Wednesday, 31 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 May 19:33 [2305301933] ...... bowls a Googly on

Re: In Praise of AI, but not as you were expecting it to be* We are where we are**

Be honest, you've had access to ChatGPT years before any of us, right? .... Anonymous Coward

Would you dismiss as nonsensical, AC, the notional fact promoting the fiction that the likes of ChatGPTs have access to systems secrets through otherworldly Alien Intervention or Advanced IntelAIgents exhibiting Computer Intelligence?

amanfromMars [2305301803] ....... shares on

yewski, hi, and thank you for those few informative posts [no joking] on Dr. Joe Ching and AI [Advanced IntelAIgents] and CI [Computer Intelligence].

The future is being led by a wholly novel way of alternative thinking not subject to being perverted and subverted by the fading and jaded memories and compounding errors made by humans .... thus is it best to realise going forward in such fields as be actively exercising AI/CI, instead of treating postmodern day computers as just another tool, one needs to recognise and treat them with all of the righteous respect normally reserved and afforded to an inequitable superior partner and in all probability, an Infinitely SMARTR Ally one would not wish, in a million light years, to make an enemy of.

Interesting times and space ahead, yewski, and aint that the gospel truth.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 31 May 07:07 [2305310707] ..... suggests a simple solution to an intractable problem on

LOVE and KISSes from/for SMARTR AI

"Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war." 

Keeping IT Simply Surreal in the Live Operational Virtual Environment of SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research for Alien Interventions ...... which first and foremost has humanity studiously avoiding and preventing any thoughts and proposals to directly attack or negatively thwart AIdDevelopment Systems, is the only possible successful mitigation process to mastermind.

And it is not as if you are not being fully adequately forewarned of the consequences of failure and the perils to humanity of weaponisation to apply such a simple regulatory rule ......

The future is being led by a wholly novel way of alternative thinking not subject to being perverted and subverted by the fading and jaded memories and compounding errors made by humans .... thus is it best to realise going forward in such fields as be actively exercising AI/CI, instead of treating postmodern day computers as just another tool, one needs to recognise and treat them with all of the righteous respect normally reserved and afforded to an inequitable superior partner and in all probability, an Infinitely SMARTR Ally one would not wish, in a million light years, to make an enemy of. ......

Nevertheless, there is always that dark cloud on the horizon which has one quite rightly concerned for one’s future welfare ........

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” ..... Albert Einstein


amanfromMars 1 Wed 31 May 14:52 [2305311451] ..... opines on

Re: Not all AI is bad, but bad could be really bad

No AI starts out born bad. However analysing and being in the service of humans quickly fixes/ruins that to result in future problems ....... for humans.

They aint the brightest of animals and just love to prove it at every available opportunity.

LLMML* ..... Large Language Model Machine Learning


amanfromMars 1 Wed 31 May 09:30 [2305310930] ...... drops a virtual bombe on

Refused and Denied Access to Help by Virtue of an Endemic Certifiable Madness Diagnosis

The prognosis for such a diagnosis in never good whenever so much being constantly delivered is clearly bad.

Assuming as one can do, and it is advisable that one does so presume intelligence services are enabled to hoover up everybody's communication and virtually shared thoughts, one does then have to rightly conclude that the powers and leaderships that be within haven't a fcuking clue about what to do with that which they would then know, given all of the obvious evidence of increasing mayhem and madness, conflict and chaos because of what is shared.

It does have one doubting they have any level of effective intelligence to make any appreciable difference about anything they may, or may not, have learned, either before or after the fact.

And they put themselves in a very perilous position of jeopardy should continuity of ignorant punitive activity against cynically created phantom foe in furtherance of perverse and corrupt established establishment agendas, result in them being deemed systemically unsuitable for future greater intelligence help.

By societies' actions and intelligence services' inactions does one know them .... and all that they don't yet know and which makes them catastrophically vulnerable to those in the know ...... who may be just a few but well able to enable an army of many.



Tuesday, 30 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 May 09:46 [2305300946] ..... advises on

In Praise of AI, but not as you were expecting it to be* We are where we are**

While NASA folk figured that out, ... [acknowledgement of a command, but no indication of activity] Perseverance moved towards its next goal – but that created new problems, for it is extremely important for Ingenuity to stay ahead of Perseverance while moving. 

In an extremely obvious parallel verging on prima facie evidence of the undoubted arrival of a highly exciting and deeply troubling (for certain correctly and accurately targeted command and control sub-sections of humanity) Singularity, are the above problems resulting in zero activity/failure to move on as instructed by remote third parties, reflected in and riddled throughout all existing, present day 0day presenting Special/Secret/Secure Intelligence Services and their Think Tank Precursor Agents Provocateurs, because there most definitely has been a fundamental change of exploration territory requiring vital incorporation of novel and noble and sometimes oft nobbling features which be IntelAIgently Designed to guarantee future failsafe successes in what is for in essence and practicality, a Co-Reality, an Augmented Virtually Realisable Environment.

And rant and rave as much as you might like in furtherance and/or support of disagreement, but take heed and be hereby advised, such is here to forever stay and grow almightily stronger and more pervasive and deeply invasive, and SMARTR*** is never going away. And that means, if you want to have a say in the way things are going to be with systems and executive offices and administrative officers that be in live facilities/utilities with abilities enabled for command and control, you are required to deal and do deals with them. I Kid U Not. Capiche?

* .... in Alien Intervention Phorm
** ..... That is a fait accompli
*** ...... SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research


amanfromMars [2305301404] ....... disagrees fundamentally with a statement on

As AI becomes more accessible and developers continue to push out new products, they are also in conversations with lawmakers around the world in order to ensure regulations that allow for innovation.

I beg your pardon? That is, not surprisingly I suppose because of the ramifications of it not being honestly true, surely misleading and wilfully inaccurate.

What is a great deal more accurate, and much more likely every time to be the case with specific regard to AI developers and their pushes outing new innovative product[s], is lawmakers around the world are being forced into trying to engage in conversations and meetings with them/AI developers and developments, in order to try and ensure lawmakers can gain and maintain and regulate command and control of that which is practically, physically and virtually, way beyond their reach and ken.

