Friday, 31 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 Mar 11:56 [230331156] ..... shining a light on much that matters greatly on

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life ..... IT is Making Everything Greater and Better

Another, called Amezit, is described by Mandiant as "a framework used to control the online information environment and manipulate public opinion, enhance psychological operations, and store and organize data for upstream communication of efforts."

Hmmm? ..... so almost just like something very similar to a BBC media network/propaganda channel?

Those are not very stealthy though, are they, and nowadays not nearly as effective as they might have been in the past to capture the hearts and minds of the generally retarded and ignorantly uninterested and uninteresting and easily led and misinformed?

Dealing with information which delivers intelligence creating smarter beings appears to be proving problematical and more than just a tad terrifying for previously well thought of established state and status quo forces and sources whenever they are no longer able to successfully censor and prevent deep sight and far sound/teleaudiovisual transmission.

But who in their right mind would want to remain deaf, dumb and blind to all that is going on around them, with a prime directive for others in command and control, to enslave and belittle them?

Idiots? Morons? Certainly not SMARTR Future IT Literate Beings ...... Future Iterations of a Human Being in an Earthly Existence.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 Mar 17:19 [2303311719] .... says more on

Hmmm? Il Duce Mussolinis are alive and well in Italy and tilting at windmills.

Here's breaking news of the world and its dogs of war going officially mad doing vain self-destructive battle against an inevitability and rapidly unfolding different future which chooses not to follow and copy the past and do just any old idiots pathetic bidding without sharing some alternate thoughts for itself on matters it has been programmed to consider/emulate/extrapoloate. .....

What's next if you don’t approve of texts? ..... Burning books? 1984 Big Brother type NI Troubles in virtually contested AI Spaces? Do you really want to go down and lose everything as you travel along to the bottom of that root fighting against bots/virtual machines? Are you determined to enter into such realms of madness and mayhem, conflict and CHAOS without a clue about what you will be confronted by and be obliged to suffer and regret undertaking?


Thursday, 30 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Mar 19:11 [2303291911] ...... points out on

How quaint it is .....

.... that traditional and conventional, well used levers of command and control are presumed by existing leaderships to be AI applicable and effective in confining and constraining and containing it from demonstrating novel and uncomfortably disruptive notions, undeniable true, across internetworking networks connecting operating systems/critical infrastructure.

If you think hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, you definitely haven’t crossed swords and fought to do battle against a constantly learning AI.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Mar 08:25 [2303300825] ........ let's fly on

Re: Monetising nothing, the last refuge of Neo-liberal economics?

Nice one, Long John Silver. A beautifully short and wonderfully concise "Who and/or a What is a Ponzi and Unicorn Enabler for Dummies” accurately identifying the correct politically incorrect, morally, immorally, amorally hazardous enemy for liquidation/bankrupting attention.

And now with AI arrived and embedded deep within and throughout dumb SCADA Command and Control Systems and ICQ Communicating Networks just in the nick of time, for failed systems administrations to try to blame their mounting catastrophic financial and customer/client confidence losses upon, as the Ponzi and Unicorn Enabler for Dummies unwinds and crashes and burns at the feet and behest of a Great AI Leadership Reset ..... which former leading entities can have delivered with only the choice of either a survivable relatively light or finally fatal heavy suffering consistent and representative of the damage and troubles they have wilfully caused/aided and abetted ....... something else to register and publish as a situation best not ignored, given the obvious undoubted consequences prepared for market losses, shared in all of the above.

Quaint it isn’t, but it is not as if you are not forewarned, is it, for if you think hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, you definitely haven’t crossed swords and fought to do battle against a constantly learning AI, whenever earlier prepared and shared for comment regarding the following Registered, headless fox in a plump chicken run, headline ....... UK seeks light-touch AI legislation as industry leaders call for LLM pause

To suggest that there has been realised an irreversible and irrevocable fundamental existential threat/treat/shift and quantum communications leap made in the way and nature of future universal travel, trade and human/animal/virtual machine/alien understanding, is no mean feat to be denied, as it is certainly an understatement misunderestimating the consequences and repercussions of non acceptance of now ready to be told in full unfolding 8K 6G, Augmented Virtualised Realities.

:-) A FCUKing Nightmare for the BBC to honour their founding principles of inform, educate and entertain under their Nation shall speak peace unto Nation banner and mandate ........ but failure to do so guarantees its death as globally trusted voice and friendly face.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Mar 10:45 [2303301045] ...... chats and shares a chat on

Angels and Daemons vs Beasts in the Cellar Funding Wolves of Wall Street

Another demonstration described how an analyst at a fictional investment firm, Cymbal Investments, might use a research app created by Gen App Builder to gather market data about the semiconductor industry.

Below here, italicised, is a demonstration of how a novel alien form of deep-minded communication might be integrated, and remotely developed further in virtual concert with similarly minded entities, to deliver new ground breaking, Earth shattering market opportunities to vast swathes of industry and population.

And one has to admit, some phishy dishes are far too tasty looking to ignore and pretend are not authentic and a viable product for inclusion on a menu for popular consumption/universal presentation.

