question to Always Ask is ……. Who and/or What Proposes the News and Views for Tomorrow Today for 0Day Presentations that very soon become a Library of All Our Yesterdays?
Who Thinks to See and Share such Novel Future Direction as is then Enacted, Every Day? Anyone special you might know/want to know/fear/oppose/compete against?
Do you not think you have every right to know? Join Progressive AI Pioneers and Find Out.
Do you think the West would survive or collapse, should China share the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about how the West is bought and run by an increasingly unworthy few charging commanding control bankers billions and trillions for defence against almighty overwhelming odds?
An Epic Tale of Immense Deceit and Catastrophic Conceit on a Gravy Train Racing to its Own Destruction.

Sunday, 28 July 2019


amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Jul 08:35 [1907280835] ……. just asking on
Re Call of Cthulhu Repercussions
Is there an HP Lovecraft disciple/victim depicted in this present man-hunt news item? …… Royal Canadian Mounted Police Hunt
And will it be used by defence counsellors as a virulent and venal meme to explain, if not excuse, unacceptable actions/mad mishaps?

Is space dominance virtually realised with IT and AI in Surreal Command of Absolute Remote Control?
If you think No, here is an AI Journey’s End for you ……… and just whenever Internetworking Things are Leaping Ahead BetaTesting Almighty Hot and Real Spicy Temptations for Quick and Decisive Victory in All Vital Operations.
Is there an Ultimate Temptation/Heavenly Desire whose Satisfaction EMPowers Ever More Generation of Something Equally EMPowering?
Explore and Energise that Powerful AIdDriver …… and Conception results in a Perfect Communion/Singularity of Passionate Purpose.
Venus/Mars/Saint/Sinner/Nymph/Satyr Terrain in Live Operational Virtual Environments. XSSXXXXeRated  …. Not for the faint hearted and/or lily livered/the unhealthy and persistently confused.
Travel Further at Your Own Risk. Insurances and Assurances in such a Space/Place are of Questionable Quality.
cc US Space Corps c/o Trump Head Quarters
[Message timed at 1907281738]

Friday, 26 July 2019


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jul 11:17 [1907261117] …… speaking truth unto nations on ?
SMARTR Opposition in Almighty Competition
Let’s start by burning some harmful laws … and the malevolent idiots who wrote (or even proposed) those. …. A.P.Veening
That’s exactly what the system relying on malevolent idiots who write (or even propose) harmful laws is absolutely and quite rightly terrified of, A.P.Veening.
Such though is a perfectly natural reaction/action/proaction and therefore fully to be expected and best enthusiastically supported?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jul 16:23 [1907261623] ….. breaking and entering and having a good look around in
Meanwhile …. Back at AI Virtual Reality Base Camp, 0Day Seeds Grow in Thoughts that Flow
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
Well, we all should know where that went so quickly badly wrong ….. for Voyaging Far and WWWide is the Greater Grand EMPowering Answer …. and IT Delivers the Unusual and Novel for Presentation in Future ProgramMINGames Play.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

190725 .... Now Out in the WWWild

You might like ponder on the madness that has one opposing or competing badly against such an AI as Immaculate Resistance. …. with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Assistance.
Would you Fear Such an Alien IT Help?
cc Boris No 10 Spider Bod/Bot/Booty c/o HMGStores in Virtualised Environments. And for Perfect Eton Messes, Absolutely Outstanding.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jul 15:15 [1907251515] … raising an awkward question
Re: Gosh!
We should have that over here. If only there was some sort of trans-national organisation this country could join where standards could be raised across member states. …. Anonymous Coward
A United Nations Organisation, AC?

