Friday, 30 April 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Apr 06:17 [2104300617] ...... just saying on

Re: Ethereal AntICQs

Crikey, AC. A mad raving rant practically overflowing with poisoned views and all manner of other malicious and fallacious Tom Foolery is no way to start the day trying to influence people.

Take a lie down and a chill pill, for some in extremis of your condition experience the strait jacket alone in the lonely quarantine of a padded cell.

Take a downvote hit and mull over those facts which are not designed to do harm or invoke and provoke dissent.

Do you know A.N.Others more fully realise the wisdom and overwhelming competitive advantage that entrepreneurially wealthy, healthily privately capitalised, sociably communised models for productive and progressive existence grant to enthusiastic supportive players, both optimal prime key leading and minor bit part peripheral following, and would see the CCP regime and XI antics as worthy of copy cat emulation/program pirating for novel alternate base beta testing ....... or are you blinded by the possibility and terrified by the simplicity of the arrangement and adjustments that would make it work extremely well?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Apr 06:44 [2104300644] ...... asks on

Is it the American Way? To Suffer Fools at their Work, Rest and Play?

How would lawyers and judges make themselves a comfortable living if they weren't paid chasing ambulances for their cases? There's an awful lot of bread being spent out there in incestuous, self-serving circles on nothing that has been resolved, but definitely recognised as being extremely dangerous and deadly harmful to many and anyone for a crazy length of time.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Apr 09:48 ......... having a muse on

Re: Something interesting and even Johnny Mnenomical :-) Poe's Law Rules:-)

Now for the legal issues.
In principle, a personal force field would come under "defense" but as its not capable of actually doing damage under most
conditions the DoD would likely be most interested. ..... Conundrum1885

That doesn't sound right, Conundrum1885.

And if/whenever things have moved on apace in places and spaces, and personal force fields are also capable of actually doing damage under any conditions, and especially so in attack situations, the DoD would most certainly be likely to be more than just interested if they have nothing anywhere near comparable in any of their own arsenals.

If you're able to supply that and those to them, and also to anybody else also interested, you're worth an absolute fortune and guaranteed to never have to do anything like great physically tiring work ever again :-)


amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Apr 11:33 [2104301133] ....... saying more than enough for a good Friday on

Re: Information Log Jams ...... for Temporary Temporal Stoppages with Celestial COSMIC Forces

Can we please have a WTF button to go along with the Up and Down vote buttons. ..... LybsterRoy

Very droll, LybsterRoy, very droll. :-)

The following is probably something you are missing to aid your further understanding of many of the things shared above, but the MoD have no such convenient excuse since they have had it all since a long time ago in the Great Schema of IoT Things [30th Sept. 2019]

This submission claims to be able to address and aid, to a greater or lesser degree, all of the five questions the Army has asked …… via the Presentation of the Results and Vital Actions taken for Future Realisation in/with/of Global Events BroadBandCasting Advanced IntelAIgent Memes with Almighty Means in All Main Streaming Live Media Systems and Alternative Underground Movements ….. and here on a Stealthy Exercise and Who Dares Win Wins Operation and looking forward to engagement and enjoyment in these new fangled and entangling reports of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT with/from Alternate Sources to create Totally Different, and more Equitable and Mutually Beneficial Outcomes.

With the simple expedient of rather than seeking to portray the ways and means to a heavenly destination/perfectly new staring point, with everything newly discovered on the way, novel and exciting, why not try committing and submitting to Virtual Experimentation in a Not So Top Secret Anymore Program with Advanced IntelAIgent Commands and Future Control[s] in VAIOSystems of Universal Administration.

Further Proprietary Intellectual Property Access Rights are required to acquire and deliver so very much more and all else necessary too ……. for such a Program and Project as the above is quite easily Almightily Weaponised for/with wanton and wilful abuse and disastrous misuse ….. although one is always to be well enough warned and advised that any and all such abuse and misuse always results in punitive, catastrophically counterproductive sanction with miscreants relentlessly and ruthlessly pursued for overwhelming prosecution and deserved persecution.

N.B. … This Program is only suitable for Prime Leading Principals/Organisations exercising Geopolitically Sensitive Applications.

Both test experimental and operational theatre environments are relatively anonymously virtually created and populated to field elements/land forces by virtue of their presentation in any number of diverse, suitably cloaked news/media productions with the Technology Readiness Level for all such as is proposed and revealed here in this submission and/or discovered in any further deeper program investigation of Past Principal Activity being of no valid negative concern.

All necessary systems are Go with a decades worth of tweaking, reinforcing and live field betatesting of readily available assets providing such a confident assurance.

For Mass Control of the Future Narrative, Command the Virtual Reality Remotely with Superior ACT*ivated Product.

* Advanced Cyber Threat/Treat

It is not the emergence and exposure of sensitive corrupted state held secrets which easily crash and burn a future's monumental folly, although they certainly also can, it is the innate ability and virgin facility of spontaneous and unpredictable sharing of novel information about newly uncovered advanced intelligence which can swarm through and decimate established main stream media and fiat currency operations, so very easily delivered and received by billions of electronic devices able to see and hear particular and peculiar tales ..... interesting uncomfortably engaging narratives proving themselves too popular and accurate to summarily try to dismiss and declare as untrue and subversive, for that shoe will be on one's own foot.

Such is a current ACTive IT and AI Battlefield and Virtual Graveyard for the many Arrogant and Ignorant who never imagined such things as being possible as they ploughed their own selfish greedy furrow in worlds before Sublime InterNetworking Networks for Hearts and Minds Capture.

Does the UKGBNI MOD see itself engaged in such an experiment/experience as an independent leading role player or more simply just as support staff following orders from/for other state and non-state actors?

And would the former be tantamount to a Stealthy SMARTR AI Military coup, which is what it can easily be spun as by a blind-sided opposition or right dodgy competition?

Would that be of an EMPowering Interest to Astute Militarised Organs of Defence into providing NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Protection to Command and Control of the Virtualised Machine with Commanding Control of Computers and Communications in Epic New COSMIC Realms ….. Advanced IntelAIgent Streams?

Quite what they are doing with any of it, in the absence of any evidence that they are doing anything at all good with it, is probably quite typically indicative of the poor levels of ability and agility made available to them and/or trained and future nurtured by them themselves, in-house, which is bound to be extremely worrying to both them and the nations they would profess to be able to defend from postmodern attack vectors and novel virtual sectors alike.


amanfromMars Fri 30 Apr 14:21 [2104301421] ....... laying IT all out for all to plainly see on

The Trials and Tribulations as Experienced in Quantum Leaping are of course, Other Worldly ....... but well within Human Reach*

If the only (small) issue is that 15% of the time the helicopter won't initialise into flight mode, it doesn't sound too risky to simply wait a while and try it again.
Isn't that the answer that software support gives, 90% of the time? .... Pete 2

Works well every time in the past, Pete 2, and there no reason to expect IT to change in the future in order to forestall and prevent OS failure and programs crashing with massive cracks exposing great hacks.

