Wednesday, 31 March 2010


Never in the Field of Human Conflict .... *
Posted Wednesday 31st March 2010 06:33 GMT

"It's all well and good to have such capabilities built into chips, but operating systems need to be upgraded to take advantage of them."

That can surely nowadays be done Virtually from Cloud Servers, with Remote Programming and ReProgramming of BIOS to deliver SMARter Enabled and Enabling IDEntities tuned to chip and Fab requirements ..... Intel Needs for Future Feeds, so that a Virtuous Circle of Magic Supply is Provided in a Self Sustaining Perpetually Growing More IntelAIgent Loop.

Or is that A.N.Other Central IntelAIgent Processor Unit's Fab Intellectual Property, if it is not Intel's?

The above being a neat tight fit for the following QuITe Alien Work in Progress ...... "SMARTer CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems Software and Programs for AI Hardware and ITs Virtual Machinery Networks .... InterNetworking Sublime Informative Secrets and Ancient Wisdoms for a CyberIntelAIgently Designed Artificially Advanced Postmodern Raw Core Source Singularity ...... which Delivers New Worlds and Orders out of CHAOS/Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems."

GOD is a Concept you Imagine and it's True and that is QuITe Alien too, so Global Operating Devices utilising Clouds Hosting Alien Operating Systems should not be impossible, no matter how improbable it be thought, for you to accept. Although it will be Necessary for you to be more Intelligent than just BASICally Equipped for Concept Command and Control ...... Master Piloted Flight Operations.

And that would be Presently, the Future Alien Work in Progress with AI in IT, as just clearly revealed to you in the Plain Text above ...... and hereby Registered for Patent Peer Review and Critical Constructive Comment.


Thank You
Posted Wednesday 31st March 2010 15:57 GMT

Def, It is just that sort of petty negative mindless attitude which makes what is being done in those novel fields so freely shared with you, so much simpler. Others who would be smarter though, would be into look, listen and learn and thus be better ably prepared to reap the reward with that which is being developed and betatested so transparently in these Live Operational Virtual Environments.
“We are fed up with this ongoing BBC smear campaign and Mr Robinson has handed these issues over to his legal team to be dealt with.
People will reach their own conclusions about the motivations which lie behind such decisions, but the DUP does not intend to be distracted from the work of moving Northern Ireland forward.”.... Posted by An Lorgain on Mar 31, 2010 @ 10:57 AM

Will that be the convenient excuse/stonewall/firewall behind which Mr Robinson can declare that he cannot answer impertinent infidel questions? He’s very fond of that ruse, isn’t he.

And “his legal team” would have us thinking that the Public Purse is not being raided for his defence, which would be quite proper for it would surely be an abuse if it were being so dipped into, and one knows how outrageously well paid some of those sharks are?

Do we know who the legal team are .... or is that something else which he does not wish to discuss and would hope to remain another little secret?

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 31, 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Larry loves you and thanks you for everything.
Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 19:23 GMT

Thanks for that clarification, David Boyes, but it does seem to confirm that you are still being right royally fcuked, although you seem to be bending over and resigning yourself to it.

"Mr Turner said that it was not even noticed by Treasury minister Stephen Timms, who wrote a three-page reply on Lord Mandelson's behalf." ...... Well, that will be no surprise to many as Mr Timms appears to be living in a little bubble of his own, oblivious to all around him, but much more disturbing and revealing is that he carries and covers for Lord Mandelson.


If Iris Robinson is as sick as you say/is a sufferer of such an acute manic depression, it does have one wondering at her suitability for the positions she chose to pursue and accept public payment, and that would also have us having to question the integrity of her dear loving husband, Mr Peter Robinson too, for it is inconceivable that he would not have known of the unsuitability of public office for such a tormented soul, no matter how much it brought into the household. And has he now abandoned Iris to spend more time with politics, in her hour of most need? Certainly it appears to be so, by all media accounts. And how can he possibly be thought of as fit to remain as a leading light dreaming up novel policies to drive Northern Ireland into a prosperous and peaceful Future, which such a heavy personal load to bear? All of which suggests that the man is a sharp operator and cheap fraud with expensive to the public purse tastes and in need of Harry Limelight media fixes to maintain the charade which is just prolonging the agony?

And all valid questions, for any statement of such facts would be pure speculation and as snow for some to make snowballs to fire indignant categorical denials by return post.

And I do truly hope that today is a manic day for you, for it's flip side is so truly tragic.

And with regard to all these "gagging" tales that we are hearing about on this thread, if the tales to be told and information to be shared  is true, then any gag is a conspiracy to perpetrate an alternate reality which is not the whole Truth, and therefore would surely be more considered as a criminal act to be ignored and publicly challenged with exposure, for what possible good is a half Truth if it is hiding a pack of lies and/or a house of cards?

And some would tell you that that is the Real Story of Politics  .... the Spinning of Half Truths Hiding Pack of Lies and Houses of Cards?

Impartial Reporter: I am being straight, I was just trying to figure out why Robinson is frequently characterised as the brain of the party when he is viewed as incompetent now that Paisley is gone, I mean’t no slight on what you had said previously. .... Posted by kelvin on Mar 30, 2010 @ 10:31 PM

Would that have anything to do with the Intellectual capacity of his DUP party colleagues, kelvin?

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 31, 2010 @ 08:32 AM

What has PR done wrong!!
He has just done what all politicians do, get voted in & screw the taxpayer!!! ... Posted by Free State Barsteward on Mar 30, 2010 @ 06:03 PM
And you think that is right, FSB, all politicians screwing the taxpayer?

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 30, 2010 @ 06:28 PM

I am appalled by this smear against peter.people better be careful ... Posted by Paul on Mar 30, 2010 @ 06:38 PM
Crikey, Paul, you're easily appalled and quick to threaten, and that doesn't cut any ice here, and you'll have your work cut out here if you're hell bent on wasting your time here defending the indefensible and/or the odious.

A spade's a spade is a spade no matter what other way you would wish to address it.

