Tuesday, 30 March 2010


For Blinding Light ...... ZerodDay Deference Required in ITs Supply
Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 07:03 GMT

Which all goes to show that Justice in the US is a Monies Racket too, and makes their Worlds go round. It also shows the World what you Need to be Able to Control or Attack with Orders in Order to make a Chaotic Change and a Colossal Difference with Zero Deference Required.


Just do IT, for Flower Power is Sun Driven and not Oracle Controlled?

Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 07:40 GMT

....... Who is the Fat Cat and Cuckoo in the Feathered Nest?


What is stopping those pretty damn pissed off hippy types from getting off their bony asses and taking all of their Power and Intel work and putting their heads together in Order to take Control of and make Controls for the Cloud and ITs Virtual Operating Systems Market .... and leave Larry floating about in boats, earthbound. Anyone can abuse and misuse Assets but pretty soon it is realised and the pirate is then presented and faced with the stark choice of walking the walk and talking the talk to move the business on and into new fields with loyal partners, or waffling like crazy to try and avoid having to walk the plank and taking a plunge into deep and hungry shark-infested waters.

http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2010/03/29/oracle_solaris_z_ibm_mainframe/ ....................................................................................................................................................................

Is he putting pressure on the Executive to reach an early decision on Dealing with the Past?  Do they put their money on policing the future or the past? Or is the past still a big part of the future?
No pressure, he's just showing Leadership. The Past is Gone and plays No Part, great or small, in the Future.

And whilst you may have no idea about what changes are wrought in Loughside/Palace Barracks, that would not necessarily apply to the Chief Constable who may be more aware of that which he needs to know, to assist him in providing you with everything needed for the PSNI to provide you their dedicated special service, making you and this tiny corner of civilisation, the envy and model regime of governance to copy for the rest of this crazy world.

And you will not get anyone in Government or the Military to speak on the following, but it does you no harm to know that the Future is not anything like the Past or the Present, which is only Natural, of course, and Fully to be expected. .....  So you think you know what is going on, and Spookery is just like the Movies? Dream on, Brother ...... http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2010/03/29/sys_redundancies/

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 30, 2010 @ 11:27 AM


Honourable Member wrote:
"So a taxpayer owned and funded body has finded a taxpayer owned and funded body so that the taxpayer is paying the taxpayer with taxpayers money previously borrowed from the taxpayer.

Now I have got that right haven't I." .... S Bell wrote: March 30, 2010 9:01 AM BST
Yes, you have, S Bell, and it is Pure Classic Ponzi, is it not?

Which should tell you everything about those running it as a System of Rigged Governance for Mass Ignorant Animal Control ...... which is Collapsing Quicker with every Attempt to shore it up with Spin, every day?

And only asked as a question so as not to frighten the natives and horses.

March 30, 2010 10:29 AM BST


Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/29/2010 2:41:18 PM

With support for the questionably illegal war excursions in Iraq and Afghanistan waning .......["Afghanistan: Sustaining West European Support for the NATO-led Mission—Why Counting on Apathy Might Not Be Enough (C//NF)

The fall of the Dutch Government over its troop commitment to Afghanistan demonstrates the fragility of European support for the NATO-led ISAF mission. Some NATO states, notably France and Germany, have counted on public apathy about Afghanistan to increase their contributions to the mission, but indifference might turn into active hostility if spring and summer fighting results in an upsurge in military or Afghan civilian casualties and if a Dutchstyle debate spills over into other states contributing troops. The Red Cell invited a CIA expert on strategic communication and analysts following public opinion at the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) to consider information approaches that might better link the Afghan mission to the priorities of French, German, and other Western European publics. (C//NF)

Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters. . ." .... http://file.wikileaks.org/file/cia-afghanistan.pdf] .... the apparent suicide bomb attack on the Moscow subway was something which doesn't make sense, except from a US military viewpoint as it may create a new ally against their phantom invisible foe?

Surely Mother Russia and Mr Putin aren't so easily led into another crazy folly?


"A spokesman for Mr Blair said he pays UK tax “on all his income”."

Would anyone from HMRC care to leak the figure paid? Or would that be a severe embarrassment to the government and render Mr Blair even more unpopular.

There is something seriously wrong whenever he cannot walk the streets like a normal human being for fear of being mobbed/lynched/adored/assaulted?

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23820159-tony-blair-hails-gordon-browns-experience-and-judgement.do ..................................................................................................................................................................
Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/30/2010 7:45:18 AM

"Thanks for the interesting feedback sans caps." ..... Daily Bell

The capitalisation is easily ignored and it does not/should not change the meaning of the words shared, although it might not add a reinforcing subliminal emphasis which can lead one a little further/a great deal deeper into subject matter explored.