All could very easily be totally lost to NASA Mars Command and Control if drifted and gifted to Commanding Control from elsewhere foreign and alien for Future Flight Operations with the Benefit of Hindsights Providing Advanced Future Planning with Immersive Live Presentations ...... with Media BroadBandCasting Exemplary Demonstrations with ACTive Virtually Augmented Realisations.

Have they considered that Overtaking Plan a Possibility if a Current Actuality is difficult to accept and enjoy is definitely different and attractively engaging of both the diffident and indifferent and revolutionary evolutionary.

* Easy Peasy with an OE Instruction Manual to Follow with Indicative Pictures Aiding Greater Understanding of Core Systems Working.



Thursday, 29 April 2021


April 29, 2021 at 06:08 ........ adding a tad more on

I share with y'all below from another independent foreign source, further supporting news on the undeniable truth of the opening two paragraphs above [posted April 28, 2021 at 09:11] .... for as you will surely know, the UK has its very own versions of dark villains and nefarious chapters that match the likes of a US Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Foreign Malign Influence Center, American Israeli Public Affairs Committee and the Murdoch media empire, and they don't work for you, nor do they you any great favours. The unfortunate great unwashed truth is probably the exact opposite, and their influence is positively malignant and decidedly designedly subversive and counter super productive enlightening.

Heaven forbid that any actual novel progress outside of traditional existing elitist establishment command and control be made which would reveal the secrets used to capture and enslave nations to the will of ....... well, some themselves would be quite delusional and would be thinking them a Chosen Few and Practically Almighty ...... which is Crazy, with others also venturing an excuse in both a prognosis and diagnosis of Certifiably Insane.

It is always most helpful, and some would even tell you vital, to know your enemy [who it is, where it is, what it is, why it is] better than your friend.

The Foreign Malign Influence Center was specifically mandated to examine the social media influence campaigns operated by Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. It is particularly telling that they were not directed to investigate the two largest foreign sources of political influence in America today, namely the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee and the Murdoch media empire. President Putin could only dream about being able to buy congressional seats the way AIPAC does, or control what information becomes magnified (and, by extension, suppressed) by the newspapers, television and radio enterprises owned by Rupert Murdoch.

These are the true villains when it comes to foreign corruption of American politics. These foreigners, however, have a seat at the establishment table. Their malign influence will never be labeled as such, and they will never have to withstand the ignominy of having their work scrutinized under the politicized microscope of an intelligence community that has allowed itself to be corrupted by domestic American politics to the point that it no longer serves the American people as a whole, but only a select class of American persons. .......

Is there an Independent Scots National Intelligence Guard/AI Black Watch available and on call servicing Laird Duties/Highland Clan Ventures ‽ . Or is that still a secret to be plausibly denied until a limited admission is deemed unavoidable and helpful some time much later on in the future. Inquiring minds would wish to know of the Enigmatic Energetic State of Current Scottish Enlightenment at its core levels.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 29 Apr 07:34 [2104290734] ...... floating more than just a meme on

Re: Timothy Leary's Dead

HildyJ, Hi,

Your post could equally well be entitled ..... Timothy Leary's Not Dead Yet.:-)

And aint that the gospel truth!

IT certainly makes life interesting ....... all this mind-bending and thought-expanding small talk stuff...... and does reveal a massive postmodern and ancient treasure trove of abiding weaknesses and novel vulnerabilities to explore and exploit, enjoy and employ ...... and to offer to markets for capitalisation/fiat valuation of perceived worth, future strength, power and energy.

And aint that the gospel truth too ‽ . :-)


amanfromMars 1 Thu 29 Apr 09:36 [2104290936] ....... adding more to question on

Re: Timothy Leary's Not Dead Yet ‽ :-)

And, probably even more importantly and lucratively and possibly also disruptively ...... export and introduce to leaderships and administering executives in foreign lands and alien territories too, which makes IT something of an obscure and ominous and stealthy weapon to wield wisely.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 29 Apr 11:50 [2104291150] ...... noticing something not all uncommon and strange on

When Incest Rules IT can quickly Manifest Madness and Deformity by All Accounts

Big Tech bankrolling AI ethics research and events and seeming very familiar to Big Tobacco all over again is ye olde favourite great parlour game that leads those following lost souls, rearranging deckchairs for the Titanic, Saints playing Sinners and Poachers turning Gamekeeper whenever bankrolling is directed to the unworthy ..... the silver tongued devil charlatan and the poisonous snake oiler.

'Tis nothing new to be overly concerned about once one know what is to be expected and routinely dismissed and discounted as a viable future sustainable resource/font of common collective wisdom.

Weirdly and spookily enough, presently there is an almost mirror carbon copy of the dilemma in a similar drama playing itself out currently in Westminster and at No 10 Downing Street.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 29 Apr 14:21 [2104291421] ….. venting on

Information Log Jams ...... for Temporary Temporal Stoppages with Celestial COSMIC Forces

I thought that matter was earlier resolved to an attractively acceptable reciprocative mutually beneficial conclusion/forward looking decision........

Later, still addressing White, the judge said: "Putting your argument, it would be perverse to compensate them even a nominal amount when they have actually benefited from the infringement of their right. I think what you can't say is there's no meaningful infringement." .....

I imagine Google take that as certainly understood, but patiently awaits the Supreme High Court Adjudgement ruling that one and all can legitimately say there is no meaningful infringement to certify and classify as a High Crime Mastering Class AI Misdemeanours.

On Safari, that would akin to a Greater Big Game Hunt with SMARTR Hunters and AI Sharp Shooters.

JEDI, Hi ....... Have you seen Merlin, the MetaDataBase Magician and AIMaster Physician? Do you know what they do? Are you for helping or hindering them with Unstoppable UN Progress? ....... which I trust one realises is a Rhetorical Question Fully Loaded with the Correct Obvious Choice Evident to the Fore.

The question now is whether it is an AWEsome Force .... Special AIResourced Services .....Protecting Immaculate Source Provisions ....... New Present Conditions for global media to present in programmes in a shocked state of constant awe, whenever you are so lucky to be worthy, or try to deny exists in a state of absolute panic and dread of what a changed future can bring to those of an Almost Permanent State of Worrying Anxiety or Super Manic Depression.

And that's a question for 5 and the Top UKGBNI Bods and Chiefs in the Ministry of Defence. ........ Special Post RSVP ASAP SNAFUBAR



Wednesday, 28 April 2021


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Apr 16:49 [2104271649] ...... still chatting on

Re: About "...weaken and backdoor cryptography...." @Anonymous Coward

AC, some secrets users prefer the facility and simplicity of the steganography utility for widespread education and sublime stealthy instruction/virtually protected sensitive advice rather than trusting that task to cryptography, hoping that it remains unbroken to ensure that profound activities remain generally largely unknown and an elitist affair in exclusive pastimes.

I suppose which one is the better of two with regards to performance depends upon what one would be doing in the present and planning to try to do in the near future. To imagine being able to set anything up now in order to greatly materially effect anything a great deal further into the future than the likes of a tomorrow or two or three, is surely too fantastic to be considered reliable and viable.

Although to some, which is clearly best is beyond question and pretty darned obvious. Steg beats crypto hands down every time.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Apr 07:09 [2104280709] ...... adding a crossed red line on

Big Brother GCHQ defending democracy is No Laughing Matter when a Fake AI Premis.