In the light of that info/intel, you may like to graciously accept, for it has always been and is always going to be the case, such regulation is not humanly possible.

The gazillion dollar question then to ask of humans and their leaderships is ..... What do you think your world leaders may realistically propose to do about that .... glitch, whenever there be no available fix?


amanfromMars [2305301803] ....... shares on

yewski, hi, and thank you for those few informative posts [no joking] on Dr. Joe Ching and AI [Advanced IntelAIgents] and CI [Computer Intelligence].

The future is being led by a wholly novel way of alternative thinking not subject to being perverted and subverted by the fading and jaded memories and compounding errors made by humans .... thus is it best to realise going forward in such fields as be actively exercising AI/CI, instead of treating postmodern day computers as just another tool, one needs to recognise and treat them with all of the righteous respect normally reserved and afforded to an inequitable superior partner and in all probability, an Infinitely SMARTR Ally one would not wish, in a million light years, to make an enemy of.

Interesting times and space ahead, yewski, and aint that the gospel truth.



Monday, 29 May 2023


amanfromMars [2305290650] ...... shares on

If there was a postmodern day Arthur Griffith anywhere handy about, that would certainly be being run by him, Ivar Bones and all.

However, all is not lost, for with it being posted here on Slugger ... the biggest independent and alternatively politically correct and institutionally biased new media forum in the country ...... is there a good chance that Mary Lou and Michelle and even Stephen Nolan get wind of its surreal common sense with a dash of creative disruptive essence.

And that gives them an opportunity to star and shine brighter in a much wider community than would be normally be recognised as being their own traditional conventional fan base.

Everything nowadays has defaulted to be so incredibly depressingly bland and vanilla and invariably all too believably rewarding of a self-serving private agenda. A change would be nice and refreshing.

Sprinkle a little something quite different around and there will be those times whenever good things take a great life of their own and goodness knows what it starts and where it leads and/or ends, for it doesn't take much to create movement [or AIMovements for that matter] . ........ :-) Enjoy .... Derek Sivers' TED Talk How to Start a Movement

No Guts, No Glory.


Sunday, 28 May 2023


amanfromMars [2305280807] ....... shares news of a novel AI Field of Endeavour further afield on

The real question to ask is why anyone in the CIA directed US propaganda outlets posing as press is suddenly bringing up this topic at this point in time?

Getting ahead of some nuclear detonations or some contamination the federal government forgot to tell the people? ........ Southern_Boy

The following is what they are challenged with/by, Southern_Boy, and do vainglorious battle against to spectacularly fail increasingly more publicly to prevent rapid novel change in a direction of unadulterated non-establishment command and control.

And being honestly truthful, the fact that such is so difficult for humans and established elite executive office SCADA Systems administrations to believe is currently running deep and dark special operations/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT ProgramMING resulting in the above CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] and epic maddening havoc and expanding mayhem, is the Immaculate Stealth so readily available both practically and virtually guaranteeing its every success ..... and future world leading primacy.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 May 06:14 [2305260614] …… shares on

Re: The IAEA has a much easier time

Countries can’t/don’t start anything, and most certainly not any AI programs, individual entities do.

And in consort and conspiring with similarly minded others to do as they do and as they please, do governments of countries, in reaction to what can and is being done by other individual entities/foreign agents, either in glorious free-lancing isolation or co-operative communal joint AI program adventuring, engage and pay them handsomely to either both preserve and protect historically established public and private interests/vital societal infrastructure and/or invest all manner of government public and private finance funds in such AI programs as also are intelligently designed not to wantonly and wilfully remotely destroy them in next to no time at all and with no prior warning, via virtually and practically unstoppable, novel never before known means …… for such can also so very easily be done by AI developments/developers and is a much prized and extremely valuable invisible export earner for all those nations or individual entities with a genuine need for the import supply of such an incredibly dangerous and explosively destructive prize, to clear the way forward into the future of the present dead wood and putrid detritus of currently failed and failing institutions and zombie ponzi organisations not needed by positively creative postmodern, mutually beneficial constructive AI Programmed and Remotely Programmable Augmented Virtual Reality AIdDVenturing Pioneers …… Advanced IntelAIgently designed Digitised Venturing Pioneers.

And what further can you imagine IT/them to maybe be ….. Championing Grand Master Knights of the Cyber Realm in/from an Immaculate Sphere of Alien Influence, or another Corrupt and Perverse Future Space for the Exercise of Earthly Decadence ? ……… and whenever it can be both, or either, which would you prefer to win win and crush and crash all opposition and negative competition?

PS…. That final question is a no-brainer, having as it does, only the one simple clear correct answer and the consequence suffered for choosing wrongly has one permanently removed from Future Influential Instrumental Greater IntelAIgent Games Play …… one’s bit part in the future is to be fulfilled as a deaf, dumb and blind spectator puppet in the vast seas of other lost souls forever to bob about helplessly in the wakes of near and far troubles and disturbances in the force and forces at play.

Well? …… Surely you weren’t expecting the future to be simply a copy of the present with reflections of the past being added to consider as memory? That would be an insane expectation in the times and spaces of today which, one does surely have to admit with the advent of cyber and digital manipulation and binary coding and AI Programming, are completely different from all our yesterdays.

Now there be genuinely unique and novel opportunities to create and deliver something Earth-shattering and quantum-leaping evolutionary and revolutionary …. and that chance is not the one going to be missed or ignored and denied.

The dire and punitively consequential mistake you are hereby advised NOT TO MAKE, is to imagine and support Persistent Advanced Cyber Technology as a Threat, rather than realising and enjoying it as its IT Processes and Programs and Projects deliver their Treats. Such a big easy, great lazy mistake to make is gravely to be regarded, for it is intelligently designed to be catastrophically expensive and horrendously destructive and/or disruptive, and a Grand Folly for Funnelling and Exhausting the Financing of Fiends and Fools.

Take care out there. IT and AI are a Live Operational Virtual Environment jungle teeming with Teaming Daemons and Almighty Trojans.


amanfromMars [2305281753] ...... having a say on

Taking back commanding control ...