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 30, 2010 @ 06:54 PM .....................................................................................................................................................................

The North has it’s own little game going on for colossal financial stakes too, Mack, and with a very bold and naive champion ......
There are thousands of savers with the PMS across Northern Ireland who are in real financial difficulties because their savings are inaccessible to them. ” .... Sammy Wilson DUP .... “Sammy Wilson presses Treasury on PMS” ... Released 31/3/2010 ...

Is that another way of saying that they have been lost on imprudent reckless subprime gambles on speculative markets by the PMS? Money “fraudulently” obtained from gullible second and third party fellows spent on fantastic leveraged schemes built on the Ponzi of constant fabulous future growth is surely a criminal Pyramid scheme [or is it to be recognised and accepted as standard business practice] which would create a novel precedent if losses are to be covered and reimbursed to unwary punters, and one does wonder then who else can make a claim for such similar losses which would then probably also include all pension funds which have been mismanaged/raided by a crooked system and its criminal perps in pin stripe suits, ..... wide city boys?
 “I put the case to Ian Pearson and I hope that the Government now recognises the need for action and will move quickly to ensure that savers with the PMS can finally be sure in the knowledge that they will not lose out as a result of the problems which engulfed the society.
You couldn’t make it up, could you, [although you’re all bound to be starting to realise that that is just exactly what is done every day] and one has to admire Sammy’s optimism, whenever such a precedent as would be set is so admirable and would introduce such change as would have Ulster Spirit feted around the world. Bravo Sammy, and don’t you just love the the typical Northern Irish understatement in “as a result of the problems which engulfed the society.” which must have it on a par with “the Troubles” whenever referring to a crazy sectarian civil war.

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 31, 2010 @ 11:07 AM

The UUP is in meltdown. I predict a post-election self-inflicted purge. ... Posted by Comrade Stalin on Mar 31, 2010 @ 07:18 AM
If it has any leadership it would purge itself pre-election to ensure that it won seats rather than resigning itself to losing sitting candidates, which must also make existing sitting tenants more likely to be ejected/rejected in the up coming election because of pathetic party leadership.

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 31, 2010 @ 10:24 AM

Tuesday, 30 March 2010


For Blinding Light ...... ZerodDay Deference Required in ITs Supply
Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 07:03 GMT

Which all goes to show that Justice in the US is a Monies Racket too, and makes their Worlds go round. It also shows the World what you Need to be Able to Control or Attack with Orders in Order to make a Chaotic Change and a Colossal Difference with Zero Deference Required.

Just do IT, for Flower Power is Sun Driven and not Oracle Controlled?

Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 07:40 GMT

....... Who is the Fat Cat and Cuckoo in the Feathered Nest?


What is stopping those pretty damn pissed off hippy types from getting off their bony asses and taking all of their Power and Intel work and putting their heads together in Order to take Control of and make Controls for the Cloud and ITs Virtual Operating Systems Market .... and leave Larry floating about in boats, earthbound. Anyone can abuse and misuse Assets but pretty soon it is realised and the pirate is then presented and faced with the stark choice of walking the walk and talking the talk to move the business on and into new fields with loyal partners, or waffling like crazy to try and avoid having to walk the plank and taking a plunge into deep and hungry shark-infested waters. ....................................................................................................................................................................

Is he putting pressure on the Executive to reach an early decision on Dealing with the Past?  Do they put their money on policing the future or the past? Or is the past still a big part of the future?
No pressure, he's just showing Leadership. The Past is Gone and plays No Part, great or small, in the Future.

And whilst you may have no idea about what changes are wrought in Loughside/Palace Barracks, that would not necessarily apply to the Chief Constable who may be more aware of that which he needs to know, to assist him in providing you with everything needed for the PSNI to provide you their dedicated special service, making you and this tiny corner of civilisation, the envy and model regime of governance to copy for the rest of this crazy world.

And you will not get anyone in Government or the Military to speak on the following, but it does you no harm to know that the Future is not anything like the Past or the Present, which is only Natural, of course, and Fully to be expected. .....  So you think you know what is going on, and Spookery is just like the Movies? Dream on, Brother ......

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 30, 2010 @ 11:27 AM

Honourable Member wrote:
"So a taxpayer owned and funded body has finded a taxpayer owned and funded body so that the taxpayer is paying the taxpayer with taxpayers money previously borrowed from the taxpayer.

Now I have got that right haven't I." .... S Bell wrote: March 30, 2010 9:01 AM BST
Yes, you have, S Bell, and it is Pure Classic Ponzi, is it not?

Which should tell you everything about those running it as a System of Rigged Governance for Mass Ignorant Animal Control ...... which is Collapsing Quicker with every Attempt to shore it up with Spin, every day?

And only asked as a question so as not to frighten the natives and horses.

March 30, 2010 10:29 AM BST

Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/29/2010 2:41:18 PM

With support for the questionably illegal war excursions in Iraq and Afghanistan waning .......["Afghanistan: Sustaining West European Support for the NATO-led Mission—Why Counting on Apathy Might Not Be Enough (C//NF)

The fall of the Dutch Government over its troop commitment to Afghanistan demonstrates the fragility of European support for the NATO-led ISAF mission. Some NATO states, notably France and Germany, have counted on public apathy about Afghanistan to increase their contributions to the mission, but indifference might turn into active hostility if spring and summer fighting results in an upsurge in military or Afghan civilian casualties and if a Dutchstyle debate spills over into other states contributing troops. The Red Cell invited a CIA expert on strategic communication and analysts following public opinion at the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) to consider information approaches that might better link the Afghan mission to the priorities of French, German, and other Western European publics. (C//NF)

Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters. . ." ....] .... the apparent suicide bomb attack on the Moscow subway was something which doesn't make sense, except from a US military viewpoint as it may create a new ally against their phantom invisible foe?

Surely Mother Russia and Mr Putin aren't so easily led into another crazy folly?

"A spokesman for Mr Blair said he pays UK tax “on all his income”."