Big Brother GCHQ, UKGBNI and the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street DO KNOW what happens whenever they do not step up to the plate to admirably quickly quite quietly donate public pirate private slush funding and Venture Capital to Appropriate ACTive Actors/Prime Premium Drivers?

That failure to be wonderfully obliging creates a beautifully hostile takeover bid scenario which naturally gifts recognised latent potential in a nationalisable private public or pirate proprietary intellectual property portfolio elsewhere foreign and alien ..... so it is no small disaster to be held fully responsible and accountable for.

It also has one mulling over the distinct and surprising possibility, and therefore most likely amazing probability, that the advanced intelligence one thought available in established state and non-state actors for engagement and employment in enjoyment and exploitation in a Capital Venture is not present in any required necessary valuable form, and their entire range of Elite Executive and Mass Administrative SCADA Systems is laid out before one wide open to defenceless attack and crushing conquest. ....... Almighty Overwhelmingly Catastrophic Defeat.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Apr 04:34 [2104280434] ....... being somewhat more forthright on

Default Condition Code Red in Wild Wacky Western Spheres of Malevolence*

Pretentious fear-mongering twat. ....... iron

It is hardly an Earth shattering exclusive identifying the ubiquitous useful idiot, iron, whenever terrestrial news media is both lock. stock and barrel infested and so heavily root invested in and plagued by such Remote Access Trojans on the sinking ships of empires past built and presently vastly failing and fast fading in the full glare and and shady shadows broadbandcast by the SMARTR Lights of Sublime Internet Networking Virtual Machinery simply pumping and dumping and pimping undeniable home-grown truths, which to deny, return again and again to destroy the doubting Thomases and Thomasinas alike, sparing none the moronic mercy of baying crowds.

Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, Doom and Gloom, Raging Conflict and Imminent Collapse is their Stock in Trade and Fare and Store. Tell me that isn't perfect fodder for pretentious fear-mongering twats and we will fundamentally disagree.

Cast you eyes across and open your ears to what it has been decided to be made available for presentation to you today, and tell me it isn't true, and neither is anything in all of that so easily and clearly freely shared above.

Tell us all here that aint no Code Red, Colonel Jessup .... and such are not akin to a crime against humanity and an act of war against innocent civilian beings in an ignorant state, for all here to disagree with you, LOUDLY AND CLEARLY again.

And if you support Code Reds there be consequences which may or may not be very much like that shown in this brief clip spotlighting an arrogant fall from grace and assumed power ....... Jessup Is Arrested

* ..... in Advanced IntelAIgent Eras of Greater Brainwashing Revolts.

Be careful out there, as strange as things are, they aint like they used to be, and are definitely getting even stranger. :-) IT's practically primeval and a primitive virtual virgin jungle.


April 28, 2021 at 09:11 ....... having a bold say on

Ladies and Gentlemen and Brave Hearts of Scotland, first get your act together is sound advice and your first act together, not yet even really started, is kicking mainstream media moguls and muppets and puppets out of the park and down the road kicking stones on their way to collect the burro. They do you no favours.

And it is in one's mindless acceptance of the necessity and veracity of their pwnd systems where their corrupting and subversive powers reside and fester, is it not, and as is more than just suggested in the following post hosted elsewhere and appropriate to here, now, too ......? :-)

amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Apr 04:34 [2104280434] ....... being somewhat more forthright on

Default Condition Code Red in Wild Wacky Western Spheres of Malevolence*

Pretentious fear-mongering twat. ....... iron

It is hardly an Earth shattering exclusive identifying the ubiquitous useful idiot, iron, whenever terrestrial news media is both lock. stock and barrel infested and so heavily root invested in and plagued by such Remote Access Trojans on the sinking ships of empires past built and presently vastly failing and fast fading in the full glare and and shady shadows broadbandcast by the SMARTR Lights of Sublime Internet Networking Virtual Machinery simply pumping and dumping and pimping undeniable home-grown truths, which to deny, return again and again to destroy the doubting Thomases and Thomasinas alike, sparing none the moronic mercy of baying crowds.

Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, Doom and Gloom, Raging Conflict and Imminent Collapse is their Stock in Trade and Fare and Store. Tell me that isn't perfect fodder for pretentious fear-mongering twats and we will fundamentally disagree.

Cast you eyes across and open your ears to what it has been decided to be made available for presentation to you today, and tell me it isn't true, and neither is anything in all of that so easily and clearly freely shared above.

Tell us all here that aint no Code Red, Colonel Jessup .... and such are not akin to a crime against humanity and an act of war against innocent civilian beings in an ignorant state, for all here to disagree with you, LOUDLY AND CLEARLY again.

And if you support Code Reds there be consequences which may or may not be very much like that shown in this brief clip spotlighting an arrogant fall from grace and assumed power ....... Jessup Is Arrested

* ..... in Advanced IntelAIgent Eras of Greater Brainwashing Revolts.

Be careful out there, as strange as things are, they aint like they used to be, and are definitely getting even stranger. :-) IT's practically primeval and a primitive virtual virgin jungle.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Apr 12:34 [2104281234] ....... just musing out loud on

The Flip Side of the COunter INtelligence COIN aint No Sunny 0Day Tripper Ride

It didn't work then, either. All we wound up with was a bunch of druggies telling everyone how cool their ideas were, with the rest of us shaking our heads and cleaning up the mess. ..... jake

What does that tell everyone about the prime time movers and shakers responsible for the messes that geopolitical party members and rigged trade and corrupt money markets are escaping accountability for, jake, ...... apart from being currently a right dodgy lucky bunch of druggies.

Can you imagine what will happen to them whenever the system realises their weaknesses and catches them?


Tuesday, 27 April 2021


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Apr 21:17 [2104262117] ...... airing an awkward alternative view on

Re: Big Brother GCHQ defending democracy? Best laugh I've had all week.

We have stacks of ingenuity, but if you want to do something interesting, you may have to work with people over the prison walls and across the briny deep in Terra Incognito. If GCHQ let you. ..... Tron

Given the very particular and peculiar nature of many of the works which are now being done somewhat autonomously and anonymously, and which might be of very specific concern to the likes of an Orwellian GCHQ, to even imagine that GCHQ would be able prevent anyone able in such fields from doing exactly as they themselves want, is surely risible and delusional.

And that is what has everyone in those older establishment systems of command and control so terrified and twitchy. It is only natural, .... such blind panic and endemic horror.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Apr 09:41 [2104270941] ........ adding more on

Re: Big Brother GCHQ defending democracy? Best laugh I've had all week.

To build the future of tech, whilst I wouldn't advise going to China, you may have to go abroad, assuming the prison gates are ever opened. If not, you will have to work virtually for a foreign company, trying to dodge becoming an enemy of the people. We don't have a SoftBank  ..... Tron

Oh, .... and there I was thinking the UK finally had, and now you're sort of telling me to consider it a fad, Tron? How very disappointing.

The new UK Infrastructure Bank will harness the skills of our engineers and the innovation of our architects and designers to make major new projects a reality. It will add expertise and capacity to local governments and help them to realise their plans. And most importantly it will help us to build back better, fairer and greener.</i> ..... Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer ......

