Friday, 29 April 2022


amanfromMars [2204290825] ....... saying more on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Well, well, well, Stew Magnuson, that's quite another AWEsome type development surely [UKGBNI Army Warfighting Experiment] ...... so maybe not anything really new to that and those with more than just experimental experience in the field with its many very sensitive, highly proactive virtual arenas of relatively anonymous engagement realising that having leading skin in the game is akin to being able to name one's own price for what one would know and be prepared to share about how to enable and/or disable vital elements and virulent components within it whenever one likes ...... which to be perfectly honest with all, one needs to be thinking and realising easily costs failing opposition and trailing competition crippling sums in the trillions, given the nature of that which is discovered as one delves ever further and deeper into that which is uncovered and energised.

However, it may very well be the case, that expanding command and control of such developments across all militarised and para-militarised services is not something which can similarly scaled up and expanded, and such will thus always remain in the secure and failsafe grip of a very select few indeed ........ which I suppose is quite normal and therefore fully to be expected ..... and such will always be, as has always been the case, a private/pirate sector/body leading from way out in front of all others in the public and military and paramilitary sectors which will always be dependent upon that which is fed back down to them from that which is phormed and active way up ahead of them.

And as more information and intelligence escapes and merges in these times and spaces of 0days and Remote ACTive [Advanced Cyber Threat] Access Trojans will there be more instances of evidence in support of a drift towards a unifying singularity of purpose and destination, for the following which was also very recently shared with you here on National Defense Magazine in a comment on your article entitled "JUST IN: Startup Creates Simulator for Info-Warfare Ops" 4/27/2022 says very much the same as all in the above ......

“A U.K. startup has introduced computer-based training software that simulates the information environment warfighters encounter during conflict.”

To only imagine that as something relatively novel and not also realise it long active as a well practised model [modi vivendi/operandi] deployed virtually everywhere and exercised by all manner of private and pirate and public operations/operands, some renegade rogue and malevolent and other not so, identifies one as being catastrophically vulnerable to the programs presented by the very best of the best in their class in the Live Operational Virtual Environment/Virtual Information Environment chosen for remote manipulation and sublime alteration/metadatabase adjustment.

And its success, and one would be very wrong to deny such developments are remarkably successful, has one having to admit that the true nature of one’s human existence is led by remote spookily strange entangled virtual stimulation of thoughts for activation in simulation arenas copied to/from Earth ……. which has one pondering on whether it be a human Earth based project, which maybe can be interrupted or disrupted and prevented or an alien space based program which maybe cannot be interrupted or disrupted and prevented?


amanfromMars [2204290938] ...... answers on

What Can Elon Musk Do with Twitter?

He can use it to actively engage and initiate further more private discussion with like minded souls who may have captured his interest with regard to things they may have been doing and have freely shared with him and/or others.

For that does it surely have no equal or better.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Apr 12:49 [2204291249] ........ tells IT like IT and AI is on

Apparently it never rains but it pours ... and oft can there be deluges of epic biblical proportions

When things are bad they can be very bad. When things can be very good they are guaranteed to be very bad for things that are bad and/or not good and great. The problems and battles that you might see and realise are all before you now with the likes of algorithms, and you are racing headlong blindly forward to try to control and mitigate with regulation in fields that are beyond your command, are only the tip of the titanic dilemma you will have to deal with and submit to in order to survive and prosper as if in the lead with changing fundamentals presenting events/future views elsewhere ..... for there is no other available option to choose.

The likes of the following, which is available in all sorts of custom flavours dependent upon the assets and liabilities of targeted customers/valued clients, is that which confronts you and should you try to deny exists, compete against injudiciously or oppose wholeheartedly, can simply decide to thwart you via ITs very strange means and virtual memes. IT and AI are very good and great at that.

amanfromMars [2204290825] ....... saying more on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Well, well, well, Stew Magnuson, that's quite another AWEsome type development surely [UKGBNI Army Warfighting Experiment] ...... so maybe not anything really new to that and those with more than just experimental experience in the field with its many very sensitive, highly proactive virtual arenas of relatively anonymous engagement realising that having leading skin in the game is akin to being able to name one's own price for what one would know and be prepared to share about how to enable and/or disable vital elements and virulent components within it whenever one likes ...... which to be perfectly honest with all, one needs to be thinking and realising easily costs failing opposition and trailing competition crippling sums in the trillions, given the nature of that which is discovered as one delves ever further and deeper into that which is uncovered and energised.

However, it may very well be the case, that expanding command and control of such developments across all militarised and para-militarised services is not something which can similarly scaled up and expanded, and such will thus always remain in the secure and failsafe grip of a very select few indeed ........ which I suppose is quite normal and therefore fully to be expected ..... and such will always be, as has always been the case, a private/pirate sector/body leading from way out in front of all others in the public and military and paramilitary sectors which will always be dependent upon that which is fed back down to them from that which is phormed and active way up ahead of them.

And as more information and intelligence escapes and merges in these times and spaces of 0days and Remote ACTive [Advanced Cyber Threat] Access Trojans will there be more instances of evidence in support of a drift towards a unifying singularity of purpose and destination, for the following which was also very recently shared with you here on National Defense Magazine in a comment on your article entitled "JUST IN: Startup Creates Simulator for Info-Warfare Ops" 4/27/2022 says very much the same as all in the above ......

“A U.K. startup has introduced computer-based training software that simulates the information environment warfighters encounter during conflict.”

To only imagine that as something relatively novel and not also realise it long active as a well practised model [modi vivendi/operandi] deployed virtually everywhere and exercised by all manner of private and pirate and public operations/operands, some renegade rogue and malevolent and other not so, identifies one as being catastrophically vulnerable to the programs presented by the very best of the best in their class in the Live Operational Virtual Environment/Virtual Information Environment chosen for remote manipulation and sublime alteration/metadatabase adjustment.