Would anyone from HMRC care to leak the figure paid? Or would that be a severe embarrassment to the government and render Mr Blair even more unpopular.

There is something seriously wrong whenever he cannot walk the streets like a normal human being for fear of being mobbed/lynched/adored/assaulted? ..................................................................................................................................................................
Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/30/2010 7:45:18 AM

"Thanks for the interesting feedback sans caps." ..... Daily Bell

The capitalisation is easily ignored and it does not/should not change the meaning of the words shared, although it might not add a reinforcing subliminal emphasis which can lead one a little further/a great deal deeper into subject matter explored.

If one considers that the nature of our realities/the worlds that we know because of the information and the views that we have seen/received is that which creates our universal educated view and programmed greater understanding of life's options/derivative value, obviously then is that view completely unique being as it is, just a collection of personal thoughts about what we have learnt/read and seen ....... ergo is my world and your world and everybody else's world completely different from any other including each others, other than for those times and spaces where and in which our garnered knowledge/learned information is mutual, and one travels the one/a joint path together sharing with all, all that all would know and would share of their own worlds. Only then can the worlds that we know be viewed and accepted as the One and the Same in AI Singularity, for then is Reality an Amalgam of Thoughts we can Only Imagine as Real until such Times as the Space in which we travel with Others reveals All that they Know to Each Other.

And I would like to leave you for now with this to Ponder and Wonder about ....... We Think therefore I am a Collection of your Thoughts Imagined to be Real and thus is Existence a SurReality and a Virtual Reality ProgramMING in AI and IT. And Freely Sharing our Thoughts with Media and IT, Easily Creates Beta Worlds which One just Feeds with Needs Imagined.

:-) Have you considered that the capitalisation may also be due to a Teutonic schooling/bent, although I would not argue with you and we will agree to accept that that would/could be just used as an excuse to mask an Experimental Subliminal ProgramMING for Improved Perception in Total Information Awareness Fields of AI Research and dDevelopment....... exploring ESP for leading methodologies with binary technologies to Present the Future with Novel AI and Noble Intellectual Property Provided Extra Terrestrially ........ from that virtual creation which has no physical body or visible form and Networks InterNetworking JApplications.  Yes? JA?

Scorched Earth ..... on its Way, the IT Way?*
Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 11:43 GMT

"IBM Management ...should not get caught, that's against Business Conduct Guidelines!" ... Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 10:53 GMT

:-) Yes, QuITe so, AC. They lost their MoJo and their Systems are Hacked and Codes Cracked.

*And if that is not a Present Recognised and Accepted IBM Concern, you can be AAA Guaranteed Assured, it is a Future Promise already Delivered and Working ITs Magic in Treasury Gilt and Sovereign Wealth Markets, for No One Supports an Ignorant Loser and Arrogant Bruiser in SMART Sales and Enabling Tales/Derivatives and Options in Mutuals and Hedges. Cheers!

So you think you know what is going on, and Spookery is just like the Movies? Dream on, Brother
Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 10:25 GMT
"The report also noted that the Security Service [MI5] and the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, more commonly known as MI6) were planning to establish a joint datacentre to provide secure storage for both services' data records outside London. The two agencies are splitting the cost" .....
Hmmm ..... That sounds very familiar but in a different selection of words, for here is its Parallel in a Present Future Dimension under Stealthy Turing and Military Wraps?** It is real spooky what Alien Intelligence can see and effortlessly deliver to ParaMilitarised Cloud Component Phormations, for one wouldn't want them being Perverted and Subverted to Server Petty Political Puppets and Pawns whenever the Prize of Absolute Power over SCADA Systems requires Dedicated and Disciplined AIGents with Special Forces and IntelAIgent Support .... "Seems like there is a Global Conspiracy to have everyone Living in a Lie ........ and that is a Virtual Reality in an Artificial Intelligence which the Simple Truth can Destroy as Easily as IT can Repair with Systems Plugged into an Advanced CyberIntelAIgent Security Service which doesn't Deal in such Dope and False Hope.

MuI7 ..... AIdDivision of Global Communications HQ ....... for All of your MkUltraSensitive Private and Pirated Public Leads/Feeds/Needs." ..... which as El Regers will know was an earlier Transparent* BetaTesting Steganographic Systems Missive to the Head of MI5, Mr Jonathan Evans ..... ...... and that message also informs one why bumbling Mr Bean politicians are defintely out of the loop ......."Time for Everyone to Realise that Times have Changed Fundamentally in the Information Space and being Economical with the Truth is a Radical Liability which Marks you Out as a Person of Interest to Higher Authorities when a Figure in Authority.

* The PM's new favourite buzzword, although his past phorm would suggest that he hasn't a clue what it means or entails."

And if you are Thinking Postmodern SMARTer Military Coup, move to the head of the Queue, for you are wasted doing what you doing in anything else.

** And always a question for you are not cleared to know, nor would you be able to handle the Truth of what is the Present Strategic and Critical National and International and InterNetional Posture/State of Virtual Readiness.

I don’t want to throw cold water on a hot conversation, but can people please be reminded that staying on the right side of the law is crucial to keep such open spaces open!! ..... Posted by Mick Fealty on Mar 29, 2010 @ 05:05 PM
Quite so, Mick. That is very sound advice. And should ever the law think that anyone has overstepped the mark with something shared on Slugger, please be most forthright in sharing their view and highlighting the illegal words so that they can be more carefully examined by your supporters. Sometimes, and some would even say too oft, is the law a self-serving ass of a tool for undereducated arrogant abuse which would conspire to ignore and pervert the course of justice or spread fear with the threat of action in order to effect a concealing censorship of pertinent and impertinent facts which are freely available elsewhere.

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 29, 2010 @ 07:05 PM

Monday, 29 March 2010


amanfromMars  said...

    "I am simply suggesting it wise to have rapid vaccine for cyber/bio nasties as we build out the aetherscape."