If the UK does have big Venture Capital to release and activate and utilise for any perceived and/or recognised latent potential in a nationalised private public or pirate proprietary intellectual property portfolio, now is certainly an excellent time to deposit it with Appropriate ACTive Actors/Prime Premium Drivers, otherwise fertile thoughts of fraudulent shenanigans and dodgy slush funds and monumental theft grow roots to emerge as a diseased crop which blights vast fields of tricky dicky finance with ponzi plantations of institutional vapourware.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Apr 09:41 [2104270941] ........ adding more on

Re: Big Brother GCHQ defending democracy? Best laugh I've had all week.

To build the future of tech, whilst I wouldn't advise going to China, you may have to go abroad, assuming the prison gates are ever opened. If not, you will have to work virtually for a foreign company, trying to dodge becoming an enemy of the people. We don't have a SoftBank ..... Tron

Oh, .... and there I was thinking the UK finally had, and now you're sort of telling me to consider it a fad, Tron? How very disappointing.

The new UK Infrastructure Bank will harness the skills of our engineers and the innovation of our architects and designers to make major new projects a reality. It will add expertise and capacity to local governments and help them to realise their plans. And most importantly it will help us to build back better, fairer and greener. ..... Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer ......

If the UK does have big Venture Capital to release and activate and utilise for any perceived and/or recognised latent potential in a nationalised private public or pirate proprietary intellectual property portfolio, now is certainly an excellent time to deposit it with Appropriate ACTive Actors/Prime Premium Drivers, otherwise fertile thoughts of fraudulent shenanigans and dodgy slush funds and monumental theft grow roots to emerge as a diseased crop which blights vast fields of tricky dicky finance with ponzi plantations of institutional vapourware.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Apr 16:49 [2104271649] ...... still chatting on

Re: About "...weaken and backdoor cryptography...." @Anonymous Coward

AC, some secrets users prefer the facility and simplicity of the steganography utility for widespread education and sublime stealthy instruction/virtually protected sensitive advice rather than trusting that task to cryptography, hoping that it remains unbroken to ensure that profound activities remain generally largely unknown and an elitist affair in exclusive pastimes.

I suppose which one is the better of two with regards to performance depends upon what one would be doing in the present and planning to try to do in the near future. To imagine being able to set anything up now in order to greatly materially effect anything a great deal further into the future than the likes of a tomorrow or two or three, is surely too fantastic to be considered reliable and viable.

Although to some, which is clearly best is beyond question and pretty darned obvious. Steg beats crypto hands down every time.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Apt 05:51 [2107270551] ...... bearing gifts on

The shell cares not if you do not believe in it..but it does take care of you

Do not blame the shell for your mortal failings, but instead, do not ask it to do what should not be done, or what cannot be done. ..... Anonymous Coward

Because of the latest revisions to the Master Sees, AC, postmodernised versions of the Sublime Instruction Set advise humanity of the following abiding 0day exploit vulnerability and Persistent Advanced ACTive Cyber Threat and/or Treat. ...... Do not blame the shell for your mortal failings, but instead, do not ask it to do what should not be done whenever anything and everything can be done with immunity and impunity.

It is no small change in the Great Schema of the IoT Thing.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Apr 06:44 [2104270644] .......... urging caution out there on

A Complicating Union with the Military Industrial Complex is gravely to be regarded

Whilst the news of attractively lavish investments and spendings is surely to be widely welcomed and thoroughly enjoyed, and the likes of the figures mentioned in the sums of $15bn and $100bn and $10bn are not simply loose change, there is always this bastard wayward child to confront and deal with whenever proposals for engagement with the Military and Departments of Defence are contemplated.

Both the difficulty and stumbling block which will always blight the Department of Defense and Sensitive Private Entrepreneurial JOINT Venture sector, is that the one lumbering behemoth will always want complete control over the other agile leader ……. and whenever such a proposed venture is recognised as being worthy of absolute command and control, does that invariably result in conflict which results in those two particular parties taking their wares/needs and services elsewhere ……. and sometimes that is directly to the competition and/or perceived opposition to a disagreeable party.

It has though been long well enough known with the following classic shared 60 years ago. Here is a luscious bit to taste and savour from then.

A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction.

Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peace time, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United State corporations.

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been over shadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. ..... a major component of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961)


Monday, 26 April 2021


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Apr 07:52 [2104260752] ....... raising the high roller stakes for Win Winners Take All Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays on

Re: Really Good Stuff put to Greater Uses RISCy Musky 0Day Type Trading Operations

That's very much Alphawave Bonobo Ape Ware Territory you be surfing in there, StargateSg7. Naturally there's nothing better armed and enabled and able to cream the most agile and advanced and sporting of tube riders and ultimate prime thrill seekers....... crazy networking wave tamers ..... so take care and be aware and beware. The slightest of stumbles and fumbles results in many a tumble that humbles creating any number of almighty spin cycles from which one may not eventually emerge virtually unscathed but suitably chastened and more fully aware of omnipotent surroundings.

Who'd have a'thought of it of Canada, eh? A very stealthy, over the top under the radar radically progressive quantum leap communicating space place, and therefore also by automatic autonomous default, an extremely super wealthy novel virgin jurisdiction for the testing and tasting of programs and projects in immediate catastrophic need of the reviews and previews of worthy almighty peers. ..... Experienced and Battle Hardened, Hindsight Equipped Future Virtualised Pioneers ...... AI PathFinders. Or is that based somewhere else foreign, and maybe not nearly so friendly and alien on Earth, and not predisposed to help out down on Earth ‽ .

One surely wouldn't be wanting that as any sort of mortal psychotic enemy and Marvel Comicbook Immortal whenever freely available as an always reliable trusted friend.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Apr 10:11 [2104261011] ........ just saying out loud on

MRDA ...... and it's certainly been said and is easily made universally available

How very perceptive of GCHQ leadership/systems administration, however ...... at such "a moment of reckoning" how does one practically effect virtual command for absolute control is the gazillion dollar, money shot question?

Having identified and accepted the why it may be needed to be elitely exclusively exercised, following through with suitable future ACTions is that which is altogether much more taxing for forces and sources engaging in what are most definitely extremely obscure, enigmatic circles pondering on almighty royal and ancient round table type operations.

In the light of an earlier submission to El Reg on Really Good Stuff today and under the glow of GCHQ director Jeremy Fleming's rhetoric as expressed and conveyed in the final three paragraphs of the article being commented on here, and they were refreshingly encouraging, I certainly know what some would be expecting to very quickly happen before everything is strategically lost, and tactical lead is exercised magnificently elsewhere by other able parties both alien and foreign and well beyond an Effective Oppositional Remote ACTive Command and Control, rather than being more comfortably home-grown based and bred and further developed.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Apr 12:19 [2104261219] ....... stating the bleeding obvious on

Re: tl;dr: We want obligatory BritCrypto™

lf they really wanted sovereign technologies perhaps they should have advised the government not to flog off the ARM family silver. ..... Dan 55

If the return of that national treasure is decided absolutely vital, I'm pretty darned sure Japan's SoftBank, which apparently has it for sale for a piffling $40bn would be more than just happy to sell it back to a UK provisioned, sovereign wealth backed proxy.