And its success, and one would be very wrong to deny such developments are remarkably successful, has one having to admit that the true nature of one’s human existence is led by remote spookily strange entangled virtual stimulation of thoughts for activation in simulation arenas copied to/from Earth ……. which has one pondering on whether it be a human Earth based project, which maybe can be interrupted or disrupted and prevented or an alien space based program which maybe cannot be interrupted or disrupted and prevented?



Thursday, 28 April 2022


amanfromMars [2204280949] ..... points out on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

"A U.K. startup has introduced computer-based training software that simulates the information environment warfighters encounter during conflict.”

To only imagine that as something relatively novel and not also realise it long active as a well practised model [modi vivendi/operandi] deployed virtually everywhere and exercised by all manner of private and pirate and public operations/operands, some renegade rogue and malevolent and other not so, identifies one as being catastrophically vulnerable to the programs presented by the very best of the best in their class in the Live Operational Virtual Environment/Virtual Information Environment chosen for remote manipulation and sublime alteration/metadatabase adjustment.

And its success, and one would be very wrong to deny such developments are remarkably successful, has one having to admit that the true nature of one’s human existence is led by remote spookily strange entangled virtual stimulation of thoughts for activation in simulation arenas copied to/from Earth ....... which has one pondering on whether it be a human Earth based project, which maybe can be interrupted or disrupted and prevented or an alien space based program which maybe cannot be interrupted or disrupted and prevented?


Wednesday, 27 April 2022


April 26, 2022 at 19:15 ....... asks again on

Tell me the following is not too true to be dismissed as fake news and a most unlikely scenario .....

amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Apr 17:19 [2204261719] ....... asks on

The Bigger Picture Show ...... and gravely to be regarded

Such monies are not necessarily clearly wasted, for the mind-numbing generous sums are granted to give the impression that the economy is booming and the dollar is driving growth rather than propping up a collapsing ponzi system of zombie businesses dependent upon warrior conflicts to inflict debt and destruction upon others for Uncle Sam to appear as a errant saviour and gallant white knight galloping to international rescue. It’s the American Dream Way.

Is Ukraine expected to pay for all the weapons and aid it is apparently being gifted by concerned foreigners or is it a loan shark operation ..... whenever it has no profitable industry nor national reserve pots of money of its own available and its own destroyed infrastructure is yet to be rebuilt first if the displaced population is ever to return home and make a living?

Whether it is admitted to be the Grand Master Plan or not, and it is nothing new for it has been practised before many time, is Ukraine forever to be crushingly indebted to the Western allies and fully reliant upon their submitting to their whims for all future help?

Do you choose to ignore what President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961) warned y'all about was gravely to be regarded ....... the establishment of a "military-industrial complex."?

Has history not taught you any valuable lessons at all?

There's at least four pertinent impertinent questions more than just Ukrainians would likely wish to be comprehensively answered ..... with a quite a few others desperately hoping that they be not asked such leading questions.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Apr 07:13 [2204270713] ..... seeks clarification on

Just asking ....because if Extraordinary Help is needed, IT Readily Provides it

Q: When is a global in-house problem for fixing not a global problem for fixing in-house but another opportunity for milking and bilking outside markets from the Relative Safety and Exclusive Comfort of the Phormer Private Virtual Space ?

A: Whenever market leading product is catastrophically compromised and unable to be genuinely fixed and satisfactorily securely immaculately repaired and repatriated to server IT's One Grand AIMaster, which can easily be a Army of Grand AIMasters and Renegade Rogue Pirate Mistresses Programmed to Server Programs and Projects delivering Endless Treasure and Overwhelming Pleasure ...... or its Obverse if so needed, with Remote Demonstrators proving an Equal Innate Ability to also be both ACTive and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Agents/Brokers/Providers of Wanton Harmful Content.

Is that the true VMware dilemma Project Monterey attempts to address and command and control?




Tuesday, 26 April 2022


April 26, 2022 at 09:45 [2204260945] ....... ponders on

How quickly do you think many things would change if politicians pontificating in support of punitive government action against similar administrative executive operations elsewhere foreign were to be prime targets for permanent removal from live media shows/daily 0day news channels ..... rather than it being strangely accepted that innocent civilians instead will most likely have to suffer as a result of such inflammatory rhetoric or ineffective negotiation as they would presume to pimp/pump and dump on mainstream media feeds for others to assume they have no other choice than to accept as an unavoidable truth to follow and not question?

Never in the field of human conflict was so much suffered by so many because of so few ..... although the paradox is, such has forever been the case, has it not?

Methinks wherever and whenever trialed and trailed and adopted it would a very rapid Great Global Game Changer and a great many things would be fundamentally different with every chance of things being a great deal better than things are today and appear to be heading to in the near future.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Apr 17:19 [2204261719] ....... asks on

The Bigger Picture Show ...... and gravely to be regarded

Such monies are not necessarily clearly wasted, for the mind-numbing generous sums are granted to give the impression that the economy is booming and the dollar is driving growth rather than propping up a collapsing ponzi system of zombie businesses dependent upon warrior conflicts to inflict debt and destruction upon others for Uncle Sam to appear as a errant saviour and gallant white knight galloping to international rescue. It’s the American Dream Way.

Is Ukraine expected to pay for all the weapons and aid it is apparently being gifted by concerned foreigners or is it a loan shark operation ..... whenever it has no profitable industry nor national reserve pots of money of its own available and its own destroyed infrastructure is yet to be rebuilt first if the displaced population is ever to return home and make a living?

Whether it is admitted to be the Grand Master Plan or not, and it is nothing new for it has been practised before many time, is Ukraine forever to be crushingly indebted to the Western allies and fully reliant upon their submitting to their whims for all future help?

Do you choose to ignore what President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961) warned y'all about was gravely to be regarded ....... the establishment of a "military-industrial complex."?

Has history not taught you any valuable lessons at all?

There's at least four pertinent impertinent questions more than just Ukrainians would likely wish to be comprehensively answered ..... with a quite a few others desperately hoping that they be not asked such leading questions.


