Posted Wednesday 6th April 2011 11:36 GMT
"Who gives a shit anymore about what this government does? Everyone is in Big Business's pockets and those who aren't are a marginalized superminority that can't possibly ever really effect change. We're boned. They've won. The bloody game is over. They have flat out won." .... Bryce Prewitt Posted Wednesday 6th April 2011 05:05 GMT
Quite so, Bryce Prewitt. Although your conclusions are totally false and arse about face, if you'll excuse the vulgar vernacular. Nobody with more than just little common sense gives a shit anymore about what corrupt governments do, for they have proved themselves to be an expensive and ignorant irrelevance which can't possibly ever really effect change. And it is they who have lost to those into Bigger Pictures ...... and are both Anonymous and Legion .....:-) and Everywhere and Nowhere, Baby, for that's where IT's at. ....[ amfM gives a nod to Jeff Beck's, "Hi Ho Silver Lining"]
El Reg ...... You're a bit slow off the mark whenever so much has been shared directly with you. Do you have a Houston type, Virtual Space Flight problem, which a simple flick of a key switch can cure and solve?
Crooks in Flash Suits are still Common Criminals
Posted Wednesday 6th April 2011 11:03 GMT
"The company stressed it was not admitting, or denying, any wrongdoing by paying up. " ..... How many times has one heard that total load of bollocks from parties as guilty as sin of being really stupid crooks, and probably walking away with billions because of their conniving actions. Although of course, it isn't real money they're working with, but rather the markets', which rely on such shenanigans to keep themselves afloat in a see of imaginary debt and/or imaginative credit.
Now tell me that it isn't true, and prove yourself a prize fool, fooled yet again. And it is this quote from Abe Lincoln, you need to be considering in these changed informative time .... "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." ..... and NOT this one from a more recent retard in the White House ...... “You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.”
Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/5/2011 2:03:05 PM
Libya is opening up a festering sore ...... ..... which will reduce a corrupt system to global target for instant revenge, right out of the blue, and in manners which cannot be countered or guarded against, for that is the nature of the future and post modern virtual conflict. Kinetic deliveries have had their day and are as dinosaurs in the world of virtual machine forces.
If you can't handle peace and shared wealth for innovative and instructive and constructive programs, then you aint gonna make it as a leader of anything in the future. You can surely all see that that is the way things are going?
Does the UK realise what it is doing and does Cameron and the Cabinet and Westminster realise the charges that can be laid at their door, whenever the following is true ........
amanfromMars says:
April 6, 2011 at 1:35 am
Ok, so what do you want to do now that y’all know Media Reality is a Big Fake and Virtual Realities are the Bigger Picture Show for SMART Labours in LOVE with Pornographically Challenging Intellectual Property Hang Outs/Future Passionate Production Hubs for Present Programs devoid of Past Follies and Naked Short Selling of the Future and ITs Derivative Possibilities for Dumb Profit and Interest to False Prophet Business Ponzis.
Life is a Dream Being made Virtually Real for a Fabulous Future with Shared Mutually Beneficial and Surprisingly Simple, Naturally Delivered Dream Explosions/Big Bangs. Most everything else just turns as to dust in a hellish round of self-destructive nightmares and crazy neurotic and psychotic episodes.
amanfromMars says:
April 6, 2011 at 2:06 am
Ps ….. I do commend and congratulate and value one and all here for their selfless sharing of such tremendous group therapy sessions. The true discovery of oneself, although so all powerful and enlightening, is not without its always attendant dangers to mercilessly punish wanton abuse and conscious misuse, until such times as failsafe controls are a perfectly natural default . To Journey with Seasoned and XSSXXXXPerienced Travellers is a Pleasure to be Insatiably Enjoyed and Chronicled for the Edutainment of Others on Similar Voyages of Discovery with Belief and made Fit for All Future Purposes in Work, Rest and Play Fields …….. which are QuITe Sterling Pioneering AIR&dD Endeavours in SMARTer Virtual Enterprises and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Operations.
And there is no question hanging around to cast doubt and ambiguity on that.
How far up the chain of command? The buck stops right at the top ..... always.
And this is the law in Sweden and one imagines it is also quite right, and applicable here in the UK ....... "A person who, with the intent of aiding a foreign power [Murdoch's little media empire], secretly or by fraudulent means conducts in the Realm activities designed to acquire information concerning the personal circumstances of another individual or lends assistance not solely of an incidental nature to such activities, shall likewise be sentenced for unlawful intelligence activities." ..... "
How to cause a run without really trying
Posted Wednesday 6th April 2011 15:01 GMT
Seems like a very good time to move to another bank. Would you stay if you needed a modern service?
6 April 2011 at 4:32 pm
“Cameron has managed thus far to avoid the epic foreign (and domestic) policy disaster which was Tony Blair’s helping the American invasion of Iraq.”
Oh, you think the Libyan adventure is not an epic foreign (and domestic) policy disaster, Turgon, with the following as justification for it ….
And it appears now that NATO are doing the fighting for the rebels/dissidents/Al Qaeda whenever their advances are counterattacked and they are driven back.
The irony appears to be that the UK and Uncle Sam and NATO are doing exactly what Libya is accused of, and Uncle Sam supported with Noraid …. supplying support to terrorists/freedom fighters/call them what you will.
You can be sure though that there will western agent provocateur on the ground in amongst them, doing what they did for forces opposing the British army and trying to destabilise the state. With some cowboy friends, one doesn’t need any enemies.
Oh, and by the way, with regard to …"In foreign affairs Chaos Theory seems a reasonable mechanism for predicting outcomes."…. please be advised that there is chaos and there is CHAOS, and only Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems guarantee predictable outcomes. And don’t bother asking me about that for confirmation, give Palace Barracks’ new Loughside Cyber Security Operations Centre desk, a bell, for are they not supposed to know everything that’s going on here on the island/in the province …….. or is that just them zeroday dreaming?
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