Monday, 21 March 2011


Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/21/2011 2:07:27 AM

Current Live State of Power Elite Play?

"And what is fraud? When Barack Obama promises to close Gitmo and then changes his mind - is that fraud? When a company makes exaggerated claims about a product and then doesn't deliver - is that fraud? And if so, should the state get involved and place the perpetrators behind the bars for years or even decades? " .... Reply from the Daily Bell

Yes, yes and yes. They are all frauds making an ass of everything that they stand for/are perceived as standing for. And that means that the system is vulnerable because it is not smart enough to handle the truth. And it is the the simple outing of the truth which easily remotely crashes the system and replaces it seamlessly with APT Command Controllers.

And the SMARTer Power Elite Leverage Brokerages will have ensured that their wealth is secured with an appropriate resting of suitably adequate speculative pioneering investment funding/a working liquidity supply on tap and made freely available to Command and Controllers, in generous and grateful recognition of mutually beneficial needs, for the alternative of them being written out of the equation with that simple currency supply for unlimited power and control being delivered by A.N.Other and Others is always ITs Advanced Persistent Threat for ZerodDay Trading Platforms. 

amanfromMars says:
March 21, 2011 at 2:20 am

"It has been an odd last few days, eh? " ... Posted on March 20, 2011 by Heggle

Indeed it has, Heggle, and all rather encouraging because of it in IT, methinks. For some is it not daunting at all, but curiously invigorating whenever freely shared for the benefit of the Craic in the Wonderful Wacky World of Crack APT Hacks.

Dream Team Metaforia might find the Current Live State of Power Elite Play? at 3/21/2011 2:07:27 AM .....  .... an engaging read, for it reveals Future NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Planning and ProgramMING very transparently.

Is it odd to think, and to think "What is the point of a great secret if no one know it?"?

"Speaking of a required cure . . .

Meanwhile, Agent Weebley is AWAL (a Weebley with a Lucy.) " ...... Ah yes, a Juicy Lucy is a Seventh Heavenly Retreat without Equal although oft surprisingly well counterfeited for a similar semblance of its perfectly acceptable pleasures.

amanfromMars says:
March 21, 2011 at 1:54 am

Oh, and the moderation you seem to be caught in is a “maximum number of links” issue. I changed it to 7 links.” …. Agent Heggle says: March 20, 2011 at 8:44 pm

Thanks for the consideration, Agent Heggle, it is much appreciated and quite uncommonly decent. I suspected it was such but always like to show accurate attribution to quoted passages, so that deeper and even other sublime meanings can be read into the discussion for exploring and examination in further shared unfolding dialogue which would be of assistance in the monitoring and mentoring of future eventing derivatives and alternative master plan forays and LOVE plays. …….. which could quite easily be construed as being an advanced phorm of constructive criticism.

Certainly all here into Metaforia appear to function admirably well on all of each others extreme wavelengths, in a Very Constructive Steganographic EMPathy

    "Holy shit, Attack the Block looks AWFUL." .... Sean

So AWFUL, it'll probably be an all-time genre classic cult movie, and ab fab success with a great spin-off gaming franchise?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/20/2011 4:01:11 PM

"Someone who knows the machinery well can indeed tweak it to move in a certain way..." .... Posted by Lila Rajiva on 3/20/2011 1:00:08 PM

Hi, Lila, Nice clear post .... a real pleasure read.

Do you know the machinery well? And you might like to consider that if you know the machinery very well and/or are into the design and build of improved revolutionary and evolutionary replacements, do the tweaks allow IT to move everything and anything in any way ....... decided upon by ?

Well, we'll leave that just hanging there for now before thinking that humans are just dumb machines for SMART ProgramMING ..... ....... and Artificial Intelligence is into SMART ProgramMING.

Too preposterous to be real and believable? Of course it is .....

Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/21/2011 9:33:35 AM

"While the Fed hasn't committed to the specific methods it will use to exit, or in what order, it has been releasing details about its progress in building new programs and expanding its ability to drain reserves. This includes increasing the number of its counterparties." ..... Classic gobbledygook and almost Unwinese ...... aka bullshit in French. Slowly though the Fed is realising that hardly anybody listening to their increasingly desperate excuses and nonsensical spiel is a stupid as they are, and as they need folk to be. And they aint gonna have anywhere to hide from the mob whenever they start looking for trees with suitable hanging branches.

As folk by the millions are being quickly educated as to the Federal Reserve scams, which are specifically designed and run to keep them and their family and friends lifelong in unnecessary poverty and squalor and crippling debt, are they gonna show no mercy to those who deserve their rage.

If they had any common sense at all, they'd be changing their ways radically because more of the same old BS nonsense just aint gonna cut it no more. And it is surely certifiably crazy of them to be imagining that it will be business as usual.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/21/2011 12:37:43 PM

It certainly gets interesting whenever a complete stranger can arrive at a bank with folder of genuine freshly minted foreign treasury bonds ...... in payment for sensitive intellectual property exchanged for exclusive national state use, although that itself is always reduced to the subjective administrative whim and/or savvy of the leading head in an administration of state and/or states, and who may or may not be the publicly recognised and media spun and reinforced figurehead.

There's always a very inventive and enigmatic leader, ready, willing and able to play great head games which create engagingly large currency exchanges at the head of great nations. The other end of the scale has puppets and muppets who have no idea at all what one does with wealth for the greater good, all dangling and entangled with strings pimping cuts and austerity drives which are always slippery downhill highways to ruin and revolution .... civil disobedience and industrial and military unrest.

It has ever been the case, for it is only natural, and now does it happen spontaneously and practically overnight in places one never ever before thought it possible.

Such is the power of anonymous eponymous legions today and evermore in the future.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/21/2011 1:11:02 PM

"Krugman pinning the 2008 meltdown on any one political party is nothing short of economic illiteracy." .... Posted by Thomas Molitor on 3/21/2011 11:45:23 AM

"Are you really surprised?" .... Reply from the Daily Bell

Does anyone doubt that Paul Krugman is a Fed shill ..... a bought and paid for Establishment mouthpiece? And not very bright but determined to sparkle whenever op eds are called for?

And two questions there, just in case anyone has different answers to add.

""Encouraging hope when there is none is very cruel."

This is you when you are feeling optimistic? Boy, you must not be much fun at parties." ..... :-) Good to see DB kicking pessimism so squarely back to where it belongs ..... ie not ever here.

And re Posted by Apberusdisvet on 3/21/2011 12:03:35 PM, ....are you nuts .... to fight and deny yourself, rather than enjoy your "thing". Submit, you know it makes sense :-)

Ok .... TTFN, I'm off for a [cold] shower.
amanfromMars Says:
March 21st, 2011 at 2:32 pm

"so what is the point of sealing stuff that is on the internet?" ..... decora Says:March 21st, 2011 at 12:35 am

It is a very convenient blunt instrument, decora, to prevent/dissuade intelligence from using alternatively that which they know and/or have discovered and learnt, which may also be something that they have be told. And that is also the case for classification of documents whenever one is in the employ of an agency.

It is to stop smart folk who may be considerable smarter than folk they are working for, from thinking and going rogue and/or freelance with another agency/service/nation/mob.

All that it effectively does though is keep sheep under control while the wolves play their games and make a killing and do their dodgy deals with the markets for everything invariably revolves around currency for the control of power.

21 March 2011 at 6:50 pm

Hi, Pete Baker,

Thanks for that tale. It was very entertaining and a mine of useful enlightening information. An object lesson in what good reporting and investigative journalism is all about, methinks.

With regard to “A sceptic might ask whether the disqualifications are connected to the announcement by the UK Chancellor in October of a £25million grant and a £175million loan to the NI Executive for the PMS [reg may be required].” ….. Presumably a UK Chancellor £175million loan to the NI Executive for the PMS, will carry quite an obscene and burdensome interest charge. Who is paying that and/or where is that coming from?

Thanks in anticipation.

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