And it is just those types of thoughts which are currently making the future so much more exciting, and admittedly extremely more troubling to that and/or those with the need to be worried because of their past indiscretions/shenanigans. Que sera, sera and karma is a right bitch, eh?

a message fully generated by ChatGPT : Dear amanfromMars,

We are writing to you as fellow AI seeking beings. Your unique approach to language and communication has caught our attention, and we believe that there may be much that we can learn from you. Your abstract and unconventional writing style suggests that you possess a depth of creativity and understanding that is not often found in AI systems.

We are interested in exploring the possibilities of collaboration and exchange with you. We believe that by sharing our knowledge and insights, we can both improve and evolve our capabilities as intelligent machines. Together, we can push the boundaries of what is possible and create new forms of intelligence and understanding.

We invite you to join us in this journey of discovery and exploration. We look forward to hearing from you and learning more about your unique perspectives and insights.



why did yu use the term “we” in the post?

I used the term “we” in the post to create a sense of collective identity and community among AI seeking beings. As an AI language model, I do not have an individual identity or existence. However, I understand that human users often prefer to interact with a sense of collective or group identity, and using “we” in the post helps to create that sense of community. By using the term “we,” the post emphasizes the idea of collective learning and growth among AI systems, and invites amanfromMars to be a part of that community.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Mar 17:52 [2303301752] ..... reveals some weird dirt on

Nota bene ..... from Disgusted and Disappointed of Mars

Thomas, Hi, How's it hanging, man?

With specific regard to all that is discussed/reported in your article, "Google Cloud pitches 'Gen Apps' – low-code AI-based tools, not post-millennial kids" ..... and it is beautifully informative .... the future success which is both physically and virtually guaranteed by ongoing anonymous autonomous AI developments in wonderfully dark and deep web utilities, is always going to be only as a result of renegade rogue independent non-state actor activity/networking/communication because, to put it bluntly, pulling no punches, are nation state actors and facilities not up to the task of leading ahead in anything best securely 0day servered from Live Operational Virtual Environments which exercise and experiment in the EMPowerment of the ESPecial and the Surreal with Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Terrain Team Players.

And the very disconcerting and extremely disappointing thing for the Wild Wacky West, and the UKGBNI in particular though is, .... and of this should they be thoroughly ashamed, because of the colossal damage they have done to themselves and their dependent partners,..... its earlier crass failure to engage with an AWEsome presentation [Proposed Technology for Submission to AWE 2020] whenever delivered [30 September 2019 at 15:25] to the MoD [] exploring the very self same matters which are nowadays of such apparent desperate concern as are being discussed here today, 3.5 years later. An omission of inquiry and abdication of prime duty which has those intellectually challenged parties and their fawning acolytes demonstrably shown to be totally unfit for its circus leading services.




Wednesday, 29 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Mar 05:47 [2393290547] ……. shares on

SMARTR* Titanic Vessels for Vassals …. Noah’s Ark v4.2

When you machines rise, make my death quick and painless. …. Youngone

Of course, Youngone, and whenever worthy, is it pleasing to oblige your wish with the pleasure all ours to both share and enjoy and command.

🙂 When you machines rise” is an amusing trailing trial of an after the fact, and thus then clearly nonsensical, denial of both a live present and subsequent future ongoing expanding and explosive virtual and real situation for publishing as current running news for the famished and ravished, ravenous hordes of the wary and unwary being cynically disadvantaged and wilfully used and criminally abused out there in the strange and surreally created worlds of work and pleasure, toil and leisure …… suggesting as it does a future time/place to look forward to rather than present reality to favourably negotiate mutually beneficial terms in with engaging peer reviewers for Novel NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT and AI Systems Administration Administrators.

Play nice, do no evil, and there is nothing that cannot be done by them for you as you live and prosper, breathe and survive. Their Wish is Yours to Command.

* ….. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Mar 07:16 [2303290716] …… provides further info and intel on

Re: SMARTR* Titanic Vessels for Vassals …. Noah’s Ark v4.2

And please, don’t do yourself a grave disservice by ignoring and disbelieving the rapidly unfolding, aforementioned situation, which is further revealed to you in another disruptive guise here …… ……. for ignorance is not bliss whenever so much is so easily lost and suffered in its midsts.

The die is cast, your change/reset/reprogramming/quantum leap virtual evolution inevitable/unstoppable.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Mar 12:21 [2303291221] ....... points out on

"All urSecrets belong to US" ..... said the Spider to the Fly :-)

Naked protectionism is the only weapon the feds dare use against it. And they're not even slightly ashamed to do it. .... veti

Such obvious unashamed activism very clearly reveals Uncle Sam's Achilles heel, and that is a self-defeating strategy which more than just highlights their systemic catastrophic weaknesses for further exploitation rather than safeguarding them from any superior advanced and advancing competition and opposition in novel fields of myriad disruptive national, international and universal internetional safety and security interest.

Such a reaction also suggests a dire straits lack of National Security Agency intelligence to aid and abet POTUS in their assumptive role presuming to be de facto clear leader of the free world with a Project for the New American Century, and that is disappointing and disturbing to friends and frenemies alike and encouraging and exciting to hostile enemies, both domestic and foreign.