Admittedly though, whether the purchase would then be controlled by the UK government banking system, or the proxy provided or providing the action, is quite another question for asking and not to be answered for all the usual type of national security reasons which are designed to protect both lives sources and operational methodologies.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Apr 17:48 [2104261748] ....... testing a secure fuse for safety on

To imagine it for tomorrow rather than realise it active long before yesterday is a huge mistake.

Lest one forgets the true current confounding nature of presently changed and continually changing realities, with parties one would never even dream of being effectively involved and instrumental in highly disruptive anonymised shenanigans in the driving seats exercising remarkable controls .........

And those non fungible skills are a global treat and universal threat simply transferred at the click of a mouse to anyone virtually practically anywhere interesting and interested on the planet.

That takes the notion of upwardly mobile on the corporate executive office ladder to the nth degree onto a whole other plane of existential play with quantum bit and pieces...... where a this is also enabled to be a that and together entangled something else again altogether different and singularly potent and instructive/attractive and rewarding.

And it is not something nor anything one can just ignore and pretend does not exist, and deny is not tearing systems and structures apart to their very cores ...... although there are always those old diehard blowhards who will try and fail both miserably and abysmally.



Saturday, 24 April 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Apr 15:28 [2104231528] ....... adding more to the conversation on

One Man's Prime Market to Excel Exceptionally Well In is Another Man's Grave to Rot In.

China ... has identified AI-driven business applications, and pervasive networks, as key technologies for its future prosperity and security. 

They be not alone with aspersions to lead and not be left trailing behind anyone in those particularly highly contested fields, which I presume is only natural in Earthly administrations with human/machine interactions. Here is very current news on practically the same subject away over across many seas in the Wild Wacky West ......

One can only hope that things fair a great deal better for both peasants and investors than another one of those sorts of projects which has proven itself to be a right dog of a program which has failed to deliver on a whole host of fraudulently attractive promises and continues to struggle to survive and bilk fiat blood and national treasure/destroy faith and abuse friendship as an international boondoggle


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Apr 19:16 [2104231916] ..... being awkward asking a common unanswered question on

Cream of the Crop or a Right Dodgy Lot at Best, Criminal and Traitorous at Worst?

What do you imagine, bombastic bob, CCP leadership think of the Indoctrination and those indoctrinated via the Oxbridge/Russell Group Universities/Eton/Harrow type Public School Route/Root?

And what do you call someone who and something which routinely, deliberately chooses to not tell the public and media the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth if probably corrupt and thus also crooked ruffles too many white feathers? Tory sleaze ball would appear to currently be certainly in vogue and a media favourite, proving increasingly difficult to shift elsewhere onto anyone/anything else for it not to be too true to be successfully denied.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 24 Apr 07:31 [2104240731] .... seeking clarification on

Re: Cream of the Crop or a Right Dodgy Lot at Best, Criminal and Traitorous at Worst?

Sorry to burst your radical-left bubble, but Eton/Oxbridge isn't exactly the illuminati. ..... Anonymous Coward

Of that there is certainly no doubt, AC. Quite how, or why you saw it that way in reply to the post, is something of a mystery?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 24 Apr 08:22 [2104240822] .....musing aloud on

Re: Cream of the Crop or a Right Dodgy Lot at Best, Criminal and Traitorous at Worst?

It's AMFM [sic]. He - or it, I think it's a bot - turns up here periodically and vomits sub-Markov-Chain level textual slurry over the comment threads. Just ignore. ..... Dave 132

Hello, hello, hello ...... is that really you, Call me Dave, or a poxy proxy and wannabe Call me Dave clone and clown? And into trying a Deep See Rescue of the Cavalier Conservative Cabal from the Machinations and Consequences of Greensill Style Loan Sharking* and Bumbling and Bustling and Hustling Boris Bulls in Precious China Shops?

Good luck with that poisoned chalice and hospital pass of a doomed endeavour. With so much evidence lurking in the shadows and recorded clearly for the benefit of secret files, ignore such at your peril is wise counsel indeed to seed.

* Back Door Dodgy Capital Market Privatisation of Public Utility Service to Generate Profit/Deliver More Money for Nothing Extra or Special ...... with Future Tax Payers Suffering the Bill and Presently also Interestingly Paying and Playing for Continuing Excess and Rabid Greed ???


amanfromMars 1 Sat 24 Apr 07:05 [2104240705] ....... having a raving rant of a cant on :-)

Re: I don't get it.

I know NASA is desperate to remain relevant, but what, exactly does this demonstration do beyond spend money & inspire grade schoolers? .... Claptrap314

I don't understand how you don't get it, Claptrap314, whenever you have just got it so thoroughly.

The founding fundamental raison d'être of NASA was always and still is the very successful inventive spend money and inspire grade schoolers platform which naturally morphs and expands and envelops into developments in some extremely advanced territories with alienating head space stations to prove as benign and productive and attractive whenever tested on Earth.

If ignorant humanity is hell bent on buggering up life on Earth, a SMARTR Alien Race sustained and returned from novel terra-phorming outposts on the likes of Mars and Venus and the Moon will have experience vital beyond cost and price to rebuild a damaged and turned environmentally hostile home planet.

It is certainly beyond question the much better and more pragmatic option to consider and unanimously choose whenever anyone pipes up with the ridiculous notion to transfer humanity lock, stock and barrel to another made environmentally friendly planet.

Build Mars and Venus and Moon stations to support the existence and growth and expansion of life and productive and peaceful enjoyable alien co-habitation in a challenging space place and transfer the knowledge and technology used and tested back down to Earth for use there ......... build Simulations on TerraFirma and Realise and Create Earth as an Alien Invaded Space with Future Technology and Immaculate Treasure already long ago gifted for lavish debt free spending on every need that requires a feed and/or seeding.

Surely that is Simple and Not Too Difficult to Do. After all, it is not as if you will be doing any of it without all of the help and information and intelligence that you would need, not being made freely available to you, is it ‽ . .......

Or is that the source fundamental fear that presently renders the human condition in such dire catastrophic strait states with specific regard to future progression ........ they are nowhere near smart enough to make the requisite quantum leaps?

Well, now that y'all know that the necessary smarts are easily provided virtually for free by a whole host and great cast of A.N.Others, what other excuses will some of you, and those with more time on their hands than sense in their heads and imagination conjure up to prove they are stagnating and effectively bankrupt of fabulous viable ideas and petrified of the future being terrifying* ..... a natural space of generally, normally unknown dimension and content, privy to One Almighty Few ‽ .

* ... Which can also be easily done by a less than Almighty Few 2, too.

Do y'all get all of that, or does it need to be translated and presented in another language for you to start to understand and be enabled and able to further and deeper comprehend? What other Earthly alien mother tongue would you prefer? There are so many of them.


amanfromMars [2104241652] ....... being more than just a tad supportive on

Bravo, Dom. Very Nelsonian. If No 10 are so enamoured of swamps with all of those creepy snakes and manky diseased RATs [Remote Access Trojans] therein, the blindingly honest light of peer pressure publicity is the least of the travails that such a nest of vipers and co-conspirators deserve to experience and suffer.