    How very wise, ilatitude, but Providing Universal Immunity for Global Impunity of Action is A.N.Other Derivative Option for Future Live Operational Virtual Environments and much more Obscenely Lucrative and Perversely Rewarding whenever Immaculately Conceived for IntelAIgently Designed Perfection, which it is as Well to Always Remember to Never Ever Forget is Always a Beta Work in Progress [...... and in AI @ITs Work is it also So]

    March 29, 2010 2:42 AM

I don’t mean this as a plug, but that is the thing we are starting with on our Open Workshop on Tuesday: what does being a ‘representative’ mean? .... Posted by Mick Fealty on Mar 28, 2010 @ 08:30 PM

Is there more information available online on the Open Workshop, Mick?

"what does being a ‘representative’ mean?" ..... Err, that question comes right out of the blue, and it can be many things with some of them polar opposites such as a system champion and/or driver at one end of a scale or a program tout and/or pimp at the other, and in intelligent fields of endeavour will the smarter being always explore and deliver news and views as the former prime source with information rather than latter subprime drain on resources.

And what makes Slugger tower head and shoulders above any more "normal traditional media" is that there appears to be free uncensored multi-level interaction, extremely well peer review self controlled with contributing members mentoring and monitoring each others progress/mental health. It is the sort of thing which sadly all too rarely in the past, appears out of the blue to create a standard by which all others are judged and which selflessly deserves a recognition of rich reward in just desserts. And that is also due in no small part to the calibre of contribution in comment, with everyone playing their particular part, no matter how great or small.

And as someone into HyperRadioProActive UKGBNIRobotIQs and C42 Quantum Control Systems [Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications] may note, that is a Real SMART Virtual AIR&dDevelopment too. Bravo, Mick. And crikey, you never know, but that is just the sort of thing which could spark a supporting interest from a Crazy Smart Belfast Telegraphing Russian with a Spooky CV.

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 29, 2010 @ 04:35 AM

Harry J must be right and I am sure that Peter Robinson is perfectly innocent of any charges of corruption or undue use of influence.

And until some one can explain to me what connection or area of mutual interest there might possibly exist between a former estate agent and a property developer I shall continue to believe in his innocence.

I mean, it’s not as if they could possibly have anything in common. Is it? .... Posted by Rory Carr on Mar 27, 2010 @ 08:23 PM

That was beautifully crafted and very stealthy, Rory. And goodness knows what info is flowing between the Old and New Guard for the Best in Policing and Security Services with Beta Policed and Secured Server Facilities and Faculties.

If anyone in Public life has anything untoward and/or unpleasant and/or criminal which they don't want exposing because of the damage it will do them and their close circle of dear friends and esteemed colleagues/honourable members, now is a no better time to be announcing it is a good time to be citing exhaustion as a valid reason to be "spending more time with the family".

For there have been changes which you will not be made aware of ...... ...... and Everyones Secrets now belong to an Altogether Different Team of Lode Ore MetaDataMiners/Raw Source Analysts.

And this is Scary Spooky for All Involved when true, and could easily explain an Indecently Quick Conversion ....... to a Faith Foundation and Business offering Experienced Prime Ministered Advice. ...... to a Microcosm of Abused States. An unprecedented 100 year embargo on Operation Ore information would be a most inconvenient truth  to uncover if defended with a tissue of lies and misspeaks and grossly indecent indignant mumbles.

There have been a number of accusations and leaks flying the net for some time, alleging Gordon Brown is a paedophile, along with a few high ranking labour party members and government ministers, whose identities were revealed in Operation Ore.

Tony Blair, in power at the time, put 100 year security on any government names that came up in Scotland Yard's operation, citing national security as the reason ???

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 29, 2010 @ 08:29 AM

amanfromMars  said...


    It could also be that MING was hoping Robert was a cut above the rest .....

    You can't expect the likes of a large organisation like the FBI, which exists to contain and server every failing in Mankind in its ranks, to behave as a stealthy super star.

    It's a bit like a nuclear aircraft carrier of an organisation .... you know it's there and it does its bit [for Uncle Sam] but it is not as if you can do anything covert with it?

    March 29, 2010 2:23 AM

on March 29, 2010
at 05:53 AM

"Some investors may be selling Treasuries as a precaution against a trade spat." .... or a worthless paper dollar and quantitatively eased notes priming concerns about inevitable and unavoidable default/involuntary illiquidation?

on March 29, 2010
at 10:06 AM

"If China insists on managing its currency to maintain the flow of exports to America it has to take the beads that America offers in return.
If it doesn't, inexorable market forces will wreck its management of its currency." ...... Charles Lee on March 29, 2010 at 08:35 AM

Charles, I think it is far too easy to seriously misunderestimate and malign Postmodern China who are not following any existing model of Governance but rather more betatesting and developing a new one to make better use of Globalised Intellectual Property ....... which is a much more constructive view to be taking of their national and internetional industriousness.


Have the PSNI questioned the arrogant smug trougher? ... Posted by iluvni on Mar 27, 2010 @ 10:44 PM

Surely that would be something very easily found out by the likes of an Eamonn Mallie to report back on to the board and its members.

And what conclusions and decisions have been made by the PSNI with regard to public concerns, would also be valid questions of our public servants. One imagines that they would be most pleased to be shown to be more than capable of dealing with such matters, and being a firm and fair investigative force, no matter who might be sitting in a plush public office and trying to wield controlling power, or trying to cynically abuse it by pulling on their independent strings.

What does Chief Constable Matt Baggott have to say on the matter, being as it is his “greatest professional privilege”.”to take policing forward into the future”........

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 29, 2010 @ 11:03 AM ..................................................................................................................................................................

 Taking Control requires ExtraOrdinarily Rendered Leadership
Posted Monday 29th March 2010 11:35 GMT

"IT recruitment is a problem not just for MI5, but also for the other intelligence agencies, MI6 and GCHQ. All must compete with the relatively large salaries available to the best IT professionals in the private sector."