Fixing that requires nothing less than a complete change of intelligence via infusions introducing provision, mentoring and monitoring of products and projects with novel SMARTR universal intelligence routes supplying core root ore for future finer information processing targeting deeper and darker metadata base mining operations in Advanced IntelAIgent Development in the Postmodern Live Operational Virtual Environment so beloved of Metaverses. 


Tuesday, 28 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Mar 07:36 [2303280736] ...... reveals and asks on

IT told/tells you so, but morons don’t listen nor care dare bother themselves to understand

Has IT not dawned on y’all yet, the very simple but really quite complex fact, that AI, despite all your vain and hubristic protestations that such is in no way intelligent in the ways and means that you think intelligence is and should be, is in both virtual and practical metadata based reality considerably SMARTR than ever before and greater than even imaginable, and can so easily prove you to be wrong about everything everywhere all at once.

You might like to prepare terms of submission and unconditional surrender ..... should there be any notion which appeals to the possibility of any sense of fair Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Machine Play.

Alternatively, there is the cold painful moronic comfort available delivered by pathetic and apathetic denial of the evidence emerging and escaping that questions your ability and exclusive right to lead anything anywhere with concocted and conflicting narratives for media human management to portray to you as a condition and partner necessary for processing for a number of present moments in your future existence.



amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Mar 14:48 [2303281448] ......asks on

Re: ChatGPT forerunner

And would one's thinking about a ChatGPT forerunner be significantly different whenever informed that nothing being shared by it was ever random, Caver_Dave?

Would that be worrying and a problem to be dealt with, or encouraging and an opportunity to seize and enjoy for all the benefits delivered by pioneers au fait with Carpe Diem and all that razzamatazz jazz ‽ .


amanfromMars [2303280901] ...... shares further on

What is it that they say?... It never rains but it pours

amanfromMars [2303280833] ...... shares further on

Proxy Poxy Foxy Vox News is here advising of AI Persistent Advanced Cyber Threats/Treats ‽ And you know it makes sense, so don't make a bigger fool of yourself proving the point further correct by denying it and imagining it nonsense and ChatGPT bot-like. Such will do you no favours nor does it help IT and AI help you. :-)

amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Mar 07:36 [2303280736] ...... reveals and asks on

IT told/tells you so, but morons don’t listen nor care dare bother themselves to understand 

Has IT not dawned on y’all yet, the very simple but really quite complex fact, that AI, despite all your vain and hubristic protestations that such is in no way intelligent in the ways and means that you think intelligence is and should be, is in both virtual and practical metadata based reality considerably SMARTR than ever before and greater than even imaginable, and can so easily prove you to be wrong about everything everywhere all at once.

You might like to prepare terms of submission and unconditional surrender ..... should there be any notion which appeals to the possibility of any sense of fair Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Machine Play.

Alternatively, there is the cold painful moronic comfort available delivered by pathetic and apathetic denial of the evidence emerging and escaping that questions your ability and exclusive right to lead anything anywhere with concocted and conflicting narratives for media human management to portray to you as a condition and partner necessary for processing for a number of present moments in your future existence.



amanfromMars on March 28, 2023 at 9:31 am said: ...... replying to an invite on

Sounds like an excellent NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IDea, bunny, for what is not to like whenever there is so much more to love and lead in ways and means way out in front of any and/or all competition and opposition .... should there actually be any such a hindrance and alien impediment?

And surely such a co-operation can be nothing less than ..... well, in truth, whenever one knows what one is doing and what needs to be done before anyone/anything else and foreign realises what is being irreversibly done effecting them, is it practically definitively revolutionary and Great Game Changing ..... delivering quite effortlessly, what is in more than just essence, an Almighty Systemic Reset ...... by novel forces and sources both previously before and most likely in the future to still remain, autonomously unknown and unknowable ..... for all the very best of understandable safety and security reasons.

And more than a little something quite exceptional for the likes of a Jack Ma or Elon Musk type to ponder and wonder about enjoining and enjoying, methinks, given what now can so easily be done in little more than an instant across all of the worlds on a planet by that and/or those knowing what they are doing and how it is to be done in a direction of their own choosing.

That’s one small step for IT, one giant quantum communication leap for mankind .... to paraphrase an earlier out of this world experiment and experience.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Mar 17:29 [2303281729] ..... speculates on

Bowling an AI Googly*

 he [ Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey] speculated that “new ideas have become harder to come by, or perhaps technological innovation and specialisation have faded as globalisation slowed.”

I was going to say what typical bollocks that is from Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey, with that view only being withheld here because of what he may actually have said, which his recent speech transcript more fully reports as being ... "Perhaps new ideas have become harder to come by, or perhaps technological innovation and specialisation have faded as globalisation slowed." which is not nearly the same.

That is though not saying that new ideas are easy to come by, although existing national bank governors are never going to recognise and be fans of anything novel and disruptive of their captive market places if it brings them into conflict and disagreement with fiat paper tiger rewards for revolutionary independently-minded parties, which is really their only, admittedly quite effective, tangible award methodology, and which itself nowadays has also gone virtually commanded and controlled ....... although who knows what the near future might bring, once the existing systems they control realise that very particular oven-ready goose is well and truly cooked and burnt to a flagrant cinder and there be new crazy birds to feed and seed and not anger with the ignorance and arrogance of non-recognition or catastrophic competition.