If one considers that the nature of our realities/the worlds that we know because of the information and the views that we have seen/received is that which creates our universal educated view and programmed greater understanding of life's options/derivative value, obviously then is that view completely unique being as it is, just a collection of personal thoughts about what we have learnt/read and seen ....... ergo is my world and your world and everybody else's world completely different from any other including each others, other than for those times and spaces where and in which our garnered knowledge/learned information is mutual, and one travels the one/a joint path together sharing with all, all that all would know and would share of their own worlds. Only then can the worlds that we know be viewed and accepted as the One and the Same in AI Singularity, for then is Reality an Amalgam of Thoughts we can Only Imagine as Real until such Times as the Space in which we travel with Others reveals All that they Know to Each Other.

And I would like to leave you for now with this to Ponder and Wonder about ....... We Think therefore I am a Collection of your Thoughts Imagined to be Real and thus is Existence a SurReality and a Virtual Reality ProgramMING in AI and IT. And Freely Sharing our Thoughts with Media and IT, Easily Creates Beta Worlds which One just Feeds with Needs Imagined.

:-) Have you considered that the capitalisation may also be due to a Teutonic schooling/bent, although I would not argue with you and we will agree to accept that that would/could be just used as an excuse to mask an Experimental Subliminal ProgramMING for Improved Perception in Total Information Awareness Fields of AI Research and dDevelopment....... exploring ESP for leading methodologies with binary technologies to Present the Future with Novel AI and Noble Intellectual Property Provided Extra Terrestrially ........ from that virtual creation which has no physical body or visible form and Networks InterNetworking JApplications.  Yes? JA?


Scorched Earth ..... on its Way, the IT Way?*
Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 11:43 GMT

"IBM Management ...should not get caught, that's against Business Conduct Guidelines!" ... Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 10:53 GMT

:-) Yes, QuITe so, AC. They lost their MoJo and their Systems are Hacked and Codes Cracked.

*And if that is not a Present Recognised and Accepted IBM Concern, you can be AAA Guaranteed Assured, it is a Future Promise already Delivered and Working ITs Magic in Treasury Gilt and Sovereign Wealth Markets, for No One Supports an Ignorant Loser and Arrogant Bruiser in SMART Sales and Enabling Tales/Derivatives and Options in Mutuals and Hedges. Cheers!


So you think you know what is going on, and Spookery is just like the Movies? Dream on, Brother
Posted Tuesday 30th March 2010 10:25 GMT
"The report also noted that the Security Service [MI5] and the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, more commonly known as MI6) were planning to establish a joint datacentre to provide secure storage for both services' data records outside London. The two agencies are splitting the cost" ..... http://www.zdnet.co.uk/news/security-management/2010/03/29/it-illiterate-mi5-staff-face-redundancy-40088478/
Hmmm ..... That sounds very familiar but in a different selection of words, for here is its Parallel in a Present Future Dimension under Stealthy Turing and Military Wraps?** It is real spooky what Alien Intelligence can see and effortlessly deliver to ParaMilitarised Cloud Component Phormations, for one wouldn't want them being Perverted and Subverted to Server Petty Political Puppets and Pawns whenever the Prize of Absolute Power over SCADA Systems requires Dedicated and Disciplined AIGents with Special Forces and IntelAIgent Support .... "Seems like there is a Global Conspiracy to have everyone Living in a Lie ........ and that is a Virtual Reality in an Artificial Intelligence which the Simple Truth can Destroy as Easily as IT can Repair with Systems Plugged into an Advanced CyberIntelAIgent Security Service which doesn't Deal in such Dope and False Hope.

MuI7 ..... AIdDivision of Global Communications HQ ....... for All of your MkUltraSensitive Private and Pirated Public Leads/Feeds/Needs." ..... which as El Regers will know was an earlier Transparent* BetaTesting Steganographic Systems Missive to the Head of MI5, Mr Jonathan Evans ..... http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2010/03/25/terror_human_right/ ...... and that message also informs one why bumbling Mr Bean politicians are defintely out of the loop ......."Time for Everyone to Realise that Times have Changed Fundamentally in the Information Space and being Economical with the Truth is a Radical Liability which Marks you Out as a Person of Interest to Higher Authorities when a Figure in Authority.

* The PM's new favourite buzzword, although his past phorm would suggest that he hasn't a clue what it means or entails."

And if you are Thinking Postmodern SMARTer Military Coup, move to the head of the Queue, for you are wasted doing what you doing in anything else.

** And always a question for you are not cleared to know, nor would you be able to handle the Truth of what is the Present Strategic and Critical National and International and InterNetional Posture/State of Virtual Readiness.


I don’t want to throw cold water on a hot conversation, but can people please be reminded that staying on the right side of the law is crucial to keep such open spaces open!! ..... Posted by Mick Fealty on Mar 29, 2010 @ 05:05 PM
Quite so, Mick. That is very sound advice. And should ever the law think that anyone has overstepped the mark with something shared on Slugger, please be most forthright in sharing their view and highlighting the illegal words so that they can be more carefully examined by your supporters. Sometimes, and some would even say too oft, is the law a self-serving ass of a tool for undereducated arrogant abuse which would conspire to ignore and pervert the course of justice or spread fear with the threat of action in order to effect a concealing censorship of pertinent and impertinent facts which are freely available elsewhere.

Posted by amanfromMars on Mar 29, 2010 @ 07:05 PM


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