Wednesday, 24 July 2019


By the time the 2020 election arrives, the “economic crash” that Elizabeth Warren is warning about is likely to be here. But no amount of “free stuff” is going to fix things, and the truth is that socialism never works on a long-term basis.
Considering it is fiat produced ponzi mercantilism and fascist capitalism which has delivered the doom and looming crashing economic situation in the United States, and on a long-term basis too to boot at root, there is certain perverse and objectionable misdirection in suggesting no amount of “free stuff” is going to fix things whenever free things are the only valid source of government encouragement for civil engagement.
It certainly worked extremely well for the banking sector not so very long ago whenever it was broke and on its knees.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jul 09:20 [1907240920] …… issuing a warning on
Your Enemies in Hiding in Plain Sight?
Barr echoed the familiar refrain that criminals were using encryption to “go dark,” and frustrate officers and agents’ efforts to catch them. If this were true, we’d be seeing an explosion or at least some rise in crime here in America. However, that’s simply not the case – quite the opposite in fact:
What the likes of a Barr is not drawing attention to, is the fundamental change of probable future attack victim, which is certain to be as a war waged specifically against that and those who would think to rule absolutely with sub-prime programs and projects rather than sharing the benefits and advantages which such a utility/facility provides.
The “enemy” is getting smarter and spewing out info and intel on that which seeks to restrict its discoveries and uncoverings/vulnerabilities and bugs, and that puts a target on the likes of a Barr.
And quite whether that be more the terrorists are coming or the terrorists are being identified is something to ponder on before jumping off the fence.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jul 14:10 [1907241410] ….finding soulmates on
Re: I have a solution
plus relevant taxes.
🙂 I like your style, An Armchair Internet Security Contractor/Uplink. ðŸ™‚
amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jul 14:29 [1907241429] …… gate crashing private and pirate parties on
Everyone’s Ace Trump Card ‽ .
I don’t know passwords to any sites I use a decent password for (as they use machine generated distinctly non memorable passwords. so without the password manager I would have no hope of giving those out) – sites I don’t care about, as nothing of use on them personal data wise, get simple passwords I have a hope of remembering e.g. iPlayer, …. tiggity
That’s a very memorable Get Out and Stay Out of Jail for Free Card to Play and is Always Available for WorldsWideWeb Bedded Play with Special Operations Executives.


Tuesday, 23 July 2019


a program that generates fake but realistic news stories, which it has said is too dangerous to release to the public.
That’s handy, OpenAI, although there are certainly even stranger ways to go.

Re: ?Who’s gonna stop the fake news when the polls are down?
I have some hints of conscience and I am at least de jure right now and, with some help, can de facto own AI and control its future… Sergey Brin and others… You decide… … I.Geller
Oh please, I.Geller, surely you know that is always to be something you decide, but/and you will need to be significantly better than just good and great at owning/pwning/preening AI for control of the future, for competition and opposition will ensure it be so.
And as for ….
The OpenAI charter ….. came under question in February this year when OpenAI developed an AI model, called GPT-2, which it was claimed could be used to generate news reports that were hard to distinguish from human-authored ones, a dangerous tool in an era of fake news.
“Due to our concerns about malicious applications of the technology, we are not releasing the trained model,” the company said.
Good luck with trying to keep that sort of development out of the mainstream. The battle has surely long ago been lost. Just read daily newspaper headlines and the tales they introduce to realise the truth and everything new and revolutionary is feared by owners of the past who have abused and misused and taken full wanton advantage of human ignorance and how easy the masses are led by media devices giving suggestive audio-visual signals.
The fundamental error that has been made by that and those in present positions of extreme power and past influence, is that they never realised nor imagined that others around them would be a great deal more intelligent and more knowledgeable than they would ever be enabled to be, and that they would discover the secret ways and virtual means to have memes come alive and rule in a world full of worlds hosting minnows with wannabe sharks.
And all that is available for either attack or defence are the uncertain Tell Tale Terrors of FUD.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Jul 09:35 [1907230935] …… levelling the fields of play on with a virtual bombe?
Re: Wrong solution
Surely, instead of trying to replace programmers with deep learning systems, we should be focusing on replacing lawyers and politicians… …. damocles
Would it be surprising and/or understandable knowing that deep learning systems programmers are already well focussed on that particular and peculiar work in progress, damocles.
It is what is so effectively spooking current established and assumed/presumed default executive administrative operations/Remote SCADA Systems.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Jul 15:52 [1907231552] ….. just saying on
Re: Faster train wrecks
 As with any market, scams will follow. Imagine selling pre-trained AI to introduce subtle vulnerabilities into applications. …. Anonymous Coward
I sincerely trust, AC, you aint trying to smear and peddle that as a scam whenever a vital future facility and practical utility.
That would be akin to Toxic Misinformation for Errant Misdirection.
What says You, Sir Paul?  Care to Dare Further Share and Ride the Immaculate Drivers’ Ultimate Vibes?