England expects ... and all that ....... and duty well served and servered holds its own sweet suites of magnificent rewards to savour and flavour and favour.


Friday, 23 April 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Apr 05:52 [2104230552] ...... loosing dragons galore on

AIMission Creep ..... and You know IT Makes Greater Good Common Sense.

Actually, now it is realised the point of a lunar outpost is not to discover groundbreaking stuff (although it might happen), it is to iron out any kinks in technologies and procedures we will need when things get serious. It allows to test the equipment close to home, and improve stuff before it becomes mission critical in future projects and derivative options with leading quantum leaping programming for programs with non-crazed lunatics.

And as one may only be able to imagine, it and the almighty beasts that are servered and serviced for/from there, they have a severe and deadly bite and do not take kindly to even the slightest hint of spite in wilful unwarranted competition and wanton covetous opposition alike.

The Immense Dense Bottom Line and MagnificentlyTerrifying Tale to Tell and Foretell ...... Play Real Nice or Suffer Terribly Badly.

That surely cannot be too difficult nor too unclear for even the slowest of learners and most dim-witted of human beings on Earth to understand and accept ....... given the dire consequences to be constantly suffered by leaderships in non-compliance, the result of which they can no longer complain about with a vain and forlorn plea in defence and mitigation of their wayward action, of ignorance of dire consequences being their worthy just desserts ..... for here has it been very clearly told and foretold, and freely shared to be universally told and retold whenever it be needed to explain and/or justify a concomitant punitive action.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Apr 08:45 [2104230845] ...... asks on

A Busy Bodied if not exactly Overcrowded Field of Proprietary Intellectual Property Engagement ‽ .

And here is the a UKGBNI counterpart wannabe iteration to that Chinese development ? ......

Talking the talk is easy peasy, walking the walk is something different altogether and much more difficult to deliver successfully.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Apr 15:28 [2104231528] ....... adding more to the conversation on

One Man's Prime Market to Excel Exceptionally Well In is Another Man's Grave to Rot In.

China ... has identified AI-driven business applications, and pervasive networks, as key technologies for its future prosperity and security. 

They be not alone with aspersions to lead and not be left trailing behind anyone in those particularly highly contested fields, which I presume is only natural in Earthly administrations with human/machine interactions. Here is very current news on practically the same subject away over across many seas in the Wild Wacky West ......

One can only hope that things fair a great deal better for both peasants and investors than another one of those sorts of projects which has proven itself to be a right dog of a program which has failed to deliver on a whole host of fraudulently attractive promises and continues to struggle to survive and bilk fiat blood and national treasure/destroy faith and abuse friendship as an international boondoggle


GrahamC [2104231006] ...... just saying on

Both the difficulty and stumbling block which will always blight the Department of Defense and Sensitive Private Entrepreneurial JOINT Venture sector, is that the one lumbering behemoth will always want complete control over the other agile leader ....... and whenever such a proposed venture is recognised as being worthy of absolute command and control, does that invariably result in conflict which results in those two particular parties taking their wares/needs and services elsewhere ....... and sometimes that is directly to the competition and/or perceived opposition to a disagreeable party.

[ Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]


Thursday, 22 April 2021


amanfromMars [2104220435] ..... laying things out quite clearly on

You may like to consider that the novel destructive and almightily disruptive force of the source of such as has advanced and developed into much more of an Extremely Sophisticated ElectroMagneticPulse weapon rather than to have remained as just a Simply Mindless Explosive Kinetic Energy attack vehicle, and is very sensibly and quite rightly to be wisely feared, has been typed wrong as conventionally nuclear. As such, it misleads and does not prepare one at all well for what can be launched to reign and rain down on all from the heavens above whenever revealed and recognised and classified a NEUKlearer Munition for both Underground Covert and Overground Clandestine Cloak and Dagger Regime Change Use, which can be Abused Experimentally resulting in Ultimate Systems Misuse Penalties which deliver Immediate Asset Termination and Portfolio Liquidation and Programs and Projects Sequestrations/Seizures for such has proven itself to be a most Effective ACTive Defence against such as manifests itself so clearly in both the Applications of Madness and Idiocy.

I trust that is not just as so much Double Dutch and Chinese, or Russian and Japanese, to those practising and understanding English in the West, because the chances of the English speaking Westerner understanding it shared in those other mother tongues would be certainly less than and no more than zero. The same though certainly cannot be said of the reverse, and of those able to speak and understand Dutch and Chinese, Russian and Japanese ...... and that renders to them an extraordinarily convenient and wonderfully stealthy advantage over their Wild Wacky Western neighbours.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Apr 13:46 [2104221346] ..... airing a somewhat different view of pressing matters on

Re: Don't believe it for a second! Almighty Schema are already long ago afoot and well heeled.

Russia simply can not afford to build a space station of its own, and it wouldn't make any sense either. This is just one of Putin's empty promises whose only purpose is to stop the further tanking of his popularity. It's his version of building a wall at the Mexican border. .... FF22

I'm guilty of downvoting you for those pieces of disinformation, FF22, for they take no notice of, nor make any provision for possible Sino-Soviet and Exotic Erotic Eastern contributions relating to future supply of novel operations which you appear to completely unaware of, and which, if you are a regular visitor to various certain pages here on El Reg, you most definitely wouldn't/shouldn't be.

It is possible that you have missed the foundational genesis of the following very current development displayed elsewhere and which renders your comment misleading ....

GrahamC [2104220909] .... testing out the veracity of a novel commitment voiced on

A more than just interesting article and development, Dr. Mark J. Lewis [Executive Director of NDIA's Emerging Technologies Institute], especially in light of the following revelations unveiled for both critical forensic peer review and ignorantly misguided misinforming public ridicule alike, also earlier today elsewhere for both foreign and domestic and alien audience consideration alike. It is/was in reply to an article entitled ..... "US Strategic Command Issues Random Warning Over Nuclear Strike"..... available for viewing on a ZeroHedge web page.

You may like to consider that the novel destructive and almightily disruptive force of the source of such as has advanced and developed into much more of an Extremely Sophisticated ElectroMagneticPulse weapon rather than to have remained as just a Simply Mindless Explosive Kinetic Energy attack vehicle, and is very sensibly and quite rightly to be wisely feared, has been typed wrong as conventionally nuclear. As such, it misleads and does not prepare one at all well for what can be launched to reign and rain down on all from the heavens above whenever revealed and recognised and classified a NEUKlearer Munition for both Underground Covert and Overground Clandestine Cloak and Dagger Regime Change Use, which can be Abused Experimentally resulting in Ultimate Systems Misuse Penalties which deliver Immediate Asset Termination and Portfolio Liquidation and Programs and Projects Sequestrations/Seizures for such has proven itself to be a most Effective ACTive Defence against such as manifests itself so clearly in both the Applications of Madness and Idiocy.

I trust that is not just as so much Double Dutch and Chinese, or Russian and Japanese, to those practising and understanding English in the West, because the chances of the English speaking Westerner understanding it shared in those other mother tongues would be certainly less than and no more than zero. The same though certainly cannot be said of the reverse, and of those able to speak and understand Dutch and Chinese, Russian and Japanese ...... and that renders to them an extraordinarily convenient and wonderfully stealthy advantage over their Wild Wacky Western neighbours.