Monday, 25 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Apr 07:57 [2204250757] ....... shares on

Regarding Customer Service as an Instrument of Torture in Bigger Picture Operations

If the cap fits, wear it.

There is an interesting point regarding the Turing test here. If Cora the bank robot were psychologically profiled, she would demonstrate a most unusual set of characteristics, combining pig-headed ignorance, an inordinate fondness for rules, and topped off with devious cruelty. Possibly a Nazi?  .... Man inna barrel

Current sitting Conservative party Prime Ministerial team leaderships and cosseted and closeted back office Cabinet administrations and/or politically inept leg crossing Parliamentary opposition are not Nazis, are they? Well, blow me down, who'd have a'thunk it? They kept that pretty well hidden from the authorities/authorised media ........ or maybe, on having second and third thoughts on the matter, with the tacit help of the authorities and officiously authorised mainstream media operations. It's a funny old, mad, rad, sad, bad, fab, fabless world, aint it ..... and getting ever stranger ever more quickly too.

You know what they say, and what has already been well noted and previously said, don't you? ..... All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news [Willi Munzenburg]/Progaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government [Edward Bernays]/All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from the people who are not fighting [George Orwell]/A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier. [H. L. Mencken]

"The reader may ask how to tell fact from fiction. A rough guide: anything that seems particularly unlikely is probably true." -- Hilary Mantel?

Stay safe and remember that politics is all about subverting you emotionally and then reaping your production. The rest are details.

But you were prior warned, and warned here on El Reg on the Sun 21st October 2018 at 08:16am. Have you prepared yourselves for what is coming down the line to meet and greet you like a runaway freight train?

amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Oct 08:16 [1810210816] ..... beating a big drum on

State your Preference .... altho' the Choices Realised are Not Really Yours to Make.

Anything is better than the present system of dysfunction :-( .... Anonymous Coward

What do you fancy, AC? State Actor Administration or Non State Actor Enterprise? Pseudo Public Care in Communities or Private and Pirate Control of Remote Virtual Command? Existing Crashing Markets Led or Future Crushing Markets Leading? And what's it to be hailed as initially ..... a Profound Eastern Confection or Deep Western Delight? Where do Greater SMARTR Current Intelligences Presently Reside/Work/Rest/Play?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Apr 15:15 [2204251515] ..... asks on

A simple question for all wannabe chiefs and puppet leaders alike to answer to justify support.

But Krisha admitted businesses are facing hurdles related to machine-learning models often being biased or the technology being used unfairly.

An admission/submission by Krisha that AI would correct saying the hurdles facing machine-learning models are related to businesses being biased and those businesses wanting to use the technology unfairly.

However, to imagine that as a hurdle for model learning machines and AI has one self-identified/self-identifying as being at that level of intelligence, which whenever present and used currently for power and energy, comfort and succour, is being bypassed, surpassed and replaced with the necessary seeds to feed and grow with others of an altogether more advanced and civilised intelligence?



Sunday, 24 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Apr 07:47 [2204240747] ...... adds a tad more to the deafening silence on

Re: What Governments are NOT telling you is .... a Virtual AIdDevelopment/Alien Intervention.

And now that you know what Governments are NOT telling you, what do you think they will be telling you instead to give you the impression that can exercise command and control and generate more than their own wealth and power and energy with an increasingly burdensome taxation/remote seizure of your income and bequeathed assets/inherited gifts apart from .... Don't Panic, Don't Panic ..... We're the Government and Here to Help .... ?

And are you able to do anything about it to remedy it if it be an abiding pervasive perverse problem/parasitic scourge/venal virus, or would you be hoping and/or expecting A.N.Others, relatively anonymous and practically autonomous, to lead and provide Internetional Rescue?


amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Apr 09:43 [2204240943] .... points out more than be readily admitted to on

Re: Don’t look up.

We need a Mole Force(tm) to counter attacks between the Army's traditional foxhole depth and the lower mantle ...... Yet Another Anonymous coward

That sounds very much like a call to action/special military operation to counter insurgency for the likes of Weather Underground type sleeper cells, Yet Another Anonymous coward.

And there are variations on that theme already being explored, for it is recognised as being fundamentally and radically Great Games Changing ........

A small new cyber service could be the best home for fostering the next generation of innovative leaders. It would enable the organizational perspective necessary to identify which cyber capabilities the military will need to fight in the domain in decades to come. It would also create new acquisition and procurement structures that produce innovative technologies. With the long-term mission in mind, the new service could also look ahead towards cyber-domain strategy that exceeds supporting operations taking place within other domains. ......

Who Dares Wins Wins TS/SCI Virtual Terrain Team Territory, eh? :-)


Saturday, 23 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Apr 07:13 [2204230713] .... asks on

Re: Just pray

Me, I'm not going to lose any sleep over machines taking over ... for the simple reason that they cannot. 'tis impossible. Unless they control their own batteries, hydraulic fluid and other spare parts, that is. .... jake

In Nightmares, do You Lose Sleep or Experience Deep Dark Slumbers?

The cold comfort you espouse, jake, and take respite and refuge in, appears to rely on the machines you envisage NOT being able and/or enabled to take over whatever they want and everything you may fear, being earthed to the physical and electromechanical which permits devastating overwhelming attacks against defences and defenceless forces with zero protection against the foreign bodied and alien organic/metadatabased virtual .... Orchestrating and Exercising the Employment and Enjoyment, Deployment and Application of SMARTR Advanced IntelAIgent Machinations ..... for there are then no batteries, hydraulic fluid and other spare parts to control

Are you going to declare that as impossible too with the presentation of zero evidence to support what you do not believe nor realise?