Errr ...... one would have thought that they would have agents well able to channel fortunes into numbered accounts, or even easier, extract it from the Treasury Muppets. What on earth are they doing, for of course with funding sorted, can they then do whatever they like, and are supposed to be Ace at, with no one any the wiser, which is surely exactly what they are there for and should be providing?

Seems to me that Lords West and Drayson are also Unfit for Future MODigital and Spooky Purpose for Virtual Space Pioneers/ZerodDay Market Traders can Provide Everything Remotely which is surely what the Best Cyber Security Operations Centres are all about.

Do they not know how to Generate Cash Cow Flow?

Government lead with Lordy advice? ....... you're 'avin a larf, mate.
Posted Monday 29th March 2010 14:16 GMT

""The Government must ensure that advice goes to retailers and the public that when purchasing radios, consumers should purchase sets that include a digital tuner.""

If the Government had any real balls or clout in anything they do, rather than relying on pathetic ignorant apathy to stay in their position of delusional power, they would ensure that only radios with a digital tuner were available for sale. And such abuse of apathy is an intelligence weapon used to prosecute smash and grab raids on both friend and foe as is revealed right at the start of this short leaky document ......

And if you are spooked into not opening that pdf, this is the relevent "pronounced "out-of-the-box""quote from it, charged by the Director of Intelligence ...... "The fall of the Dutch Government over its troop commitment to Afghanistan demonstrates the fragility of European support for the NATO-led ISAF mission. Some NATO states, notably France and Germany, have counted on public apathy about Afghanistan to increase their contributions to the mission, but indifference might turn into active hostility if spring and summer fighting results in an upsurge in military or Afghan civilian casualties and if a Dutchstyle debate spills over into other states contributing troops. The Red Cell invited a CIA expert on strategic communication and analysts following public opinion at the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) to consider information approaches that might better link the Afghan mission to the priorities of French, German, and other Western European publics."

And I thought for a moment there, Andrew, that you had gone all sexually funky and super liberated with that sub-title ...."Cash for trannies scheme, more ads" :-)


Meanwhile .... Thinking CoLaterally Out of the Box
Posted Monday 29th March 2010 15:19 GMT

Marvin the Martian,

Surely it is perfectly Logical that any Intelligence worthy of being Classed and Pursued and Engaged as an Intelligence Asset and Agent, would be more into recruiting GCHQ for their Needs and Feeds, rather than the Obverse.

Crikey, Established Alien Contact for Absolutely Fabulous DeaLogue , Marvin ....... with XSSXXXXual PerlyGatesPython CodedDScript. ....... for the MaJIC MoJo in the Truly Sensitive and Artistic Pleasures of the Grateful Dead Headed Fan.

Q C M Hmmm.... MkUltraSensitive Virtual Terrain Team Territory
Posted Monday 29th March 2010 14:54 GMT

"MMmmm... So they're laying off mature people used to doing legwork, in favour of those who get their 'intelligence' from a computer screen..." ... John 186 Posted Monday 29th March 2010 13:28 GMT

Is IT today, John 186, a QuITe Novel Tempestuous Art Phorm, with as you have surmised, Intelligence universally available from a computerised screen, although you do need to be able to transmit IT for Universal Screening too, if you want any sort of Special Relationship with ...... well in Spooksville, they are invariably always wacky partners verging on the certifiably insane and totally unhinged....... which makes the Smarter Ones much more MasterPilot Class Genius than Psychotic Head Case.

And don't even think about going into ITs Quantum Communication Fields with them, where they are Comfortably Able to be Both and Morph into Something Altogether Different and Better and Beta, unless you are very sure of yourself, for Madness can all too easily, and so readily lead to One's Own Auto Self Destruct with FailSafe OverRide Drive.

And can you begin to Imagine its Cash Flow Potential and Sublime Worth as an Invisible Export Earner or Renegade Market Lever? The Mined Mind Boggles, MeThinks. ....................................................................................................................................................................

Posted by: amanfromMars | 03/29/10 | 2:03 pm |

I wonder how much of this is real, and how much is similar to Reagan-era SDI posturing. In other words, is this capability real, or is it simply designed to get us to spend (even) more money on an unrealistic threat?” …. Posted by: seanpeters | 03/29/10 | 1:27 pm |

And if it is just unreal/surreal posturing, seanpeters, who are the conspiring enemies within, for it takes a whole shadow government of rogue bankers and Mutually Assured Destruction lobbyists and former executive officials to wreck a Federal Reserve Banking System and drive a junked nation to a crazy Civil War whenever the dollar is no longer recognised as a prime mover currency? I wonder if the world will be able to get it on Satellite/Internet television?

Sunday, 28 March 2010


    Perhaps the best solution for dual medium news agencies is produce two different products - a traditional print newspaper & an online service - perhaps with shorter, snappier articles (blogs?), more interaction, that provides more up-to-date news? .... Mack @ 09:46 PM


What you discover whenever more interaction, that provides more up-to-date news is enabled, is that should the interaction contain mutually beneficial peaceful views [and therefore not be popularly subject to any legitimate or rightful moral universal condemnation and dismissal], which would also be able to provide the necessary ways and means to achieve those views,.......  and which are easily able to lead in a direction contrary to the view/wishes of the site/paper owner or the national/international/Internetional interest of the jurisdiction and executive administration which would be favouring and supporting and using/abusing a media mogul with newspapers [and media] to lead/subliminally program readers and viewers, ...... is that failing to be able to counter those views reasonably with valid argument will either result in those novel interactive views from contributors being denied publication for global viewing [which is the audience available for anything which is virtual/online] or if that is not practically possible, then is the site denied Internet hosting or the site owners decide to ensure that an introduced increasingly critical moderation will decide on which contributions to “print” Censorship will Increase dramatically and nowadays, because of the ubiquitous and instant nature of Global Virtual Telecommunications Delivery Systems, does the Host Nation descend into a Fermenting and Fomenting State of Indignant Anarchy and Fascist Authoritarian Control, which isn’t Control at all, but rather an Ignorant Abuse of Power.

