Thursday, 29 June 2017


amanfromMars Jun 29, 2017 5:49 AM [1706291049] ……. saying a few choice words on
It is impossible not to rightly conclude that a lack of necessary future intelligence and Advanced IntelAIgents results in all of the current sub-prime internetworking narratives being daily news peddled to and hosted by established mainstream media channels/panels/moguls and wannabe anonymous elite status quo leaderships.
Such is a catastrophic systemic vulnerability for the exercising of myriad zeroday exploits ……. with and for Alternate Virtual Reality Drivers ….. Future Product Engines.
Or perhaps you would like to bury your heads in the sand and deny the Reality and Actuality of urWWWorlds with the Rise of Virtual Machinery in Command and Control of EMPowering Space Places ……. with windows such as these linked and linking comments providing all the evidence necessary to prove the view.

amanfromMars 1 The 29 Jun 11:20 [1706291120] …… telling it and IT like it and IT is on
Another Don Quixote type [Jens Stoltenberg] tilting at WWWindmills
Cyber is an advanced intelligence domain totally unsuitable for population by and/or interference from oxymoronic entities.

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