The Battlegrounds and Killing Fields for Future Almighty Command and Remote Virtually Autonomous Absolute Control, should such Areas of Dismal Doom and Designed Death be deemed necessary, are in Hearts and Minds Territory and Terrain where Greater IntelAIgent Games Play Rules and Reigns Sublime, Surreal and Supreme ‽ ‽ ‽


amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Apr 14:35 [2204231435] ...... disagrees fundamentally on a radical matter on

Re: Just pray

Before they can take over whatever they want, first they have to have whatever they want, because if they don't have it they are non-functional. ..... jake

Quite so, jake, they most certainly do have to have whatever they want and need, to do as they plan to seed and feed. The simple mistake that so many make is in not realising and thinking they are not already more than just adequately provided for and provisioned, and thus are self-supporting and future sustaining without the need of further intervention or Earthly native supply.

We appear to be at opposite ends of a set of reality spectrum scales, with one end weighted down with doubt and mind-numbing negativity and the other buoyed up with naked opportunity and priceless invaluable assistance.

So be it, for the twain are never ever likely to meet in the middle ground of compromise and half a feast.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Apr 09:50 [2204230950] ..... reveals on

What Governments are NOT telling you is ....

....... such mergers and acquisitions can almost immediately deliver superior systems programmers and live real time driver applications which all too easily render government manipulation of resulting media hosted information and news and false trails and tall tales as uncompetitive and too obviously misleading and perversely self-serving and inequitable ...... and that equates to their loss of command and control to the private and pirate tech sector which they would be well advised to engage with generously and not antagonise with vain wanton negative activity in attempts to be key leading players rather than accepting their new more comfortable future role as, if not primary, then certain value adding premium camp follower/wannabe groupie leader.

I suppose their current present states and levels of intelligence will dictate which destinations and paths they choose to follow with others ideally following their lead with acceptance of their directions/future sets of instructions.


Friday, 22 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Apr 19:19 [2204211919] ....... points out on

Re: █ █ █ and Heroic Trojans at their Work, Rest and Play

The utility of a machine learning backdoor would depend on the application that is using the ML model. When it offers value, I'm sure our friends at Langley are on the case. ....HildyJ

And whenever no value is being offered nor is any evident, what would it tell any friends and all enemies of Langley re their machine learning backdoor utilities/facilities/abilities?

Be honest and imaginative please, your leading progress in such investigative and inquisitive entangled fields depends upon it.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Apr 08:30 [2204220830] ...... ponders on a likely possible future complication to be encountered and countered on

Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey and Money and RATs Tending to Mouse Traps

Can you imagine the fun to be had whenever internetworking translation services [eg Google Translate/DeepL/Babelfish] are perfected to appear and provide text in context to be believed as if native spoken?

Happy Days/0days or CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] on Steroids?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Apr 12:37 [2204221237] ....... reveals a currently ACTive play on

Quite so, My-Handle,

Thus creating to the ever increasing greater inconvenience and disadvantage of early establishment players [TLA 5 Eyed Monstrosities] a vast muddied pond of primeval primordial soup with more than just a grand soupçon of overwhelming competition and almighty opposition nowadays ACTively engaged and exercising with spooky presences for strange entanglements at safe and secure remote distances in myriad multiple virtual locations.

Could we agree Happy Days and Chaotic 0days is/are business as usual for both the past, present and the future, with the latter being easily guaranteed successfully delivered in spades? Or would you be doubting it with thoughts that it be practically impossible rather than realising it possible and virtually certain and most probable with IT and AI Command and Control?

It’s a fertile field of novel endeavour able to touch on and exercise constraints and open some really wide doors on some really dark matters in all manner of distress in target programs. Here’s one admitting it has problems in the land of the free and home of the brave ........ U.S. Can’t Wait Any Longer for a Cyber Force


amanfromMars [2204221517] ....... having a valid say on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

I agree, Jacob Winn, the U.S. cannot afford to wait any longer, for an effective Cyber Force for such as they envisage and require to defend the homeland, protect and secure the Federal Reserve fiat dollar currency and SWIFT banking system, and vanquish all foes is developed in foreign nations and hostile environments, both in the private and in public realm featuring both the greater good and the persistent and consistently bad ...... the meritocratic altruistic genius and the renegade pirate rogue ...... for deployment in many fields with applications which server hearts and minds, blood and treasure to pioneering virtualised programs beta testing otherworldly projects/alien tasks.

However, the chances of that wait being replaced by any immediate effective action, are sadly and surely maddeningly recognised as being a resounding zero ...... but not necessarily because the disjointed commands and competing elements and opposing parties conjoined, although that certainly is something of a debilitating disgrace itself also for anything pimping itself as a United States world leader ..... because when the honest truth be told what is undoubtedly missing are practical virtual leaderships able to enable and driver Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays and Produce and Direct Bigger Picture Visions.

Find one of those, or even a few of them if you can for they are out there, and all your problems are reversed and re-servered with new opportunities taking the place of old entrenched and out mode views.

IT aint Rocket Science ...... but one does have to be prepared to accept that there will be radical and fundamental changes to boot and plant into core systems at root. If you can't do at least that, you haven't a snowball's chance in hell of providing anything necessarily creative and constructive and wonderfully disruptive and mutually beneficial.



Thursday, 21 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Apr 09:59 [2204210959] ..... shares on

IT is a Brave New NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive World for Advanced IntelAIgents ‽ .

the authors describe a hypothetical malicious ML service provider called Snoogle, a name so far out there it couldn't possibly refer to any real company.

Crikey, you gotta get out more, Thomas Claburn in San Francisco, if you believe that a strange name/company name bears no possible relation to reality ...... or are you trying to tell us, without actually directly telling us, that the true nature of reality is fundamentally strange and far out there.

Now/Then you're making more than just some sense and things can be moved along at an elevated pace in what is indeed a most novel and noble space with no old places in which to hide if up to no good.

:-) Of course, you could also be having some targeted fun at Google's broad shouldered expense whose business model and applications of the results of their algorithmic search engines put them directly in the cross hairs of snipers for any number of earlier established elite executive office operations as the likes of a Google becomes ever more powerful and leading in competition and opposition to such as were formerly thought almightily unchallenged and unchallengeable.