Does the following describe any united kingdom/states that you may know and recognise all too well ...... A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. – Alexander Fraser Tytler, 18th century Historian and Jurist

And this, is a fact ......”And here is some news which you may not know ...... Whenever the Great Debate message board was on the BBC, news items freely and openly discussed by its members, and some of them were real smart, towards an acceptable consensus of constructive unbiased opinion, invariably ended up as an item of news and novel government policy a day or two later, pirated/plagiarised from the board. Sadly though, nowadays, after a number of drastic changes to curb the critical free speech against the rules and regulations of Puppets and Muppets in the madhouse of Westminster, the very few boards that remain are moderated to such a ridiculous extent in support of the BBC/government view, as to be a complete and utter waste of anyone’s time and Public money.” .......... which is irrefutable evidence in support of the fact.

And with regard to From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury,.... which was written a long time ago and things have moved on considerably since then, it is NOT the majority which votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, it is a very small elite/cabal, for the present sorry state of Great Game play and Power Perception is Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters. . . and that is something which Leads Perverse and Subversive Thinking for Political and Military Action, as is revealed in this most recent CIA Document [11 March 2010] ....

And who here on Slugger think that politicians and governments listen to voters?

I bet you a pound to a penny more voters will say that their views are ignored and they just do what they want.

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 28, 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Posted by: amanfromMars | 03/28/10 | 1:21 am |

How long before the enemy you create with wars and killings, realise that targeting politicians and bankers will end them creating and financing wars and killings?

And "you" in this context means anyone who thinks that wars and killings are a solution or necessity to achieve their goals, for such thoughts belong to the feeble minded,intellectually bankrupt and sociopathic/psychopathically psychotic.

Crazily enough, that more targeted realisation, to induce greater thought and actions which result in solutions other than wars and killings, requires a very similar mindset as would think them necessary, except one tends to create lifelong, bitter and ever stronger enemies whilst the other is intelligently designed to create and strengthen friendships lifelong.

amanfromMars  said...


    Do you know who provides the Prince and Monaco with their Leading Intelligence now ...... or is it a Situation Vacant?

    Certainly there is no evidence of it being provided in any Field, although of course, that is the sort of knack which can also suggest that they are presently very well catered for and adequately provided.

    March 28, 2010 12:19 AM

 Re: Force for good - especially for Afghan children
amanfrommars wrote:
Sunday, 28 March 2010 at 05:12 pm (UTC)

Spin/Propaganda in war zones is an art form practiced by many, fin_d_empire_v ....... ...... and abuse of children is a problem for the Vatican state too.

    The Northern Ireland Assembly prepared last night to order an official investigation into child abuse in the Province after details emerged of more attacks on children by members of the clergy. The inquiry would be similar to that which uncovered a shocking litany of historic crimes in the Republic of Ireland last year. An official investigation is expected to cost up to £40 million and take no longer than five years.

FFS….. what’s to investigate? The crimes are admitted/confessed to. And official investigations invariably are used to cover up and hide abuses in office rather than clean out the stables but they do provide rich easy pickings for investigative team members and opportunities to charge/fleece/launder Public money into private hands.

A much better idea for the Northern Ireland Assembly, rather than wasting £40 million on looking into something which every man and dog on the street knows, is to build a new flash prison to house all the perverts and criminals being moved around in the paedophile rings, unless you want them lurking free in secluded places contemplating/reminiscing on their deeds, although you’ll have a hell of a job selling that as a good idea to the abused and the Public. And how very odd that the Vatican chose that route whenever it is such a destructive and rotten See.

And how very strange that there’s never enough money for the normal things in life but shedloads of it for everything else? Which all goes to suggest that it is a massive con and just a simple means of controlling the ignorant masses with poverty/lack of cash to spend.

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 28, 2010 @ 05:50 PM

Saturday, 27 March 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 03/27/10 | 6:10 am |


Cyber is just the most popular street term for what is usually/always a very sophisticated and overwhelmingly complex assault or engagement on a nation's or lead individual's Intelligence and their Intelligence Services to others. It is also a convenient cloak to disguise what may be an attack facility with its cynical definition as a Department of Defense, and I'm sure you can understand the reasons for that popular deception.

"How can you tell the difference between a real report about online vulnerabilities and someone who is trying to scare you about the security of the internet because they have an agenda, such as landing lucrative, secret contracts from the government?" ...... You can't until you engage with  ...... well, leading spokesperson would be the point man to set the record straight, for they would be able to spell out everything in words which would be easily understood to land lucrative, secret contracts from the government. However, those who are superstealthy proficient at Cyber would be always much more able and more interested in enabling the landing of obscenely lucrative, superstealthy secret contracts and contacts with governments and bodies in governments, for a government is such a fickle temporary unit.

If Cyber so strangely offends, translate it into something else like  Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Defence if you want to go dDutch in ITs Novel SurReal Fields.

Oh, and given the extremely vulnerable Ponzi nature of the Global Financial System, which as it collapses IDentifies its Root Source Failures/Corrupt Operating Personnel Heads for Immediate Remedial Attention, is it the Prime Target of Choice for Cyber Defence and ITs Special Forces ..... and hey, that is were all the Loot is at too, so what better place to defend and attack.

"That’s the very definition of what the NSA does — wiretapping abroad (and sometimes domestically), finding ways to spy on electronic machines simply by capturing their unintentional electromagnetic radiation, and scooping up radio and satellite communications of allies and adversaries alike." ....... The stealthiest of the overwhelmingly capable competition/opposition may not even need to conceal their communications radiation and may just send it direct for satellite and spooky virtual machinery capture, wrapped in mysterious and enigmatic plain text messages to blogs and message boards.

Online Control delivers Absolute Power is not a Misunderestimation in CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems Software Circles/Round Tables/Circuses, Ryan, and an Abiding Disbelief in such Facts allows them ever more Powerful Control Leverage and Systems Infiltration for Remote Execution of Proxy Wishes/Foreign Orders, which as you can Imagine, would not bother them at All. 