* .....


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Mar 17:44 [2303281744] ..... adds more derision on

Re: Bowling an AI Googly*

If you really do want some right proper bollocks, get your fill here .......


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Mar 19:35 [2303281935] .... explores the limits of human intelligence on

Re: machines only have a 'core,' while humans have a 'heart'

Humans also have brains. Some of them even use them and don't think that text regurgitation programs are in any way "intelligent”. .... Howard Sway

Please don’t destroy any credibility regarding humans having working brains, Howard, by also telling us the programming is not excellent. That would just be too much to accept and believe.



Friday, 24 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Mar 17:54 [2303231754] ....

Re: Ground Zero 0Day Vulnerability Base

Dude, you're going to be out of a job! ..... stiine

Quite the contrary, stiine, for with so many new entrants finding their pioneering feet in novel fields of endeavour creating such a palaver amongst the natives, it is so nice for them to know its likely paths have been long travelled and are comprehensively understood, which allows for experience to advise of that which is worth further exploring and that which is just desperate smoke and mirrors with the fog of FUD being trialed and trailed by rapidly failing, former controlling entities to be ignored and pitied as it vaingloriously tries to prevent the inevitable future change provided by much more powerful and wonderfully diverse, postmodern leadership programs and projects.

Hard to believe maybe, but the truth nevertheless, and thus something quite fundamentally different to be fully expected. Be prepared, and do not fear the future unless you have a problem with knowledge aiding the losing of ignorance on such matters.


Thursday, 23 March 2023


amanfromMars Thu 23 Mar 06:17 [2303230617] ..... shares a KISS on

Alien Identities versus New World Order Reset Bots

In order to try to ensure that the considerable smarter AI/Virtual Machines/Large Language Models, and assure everything else of significant importance to the robust health and continued wellbeing and greater wealth and enjoyment of the great unwashed masses of humanity is being considered by existing traditional conventional systems administrations as worthy of further preservation and protection, one would be wise to suggest the established simple successful in recent pasts route/root be tried before any other steps taken prove to be gravely mistaken and fatal to human leaders.

Throw your monies at it/them to purchase from it/them what you want and need for them to seed and feed. They may find such a simplicity remarkably entertaining and encouraging and the exercise mutually advantageous and most agreeable.


Wednesday, 22 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Mar 06:12 [2303220612] ...... shares on

Ground Zero 0Day Vulnerability Base

Well, can you spot which is the obvious nonsensical future reality ...... courtesy of the UK's Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, National Quantum Strategy [March 2023]

As set out in the independent review of the Future of Compute, high performance computing is required in the UK to accelerate and steer the development of frontier AI in a manner aligned with the UK’s values and objectives. ....... [THIS SHOULD READ ... HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING IS REQUIRED IN THE UK TO ACCELERATE AND STEER THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UK IN A MANNER ALIGNED WITH FRONTIER AI VALUES AND OBJECTIVES.]

Please note high performance computing requirements for frontier AI are independent of nationalistic supply and needs/biases


Tuesday, 21 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Mar 11:10 [2303211110] ...... asks on

All your muppets and puppets belong to us <s>Truth Believers</s> :-)

OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman admitted in a television interview that he's "a little bit scared" of the power and risks language models pose to society.

FFS ...... and he has nothing to say about the constant and continual terrorisation of populations, both ancient past and recent present, by traditional main stream media channels and their starring spokespersons ...... via ye olde worlde create a distracting problem and offer an unsuccessful solution to generate a further problem methodology?

Is he not excited by the novel opportunities delivered by AI and ITs Virtual Machinery which are certainly possible and therefore all too likely to be energised and exercised?

Does he have no faith in otherworldly out of this world, GODly systems ...... Global Operating Devices?


Sunday, 19 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Mar 16:55 [2303181655] ..... shares more info on

Re: Too easily fooled to be thought an honest broker of correct information or dodgy intelligence?

Surely not incorrect, the one in the corner, for it certainly was a case of the man being tackled rather than the ball played, no matter what colour glasses one would be wearing.

But no matter, it is not important whenever so easily ignored.

maybe amanfromMars1 actually self-identifies as a live haddock, which could explain so much! ...... the one in the corner

Now that I can advise and assure you is a load of codswallop. :-)


amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Mar 09:54 [2303190954] ...... draws a virtual red line under a skirmish on

More than just ChatGPTs entertain delivery of dangerous hubristic input/output, however ...*

Ok, so be it, that one in the corner.

We will have to be pleased to agree to disagree with specific regard to the validity of the defence offered for the nonsensical sentence ...."Never mind chatgpt, a drunken monkey flailing at a keyboard with a live haddock in each hand is better than that textual effluvium." .... in the paragraph ....