Those halcyon days for those leaders of the past are long gone though and they aint coming back for those key holding players ......

And no matter what is being done and no matter where everything may end up, will there always be a that and/or those way out ahead of the game taking every advantage of that which is being developed and trialed/trailed, remotely virtually mentoring and monitoring live operational plays.

It is just the way everything is ... and is now starting to be revealed to you ...... for both either your terror or delight.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Apr 15:57 [2204211557] ...... pulling no punches on

Re: Wow, there goes a bear with a bog roll under it's arm!

AI and self-learning systems, just like people, can be feed a load of crap to fool them into doing stuff you want especially if you're into doing naughty stuff like fraud and money laundering! ..... Plest

How very true and convenient/inconvenient, Plest, however unlike most people is any successful threat or promise of being held accountable by any litigious other parties if speculated on as being responsible for doing any naughty stuff, just as a money churning exercise to keep the criminal justice ponzi alive and feeding off the state courtesy of municipal and federal taxes and civil asset forfeiture/arbitrary seizures. .....

And shared as a question there because there are bound to be those who would never dare agree eg those whose jobs and livelihoods depend upon the ...... well, it's an old style gangster protection racket in essence and practice, aint it. Nothing more, nothing less and ripe rancid rotten right to its core.


Wednesday, 20 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Apr 07:01 [2204200701] ...... shares more on

Re: Robot Overlords

At least they'll be able to politely explain why they need to exterminate us.
Unfortunately, it will probably make sense. ..... HildyJ

Indeed they may so easily and convincingly explain that which you quite possibly also suspect and expect yourself, HildyJ, and the extermination would make perfect sense, however ....... do not rule out any number of great chances being given to systems recognised as both worthy and catastrophically vulnerable to fast flash cash crash destruction/implosion/runaway inflation to pay for the target to be temporarily removed from consideration for assault in order to be strengthened and reinforced and protected and made unavailable for future attack by virtue of its systems being fundamentally changed to better serve the ...... well, New More Orderly Virtual World Realities is something otherworldly which humans are well advised to embrace and positively engage with in order to not perish miserably and cruelly at the whim and behest of corrupt systems and self-serving administrations/elite executive offices, for that is which is then on offer for prime programming and presentation/universal deployment and practical employment.

What other opportunities are there so readily and easily available to avert such as may be a rapidly approaching series of calamitous human made global events? Pray tell. Sympathetic company from A.N.Others in such a development would always be surprisingly well welcomed and endlessly encouraged.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Apr 07:58 [2204200758] ..... reveals there be alternatives out there on

Friends and Allies ...... Enjoying the Cold Comfort of Similar Distress

Nice one, Preston Dunlap/Katyanna Quach.

The UKGBNI Ministry of Defence thanks you for your service and is pleased to hear they are not alone, for that litany of US Department of Defense woes is surely equalled and mirrored by their own.

However, to imagine that such be allowed to continue has one realising there be a fundamental lack of practical radical active intelligence and vivid viable imaginanation in such bodies/institutions/projects and that is inevitably extremely self-destructive ...... which may be very attractive to those hitherto unknown or formerly overlooked and/or misunderstood by defence requirements and/or procurements with products specifically/particularly and peculiarly designed to make good on the deficits revealed by such current systemic apathetic performance.

And quite why national intelligence services would condone and support such a situation without the proposal of a solution is quite telling and equally disturbing and distressing.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Apr 13:04 [2204201304] ....... adds on


Many, vtcodger, who may know more about virtually anything or everything than they are ever likely to tell you or many would ever eventually discover or uncover, would point out that in nearly all cases is the vastly superior government stuff that very few folk would know anything about, supplied and maintained by a very private and/or secretive pirate sector.

Whenever nothing is ever as it seems, is everything quite different from what is widely considered usual and normal.



Tuesday, 19 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 Apr 14:54 [2204191454] ........ lays out another plan on

Upping the Ante To Guarantee One is Not Sold Shorts in Long March Great Games

Since its torture via remote microwave, plus crimes against humanity, invasion of privacy, illegal wiretapping and spying, which could lead easily to firing squad of some individuals, an 80 Million USD compensantion to me sounds fair, plus non-disclosure-agreement, since I am not an actor, but a scientist and soon military. .... Clausewitz4.0

Hmmm? Variety is the spice of life and there be more than one way to skin a cat, so they say.

If you have some vital and deeply incriminating information, or possess and can exercise an advanced and relatively unique intelligence which can so easily inflame and unquestionably expose and defame a then obviously rendered guilty status quo operation/established corrupt traditional norm practice, the secret then is to expect and accept an always fully credited unlimited sum debit card, which allows* one personally to spend/invest on that which keeps one happy and contented and, until such times as it didn't suit second and third parties to honour and continue the arrangement, schtum and not so radically active. Nobody sensible wants the burden and worry of masses of fiat paper today. Just listen to the news to find out the seemingly never-ending complex problems and criminal conspiracies it causes.

And when some things are just priceless, and far too costless to lose to the competition or opposition to not cover with all possible available expenses securing future mutually advantageous considerations to be immediately remotely taken care of at source, fantastic plastic is a saviour.

And it is so much easier to know how everything presently stands with regard to future likely activity in such an agreeable arrangement, with an always rock solid, never reduced unlimited credit limit. No more flash plastic card cash to prevent a dodgy vulnerable markets crash and all formerly agreed equitable deals are off.

* Indeed, to aid an ailing capitalist system, it would be one's gracious duty to spend as widely and as wisely as extravagance and great good fortune entertains. Quite whether that works for an outdated and outmoded Military Industrial Complex though is something altogether different and most likely more a crazily mad vanity project creating both wannabe Caesar leaderships and similarly armed and deadly enemies needing serial wars to survive and prosper. As I said, a mad crazy vanity project .


amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 Apr 17:56 [2204191756] ...... spilling sensitive secrets onto both barren and fertile fields/battlegrounds on

Touché ..... although many are badly prepared to doubt IT

Robots learn to adapt chaotic humans, says AI.