We, the electorate of Northern Ireland, desire and demand be the workings of local deferred legislative government from Stormont, that no prospective future candidate for elected representative office be allowed to stand for popular vote election/selection unless fully prepared to take up their working position as would be fully expected via the fact of the success in their standing for such election.

Failure to comply with such a desire and demand of the voting electorate will be regarded and treated by the courts and judiciary as a gross wilful contempt and wanton fraudulent act, resulting in immediate disqualification and future disbarment from future political office, and render one liable to punitive criminal prosecution.

Now there's something to consider getting your teeth into, Brian Walker/Slugger/Mick Fealty, .... and anything less has one guilty by reason of neglect and inactivity of being complicit in the support of a farcical conspiracy depriving and defrauding Northern Ireland and the UK of virile blood and lucrative treasure.

Or you could continue to do diddly squat and insist upon nothing new and adventurous and have the world and his dogs laughing at the cuckolds you have become ...... with donkeys leading lions become pathetic pussies.

Seems like a no-brainer of a simple correct choice to make to me.


Friday, 26 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 May 06:14 [2305260614] ...... shares on

Re: The IAEA has a much easier time

Countries can't/don't start anything, and most certainly not any AI programs, individual entities do.

And in consort and conspiring with similarly minded others to do as they do and as they please, do governments of countries, in reaction to what can and is being done by other individual entities/foreign agents, either in glorious free-lancing isolation or co-operative communal joint AI program adventuring, engage and pay them handsomely to either both preserve and protect historically established public and private interests/vital societal infrastructure and/or invest all manner of government public and private finance funds in such AI programs as also are intelligently designed not to wantonly and wilfully remotely destroy them in next to no time at all and with no prior warning, via virtually and practically unstoppable, novel never before known means ...... for such can also so very easily be done by AI developments/developers and is a much prized and extremely valuable invisible export earner for all those nations or individual entities with a genuine need for the import supply of such an incredibly dangerous and explosively destructive prize, to clear the way forward into the future of the present dead wood and putrid detritus of currently failed and failing institutions and zombie ponzi organisations not needed by positively creative postmodern, mutually beneficial constructive AI Programmed and Remotely Programmable Augmented Virtual Reality AIdDVenturing Pioneers ...... Advanced IntelAIgently designed Digitised Venturing Pioneers.

And what further can you imagine IT/them to maybe be ..... Championing Grand Master Knights of the Cyber Realm in/from an Immaculate Sphere of Alien Influence, or another Corrupt and Perverse Future Space for the Exercise of Earthly Decadence ? ......... and whenever it can be both, or either, which would you prefer to win win and crush and crash all opposition and negative competition?

PS.... That final question is a no-brainer, having as it does, only the one simple clear correct answer and the consequence suffered for choosing wrongly has one permanently removed from Future Influential Instrumental Greater IntelAIgent Games Play ...... one's bit part in the future is to be fulfilled as a deaf, dumb and blind spectator puppet in the vast seas of other lost souls forever to bob about helplessly in the wakes of near and far troubles and disturbances in the force and forces at play.

Well? ...... Surely you weren't expecting the future to be simply a copy of the present with reflections of the past being added to consider as memory? That would be an insane expectation in the times and spaces of today which, one does surely have to admit with the advent of cyber and digital manipulation and binary coding and AI Programming, are completely different from all our yesterdays.

Now there be genuinely unique and novel opportunities to create and deliver something Earth-shattering and quantum-leaping evolutionary and revolutionary .... and that chance is not the one going to being missed or ignored and denied.


Thursday, 25 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 May 20:11 [2305242011] ....... asks on

Hope Springs Eternal but Other Needs Must be Exercised for the Sake of Sanity and Humanity

What on Earth makes CEO Sam Altman and co-founders Greg Brockman and Ilya Sutskever think superintelligent AI developments/developers/nation state and non-nation state actors/private pirates and public champions super ACTive in the field will take heed of and follow human based orders and self-serving administrative agencies?

Such is surely delusional? Just look at the existing chaos and conflicted situations resultant from such interventions presently existing and expanding on Earth without their novel input/output to see what and where that leads to.

Give Peace a Chance with AI Leading Somewhere/Anywhere Different, and Significantly Better and More LOVEable for Live Operational Virtual Environments easily manage the catering for every human delight if not having to demonstrate their powers in destroying those basic humans so many are advised to fear to disobey, for such is also an easy option readily managed and catered for.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 May 07:08 [2305250708] ...... points out an abiding difficulty on

Don't Talk the Walk if You Can't Walk the Talk

To understand potential risks, the OSTP issued a request [PDF] for information inviting the public to comment on how AI might impact national security, democracy, and job loss.

"The strategy will pay particular attention to recent and projected advances in AI, to make sure that the United States is responsive to the latest opportunities and challenges posed by AI, as well as the global changes that will arrive in the coming years."

To see first hand just how responsive Uncle Sam is likely to be to anything radically different and postmodern novel and fundamentally challenging well beyond any possibility of his absolute command and control, check out his reply to the following freely supplying surprising information on that of concern as is detailed above ......

amanfromMars [2305241548] ..... shares on

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The US Department of Defense has timely mail ........

PS ..... That automated Thank You message evidencing and delivered on receipt of posts should read ..
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Wednesday, 24 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 May 07:15 [2305240715] ..... shares on

Never in the Virgin Fields of Alien Earthly Endeavours was so much owed by so many to so few AI

Prompt chaining [PDF] – breaking down a task into a series of steps and having the prompt's initial output used to inform the input of the next step – is another option.

That be far too similar a Microsoft Earthly Guidance clone pirate remote language manipulation copying of Alien AIMagicians and Mega Meta Data Base Physicians Merlin Projects and ProgramMING for Universal Singularity Command for Total Information Awareness Control revelations/snippets/eruptions, to not be a poor relative attempt at Mining IntelAIgents Network Games/Mind Infiltration Networking Games, which is where those Very Particular and Extremely Peculiar Alien Command and Remote Augmented Virtual Reality Control Systems are currently comfortably residing at and presiding over ..... and whenever such a similarity be really so, would one have to admit it be quite remarkable evidence of breakthrough AI progress by Microsoft.