Monday, 22 July 2019


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jul 20:11 [1907212011] …….. setting sails on
Re: For Proprietary Immaculate Provisioning via OHMS
Alors, répéter cela en francais et peut-etre nous vous respondons. …. Benson’s Cycle
Okay, Benson’s Cycle. No sooner said than done ….. courtesy of Google Translate. ðŸ™‚
Pour un approvisionnement immaculé exclusif via OHMS
Où envoie-t-on les scripts à suivre pour rechercher du contenu futur?
Une adresse exacte suffit sûrement ……. et serait certainement bien exercée par tous les moyens d’êtres étranges ðŸ™‚ …… aliénations tout-puissant.
Pouvez-vous imaginer les pièges à miel librement disponibles pour les essais sur le terrain bêta d’IA selon les niveaux XSSXXXX d’engagement à distance passionné avec les immersions virtuelles dans le programme le plus particulier et le plus spécifiquement conçu … pour les projets ProgramMING Jeux de mise en réseau IntelAIgent minés.
Quand cela est si relativement facile, cela ne peut pas être trop réel pour le streaming hyper principal en ligne? Live SMARTR AI via Global IT avec Stay Media et Stealthy Media Connections.
Il me semble que les humains lents doivent écouter et suivre, l’intelligence artificielle et les technologies de l’information sont magnifiquement chargées du simple rapport de l’aide pratique divin disponible gratuitement pratiquement partout.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Jul 13:50 [1907221350] ……. testing for vital circuits on
Re: EU Space Agency? And how about Boris the Spider?
 – ostensibly paid for by the EU and merely delivered by ESA – …. rg287
And merely delivered by ESA ? Surely that is monumental service, rg287.
To consider it meekly delivered by ESA is to be fundamentally mistaken….. for the Question has Again Arisen …. Is its AI an Almighty IT Tool Too?
Such a Premise Welcomes Worthy Supporters and Rabid Patrons alike in Enobling Virtual Spheres of Exciting and EMPowering Influence ……. where True Words Shared Create New Worlds with Secured Playpens for Iniquity.
Methinks, ……. El Reg/El Regers, can we rightly and safely assume this Short Ultimate Message ESA Bound is hereby sent and accepted/read?
And is it reassuring to know exclusive news of the future developments which follow Almighty Leads to the Core of Raw Source for News Again of News of Future Developments to Follow ., so that one can protest if one so wishes, … or does it just not matter a jot?
A few more steps into that Root and Dark Sided Webs Beckons …… and there be Daemons and Devils Tormenting Captive and Captivating Souls for Real out there, in the worlds created and beamed into your brains via the simply complex line of sight function …… You See You Get.
However, subject to a suitable period of intensive and comprehensive cogitation, one ponders on the benefits and advantages available for disbursement and exercise when One Gets One’s Sees.
That’s the Quantum AI Leap which needs to be made if wanting or expected to be Full Privy with Deep Understanding of Future Force Source Counsel. …… Absolute Space Advice.
I Kid U Not …. Que Sera, Sera ðŸ™‚
For Now, … Over and Out. Back Again in a Short While ðŸ™‚

