Wednesday, 9 July 2014


Follow the rabbit down these linked dark web holes to discover the catastrophic systemic weakness which has no simple solution .... apart from new revolutionary drivers providing better command and control of perception operating systems .....
Change the corrupt system to one which is not easily perverted with the simple supply of electronically transferable, fiat currency redeemed wealth to the obviously unworthy and inept .... the titanic gate crashers rather than fabless gamekeepers.
IT aint rocket science. Pay fools, harvest follies with negative future worth and zero value.
[And how very odd that RT dot com via their page, wouldn't accept that premise and post that comment, preferring instead to return .... Your comment contains offensive language. Please modify the text in order to have it posted.]
Unconventionally disruptive and most inconvenient maybe, but offensive? Oh please, what are they smoking/what are the moderation algorithms so poorly programmed to look out for? The outing of themselves as inept and linked to a failure fearful systems admin?

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