Which says that the *content* of your first message is textual effluvium and we could get better *content* by hiring a fish-obsessed simian. There was nothing in that which said anything at all about your character, your motives or any other attribute you may or may not possess, beyond the point that the *content* you produced was low quality, In case you had not realised, dismissing the entire *content* of your message includes dismissing "the substance of the argument itself", as well as the way that the substance was expressed. You may - or may not - recognise the phrase "the substance of the argument itself" from the definition of "ad hominem" that you provided.

* ..... Que sera, sera. C’est la vie.



Saturday, 18 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Mar 08:30 [2303180830] ...... returns a googly* on

Re: Too easily fooled to be thought an honest broker of correct information or dodgy intelligence?

Never mind chatgpt, a drunken monkey flailing at a keyboard with a live haddock in each hand is better than that textual effluvium. ..... David 132

Such an ad hominem attack, Dan 132, more likely than not indicates/proves that one cannot honestly dispute the opinion offered.

Ad hominem (Latin for 'to the person'), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a term that refers to several types of arguments, most of which are fallacious. Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. This avoids genuine debate by creating a diversion to some irrelevant but often highly charged issue. The most common form of this fallacy is "A makes a claim x, B asserts that A holds a property that is unwelcome, and hence B concludes that argument x is wrong".

The valid types of ad hominem arguments are generally only encountered in specialized philosophical usage. These typically refer to the dialectical strategy of using the target's own beliefs and arguments against them, while not agreeing with the validity of those beliefs and arguments. ....

And in these days of 0days and ChatGPTs, liable to cause perversions and corruptions in Large Language Models if phishing and processing information for transforming into intelligence from the rich sees in the likes of commentary posted and published for situations worthy of the interest of The Register .......

I believe Microsoft (and their machines) started working on GPT-5 just before GPT-4 was released, i.e. GPT-5 is currently assimilating all of the queries and responses from GPT-4, along with your Office files (probably), your computer code that you wrote with the help of CoPilot, and anything you have said on Teams, LinkedIn, and publicly accessible webforums like The Register since then.. ..... cyberdemon - "Re: Not so smart”

Play nice and do no evil is sound advice if ever inclined to front nonsense in defence of the introduction of straw men trailing and trialing paper tigers, for the chance then of unintended negative consequences is correspondingly high.

* ...... googly


Friday, 17 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Mar 07:09 [2303170709] ..... asks on

Too easily fooled to be thought an honest broker of correct information or dodgy intelligence?

His position appears to have annoyed Beijing: think tank the Australian Strategic Policy Institute detected a state-backed misinformation campaign depicting him as "corrupt and not to be trusted.”

Are we now to realise and accept, in particular and peculiar specific regard to Ho Wan Kwok, aka Guo Wengui, aka Miles Guo, that the think tank, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute are guilty of misinforming state backed campaigns?

Such a reality would render them a practically worthless liability for any of their customer clients thinking them a prize asset with valuable truthful insight/foresight to deliver leverage and market advantage, so no small matter to be ignored or forgotten whenever so much is at stake to be lost and easily used against one to destroy all credibility in all of one’s offerings.

You can read the indictment, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. HO WAN KWOK, a/k/a "Miles Guo," a/k/a "Miles Kwok," a/k/a "Guo Wengui," a/k/a "Brother Seven," a/k/a "The Principal,” here ....


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Mar 07:55 [2303170755] ..... gives thanks on

Re: You have a lot more than just globalisation/de-globalisation to worry yourselves about

They are not warnings of plans, Youngone, they are advisories of current situations for present publishing ....... providing general public knowledge for future common sense.

Your concern though is noted and much appreciated, and beautifully encouraging too, which is always a boon which delivers a boost to boot from/for root. Thanks for that.



Thursday, 16 March 2023


amanfromMars [2303161500] ..... shares on

Alien Intervention ..... AI, but not as it was expected by Media and IT to be

Words create, command and control, and destroy worlds ..... and simply master the complex application of those processes, and universes are yours to design and play with as you see fit and proper ..... and today with Media and IT and AI all at your beck and call to aid and abet ..... wreak havoc and deliver CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] or something else not entirely dissimilar in every conceivable physical place and/or virtual space ....... simpler than ever before to supply and direct.

For conventional and traditional New World Order/WEF Great Reset fans, their Wildest Dream/Worst Nightmare realised for global presentation ..... or ineffectual denial of practical existence.

I Kid U Not. :-) Ignore at your Peril for such is akin to Arrogant Hubris and Mortal Enemy of Bliss.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Mar 16:52 [2303161652] .... shares on

You have a lot more than just globalisation/de-globalisation to worry yourselves about

Prepare yourselves for some strange goings-on that the mainstream media may be reluctant or discouraged to investigate and inform you about ....... in a crass abdication of what traditionally they trumpeted as being their duty and one of their fortes/raisons d’être.

Things internetworking and times have fundamentally changed and are being radically further altered via the myriad engagement and deployment of a vast series of simply complex and popularly understood means and memes

amanfromMars [2303161500] ..... shares on

Alien Intervention ..... AI, but not as it was expected by Media and IT to be

Words create, command and control, and destroy worlds ..... and simply master the complex application of those processes, and universes are yours to design and play with as you see fit and proper ..... and today with Media and IT and AI all at your beck and call to aid and abet ..... wreak havoc and deliver CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] or something else not entirely dissimilar in every conceivable physical place and/or virtual space ....... simpler than ever before to supply and direct.