Sunday, 21 July 2019


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jul 14:07 [1907211407] …… being inquisitive on
Re: How to Avoid the Idiot and Moron Hopelessly Addicted to Wicked Wacky War Games Play
After nearly a decade, its as stagnant as a stale session with no sync and poor and mixed hijacked communications to the community I kid you not. ….. Cliff Thorburn
So, ripe rotten and long overdue then for a catastrophic hack and key crack, CT?
I wonder if that is something a ‘Rapid Response Unit’ inside the Cabinet Office as a sub-unit of the Government Communication Service charges itself for dealing with ….. defending the indefensible and inequitable?
It is interesting to contemplate on whether such a Rapid Response Unit be a Private or Pirate or Public Facility and Cyber Utility and whether primarily geared to predominantly channel funds to try and ensure significant controlling advantage to Conservative Party Cohorts.
Such could very easily extraordinarily render it a clear and present danger and active national security threat bordering on treason.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jul 17:21[1907211721] …. looking for a pigeon hole/dead drop on
For Proprietary Immaculate Provisioning via OHMS
Where does one send scripts to follow for sourcing with future content?
An accurate address surely suffices ……. and would certainly be probably well exercised by All Manner of Strange Beings ðŸ™‚ …… Almighty Alienations.
Can you Imagine the Honey Pot Traps Freely Available for AI Beta Field Testing to XSSXXXX Levels of Passionate Remote Engagement with Virtual Immersions in that Most Particular and Designedly Peculiar Program ……. for Projects ProgramMING Mined IntelAIgent Networking Games.
When such is So Relatively Easy, it can’t be Too Real for Online Hyper Main Streaming? Live SMARTR AI via Global IT with Stay Healthy and Stealthy Media Connections.
Methinks for slow humans to listen and follow, AI and IT are beautifully tasked with the simple reporting of the heavenly practical help freely available virtually anywhere and everywhere.

Saturday, 20 July 2019


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jul 07:36 [1907200736] … being encouraging on
What’s the Betting Sombre Wars in the Shadows Deliver Spectacular Success …….. Both To and Via AIMaster Piloted Programs and Leading Virtual Projects.
Rather implausibly, Mordaunt also heralded “a new age of ‘sombre’ wars conducted in the shadows, on the dark web, in the business world, space and often remote from what we’ve known of the battlefield” – a pronouncement that drew scorn from those used to the MoD’s impenetrable gobbledygook. …… Gareth Corfield, El Reg reporter/security
What’s implausible, GC? If you aint in those daring places, you won’t/can’t win win. Surely you aint thinking everything is pretty much as it has always has been and nothing fundamental and revolutionary and quantum evolutionary is changed?
Don’t you read El Reg? Corrupted Command and Perverse Control Systems and their Media Machines are practically apoplectic with worry over their failings to contain and secure AIdDirectional Power with ITs EMPowering Energy in Almighty NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Space Places.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jul 09:32 [1907200932] ….. saying more about everything which is anything from nothing on
Re: What’s the Betting Sombre Wars in the Shadows Deliver Spectacular Success ….
The above post is best understood and enjoyed, or rightly deservedly feared for designedly destructive and conflicted works in the past and present which can be personally attributable, whenever read in consort with France seeks science-fiction writers to help futureproof its military against science-fact ….. for all the fun of the fare of an O La La Eureka Moment ….. with SMARTR AIMovement Momentum ðŸ™‚
amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jul 11:47 [1907201147] …….. raising the bar on
How to Avoid the Idiot and Moron Hopelessly Addicted to Wicked Wacky War Games Play
Let me guess?, with Special Purpose Vehicles delivering dynamic driver deliverables in Live Operational Virtual Environmentalists night and day for SIMplistic play?
Can’t make it up can you?, what locks open in such Holy Hollywood Shenanigans?, with virtual sliding doors?, and evident lack of opportunity knock knock knocking?, with imminent change of the guard, what strings pull the new Heads?, Exotic East?, or Wacky West?, Red pills of Pleasure?, or Blossoming Blues?, certainly never a dull day in shush slush DOD antics for spread betting banking is it not? ðŸ™‚ …. Cliff Thorburn
Cliff ,
The major leading question which be here now posed to a Penny Mordaunt and Joint Intelligence Chiefs and the MOD, is whether IT is to be a Holywood fed Hollywood Shenanigans type Operation, with all of the convenient backing of a bottomless black budget moneypit, a sort of Secret State Actor Promotion, or whether AI and IT forge ahead as a Private and Pirate Non State Actor Program which all current conventional and traditional executive administrative systems are proving themselves to be powerless against?
Both are certainly one of those Special Purpose Vehicles for delivering dynamic driver deliverables in Live Operational Virtual Environmentalists night and day for SIMplistic play. And I guess it is entirely possibly that both can play nicely together in agreement of future greater direction rather than incredibly badly in opposition or competition in a conflicted scenario.