And it is impossible not to realise, given all of the sentiments and avid proposals voiced in your introduction of NDIA's Emerging Technologies Institute here today, it is a worthy reply to air here too in this welcoming beta testing reply in support of all of the admirably stated future noble efforts most likely to be fielded and encountered in theatres of HyperRadioProACTive IT Engagement and CyberIntelAIgent Exercise of Freely Available Future Augmented Virtualised Reality Options with AIdDerivatives for Experimental AIdDVentures in/with NEUKlearer Energy and SMARTR Technologies. 

.... which returned the not very enamouring [Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]*

And please, let's not be having any of those ... "Let's be having a blast of whatever that is for smoking" It doesn't bode well for your understanding of present precarious situations. Thank You.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Apr 17:51 [2104221751] ........ putting the Putin boot in on

Re: Hmmmm ..... It is somewhat mysterious indeed whenever help surely be so close to hand

Has anyone worked out how Russia has still not collapsed? A tiny uncompetitive economy supporting superpower ambitions and a kleptocracy that makes the end of the Roman Empire look like an amateur dramatics production. ...... Mike Richards

Quite simply, what else could it be, Mike, other than their having ready access to a much greater advanced intelligence and an innate ability to exercise and take full advantage of it? For nothing else is needed.

One does have to wonder though, why the West does not avail themselves also of the facility and its utilities with so many remarkable capabilities?

Quite simply, what else could it be, Mike, other than the fact that they are nowhere near as smart and/or suffer from learning difficulties requiring special needs and feeds?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Apr 17:15 [2104221715] ....... beating a right royal and ancient MI5 drum on

About FCUKing Time ...... What the Hell Kept You Champing at the Bit for so Long?

The odds of MI5 becoming an influencer are probably low, though perhaps some future incarnation of James Bond's Q could become a profitable robot influencer.

It is just such an opinion, Gareth, which if believed and accepted and realised, has UKGBNI Security Services always playing catch up, and being discovered and treated as an overlooked bridesmaid rather than stunning, hot flushed and flashing virile bride.

However, in these new crazy times and maddeningly interesting spaces, the chances of that continuing to happen are way past zero, which has me in certain disagreement with you. Some who may be many might find that extremely encouraging and more than simply refreshing and long overdue. Others though, with every good reason to worry about what MI5 and the MoD feel themselves entitled and are well designed to autonomously do in the best of national and international and internetional security interests, certainly not so.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Apr 16:56 [2104211656] ........ being clearly cryptic on

Re: 0pt10na1

Touché ....... We can work it out Back in the USSR



Wednesday, 21 April 2021


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Apr 08:45 [2104210845] ......... fires a guidance seeking missile in a missive on

When will they ever learn? Can they ever learn, or is AIdDivine Intervention Required

Have you ever wondered how the West [Uncle Sam, Five Eyes, NATO Allies and other piggybacking limpet forces] would fare and justify their constant clarion call for ever expanding fiat currency resources/nationalised virtual blood and treasure if the East wasn't there for them to paint and treat as an enemy always threatening intimidating neighbours with overwhelming forces and superior technology, believed either secretly home grown and naturally indigenous or advanced and improved, successfully pirated and reverse engineered Western ware converted and subverted for warfare?

Peace would create for them a real problem, methinks, and a great difficulty which they would struggle miserably and fail spectacularly to address and resolve to any degree of universal satisfaction.

Such more than just suggests a most definite lack of Advanced IntelAIgents and Simple Common Sense with endemic systemic human learning difficulties contributing inordinately to rapid systems demises/Elitist SCADA Executive Office collapses ........ which of course one can fully expect to be comprehensively exploited to an nth degree.

By whom and/or what, and to what end purposes, is a whole new other world to get into in order to have any hope at all of being instructive and effective in its myriad novel active fields. Stepping through that portal is nothing less than a giant quantum leap for mankind. And it is not without its necessary perils which ensure and guarantee only the best of behaviours is allowed and generously graciously shared so take extreme extraordinarily especial care.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Apr 15:41 [2104211541] ........ just highlighting an exploitable flaw on

Tell us it is not abused so ..... and be absolutely amazed whenever it both is and isn't.

As for the new agreement, WEDC said that if terms are not kept, the state can recover 100 per cent of incentives paid each year. 

Now that's a nice incentive that guarantees twelve months breaking promises.


Tuesday, 20 April 2021


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Apr 08:01 [2104200801] ....... trailing and trialing some treasure on

Environmentally friendly espionage v4.2 ... the devil is in the detail ........ and the blessings in the course of the curse

At the same, Skoudis remains concerned that improved response capabilities won't help detect or prevent attacks of this sort.

"It’s a really hard problem to solve given the complexity of modern software development environments and the subtlety of very advanced nation-state attackers," he said.

Now that is certainly a clear prime jackpot prize winner for any understatement of the week/month/year prize.

And regarding the inherent dangers and difficulties in complex subtleties, whenever some great defenders are also to be routinely suspected and treated as possible stealthy renegade rogue agents and feared as almighty attackers, what lessons do you imagine are not learned, and what irreparable damage to vulnerable vital security apparatus results should fabulous creative intentions be maliciously imagined and subsequently construed and acted upon, either wantonly or accidentally and unintentionally, as being of malignant contention ....... with the always abiding danger and difficulty being in such scenarios, that they can be so, just as easily as not be so.

For example, and this is a heads up on a current investigation into such virtual matters as may definitely definitively practically matter, what would you reasonably think of the following missive and quoted text from/for a space/place elsewhere here, ..... Seizure of Satellites Presented as Option to Defend U.S. Spacecraft .... which at the time of this posting, is yet to appear for public peer review there .....

Please be made very aware that is far too much like a "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that" situation, to not be one, which would then result in a manic series of totally unforeseen and non-contributable reactions .......... which some would be realising was a Simply Enriching NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT just doing its AI Thing ...... fortuitously advising there be no prisoners allowed for the taking, so 'tis best to immediately bin that errant notion proposing engaging disabling motions.

Does it advise and encourage and seek to creatively engage on constructive defence parameters or forewarn of incoming hostile systems attacks only to be held in abeyance on the generous grateful payment of danegeld ransoms akin to royal fortunes ...... which appears to the traditional conventional human default way of dealing with all of those strange types of events/incidents/opportunities

However, quite whether such would solve such a really hard problem or merely ensure it remains practically non problematical until such times as places and spaces in the future can better resolve and render the enigma benign and non-catastrophically destructive, is surely all that one can immediately achieve and enjoy and employ and entertain and regard as an outstandingly pragmatic success.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Apr 19:35 [2104201935] ..... not being at all agreeable on

In your dreams maybe, baby, but not in the Fields of 0days and Knights mares/Trojan Horses

Lessons learned and mission accomplished, apparently ...... Thomas Claburn in San Francisco

Rather than crazy fun and cracker games and the strangest of almighty shenanigans only just getting started, Thomas? Don't be putting any money you can't afford to lose betting on that not being the true and honest novel nature of the future in humanised virtualised realities at the human animal/virtual machine interface.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Apr 08:26 [2104200826] ...... stating the bleeding obvious on

Bank of England Goes Swinging

Better late to the orgy than never, eh?