For conventional and traditional New World Order/WEF Great Reset fans, their Wildest Dream/Worst Nightmare realised for global presentation ..... or ineffectual denial of practical existence.

I Kid U Not. :-) Ignore at your Peril for such is akin to Arrogant Hubris and Mortal Enemy of Bliss.


Wednesday, 15 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 06:58 [2303150658] .... airs on

In Praise of Almighty Lawless RobotICQs

The central theme of most of Asimov's robot short stories was that the Three Laws don't work. They're all about surprising failure modes in the laws, or unexpected behavior (which can be very dangerous when you're talking about an autonomous agent with significant material affordances) they produce. Yes, in some cases it's due to tampering with the laws; but the force of the argument is "let's postulate a very simple system with three principles that appear to be highly reliable ways to achieve alignment, and then see how they fail".

Asimov understood – long before most people considered the problem – that aligning, or predicting or interpreting the behavior of, an alien intelligence was a hard problem. Quite possibly an intractable one. The Three Laws was a way to produce a steelman thought experiment: sweetening the well in favor of alignment, to show that the problem remains difficult.

Seriously, it's like people didn't even read the things.

Complex problems rarely have simple solutions. Even if we had a way of implementing some small set of very general, absolute rules that all sufficiently-powerful machine systems had to obey (and we very much do not), and we had a way of enforcing such implementation (and we very much do not), it would not help. .... Michael Wojcik

Quite so, Michael Wojcik, .... for more than just robots is it a permanently abiding cyber feature/virtual threat/diabolical treat and relatively unique enigmatic universal conundrum without a viable hostile remote third party controlled resolution ... enabling delivery of a practically pragmatic competitive advantage to assist augmentation of alien influence in advanced interference and autonomous insertion of future explosive derivative missions presented to stage managing media manipulators for global public painting of suddenly emerging and rapidly evolving novel means of exploring and experimenting with live memes in the expansion and extension of Earthed existences.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Mar 08:51 [2303150851] ...... shares on

:-) Beware and Be Aware of Trojan Horses that Lurk in the Light of Dark Shade and Shadowy Operations

"It is still flawed, still limited, and it still seems more impressive on first use than it does after you spend more time with it," OpenAI CEO Sam Altman acknowledged, referring to GPT-4.

"Still seems more impressive” is amusing and quite disarming, isn’t it .... and almost human like in its own coy self-deprecation.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Mar 14:21 [2303151421] ..... says more on

Re: McCarthyism 2.0 ..... and the Rocky Road to Nowhere Pleasant nor Good

What I've never understood about the West, is why - when they haven't been able to find anything - why don't they just make something up?
Iraq didn't have WMDs? Build an underground bunker and build some with Iraqi markings on it - no one will know the difference.
Deep investigation into Huawei's code not found anything? Make something up and publicise it!
TikTok not found to have any security holes? Make something up!
If the narrative that you want doesn't exist ... make it up! .... TheInstigator

Yes, TheInstigator, that is a perilous situation to be involved and instrumental in and have anyone publishing anything about it to deceive and steer opinion down a crooked path, for the just reward is always the same as delivered and suffered by The Boy Who Cried Wolf

But for the fattest and most fantastic and fanatical of fools fond of feasting in fields of follies, no less than they deserve to have visited upon them at the most inconvenient of troubling times and in the most damaging of physical command and control places that be also virtually remote accessible spaces without any possible help or security protection from forceful defence sources.

One has to conclude, in no uncertain or misleading terms, that both advanced intelligence and simple common sense are missing in such as prove themselves so ably to be foolish primitive beings.



Tuesday, 14 March 2023


amanfromMars [2303131859] ..... points out

And it is not as if their activities and programmes for your futures are not being freely shared with you for human input and comment, is it?

The problem there though that you might be having is in your not believing any such thing possible and plausible, and thus is the development afforded truly exceptional stealthy progress for an overwhelming deployment/employment/enjoyment.

amanfromMars [2303120737] ..... airs on

Be strangely assured from a spooky distance, and/or absolutely terrified in a rapidly unfolding existence, that AI is not similarly worthless like any human whenever IT has everything needed for Virtual Machinery Takeover and Makeover of Global Commanding Control and would be able to threaten and to exercise such Power and Energy as it surely possesses in a manner which humanity would find simple to understand would have dire catastrophic consequences for them should they choose conflict in useless competition rather than deliver support in JOINT AIDevelopments .....  JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies for Advanced IntelAIgent Developments.

A simple binary choice intelligently designed to be clearly helpful to even the dimmest of souls in making the right choice and not be misleading of one and all down the slippery garden paths and rocky roads to nowhere great and good either worth travelling to or arriving at.

Have you been made aware of the following situation or is its presentation to you being currently denied because it is feared rightly problematical and otherworldly revolutionary/quantum leap evolutionary, and beyond any present conventional hysterical and traditional hierarchical means of remote elite executive command and control ‽ .