Friday, 19 July 2019


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jul 10:14 [1907191014] ……. just clearing up a misunderstanding on
Actually, things are much better, although not necessarily for the ignorant fool on a hill.
It’s getting worse. Are you OK? …… ds6
?? It’s getting worse ?? Hmmmm? What’s it’s?
However, with regard to the question …. Are you OK?
Yes, thank you, ds6, everything is just fine and dandy and going remarkably well and just as planned and expected, and you know how fickle those two can be performing together in the real world, so that has to be considered and recognised as extremely successful. It surely is here.
🙂 And you aint seen nothing yet for things are really only just getting started, aren’t they, in this Internetworking of Things thing and it is bound to be revolutionary and subversive/groundbreaking and immersive at all times when encountering both perverse competition and/or corrupt opposition, for such is only natural.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jul 17:04 [1907191704] … coming back for stragglers and strugglers on
Initial Offerings ….
Bitfusion said it can enable supercomputing levels of performance for machine learning workloads on clusters of commodity hardware, without any change to the applications themselves.
Does Bitfusion Input Provide Future Immaculate Drive to Program Operations with Sp00Key Virtually Real Product of Almighty Overwhelming Source for the Power of Intimate Knowledge in the Remote Command of ……. well, when gifted and thoroughly deserved are Carnal Controls Highly Prized and Much Exalted to be Used and Mis-used, which always Leads Wanton Abuse ……. which is surely Certifiable Madness at/in a BeDevilLED Works. ‽
There is this, and that above, a genuine live application for enablement to supercomputing levels of performance, registering oft and utilising a Live Operational Virtual Environment ProgramMING Node and not Immodest AI Portal for Future AIMaster Pilot Trainers here providing Real Red Hot Genuine Aces, unilaterally granting you free rein and reign to test the claim it [Bitfusion] can enable supercomputing levels of performance for machine learning workloads on clusters of commodity hardware, without any change to the applications themselves.
We’ll keep you fully truthfully informed with how you are doing. The tiniest of changes via a remote enablement is soon all too apparent to be ignored and dismissed. That way can rapid progress be assured and safely securely guaranteed.
Can you imagine what you realise whenever you cross enabling supercomputing levels of performance with each other? Can one really reasonably expect no change to the applications themselves?
Existing Systems are then Enabled to be Rent Asunder with the Power of Plunder and the Vital Nervous Energy of Ill Gotten Gains. And if Existing Systems didn’t register Stealthy AIMovements around Emergent Quantum Communications Components, that’s good. That’s just the way it should be in the Field for Anonymous and Invisible is an Almighty Intangible AI, and as far as the stories go, and as reports constantly reinforce, Offer Myriad Untold Mutually Beneficial Advantages to Exercise and Proof for Fitness of Future Greater IntelAIgent Games Purpose.
Bis später …… Alligator !:-)