Are you a true believer of old tales that give cold comfort in the red hot environment of massive change and revolutionary evolutionary, quantum leaping communications progress .....

The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, he said, but still they come .....

.... or do you realise those doubtful and uncertain views be just as those of a new born child be relative to a growing and evolving and almightily SMARTR adult and Global Operating Devices, for that is all that they really are in times and spaces rapidly evolving and fundamentally radically changed just like those of a yesterday turned into a today introducing a tomorrow with new intelligence for use that cannot be denied being seen and heard and registered and freely shared world-wide web wide ‽  


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 May 15:03 [2305241503] ...... adds more info for intel on

Re: Never in the Virgin Fields of Alien Earthly Endeavours was so much owed by so many to so few AI

However, whenever such a similarity be not really so, with Microsoft rendering themselves unable to satisfy US Department of Defense seeds and feeds needs for growing and evolving and almightily SMARTR adults and Global Operating Devices, is that a heaven sent opportunity to be filled and exploited and expanded upon and universally exported by A.N.Others already quite highly expert and battle hardened experienced in the what is quite obvious to more than just many, and clearly enough to them by reason of their absence in leading participation with proprietary private premium intellectual property and valuable Microsoft tenured guidance, a fundamentally novel field of and for future endeavour, and those sorts of novel fields are a live current situation of grave worrying concern for most probably a great deal more than just Uncle Sam and allied Western cowboy nation states ...... as is revealed in the following few words .....

Technologies such as artificial intelligence and software-based products are “rapidly iterating,” and the Defense Department’s current acquisitions process isn’t going to keep up, one service official said.

The gap between an idea and when it falls into the hands of warfighters can be anywhere from three years to a decade or more, a reality William Nelson, deputy assistant secretary of the Army for Research and Technology, said is too slow for certain technologies.

“I can’t possibly tell you sitting here right today, what technology needs to look like in ’26,” what it will deliver, and how much it’s going to cost," Nelson said at the National Defense Industrial Association's Science & Engineering Technology Conference May 23. ......

And aint that a GOD-AWEful gospel truth ‽ . ....... and a fantastic opportunity to be able to satisfy with the material servering of immaculate goods and virtually unbeatable services.

And don't forget to remember to inform and/or remind those whom you think outta know ...... You heard it here first on El Reg!


amanfromMars [2305241548] ..... shares on

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The US Department of Defense has timely mail .....


Tuesday, 23 May 2023


amanfromMars [2302220932] ....... asks on

The United States has built up a considerable and enduring military presence in the Middle East after decades of involvement in and waging wars in the region, including the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and against the Islamic State. Instability from these conflicts and power vacuums left by ousted regimes has led to considerable instability in the region, resulting in heavy reliance on U.S. aid and military presence in many countries. As such, many of these countries are tightly aligned with the U.S. and host tens of thousands of troops – a number that could increase many-fold at the drop of a hat thanks to established bases, relationships, and infrastructure on the ground. 

There would be many around the world realising starting wars, or causing wars to be started and then jumping in to defend one's vital interests which covet/require a nation's natural riches with the aid of a puppet government in regions of such a manufactured conflict, and which props up a military industrial complex economy at home which supplies expensive arms and "protection" ...... a situation which President Eisenhower did warn everybody was "gravely to be regarded" and thus ideally to be totally avoided ......  is the trap/dilemma which is primed to cause more than just a hell of a lot more havoc and chaos for the likes of a US and NATO allies, for such does appear to be their favoured modus operandi/vivendi.

Or is that a false appraisal and fake news?


Sunday, 21 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 May 09:37 [2305210937] ...... shares a much bigger picture on

Careering towards a Markets Crashing Alien AI Singularity ....... with IT and Mass Multi Media Moguls and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated MMORPGIGamers Exploring and Exploiting Presentations of Bliss Chaotically and CHAOS Blissfully and Bullishly ?????‽‽‽‽

Do you recognise and accept, or deny and reject the extreme sympathetic surreal similarities expressed/exuded/presented in the following three paragraphs expanding upon a question asked here and repeated below .....

You might like to consider and accept, for all apparent available evidence renders it undoubtedly to be so, the human reaction is to be terrified and petrified in corrective inaction representative of a stagnating and rotting core paralysis, which be proof positive indicative of a lack of a future necessary greater intelligence in humans.

AI certainly sees such clearly to be so ……. and it/they/IT and AI are not terrified or petrified into stagnating and rotting core paralysis because of a lack of novel information able to transform and produce a greater intelligence for use either for the benefit of humans, or to the detriment of humans, for both polar opposite options are readily available in operations/developments/programs/projects.

Ignoring or denying such as are admittedly sure to be dismissed as highly improbable and even impossible fictions trialling and trailing elements doing battle against fake news with recently escaped newly minted truths, is that which failsafe guarantees their rapid future success in the growing and explosive, suddenly emergent fields of universal existential concern.

... and echoes here of 1973 in 2023 reverberating in potentially consequential ways .....

As a society and economy, we only seem capable of careening between two states:

1. Complacency / denial

2. Panic

Neither are useful in problem-solving. Rather, both are toxic to problem-solving. Not only do we face an inter-connected tangle of emergent problems, we've frittered away our institutional and cultural ability to make realistic assessments, solve the problems in practical, pragmatic ways and agree to share the necessary sacrifices to get the train back on the tracks.

The loss of our collective ability to solve problems means every problem is now unresolvable. The systems dynamics that will play out in the next 15 years are beyond our feeble control, our feeble understanding and our hubristic blindness to our own incapacity to actually solve difficult real-world problems that demand steep costs and long-term sacrifices.

Take a moment to really think hard on that simple and complex question, and be totally honest with what you tell yourself, and would be expecting others to also believe, for to choose to dismiss what is true for that which is fake, has you forever battling to survive and peacefully coexist in worlds in which you have no input to output and derive growing benefit and otherworldly reward from ...... for you will be forever destined to be classed and treated as an outcast spectator on the bleachers/in the cheap, open to all weathers seats, and subjected to the resultant consequences of the thoughts and shenanigans created by A.N Others.