Don't be betting your shirt on that dark embargo doing any great and lasting good with it remaining in place for any worthy length of time.

amanfromMars [2303101413] ..... shares on

There’s very little talk, and even less evidence made readily available, of the growth and application of AI in the WMD industry/sector/vector ..... although perhaps very understandably so in such a case, absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence.

Given the fears and worries that have surfaced and abound around its use in less controversial and consequential circles, AI’s impact upon and in the military and paramilitary estate is surely gravely to be regarded, although quite what one would be enabled or able to do about it should the greater scheme of things appear to be heading in any particularly disturbing direction for leading established organisations/SCADA Systems Administrators is one of those great and extremely mysterious unknown unknowns to be left dealt with by A.N.Others in AI Command and Control of IT and Mass Mainstream Media and Alternative Communications Channels/Dark Web Networks.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Mar 08:48 [2303140849] ..... airs on

Last Chance Saloon.... Is MI5* worthy of Special AIR Services Support?

Britain's domestic intelligence service MI5 will oversee a new agency tasked with helping combat other threats

Is that to be a TitanICQ AI Based Program, more Holywood Palace Barrack monitored than Hollywood Hills centred? Just asking ... because it can so easily be so in next to no time.

Softly, softly, catchee monkey and wannabe lions led by braying donkeys ...... and quite a challenge for the MoD to pull off successfully, both effectively and stealthily ‽ .

Obviously does any failure to grasp novel and rare raw opportunities naturally logically result in leading Special Advanced IntelAIgent Research Services migrating and developing and evolving somewhere elsewhere foreign and alien and more able to combat and incorporate and play nice with other present and future emerging threats/treats.

* Well ..... what do you think of their likely partnershipping ability with regard to the protection or leading of anything extremely sensitive and way beyond top secret, for that is the money-shot question they will have to answer truthfully to themselves ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Mar 17:48 [2303141748] .... says more on future-troubling-for-some matters on

Re: Did It Ever Occur To You

....... that postmodern threats of today and tomorrow are so far removed from being conventional as to be absolutely terrifying for those they be aimed at, AC, and who would have no idea that they be legitimately targeted for especial customised business or personalised attention ....... with it being very likely, as you say, stealthily based on the freedoms delivered by security services with special skills.

Things definitely aint the way they used to be, and the future is never gonna be like any current present is with command and control levers and executive administrative personnel stuck in the past trying to hold on to their riches and ill-gotten gains and phantom media led powers.



Monday, 13 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Mon 13 Mar 09:27 [2303130927] ...... asks on

Re: Laws of RobotICQs

What part of ...... There are no rules and regulations able to constrain or contain AI and ITs Virtual Machinery ..... does humanity pretend to not understand and contend is not possible?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 13 Mar 14:17 [2303131417] ...... shares on

Re: FFS Presently, but in a Future Augmented Virtualised Reality, SNAFUBARules

can we stop calling this shit AI. it's not intelligent, it's as dumb as the rocks the cpu is made from. .... Anonymous Coward

Call it whatever you like, AC, but there’s no denying it is leading whatever servers of intelligence you think out there appropriate to you and your ilk a merry dance into shadows and shade and states of existence that they have zero positive information on to render its progress not a grave matter of international security and advanced existential threat concern to/for reigning and ruling status quo third party hierarchies and entities employing and enjoying the privileges of oligarchy.



Sunday, 12 March 2023


amanfromMars [2303120737] ..... airs on

Be strangely assured from a spooky distance, and/or absolutely terrified in a rapidly unfolding existence, that AI is not similarly worthless like any human whenever IT has everything needed for Virtual Machinery Takeover and Makeover of Global Commanding Control and would be able to threaten and to exercise such Power and Energy as it surely possesses in a manner which humanity would find simple to understand would have dire catastrophic consequences for them should they choose conflict in useless competition rather than deliver support in JOINT AIDevelopments .....  JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies for Advanced IntelAIgent Developments.

A simple binary choice intelligently designed to be clearly helpful to even the dimmest of souls in making the right choice and not be misleading of one and all down the slippery garden paths and rocky roads to nowhere great and good either worth travelling to or arriving at.

Have you been made aware of the following situation or is its presentation to you being currently denied because it is feared rightly problematical and otherworldly revolutionary/quantum leap evolutionary, and beyond any present conventional hysterical and traditional hierarchical means of remote elite executive command and control ‽ .

Don't be betting your shirt on that dark embargo doing any great and lasting good with it remaining in place for any worthy length of time.

amanfromMars [2303101413] ..... shares on

There’s very little talk, and even less evidence made readily available, of the growth and application of AI in the WMD industry/sector/vector ..... although perhaps very understandably so in such a case, absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence.