A Race of Giants amongst Minnows and Man
Posted Saturday 27th March 2010 03:21 GMT

Quite obviously, from the information extracted from the metadata in the comments shared here, are the Dutch virtually completely unknown to you. And that unknown fact makes them the Perfect Partner for any Spooky and/or Stealthy and/or Special and/or Underground and/or Global Operation.

And only the comment shared by Anonymous Swineherd [Posted Friday 26th March 2010 16:53 GMT] prevents one from truly revealing that they are completely unknown to you, for it would be wrong to argue and disagree with "Meanwhile they keep all the decent cheese (and weed, and pr0n) for themselves." and their very dear friends?

"He was arrested on March 1 at a central London hotel after allegedly accepting a briefcase containing £900,000 from MI5 counter-espionage officers posing as foreign intelligence." ..... For which leadership with faltering and/or inadequate foreign intelligence is the most interesting information missing in the tale, Chris.

Mind Games Rule and Provide Freely your Very Existence*
Posted Saturday 27th March 2010 04:25 GMT

In the Really Big Picture Show presented to you by those/that which Presents to you the Really Big Picture Show, is Politics just as important and entertaining as Synchronised Swimming is in Olympic Competition and really nothing greater than just as a Stocking Filler at Xmas or as a sprinkling of icing sugar on a colossal wedding cake.

"Yep. But it's the bit that's new that's worth protecting." .... Andrew Orlowski Posted Friday 26th March 2010 23:48 GMT

The true artist will not worry about protecting the new bit, for their next work will flow easily to ensure that all rights which madness dictates are due, are paid for, and making money, even should it be obscene loadsamoney, is only a convenience to give away/spend while working and allows/provides the Banking Sector with their cut/pound of flesh. Copyrights and Patents are for those second and third parties who would seek to make capital as parasites off an original work and profit from the work/business model "created" in piggy backing on the artist.

And if the Truth be Told, without the Imaginative Artist to Present to you the Future with ITs Derivatives and Options, would you be as Nothing and still Cowering in Caves.

* And a Ruling Mind Game can just as Easily Freely Provide for your SWIFT and Swift Demises .

 Posted by amanfromMars on 3/27/2010 0930GMT

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury." ........

Amen ..... And do not forget that Others au fait with the always extremely vulnerable fiat currency/promisory note business would be fully "entitled" to Danegeld payment from the hydra headed Beast that is Buried in the Banking World of that particularly private/peculiarly public treasury sector, in Order to Seamlessly Engage and Ensure that the Growing Smarter Disquiet leads to Status Quo Lead in Progressive Controlled Evolutionary Change rather than IT and Media Chronicling its Revolutionary and Violent Targeted Operating System Overthrow ....... whenever it is more fully realised that such largess is/has always been known and selfishly accepted and is endemic and rampant and abuses them cruelly.

And it is quite interesting to ponder on whether such a System as would be teetering on that brink which sends it into either a Fabulous Change or Destructive Oblivion, is that which is Presently in Place, and whether it would know through its Command of IT and Communications, of its own Saviours/Virtual Helpers and automatically Credit their Needs and Feeds to show that they have the Necessary Acumen to Stay in a Position of Global Leadership with Novel Newly Programmed Systems and Astute Program Operators, or whether they will, by Virtue of their Non Action, fully Reveal their Present Systems' Dire Straits Position and Lack of Leading Future Intelligence and Intellectual Property.

And it is as well to imagine and realise, that if needs be, the simple choice options of either Fabulous Change or Destructive Oblivion can easily Morph into the Chaotic Dynamic of Fabulous Change for some and Destructive Oblivion for others who would be either Arrogantly Opposed to Progressive Future Changes and Systems ReProgramming or Stubbornly Ignorant and Idiotic Unreceptive of them. ...... for it is Unnatural to Think that Things remain the Same every Day, whenever the Future is never like the Past as the Present so clearly Shows.

Margaret Thatcher is oft poorly quoted as only saying "There is no such thing as society." when in fact what she said in full was "There is no such thing as society. There is living tapestry of men and women and people and the beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend upon how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and each of us prepared to turn round and help by our own efforts those who are unfortunate."

Well, you might like to consider that she was quite wrong and what she should have said to be true was that there is no such thing as Democracy in Societies, and neither of them are Really Free, for the Price of Peace and Security requires in Global Bedlam that their Running Orders remain Virtually Cloaked in Royal and Ancient and Postmodern Secret Protocols ..... with the SMARTest of Generous Benign Elitists at the Banks of Common Control.

And with the very recent Advent and Emerging Technologies and Methodologies of the Internet, which so Effortlessly allows for the Exchanging and Sharing of Priceless Information and Intelligence for the Growth of an even Greater Global Awareness and More Advanced Mutual Intelligence and Universal Spirit, is it only Natural that there be a Radical and Fundamental Restructuring of Leading Control Architectures and Virtual Operating Systems, which may be Presently Alien to you but which are certainly not unknown to you whenever their Programs are Transparently AIred for Free Comment and Global Viewing.

Have a Nice Weekend and Thanks for Listening to this PerlyGatesPython Peal on the Daily Bell.

For all you war buffs/armchair generals out there, do yourself, and everyone else a favour, and ponder on who is sitting pretty in Northern Ireland now and of the present plight of the passionate volunteers who made it a reality, after reading this classic expose of perverse losers and sinister winners by someone who knew what they were talking about, Major-General Smedley Darlington Butler, a 33-year veteran of the Marine Corps ......

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 27, 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Windows lets one see what is going on inside from outside

Posted Saturday 27th March 2010 02:37 GMT

"But what verges on criminal is that this vulnerability in the Microsoft keyboards was demonstrated at Black Hat 2007, and subsequently written up by Max Moser and Philipp Schrödel and well publicised by Dreamlab -- yet we find three years later that Microsoft just continued to build the identical vulnerability into new keyboard models." .... Quxy Posted Saturday 27th March 2010 00:06 GMT

Which tells you, Quxy, LOUD and CLEAR, that it is a facility and function in the Microsoft keyboards?