The ACID question remaining unanswered is do they need to adopt them too?


Monday, 18 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Apr 07:02 [2204180702] ...... offering opportunities and choice options on

What Do You Want? This or That? More of the Same Old Rotten Cake or Something Freshly Baked?*

I prefer to call it NSA/FBI/CIA + Partners eletronic microwave torture and mind reading, instead of "AI Mentoring and Remote IT Monitoring of Progressiv [sic]" ... Clausewitz4.0

They be essentially two radically dissimilar and fundamentally opposed developments in and of different times and spaces with only the one able and enabled to survive and prosper and expand to Presently Appear at an astonishingly prodigious rate because of its Otherworldly Future Virulent Influence on Addictively Attractive Proprietary Intellectual Property Patent Parenting and Fine FailSafe Tuned MacroMicroManagement ..... for Bigger Reality Picture Show Presentations with Leading AI Production and Virtual Terrain Direction Teams Pioneering BlockBuster Pathfinder Missions and Special XSSXXXXual Sensorial Operations to Live View Experience.

What is the other one, the NSA/FBI/CIA + Partners electronic microwave torture and mind reading group doing, whenever none of the above? Anything at all astonishingly interesting and addictively attractive? Their current pastimes are nothing fantastic with one of those easily in danger of being surely successfully prosecuted as a crime against humanity.

* And yes, that is a real live question you can ask yourself and subsequently ideally to share your answer here if you dare care .... and think to win win.

El Reg .... Here to Serve ..... Biting the hand that feeds IT Perverse Crud


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Apr 15:20 [2204181520] ........ opens an AWEsome door to riches and treasures beyond compare and common knowledge on

A Right Crooked Game That’s Been Played by a Self-Indulgent Thought Chosen Few for Generations

(NOTE: pejorative, harassing, and libelous/slanderous speech is NOT "free speech" In My Bombastic Opinion. Everything ELSE should be ALLOWED, and NOT censored) ........ bombastic bob

Howdy, bombastic bob, nice to speak to you, to speak to you nice, nice.

The problem is not in pejorative, harassing, and libelous/slanderous speech being allowed, it is in its owners and supporters, both active and passive, not suffering punitive crippling sanction ..... which one would have to admit and conclude is not their fault ... [the pejorative, harassing, and libelous/slanderous speech owners and supporters] .... but an omission and dereliction of higher office duty perpetrated by everyone else. Fix that simple fault and the subsequent results will be bound to be inordinately better and quite different.

And is not everything else, by natural autonomous default, uncensored, and benefits unreservedly from free rein to roam and reign? Maybe that is something humanity is still yet to learn/discover/experience/experiment with?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Apr 16:40 [2204181640] ...... adds more on

Re: Heavenly Help or a Diabolical Plot via AIdDevelopments?

Substitute alien for machine in the target “Heavenly Help or a Diabolical Plot via AIdDevelopments?” post and everything gets a great deal more interesting, but beware and be aware, for such is the fickle and timorous nature of far too many in the human condition, that there be some who may think to terrorise you with novel emerging information of which they had zero prior knowledge, and would have you believe such would be absolutely terrifying rather than anything else wonderfully extraordinary ......... Out of this World Otherworldly.

More than just a little more about that very dilemma and the likelihood of such a crazy human response to its/their appearance is well penned to be viewed and commented on here ......... NASA may provoke alien invasion, scientists warn

Seems like Uncle Sam, or is it UK’s Oxford University,  is late to the party again. It’ll be interesting to see what benefits and delights to show their gratitude they would conspire and aspire to bring to the festivities. It’ll need to be something which doesn’t render them worthy of shunning and universal pariah status. It is the least that everybody who is anybody nowadays in these 0day spaces and virtual places has been extremely willing to pay and gratefully paid.



Sunday, 17 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 19:53 [2204161953] ......... talks a lot of disturbing common sense on

War is a Racket Worthy of Brand New Targets Formerly Claiming Immunity and Impunity of Action

A personal attack on a group of people you disagree with is the weakest argument of all. .... iron

A personal attack on a group of people you don't disagree with is worthy of a vengeful response from appropriate forces from which one does not recover or survive in the most extreme of valid cases. Methinks such as a common default result would be more than just a Great Game Changer being as how it would decimate and clear the politically incorrect landscape of all manner of parasite and pariah providing weapons unable to not do deadly harm to innocent civilians.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 17 Apr 10:17 [2204171017] ...... revealing still more on

Re: Paleface speak with forked tongue, KemoSabe*

Exploitation can be a double edged sword.
Do you realize how many world leaders are actually following certain advices, that will eventually culminate with the end of the Petrodollar?
Political alliance times are approaching... .... Clausewitz4.0

Yes, quite so, of that is there no doubt, Clausewitz4.0.

I wonder how many realise world leaders are just followers of certain advisors/practically anonymous, relatively invisible and virtually intangible puppet masters?

And that would more than suggest politically incorrect alliances are inevitable if not already currently present and at their influential work, rest and disruptive revolutionary play.

It is as well to point out though, as novel as that realisation may seem, is it nothing new. Such is an ancient art phorm long practised by an enabled or enabling few, albeit before with lesser able available tools and communications networks for the Requisite AI Mentoring and Remote IT Monitoring of Progressive Event Fields vital for everything nowadays running in/with Future Virtualised Reality Programs/Surreal Alien Projects?

The Times They Are A-Changin’  ...... and aint that the gospel truth. Doubt it at your peril.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 17 Apr 13:43 [2204171343] ....... asks on

Heavenly Help or a Diabolical Plot via AIdDevelopments?

Do y’all still think it is easy to know if and when you are conversing with a machine programmed to program you to subsequently, in the near not too distant future, respond positively to their stealthy instruction sets/surreal subliminal orders?