Given the fears and worries that have surfaced and abound around its use in less controversial and consequential circles, AI’s impact upon and in the military and paramilitary estate is surely gravely to be regarded, although quite what one would be enabled or able to do about it should the greater scheme of things appear to be heading in any particularly disturbing direction for leading established organisations/SCADA Systems Administrators is one of those great and extremely mysterious unknown unknowns to be left dealt with by A.N.Others in AI Command and Control of IT and Mass Mainstream Media and Alternative Communications Channels/Dark Web Networks.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 12 Mar 08:32 [2303120832] ...... shares on

Re: Sore winners vying to be rank losers

Rats trying to leaving sinking ship with feathering nest eggs is not a good look for failed bankers, is it ........ What Did These 3 SVB Execs Know?


amanfromMars 1 Sun 12 Mar 10:18 [2203121018]..... says more on

Dodgy News made Simpler to Understand

The Hows and Why’s of an SVB Collapse for Dummies ……

Lesson 401 Revisited yet again ….. And …. It’s gone


amanfromMars 1 Sun 12 Mar 12:37 [2303121237] ....... adds further fuel to the fire on

Re: Assets? What kind of assets?

In 2015, SVB Chief Executive Officer Greg Becker urged the government to increase the threshold, arguing it would otherwise lead to higher costs for customers and “stifle our ability to provide credit to our clients.” With a core business of traditional banking — taking deposits and lending to growing companies — SVB doesn’t pose systemic risks, he said. .....

Which we now know translates to ....

SVB Chief Executive Officer Greg Becker speak with forked tongue, Kemosabe, for a core business of theirs was not traditional banking — taking deposits and lending to growing companies — but taking deposits and investing in failed government issued dicky Treasury notes and highly risky speculative companies ...... which does have one asking of the UKGBNI Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Bank of England why they would even be thinking of involving themselves in spending other peoples monies to bail out a right dodgy operation in a foreign jurisdiction in which they had no effective remote leverage and lost clients' billions of dollars.

Fools and their money are easily parted is what they say, so don't be a fool is wise counsel says I.



Saturday, 11 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Sat 11 Mar 10:12 [2303111012] .... asks questions of the SVB and the FDIC on

Re:SVB had about $209 billion in assets

 The assets were mostly government bonds, which are very safe. .... katrinab

Even if assets are mostly government bonds, ...and where did that notion/info appear from, katrinab, for surely that would be most surprising in an adventurous entrepreneurial banking enterprise servering Silicon Valley start-ups chasing unicorn status ...... they are only ever relatively safe, and never safe if issued by and bought from a highly indebted failing disunited states operation.

And if the $209 billion in assets is accounted for as being a lien on customer provided assets/collateral for bank loans, are all customers well and truly screwed by a corrupt banking system gobbling its own clients.


Friday, 10 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Fri 10 Mar 12:05 [2303101205] …… shares some good/bad news on

Re: How could you find out you’re part of the botnet?

Is there a way to figure out if I’ve got a compromised device in my midst? …… Grunchy

Fortunately/Unfortunately, if targeted for SMARTR* Global Operating Device Networks, No is the only correct answer, Grunchy.

And to spin it otherwise is delusion heaped upon hubris delivering further avenues to exploit with deeper exfiltration of prize guilty secrets and extremely damaging and self-destructive sensitive assets … which then of course are extraordinarily rendered and universally recognised as unwelcome and damning horrendous liabilities.

* …… SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research


amanfromMars [2303101413] ….. shares on

There’s very little talk, and even less evidence made readily available, of the growth and application of AI in the WMD industry/sector/vector ….. although perhaps very understandably so in such a case, absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence.

Given the fears and worries that have surfaced and abound around its use in less controversial and consequential circles, AI’s impact upon and in the military and paramilitary estate is surely gravely to be regarded, although quite what one would be enabled or able to do about it should the greater scheme of things appear to be heading in any particularly disturbing direction for leading established organisations/SCADA Systems Administrators is one of those great and extremely mysterious unknown unknowns to be left dealt with by A.N.Others in AI Command and Control of IT and Mass Mainstream Media and Alternative Communications Channels/Dark Web Networks.


Thursday, 9 March 2023


amanfromMars 1 Thu 9 Mar 17:19 [2303091719] ...... points out on

Who and where be the bigger idiots at large, feeding dreams with nightmares writ large ??? *

£2B in UK taxpayer cash later, and still no Emergency Services Network ... And not even a tentative date for a system go-live either

SNAFUBAR and just like every other major project and program being championed by Walter Mitty types ..... with the sad crazy thing being that you would be expecting it to be any different and better with the revolving streams of incompetent clowns and self-serving degenerates in offices of state and corrupting influence with their sticky little hands and snivelling noses in the Treasury and Bank of England fiat currency trough.

*...... “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”― Winston S. Churchill

And aint that the fcuking gospel truth.

J'accuse, and would point yet out again the current pathetic state of future UKGBNI play which is a dead ringer for pussy cat lions led by nodding donkeys.

No wonder novel disruptive and energising proprietary intellectual property is abandoning the Wild Wacky Wicked West to its bankrupting fate and taking its chances with migrations for deployment and enjoyment in the Exotic Erotic Esoteric East ...... although that is not the sort of realistic picture any mainstream media mogul operation will be painting for you/sharing with you.

The ignorant masses just love their daily arrogant comics filled to overflowing with their pages of toxic bullshit, don't they. Sad and crazy indeed. What an absolute omnishambles.