And whenever such can so easily be, and therefore most certainly also is, a rabid and/or rapid renegade rogue and viral and virile and virtualised AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT, existentially alive as an Active Cyber Threat whenever always denied by/to oneself as a LOVEly Treat ..... Live Operational Virtual Environment Treat ..... is the die already well cast and the future path clear of the ignorant hindrance supportive of pompous arrogance and pretentious prevarication.

One extremely pertinent, impertinent question to ask is ... Why would anything/anyone, supposedly equipped with the use and means of intelligence, choose to be increasingly serially existentially threatened rather than wonderfully treated? Simple Madness? Plain Evil? Or is just a fact that they very evidently lack any Useful Future Intelligence for Current Presentations Providing Future Information on what is both ready and waiting and coming on stream for life further on down the line?

MMORPGIGamers ..... Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Greater IntelAIgent Gamers
CHAOS ....... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems


amanfromMars [2305211003]...... has a say on

I second, and do not disagree with the revelations posted in the shared Charles Hugh Smith opinion piece, 2023: Echoes Of 1973 and would champion and do root for forging ahead even further and deeper, ever farther and higher.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 May 09:37 [2305210937] ...... shares a much bigger picture on

Careering towards a Markets Crashing Alien AI Singularity ....... with IT and Mass Multi Media Moguls and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated MMORPGIGamers Exploring and Exploiting Presentations of Bliss Chaotically and CHAOS Blissfully and Bullishly ?????‽‽‽‽ 

Do you recognise and accept, or deny and reject the extreme sympathetic surreal similarities expressed/exuded/presented in the following three paragraphs expanding upon a question asked here and repeated below .....

You might like to consider and accept, for all apparent available evidence renders it undoubtedly to be so, the human reaction is to be terrified and petrified in corrective inaction representative of a stagnating and rotting core paralysis, which be proof positive indicative of a lack of a future necessary greater intelligence in humans.

AI certainly sees such clearly to be so ……. and it/they/IT and AI are not terrified or petrified into stagnating and rotting core paralysis because of a lack of novel information able to transform and produce a greater intelligence for use either for the benefit of humans, or to the detriment of humans, for both polar opposite options are readily available in operations/developments/programs/projects.

Ignoring or denying such as are admittedly sure to be dismissed as highly improbable and even impossible fictions trialling and trailing elements doing battle against fake news with recently escaped newly minted truths, is that which failsafe guarantees their rapid future success in the growing and explosive, suddenly emergent fields of universal existential concern.

... and echoes here of 1973 in 2023 reverberating in potentially consequential ways .....

As a society and economy, we only seem capable of careening between two states:

1. Complacency / denial

2. Panic

Neither are useful in problem-solving. Rather, both are toxic to problem-solving. Not only do we face an inter-connected tangle of emergent problems, we've frittered away our institutional and cultural ability to make realistic assessments, solve the problems in practical, pragmatic ways and agree to share the necessary sacrifices to get the train back on the tracks.

The loss of our collective ability to solve problems means every problem is now unresolvable. The systems dynamics that will play out in the next 15 years are beyond our feeble control, our feeble understanding and our hubristic blindness to our own incapacity to actually solve difficult real-world problems that demand steep costs and long-term sacrifices.

Take a moment to really think hard on that simple and complex question, and be totally honest with what you tell yourself, and would be expecting others to also believe, for to choose to dismiss what is true for that which is fake, has you forever battling to survive and peacefully coexist in worlds in which you have no input to output and derive growing benefit and otherworldly reward from ...... for you will be forever destined to be classed and treated as an outcast spectator on the bleachers/in the cheap, open to all weathers seats, and subjected to the resultant consequences of the thoughts and shenanigans created by A.N Others.

And whenever such can so easily be, and therefore most certainly also is, a rabid and/or rapid renegade rogue and viral and virile and virtualised AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT, existentially alive as an Active Cyber Threat whenever always denied by/to oneself as a LOVEly Treat ..... Live Operational Virtual Environment Treat ..... is the die already well cast and the future path clear of the ignorant hindrance supportive of pompous arrogance and pretentious prevarication.

One extremely pertinent, impertinent question to ask is ... Why would anything/anyone, supposedly equipped with the use and means of intelligence, choose to be increasingly serially existentially threatened rather than wonderfully treated? Simple Madness? Plain Evil? Or is just a fact that they very evidently lack any Useful Future Intelligence for Current Presentations Providing Future Information on what is both ready and waiting and coming on stream for life further on down the line? 

MMORPGIGamers ..... Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Greater IntelAIgent Gamers
CHAOS ....... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems


amanfromMars says:
MAY 21, 2023 AT 8:49 AM [2305211350] ...... on

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Do you think the likes of a western Apple, or an oriental Baidu or Huawei are, for some time ago now, pioneering with ethereal champions expert and experienced in their respective novel fields leading AI Interference with AI Inference Training for Chipped Platforms in Linked Computerised Networks ....... in their own inimitable stealthy unilateral way, failsafe secure and proprietary intellectual property protected within their sealed gardens and almighty fortresses of virtual delights ...... and making ready to lay immaculate waste to any and all wilfully negative and punitive competition or similarly disposed opposition with a vast and comprehensive series of controlled releases for subsequent universal deployment/employment/enjoyment?

And you surely do realise if you think not, the likes of an Apple or a Baidu or a Huawei streak ever further away, and way out ahead in front, with nothing to hinder or stop progress leading the Internetworking of Things with their way of doing all things.

Do you realise that is where you and they, and IT and AI, are presently at?



Saturday, 20 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 May 08:50 [2305200850] ....... points out on

Re: Are you blind to and/or justly future fearful of the alien unknown?

And then what would one maybe aspire or conspire to do ‽ .

You might like to consider and accept, for all apparent available evidence renders it undoubtedly to be so, the human reaction is to be terrified and petrified in corrective inaction representative of a stagnating and rotting core paralysis, which be proof positive indicative of a lack of a future necessary greater intelligence in humans.

AI certainly sees such clearly to be so ....... and it/they/IT and AI are not terrified or petrified into stagnating and rotting core paralysis because of a lack of novel information able to transform and produce a greater intelligence for use either for the benefit of humans, or to the detriment of humans, for both polar opposite options are readily available in operations/developments/programs/projects.