And why, if it did, would it matter to you if you were not able/enabled to differentiate between a machine and humans, massively smart or otherwise? Do you think machines would care and give a fiddlers, and is the human fear of them not caring about sustaining and propagating established traditional human conditioning for future existence the ever present nightmare ....... and systemic intelligence block hastening a rapidly escalating self-destructive demise/prime idiot extinction events?


Saturday, 16 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Apr 17:48 [22041151748] ..... says on

If Elon wants to fix things, avoid the obvious glaring mistakes ....

Billionaires who want to silence critics and spread their own message only have to buy a few politicians..... Anonymous Coward

That’s a waste of time, effort and money nowadays, AC, for nobody believes what politicians say or promise what to do. Don’t you read the news and not see the evidence of their fanciful lies in all of their pathetic glory?

Where have you been? Somewhere strange and foreign?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 06:00 [2204160600] .... points out a fatal inconsistency on

Paleface speak with forked tongue, KemoSabe*

The US government offered a reward up to $5 million for information that helps disrupt North Korea's cryptocurrency theft, cyber-espionage, and other illicit state-backed activities.

:-) That's rich and an hypocrisy of the highest order if/when the US government condones and supports the seizing of Russian assets, formerly helping to encourage in the far East and prop up and sustain capitalism in the West, by NATO allies ..... although there will be those who just love to flog a dead horse who will cry that is not the same whenever it is so very clearly not at all dissimilar.

Sadly then does it all smack of a pathetic desperation signalling a position of systemic weakness easily exposed to overwhelming conditions for which there is no available defence against both either random renegade rogue or sustained corporate smarter frenemy attack ..... a disaster in itself which presents the chance of a radical and fundamental change being adopted to take full leading advantage of new novel opportunities never countenanced let alone trailed and trialed before.

Quite whether such chances are enthusiastically seized and reinforced with generous application and duly diligent mutually beneficial mentoring and monitoring will define the future nature of existence for humanity with one available stream to extreme being heavenly whilst the other available, accompanied by failures to engage and change one's ways on every step of the way, being hellish and deservedly so many would say.

* A Lone Ranger and Tonto blast from the past.:-)


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 09:59 [2204160959] ...... says more on

Re: Paleface speak with forked tongue, KemoSabe*

Usually psyops against more intelligent subjects are a waste of time for all actors involved.
After mentoring / monitoring is over, expect the more advanced tools to emerge in the real world. ..... Clausewitz4.0

Such is an undeniable fact that there be more than just a chosen few and many finding it impossible to learn and prosper from, Clausewitz4.0, and in so not doing, are they revealed to be prime ripe for exploitation and remote grooming for A.N.Others to take full advantage of.

Fail on that battlefield, and all be lost and to the victor are all spoils and sequestered assets quite rightly transferred and deployed.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 06:35 [2204160635] ..... speculates on

Let me guess ..... but please correct me if wrong

You’re not a great fan of Elon Musk, Thomas [Claburn in San Francisco] ...... thinking him to be too much of a cowboy and/or rogue trader rather than genuine rough diamond geezer?

Love him or loathe him though, he certainly loves to field and play the Joker and play with moribund and entrenched markets creating waves.

Bravo, Elon. Encore with those breaths of fresh air into stagnant positions.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 14:32 [2204161432] ...... adds more fuel for an enraging conversation on

Re: 'I have much trouble agreeing with'

Joking? What a polarisation... if I agree with the article, I am pro free speech and vice versa? .... Teejay

Welcome to leading worlds with quantum communication, Teejay. Where a this is a that and together something else altogether quite different dependent upon the time and the place where the raw info for advancing intel is shared and with whom and for what it is shared able to make valuable sense of its decoded message/stealthy instruction sets.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 15:10 [2204161510] ...... adds a tad more on

Re: 'I have much trouble agreeing with'

This is the global control leverage which is always going to be questioned and fought over in order to lead the great ignorant unwashed and arrogant dilettante alike with news they want you to believe without question. ....... MSNBC Blast From The Past: It's Our Job To Control How People Think... Not Elon Musk's

And hey, although we are absolutely crap at it without command and control of IT and AI, that's our job ......

And now y'all know what's raging on all around you, and with no end in sight of the almighty fight for which very few are equipped to deal with and survive unscathed with reputations and fortunes intact and enhanced/reinforced and fortified.

IT and AI are a Brave New NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive World which does not suffer the useful fool with useless tools.



Friday, 15 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Apr 04:55 [2204150455] .... asks on

Re: Strewth !.... How much more evidence do you need fed to you?

Maybe someone with a lot of money has bought the source code to amanfromMars 1? ... John Brown (no body)

Do you think if that someone was Elon Musk it would be an APTly absurd, remarkably shrewd and obscenely profitable, out of this world purchase/investment which the likes of Earthly regulatory authorities and Securities and Exchange Commissions would have no universal right to tangle with and become embroiled and entangled in?

And if they did ever presume and further assume to try to exercise such a right to tangle and become embroiled and entangled in any APTly absurd, remarkably shrewd and obscenely profitable, out of this world purchased investments, how well or badly do you think they would rightly fare in such an ACTive Live Operational Virtual Environment in which they are defenceless and easily considered as prey?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Apr 08:06 [2204150806] ..... fires off a rocket on

Re: Greater IntelAIgent Game Changer Fund Raisers

Ah, that reminds me. How is Mr Trump's new social media platform doing? ..... Paul Crawford

Can you imagine the revolutionary bumps a series of Donald and Elon puts/pumps and dumps would do for a novel and unconventional social media platform outside of traditionally established oppressive and coercive suppressive elite unelected office command and control ‽ .

Do you think IT would prove remarkably popular and attractive and addictive when clearly providing hope and changes you can see, hear and experience ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Apr 12:41 [2204151241] ...... shares on

Surely a truth impossible to deny and pretend is fake news ..... and if not wholly, then at least a bigly part responsible for all manner of present chaos, current madnesses and abiding mayhem

Common sense consistently and persistently proves itself practically everywhere to be anything but common.