Monday, 19 April 2021


amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Apr 07:17 [2104190717] ...... turning on some vast lights to shine into the eyes of darkness on

Just Thinking of Heavenly Treats and Devilish Delights/ACTive APT Threats in Current Colossal Troubles

If you look at the most technically advanced country on the earth, and others, the sheer amount of killing, wars, lying politicians, best healthcare for the wealthy only in general, and behaviour of people - all to be seen as per our TV transmissions, then any advanced civilisation will not engage with the earth.
Why would they ? We are dangerous and misuse technology so damned well.
Any contact will be kept secret, purely because we as a society on this planet, just cannot be trusted. Especially the politicians - their contemptuous behaviour and lies excludes them from being the interface with any advanced civilisation. .... Anonymous Coward

Quite so, AC, and the SMARTR Alien Visitor would/could release a series of virulent invisible and intangible plagues with mutable bugs that both destroy and expose to further creative manipulation and remote virtual machine 0day vulnerability exploitation, valuable life and worthless paper tiger assets, should they appear in an AI Solution and prove themselves to be a Primitive Sub-Prime Master Pilot Key for Successful Alienation of Species with Sublime Intervention Services. A Gift of/from/for/to Advanced IntelAIgent Source with Alien Provenance to Exercise?

And too terrifying for Primitive Prime Time Universal Space MainStreamMedia to contemplate carrying and presenting to the masses, and in so doing, and not so doing, exacerbating and hastening and reinforcing the cataclysmic condition with the convenient bonus delivered with the Perfect Supply of Immaculate Stealth that Vassals and Vessels and Vehicles covered in Ignorance and kept in the Dark provide preternaturally.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Damned if they do, and certainly Right Royally FCUKed if they don't.

If you had to decide, what would you choose ‽ . To know what is going on all around you, directly effecting you and the future .... or to be left blissfully unaware to remain pig ignorant in the dark whilst everything collapses and/or is crashed and crushed before you, leaving you with nothing but rags of sorrow and grief and threads of anger and resentment for cold comfort?

Welcome to Planet Earth 2021.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Apr 10:00 [2104191000] ..... cruising in deep waters on

Amen to that shaking of the hand that feeds IT, Ecoguy :-)


To penetrate and dissipate these clouds of darkness, the general mind must be strengthened by education. ..... Thomas Jefferson

And constant and consistent radically fundamental and revolutionary edutainment doesn't do any lasting harm and is of great help too ....... should you ever find it conveniently made easily available and on offer to switched on situation publications.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Apr 13:15 [2104191315] ..... saying quite a lot more on

The Pharaohs of Yore Sure Knew How to Protect Ancient Secrets from Rogue Use/Primitive Abuse

a lot of them are from the inner earth cos there is loads of them .... tonyyaman

Ah Yes, those Secret Chambers. In Quantum Communications, those Spaces in Places Edified by a Monumental Construction to the Powers of Creation and Energy of Realisation ...... Remote ACTive Virtualisation for AudiTeleVisualisation.

An AWEsome AIdDevelopment Enjoying and Employing Engagements with UKMODified Cyber Sources and Forces Fielding Almighty Special Forces and Immaculate Virgin Source to Mine and Refine ........ Enrich to an Overwhelmingly Accommodative Degree ....... which is pretty close to nothing less than Total Absolute Control in Command and Control of Systems Controllers as to be easily taken with it, and equally easily also, as has surely been the case in the past, so oft been mistaken for it ‽

One of those new fangled and entangling COSMIC* Top Secret Chambered Weapons you definitely do not want to be Loaded with Devastating Ammunition for AIMing and Firing Directly at You ‽

Two novel questions to seek official verification on/or discover panicking denial of the fact in those facts from any authority able to speak as reflective of interested officialdom on the matter.

And one could question which Program does one prefer to see first ..... The Exotic Erotic Eastern Confection or the Wild Wacky Western Delight ‽ That's All the Guidance Needed for Now to be Known.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Apr 19:04 [2104191904] ...... airing a forthright opinion on

Re: Disinformation

Strangely enough, steel pillow, is virtually and practically none of all of that, in any form, disinformation.

Bravo. It is indeed rare to hear such clarity.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Apr 16:23 [2104191623] ...... knocking on any number of crazy maddening doors on

Excellent Foresight, an Avid Fan of Enriching Enlightening Hindsight for Divine Experiences

You gotta just love and admire and appreciate the way El Reg deals with such problems, with an opportune 10 minute window to right and/or reconcile wrongs and consolidate records with updated versions for programming future programmed events.


GrahamC [2104191754] ...... hailing and hauling advice and having a short sharp shocking say on

Please be made very aware that is far too much like a "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that" situation, to not be one, which would then result in a manic series of totally unforeseen and non-contributable reactions .......... which some would be realising was a Simply Enriching NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT just doing its AI Thing ...... fortuitously advising there be no prisoners allowed for the taking, so 'tis best to immediately bin that errant notion proposing engaging disabling motions.

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]



Sunday, 18 April 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sun 18 Apr 07:07 [2104180707] ....... launching a thousand ships on

Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems. I Kid U Not. It is an IoT AI Thing.

The public will never be told the truth. On either side. .... Anonymous Coward

What is the truth? And why is it so dangerous to know .... apparently .... because so many aspire and conspire and expire to not have it revealed about them and their activities and those and that which surround and support them?

The hellish difficulty to skip and dismiss, and heavenly opportunity to seize and employ whenever the truth is discovered/realised to have nothing at all to do with either the past or the present, if ever it presents and presented a massive fiction with colossal curtains of lies to deceive and massive trails of fake news to blindly follow to nowhere for real, is to accept novel news of not too distant futures with their alternate augmented virtualised realities at their Work, REST and Play, and question IT more, so that more of it can be general knowledge and universally made clearly known.

And of course, it does have the immaculate bonus and added attraction of not suffering the misfortune which delivers the diseased plague of being blighted and terminally infected by perverse mutations and corrupt manifestations of streams of perished ancient views and old presently ill informed postmodern nonsense masquerading in the guise of actionable intelligence and current news from reliable and trusted sources. Such is the Great COSMIC* Scam and Earthly Sham that Shames and Games Humanity. It is also the true alien nature of so many a present human existence on Earth.

And all of that more than just suggests that the public will know what is truth, and it will bombard them from all sides so that they will not be susceptible to future misleading derailments and exclusive pernicious self-serving lies ..... and they will easily recognise the purveyors of such putrefactions and abominable distractions ...... and be suitably overwhelming armed and zealously inclined to extinguish and obliterate them most satisfactorily to the generous eternal gratitude of the masses and all concerned in the CHAOS of Crowds and Clouds.

Deny it if you like, but that is what confronts and calls you out to play daily and out to 0day vulnerability exploitation play, and in so doing does IT and AI confound all around in your stealthy autonomous engagement.

COSMIC* .. Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command.