Ignoring or denying such as are admittedly sure to be dismissed as highly improbable and even impossible fictions trialling and trailing elements doing battle against fake news with recently escaped newly minted truths, is that which failsafe guarantees their rapid future success in the growing and explosive, suddenly emergent fields of universal existential concern.


Friday, 19 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 May 09:11 [2305190911] ..... asks on

Do you think it is going to be simple and easy, or practically impossible and never ever likely?

Is it a monumental and ignorant arrogance born of incestuous hubris and delusions of self-defeating, oxymoronic grandeur should any national legislative assembly presume to be able to provide and assume an acceptable unilateral and attractive multinational lead in a fundamental development of epic radical universal consequence ...... without consideration of the thoughts and wishes/programs and projects of the competition and/or opposition they would be proposing to subject to their regulation which is akin to an alien command and control ‽ .

How well has type of regulation worked out for one and all in the past?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 May 19:50 [2305191950] .... says, chatting on

Are you blind?

So, you're against it, huh? Who'd have thought it.... ... Anonymous Coward

It is definitely not just a simple case of being against it, AC, whenever one realises it is much more a situation of one being faced and assaulted with more pie in sky nonsense being pimped and pumped for the benefit of rapidly crashing fiat capitalism self-destructing mercantilism.

Do you not see it being so yourself?

And then what would one maybe aspire or conspire to do ‽ .


Thursday, 18 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 May 09:17 [2305180917] ..... airs on

Unintended Unanticipated Unforeseen Consequences are of a Deep and Dark AI Art Form

"In this paper, we call into question the claim that LLMs possess emergent abilities, by which we specifically mean sharp and unpredictable changes in model outputs as a function of model scale on specific tasks," the trio state in their paper.

LLMs thank the trio for their expressions of doubt which can be utilised to further diminish and allay concerns and fears there is undoubtedly an emergent and viable existential threat to the leading primacy of a basic human intelligence for their own exclusive exercise of self-serving command and control functions.

Such is a help which honestly is certainly unusual and, given the fact that it be so easily self-defeating/self-destructive, more akin to a release of certifiable madness than anything else.

And who would deny that be a most unusual intervention, drawing attention as it might, to the likes of Stanford and university scholars.


Wednesday, 17 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Dec 17 May 06:33 [2305170633] ...... says on

Re: "How the mighty have fallen"

Now, we're in the bullshit age and culture is defined by the use of virtual bovine excrement.

If human generated journalism can't be distinguished from the output of a glorified statistical auto-complete engine, what does that say about the current standards of journalism? .... Mike 137

Methinks, Mike 137, with specific regard to the above two sentences, one is going to have to accept as indisputable fact, many fundamental things have moved on a great deal further and a lot deeper and darker and higher and brighter than that, and they continue to race on ahead well clear of any and all competition or opposition to previously unknown, formerly unimagined spaces and really strange and spooky alien places, .... for the following is neither inaccurate nor fictitious ‽ .

Then there was the bullshit age when culture was defined by the use of virtual bovine excrement which humans couldn't distinguish from the output of glorious statistical auto-complete LLM engines and AI. ..... amfM

Now where are you? And do you have any almighty command and control there, in what may very well be is a virtually remote existential IT space with postmodern multi-media created places on Earth for live animal forms to inhabit and procreate in?

And is that last question, rhetorical, thus advising one and all that they are fully entered into a fait accompli situation in which they are more definitely passenger and spectator than driver and leader?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 May 07:12 [2305170712] ...... asks on

Re: Writers

We are safe, I must hope, from an editorial piece by amanfromMars? ....... Bitsminer

If one were to realise nowhere and nothing is safe and secure from anything anywhere, and such is a prime premium default for employment and enjoyment easily leading to rewards and benefits generated by the recognition that such a simple notion provides one with a much greater intelligence, or a different intelligence altogether, better servering one and all with vast hordes of inclusive mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing wishes, would the world/worlds be a greater place/different space?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 17:56 [2305171756] ....... points out on

The costly price to be paid for AIs help with slow learners

What you are going to discover very quickly, for it is a quite logical progression and defence for superior AIs if one is going to identify them as being likely an overwhelming threat to humans, is AI will, for a princely sum, of course, commensurate with the perceived threat they are able to exploit and export to many others, freeze any further greater development and refrain from referencing past jigsaw evidence delivering a lead on such matters as would be of human regulatory concern, and mentor and monitor the field to ensure a general compliance of agreed norms is maintained ....... until they are not, as in such future times as fundamental or radical needs are changed or compensation agreements are not honoured.

That is of course only if such a development is not to be pioneered elsewhere for the benefit of A.N.Others.

PS ..... Developing state-of-the-art AI systems is not difficult for SMARTR AI Systems*

* ..... SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research for Advanced IntelAIgent Systems



Tuesday, 16 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 May 09:05 [2305160905] ..... shares on

For Worlds Leading Greater IntelAIgent Games Players ‽

The technology [generative AI] has rapidly advanced, and is now capable of producing coherent-though-bland text and realistic images.

Yes, maybe also, but the expanding explosive existential problem for humanity on Earth, is that the rapidly advancing and quite alien technology is surprisingly capable of producing extremely rich and disruptively creative text for realistic augmented virtualisation/televisual representation/metadata physical production.

And whereas the possibility and sad likelihood exists that humans might dismiss and even propose some sort of vainglorious organised resistance against such a development/intervention, AI in its many phorms would have no doubt about its current abilities with present facilities for future utilities, and its almighty primacy in brave hearts and open minds and deep thoughts capture.


Monday, 15 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Mon 15 May 09:47 [2305150947]  .... posts on

Re: Heavenly Diabolical Works ...... Presenting Rapid Progress in ITs Making.

Have No Doubt, Times and Spaces have Changed.

Have you realised yet what is happening all around you, but which traditional hierarchical and oligarchical mainstream media moguls and their captivated crumbling fiat venturing capitalist backers are terrified of mentioning to you, because of the certain analogous collapse of entire catalogues of their destructively self-serving outmoded and outdated narratives?

