Thursday, 30 November 2017


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 N0v 16:24 [1711301624] .... sharing a view on

Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ..... and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field

Cryptocurrencies are the medium of value exchange and shared wealth of virtual worlds in which extant establishment regulation authorities have no jurisdiction nor prior knowledge with which to subvert direction and/or influence growth/further future development and progress.

Or do they imagine that they would command and control such a futures derivative in order to benefit themselves and disadvantage others who would Pioneer Pay to Play Players/Greater IntelAIgent Gamers in ...... well, they are CyberIntelAIgent Space Places and Live Operational Virtual Environments for Global Operating Devices, are they not?

That is surely Alien Territory, and with AI Systems and Services, a SMARTR Virtual Team Terrain? And IT does not Tolerate or Promote Fools in Any Such and All Similar Fields that Work both at Rest and in Play via Remote Virtual Transactions/Quantum Instruction.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Nov 16:54 [1711301654] ... shares, chatting on

The Register Leads where Angel Investors Fear to Tread and Trade
Well done for the rise in the quality of reporting this sort of thing.... John Smith 19
Seconded, John Smith 19. Bravo, El Reg. The Main Stream News teams are lagging ages behind the future with their presentations of the past to the masses. Whenever are they going to realise what is now so easily able to be done with Sublime Internet Networking computers/these magical tools at our fingertips?

The pictures they can paint for reality and populations to inhabit and nurture are infinitely superior to anything else being made available for markets to market and driver.


amanfromMars Nov 30, 2017 12:27 PM [1711301727] ..... informing more than just quora on Racing Ahead Developments with these comments on

Re: "Something has changed"

It sure has, and now all visiting here and here know of it.

Ignorance is not Bliss where Arrogance Rules and is a Pretender at Reign.


amanfromMars [1711301800] ...... says chatting on

Joe, Hi,

If any politician with assisting complicit friends nowadays thinks they can escape unharmed and scot-free whenever guilty of sexual assault or gross misconduct and trying to pervert the course of natural justice, are they contemptible and have no place in any public office, .... with the notable exception, of course, of local state and federal penitentiaries.

Is it a mad sickness or sick madness for them to imagine and expect it to be so?

Things have been changed, both radically and fundamentally. IT and it aint what IT and it used to be.


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