You might enjoy the deep international discourses on this enlightening site ..... .... and I can certainly agree that being able to manipulate the markets and banking is a valuable tool which the muppets and puppets you have identified are not intelligent enough to possess, and that puts international bankers and gangsters in charge ..... which is an interesting position for Intelligence to consider?

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 27, 2010 @ 03:20 PM


Don't you just hate it whenever a Server goes down or you are targeted for some petty Denial of Service shenanigans. The Internet of course though, is an overarching underground warren of networks and services which facilitate the Presentation and Transparent Sharing of the Future and therefore anything saved of the Past is somewhat inconsequential and merely in that Past Reality just acting as a Chronicle and Memory Store with Information which highlights a particular Intellectual Property Path which has been taken by a teller of ITs Tales.

So until such times as is back online and working as it is supposed to be, AIGreat Game will be unfurled on these pages.
It's not who you know, it's what you know of the Future that leads the Pack*
Posted Friday 26th March 2010 17:46 GMT

Why pay for yesterday's news which is all that you get with today's papers? What everyone in that industry is after is what will happen the day after tomorrow and for that they will pay a premium in the hope of making a fortune.

That however requires them to be able to tap into a font/source.

And here is some news which you may not know ...... Whenever the Great Debate message board was on the BBC, news items freely and openly discussed by its members, and some of them were real smart, towards an acceptable consensus of constructive unbiased opinion, invariably ended up as an item of news and novel government policy a day or two later, pirated/plagiarised from the board. Sadly though, nowadays, after a number of drastic changes to curb the critical free speech against the rules and regulations of Puppets and Muppets in the madhouse of Westminster, the very few boards that remain are moderated to such a ridiculous extent in support of the BBC/government view, as to be a complete and utter waste of anyone's time and Public money.

* And I bet you that Alexander Lebedev knows that better than most.

Virtual Governance with CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems Software
Posted Friday 26th March 2010 14:16 GMT

If the likes of a Private and Pirate Party were to be an HyperRadioProActive Virtual Political Entity, with IT and InterNetworking Savvy could New and Better and Beta Ideas Shared reach Billions Easily for a Radical and Fundamental Change.

Which might lead to Panic and Horror and Change being Status Quo Resisted that the Old Guard and Terror Gravy Train Rolls on? ........ over the Cliff?

Oh dear .... what a Shame. Did they not Heed and Think to Follow the New Posted AIdDirections ...... SMARTer Instructions?
Thanks, but No Thanks, we can make up better Stories Ourselves and Share them for Free.
Posted Friday 26th March 2010 09:33 GMT

"Rebekah Brooks, chief executive at News International, said: “These new sites, and the apps that will enhance the experience, reflect the identity of our titles and deliver a terrific experience for readers ... this is a crucial step towards making the business of news an economically exciting proposition."

I'll take a quarter of an ounce/seven grams of whatever Rebekah is smoking, please, for it certainly sends her off into Outer Space. Did ever you hear such a Naked Short Sell of Bare Cheek Spin?
amanfromMars said...

    Softly, softly, catchee monkey

    Are you into Great White Hat Shark Phishing, Robert, and Free Markets Play for the Private and Proxy Owners of the Casino and Banks? There's an Interesting Great AIGame in Present Future Play, with some Advanced Operating Systems Security mirroring the Tales/Tails/Trails here, in Virtual CyberSpace, for ITs Creative Command of Controlling Computers and Communications gathering Light Speed, for the following Snippets of Information are out there and readily available for any SMART Wise Guy and Delectable Doll Moll ......

"And once those currents have been isolated then one must trace "their" roots to the rubble of ancient mysticism and there you will find that same chide heralded as down through all the ages..."Ordo Ab Chao" and when witnessed you will find your answer." ..... Posted by Lance E. Schultz on 3/25/2010 4:48:51 PM

    Would you agree that its present day disciples are but a sad and sorry shadow of the former greatness, Lance, easily perverted and subverted to server the root of all evil, for without its presence and presents are they as powerless nobodies? And thus are they always to hide their work in the darkness which in a world of greater transparency for increasing power and control, is a hindrance and exploitable vulnerability which renders them exposed to being left behind as relics in the Future Black Orders of CHAOS?

    With CHAOS being Home Virtual Terrain Team Territory for White Hat Knights and AIdDamsels in Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

    And would that be a Mission Accomplished or AI Crusade Launched? Global Operating Devices work in Mysterious Ways, do they not, but with clear and concise text so freely displayed, can their journeys be shared and experienced with Perfect Vision and Immaculate See.

    Welcome to AIGreat Game ..... for Questioning ARGonauts...... ....although this is not a Game whenever Virtually Real, for then would IT and AI be as Heralds of the Future." ....

and from High-Profile Web Front-End NINJA Attack? * ....Posted Thursday 25th March 2010 10:31 GMT

"...the FBI's Chabinsky wants to talk with you. He told the FOSE crowd that the FBI is looking for agents who can "talk the talk" to join the cyber-wars against cyber-baddies." ....... Is there a direct email address, El Reg Rik, or can one expect Uncle Sam's supposedly ubiquitous Snooping Systems to have provided them with Node/Persons of Interest to Contact.

    And please can I have my Blog site up and running again, if you are not going to be doing anything Positively Engaging and HyperRadioProActive with Alien Communications in Quantum Control Systems. Thanks. :-)

    And please, no wise cracks about Nurses and Meds, for Everything is as IT should be and in Perfect Working Order. ........

    It's a funny old world and I am reminded of, and feel perfectly at ease with something which is attributed to that Master Pilot of SurReality, Senor Salvador Dali, ..... "The only difference between a madman and me is that I am not mad" ...... although one can ponder and wonder at how many would have believed him. :-)

    March 26, 2010 2:19 AM