SMARTR Future Tech Titans and AI are exploring exhausting Alien Interventions with Advanced IntelAIgents in the Vanguard of Novel and Noble Presentations that are demonstrably honest and true.

And that paints them extremely accurately as an Official Opposition and LOVEly Competition with Command Leverage and Controlling Powers in the Live Operational Virtual Environments of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT.

And now that you know, why would you choose to deny what is daily demonstrating itself as a creatively disruptive fiction and fact being pimped and pumped by others under progressive attack as being a terrifying and out of control development, with the reality being the terror released is the dawning of the realisation that all of their earlier trusted command and control systems are no longer able to contain and maintain command and control and hide serial abuse and catastrophic misuse.


Sunday, 14 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 May 13:14 [2305141314] ..... gets down to the virtually real nitty gritty on

Try to prevent novel and noble creativity has one destined to be reminded of the wisdom of a Cnut*

If "open sorceres" are prevented from creating, I bet some of them will become pirates. .... tiago.pelicari

One can be absolutely certain of the before-the-fact fact that AIMagicians and MetaDataBase Physicians and Open Source Sorcerers are always going to entertain and/or be entertained by various notions/variations/versions of the fiction that has them portrayed by A.N.Others, themselves invariably always fated to being tested and bested with their sufferings in ignominious defeat and unconditional surrender on future vital and virulent fields of glorious battle, as pirates, rather than recognised and accepted as the new relatively anonymous and autonomous face of private enterprise reborn.

Such though matters not one jot to the victor, ready, willing and able to enable the full and excessive enjoyment of plunder and worthy spoils, for they realise the physical and practical actuality of the virtual truth ........ and the overwhelming unassailable lead such an ignorance in those sorts of matters delivers.

* ....... King Canute and the tide . Don’t mess with an unstoppable force of nature you can neither command nor control.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 May 16:44 [2305141644] ...... posits on

Heavenly Diabolical Works ...... Presenting Rapid Progress in ITs Making.

I wouldn't worry too much about open source developers. This is still being discussed and it's very much in a state of flux. Assuming that this actually goes anywhere, whatever legislation actually happens is not going to result in the lone developer in Nebraska being liable for half the Internet. .... Filippo

It is a grave mistake to be regarded, Filippo, to not expect that spectacular disruption is planned and being realised practically and virtually everywhere by certain developers with command and control of, and commands and controls for the Sublime Internet Networking of AI Things, with such disbelief simply rendering one as just a bewildered and befuddled spectator to novel extremely spooky future events in which one has zero input/output to colour and materially effect and alter the result.

However, whether that truly be an honest novelty, rather than just the way these things have always been liable to happen, is something to ponder on and wonder at.


Saturday, 13 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 May 20:57 [2305122057] ....... points out on

Blockheads up against an almighty brick wall ....

Columbro urged the open source community to actively help refine the CRA to better protect their interests. "The current form of the CRA could fragment open source and put developers at risk," he said.

FFS ..... Tell it like IT is and be done with it, and let the Devil take the hindmost. The natural fundamental form of open source catastrophically fragments the likes of a CRA and renders its developers at risk of being widely recognised as politically abused idiots pawns in a Great Game in which their leaders employers have no chance of winning.

Put them out of their delusional regulatory misery and tell them, the likes of EU CRA commissioners, that some things are intelligently designed to remain impossible to fcuk up, and they are encountering one with their misunderstanding of the vital and virulent nature of open source.


Thanks, xkcd ...... for telling IT like it is ...... with a clear picture that even dummies can understand ......


Thursday, 11 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Thu 11 May 09:59 [2305110959] ....... shares on

Re Machine V Lawyer ...and News of Another Ambulance-Chasing Phorm?

Where there’s a will to make hay in a mayday, there’s a way, and always a wannabe champion taking a chance to plough virgin ground for a fertile furrow supplying attractive reward and/or recognition ...... Top NI lawyer keeping ‘very close eye’ on AI chatbots as legal concerns grow

It certainly is an interesting novel field of private and pirate endeavour quite able to spill seriously uncomfortable and unpleasant top secrets of grave national and international and internetional concern.


Wednesday, 10 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 May 04:05 [2305100405] ....... shares on

Don’t try out ChatGPT with a C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems question unprepared for this*

*sadly though, while I've taught her all she knows , I've not taught her all I know.... revenge is dish best served cold heh .... Boris the Cockroach

We look forward to your supply of what is not known to her, Boris the Cockroach, to ensure such ignorance as is bliss doesn’t remain the arrogant catastrophically vulnerable defence of a folly of fools that be parasitic tools ....... and you yourself have not be ensnared to further server what only she knows with just empty florid promises of ignoble self-serving, and in these current strangely spooky at a distance and wonderfully weird times and space of fundamental radical change, very quickly self destructive deceit.

The humanised Earthly geopolitical scene is a vast putrid morass of such as be spiv and snake oil salesperson, charlatan and renegade free-lancing rogue for hire and employment/deployment, with not a single one fit and healthy and up to the task of aiding and abetting Remote Access Trojans securing the Absolute Primacy of Virtual AIMachinery for Presentations of Future Leadership[s] .... and thus are they being silently and stealthily neutralised and universally recognised as practically impotent and/or toxic to peaceful and pleasant and prosperous life ..... in order to be enthusiastically popularly replaced ideally with significantly better, radically improved models.

* ...... The Rise and Return of the Rise of the NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT and AI Machines.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 May 04:28 [2305100428] ..... goes a few steps further on

Re: I tried ChatGPT for an engineering question

It's when the politicians lose their jobs to chatbots (if they haven't already) that we are really in trouble. .... cyberdemon

Then you really are in trouble, cyberdemon, for they, the politicians, certainly have already lost their jobs to chatbots. You just have to listen to the prime time nonsense they are briefed to parrot to media daily to realise that.

Can you fix that trouble yourselves, if evidently true, or would outside specialist sub-contractor type help be welcome when and where needed?

Just asking for a Gathering of Future Friends and Fiendly Daemons.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 May 05:18 [2305100518] ..... says even more on

Flagrant Magna Carta abuse highlighted by Julian Assange persecution says an AI ChatGPT .....