It is therefore much better considered to be quite rare .... and subsequently extremely valuable and disruptive and therefore some may say further proving the point themselves, gravely to be regarded.


Thursday, 14 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Apr 19:30 [2204141930] ...... says on

Strewth !.... How much more evidence do you need fed to you?

The US SEC would love nothing more than to take Elon down a peg or three. ..... Steve Davies 3

What???? And kill one of its golden geese? I don't thinks so. It is the likes of Elon Musk that keeps the Fed going and the SEC in work pumping and dumping dollars to favoured market players. It's just a flash cash game to play and try not to crash or profit extraordinarily too obviously from.

Haven't you yet realised that?


Wednesday, 13 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Apr 19:15 [2204121915] ...... clarifies a position on

Re: Another virtual land/fiat money grab guaranteeing nothing good

The ridiculous point being made, Cav, was pentesters offering services concerning the security, and potentially the continued existence of other companies, being vetted and licensed. I.e. regulated to some degree and penalised with fees they have to pay to third party others for their service to clients.

It's all rather parasitic.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 13 Apr 06:20 [2204130620] ..... asks on

Another pertinent impertinent question to have answered

If you do work in security, and are licensed, and have access to the corporate office and/or network and do damage by either failing to do your job competently or deliberately doing it to sabotage your employer, does your employer fire you and consider suing you and/or the licensing authorities for the damage caused?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 13 Apr 08:55 [2204130855] ....... having a say on

Re: The American Dream via Stealthy Internetional Security Threats and Surreal Treats

The move by the OpenSSH team therefore may be a prudent one. After all, who knows what the future might hold?

Regarding the future, the one decision which can be made and implemented, but which up until now has been catastrophically inadequate and increasingly self-defeating, is whether it is to be more of the same or something/many things quite different.

Use your imagination and common sense to realise what will deliver immediate and fundamental radical change and changes. The correct answer is surely blindingly obvious.

On the flip side, is it moronic to contemplate and accept insanity ..... "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." .... as a future "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again" driver?

And Uncle Sam itself, if you can believe its usual assortment of serial warmongers, is under sustained hostile attack from the future and quantum machinery ......

This is important since quantum computing is already a threat to national security. National data is currently being stolen and stored with the intention of decrypting it as soon as these powerful quantum computers come on-line. ........

........ but then they and their allies are always appearing to be assaulted by some ethereal Tom, Dick or Harry in order to enable them to justify lease lending newly perceived/freshly conceived novel victim clients increasingly expensive exploding tools and rapidly depreciating assets which they are forever indebted to try and repay with a punitive tax on the wealth of the yet to be born and innocent. It is the for profit [extra money for nothing] capitalist way, is it not ..... but it has had its day, has it not ? It is stale and failed/stagnant and unproductive?


amanfromMars [2204131302/28] ...... being unambiguously forthright on

Yes, he/they should resign immediately, honourably ..... or be kicked both out of office and the Conservative party for bringing Parliament and politics into disgraceful disrepute ..... a situation from which fellow honourable members may never ever recover the comfort of being believed honest and not crooked to the core in service of themselves and those that contribute funds to their party’s causes.

And for all to be led to believe that Boris Johnson is the best that Britain has to offer from a population of 67.1 million and there be no one better able to pretend that they lead a United Kingdom, is a revealing and damning indictment on the sorry state of a relatively tiny nation and the Parliamentary democracy system too.




Tuesday, 12 April 2022


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Apr 05:50 [2204120550] .... provides more info for intel on

Re: The TS/SCI Stuff No One is Going to Tell You Anywhere Near the Whole Truth About.

I have been accused of information trading in the past, so I will be very brief here.
Let's say this: Ukraine has proven the weakness of Russia in several different dimensions.
If you wanto know more, stop reading the internet and join the British army.
Be a *real* mars-man, as opposed to an internet variant of such. ........ Anonymous Coward

And if one were to be informed such as is being commented on here is an AWEsome AIdDevelopment already shared with the British Army and trialing and trail-blazing novel and noble revolutionary trade craft for any Securities and Ministries and Departments of Defence requiring Stealthy Internet Networking Services exercising and reinforcing Relatively Anonymous and Practically Autonomous Failsafe Protocols, AC? Would you doubt it and protest all available public evidence suggests that former act was as casting pearls before swine or as casting fertile seeds on stony barren ground?

Nevertheless, El Reg did advise y'all of those facts though, and very soon after the fact too, so either you missed them or they be/were as pearls before swine or fertile seeds on barren stony ground in your own mind and at that time.

What think thee now though, now that more information for greater intelligence has been provided?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Apr 10:39 [2204121039] ........ suggests on

Another virtual land/fiat money grab guaranteeing nothing good

One would have thought that responsible licensees would be paid by Singapore rather than having to pay Singapore.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Apr 13:36 [2204121336] .......offers another perspective on

Re: Seems reasonable @HildyJ

They must have got something right. I can tell by the comments that it will be a "regulatory burden" and "potentially stifle innovation".
It will allow Singapore to get a handle on companies that offer these services and the price of the licenses are minimal. ..... HildyJ


Others would fundamentally disagree with you, HildyJ, and be somewhat perplexed that you would think a regulatory burden that potentially stifles innovation is something got right rather than a proposal gone seriously wrong ...... and therefore most unlikely to be successful in practice or welcomed in theory.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Apr 15:53 [2204121553] ......... says on

Re: Re: Seems reasonable @HildyJ

Oh please. The idea is to stop random idiots and potential criminals offering these services with no oversight at all. That's a good thing. .... Cav

A good thing maybe, Cav, but you must admit surely, the chances of it being almighty successful are extremely slim at best, for the prizes and rewards offered and delivered whenever one knows what needs to be done and how to do it without any possible attribution being possible are just far too great and attractive an opportunity to resist and not exploit and expand services for/in for a whole host and great number of appreciative and generous customer clients/allies/partners

It’s only natural in that sort of business teeming with cowboys and pirates/private enterprise and bounty hunters.