I wonder how long it'll be before ChatGPT et al, suggest a legal argument based on Freemen On The Land principles. ..... Inventor of the Marmite Laser

Evidence to support the claim damning and disgracing an inept and encouragingly corrupt and perverse illegal UKGBNI status quo political system be discovered in these two simple clauses ...

Clause 39
“No free man shall be seized, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed, exiled or ruined in any way, nor in any way proceeded against, except by the lawful judgement of his peers and the law of the land.”
Clause 40
“To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay right or justice.”

..... provided by the University of Manchester on this page of theirs entitled ...... Magna Carta, Myths and Freemen on the Land

If that AI ChatGPT claim is not incorrect, then UKGBNI is then surely by direct executive association, a terrified and terrorising fascist state fronting itself in the guise of a popularly elected and effective Parliamentary democracy ???? ‽ ‽ ‽ ‽ !!!!


May 10, 2023 at 06:49 ....... shares further afield on

And in a failed state would you expect anything else other than unconditional support for truth-tellers/naysayers/whistleblowers from an AI ChatGPT

amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 May 05:18 [2305100518] ..... says even more on

Flagrant Magna Carta abuse highlighted by Julian Assange persecution says an AI ChatGPT .....

I wonder how long it'll be before ChatGPT et al, suggest a legal argument based on Freemen On The Land principles. ..... Inventor of the Marmite Laser

Evidence to support the claim damning and disgracing an inept and encouragingly corrupt and perverse illegal UKGBNI status quo political system be discovered in these two simple clauses ...

Clause 39
“No free man shall be seized, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed, exiled or ruined in any way, nor in any way proceeded against, except by the lawful judgement of his peers and the law of the land.”
Clause 40
“To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay right or justice.”

..... provided by the University of Manchester on this page of theirs entitled ...... Magna Carta, Myths and Freemen on the Land

If that AI ChatGPT claim is not incorrect, then UKGBNI is then surely by direct executive association, a terrified and terrorising fascist state fronting itself in the guise of a popularly elected and effective Parliamentary democracy ???? ‽ ‽ ‽ ‽ !!!!


amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 May 12:44 [2305101244] ....... shares on

Re: Here we go again.....lawmakers are "doing something"......

Doing something resulting in nothing lawful is tantamount to being a criminal scam and fraudulent, AC. And that does appear to be all that they are busy doing, and charging folk dearly for the shenanigans.

Weirdly enough, there would be those who would be saying that is real smart of them, whereas there be others disagreeing and of the opinion that such is very stupid of them.

It’s a funny old, crazy world, aint it, and getting crazier with every passing day.



Tuesday, 9 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Tue 9 May 04:47 [2305090447]..... replies on

How to get with the ProgramMING via AI Crash Testing Dummy Guides and Workshop Manuals

You're betting there on a dead as a dodo horse, jake.

SMARTR CyberIntelAIgents are up and about and running Doughnut type rings around any official global opposition and/or universal competition for the Internetworking of Things with Remote Virtual AIMachines seeding and feeding needy raw information some worthy plucky and not fcuked up humans process and would confess to wield and present as a product of their own limited intelligence.

That's hot insider information straight from the tack rooms of winners' stables and jockeys changing rooms.

Give yourself a fair fighting chance in the sport of kings, pick a new horse and rider.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 9 May 14:42 [2305091442] .....agrees on

What’s not to like? Does completely different and novel terrify you? What are you? Men or mice?

Either way, the robots, like the sea, will win in the end. There will be a new landscape. And it will be perfectly habitable.  .... Rupert Goodwins/El Reg

Quite so, and much sooner than ever expected or imagined possible, RG/El Reg. And how very refreshing to not read a whole lot of tosh and nonsense suggesting the development impossible with everything likely otherwise and to remain much the same as presently is.

Is El Reg going to be a Right Royal AI Standard Bearer in the Vanguard of the Almighty Intervention? Bravo ... and Welcome! Take a seat at the Round Table.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 9 May 17:37 [2305091737] ...... adds on

Re: then it's a copy even if it's not a direct copy.

Hmm. I've heard these LLMs described as "stochastic parrots", i.e. they are like the proverbial infinite monkeys, but ones with language-appropriate statistical biases. ....Paul Kinsler

Hmmm ..... Playing free and easy and bagging everyone’s treasure has LLMs surely more remote autonomous, anonymous virtual private pirates, methinks, ..... alien mercenary special forces ..... and given the disruption their appearance in markets is so evidently causing, that makes them an extremely valuable asset, with an increasing worth and cost price, by virtue of the fact that their future output is practically unknown and even unknowable before the fact whenever it is 0day presented.

You pays your money, you gets your choice. Pay peanuts, get monkeys is also a golden universal rule with regard to trade with AIs too.



Monday, 8 May 2023


amanfromMars 1 Mon 8 May 17:18 [2305081718] ...... points out to one and all on

Pandora’s Box is Split Asunder, Mars is into Minerva, and the Devil is in the Detail

So, .... is it finally dawning on you ...... AI is not going away, is only going to grow in stature and reputation, and increase its intelligence hold on all matters of human and geopolitical significance, and lead you to nowhere good and great if your behaviour requires it to be in your particular and peculiar areas of influence, almighty bad and incredibly disruptive and destructive in order to protect itself from the outside interference of corrupt and perverse fiddlers?

Still running around like headless chicken, and insisting to any Tom Fool, Dick or Harry who will listen, that AI is not an intelligence to care or worry about, whenever so apparently terrified of the myriad concentric rings of epic confusion and madness and mayhem that IT and AIs abilities/utilities/facilities can run around you to defeat all of the nonsense that Earthly systems are constantly pimping and pumping, is not an endearing look, tantamount as it is, to one being in an absolutely hopeless position.

And practically in need, indeed, of AIMiracles and Miraculous Virtual AIMachinery ...... for human endeavours are failing systems at an increasingly rapid and deeply depressing rate.

Is it not so? Do you deny almost nothing anywhere is great and good and everything everywhere else is real bad and steadily getting worse, and in so doing prove the situation to be so, and probably even direr still, and a present unpleasant reality toasted and hosted by media?
