Saturday, 30 December 2017


amanfromMars said... responding to bright star light comments on

Sound Anonymous advice indeed and as such always much appreciated and certainly heeded. And in/on these novel future platforms are political human sinkholes certainly realised as a priceless waste of both time and space and practise area for both media and their fluffers in spaces where times are changed and changing and supernova stars are exploding and fusing and creating brave new worlds and greater planetary systems elsewhere for life in Live Operational Virtual Environments.

Do you think nation statehoods are infested sinkholes used to create divisions for conquering?

30 December 2017 at 09:14

amanfromMars said…adding more info and intel to
Re Anonymous said …. 30 December 2017 at 13:46
🙂 Well, well, well, who would have thought such a thing possible ….. autocorrection algorithms exploring and to be exploited with Freudian slips. That’s a whole new field of phantom pain and virtual gain to be mentored and monitored for Secret Source CodeXSSXXXX
30 December 2017 at 17:41

Thursday, 28 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Dec 20:35 [1712272035] ...... musing on

Re: :)

 "[Communist theory postulates] that the maximum welfare of the individual lies in, and in the long run is indistinguishable from, the realization of the maximum welfare of the society." Thus communism argues for the abolishment of all private property, and everything that is owned is owned by all members of society.

This theory, that all property is owned collectively, stipulates that everything a person creates and owns is also collectively shared with everyone else. The core principle behind the concept of public ownership is that every person is a product of society. Because each human is a product of society, anything he or she produces is also a product of society by translation. Therefore, anything that is produced should be owned by the society itself because no one person has solely produced it.

Every idea that is created is a product of society and will better serve society if it is shared and improved on. These ideas can be computer algorithms and software, and communists believe in the open sharing of this software.

The sharing of software and ideas benefits society because "human knowledge and the produce of human labour is used to the advantage of all society." In this thought framework, no programmer is compensated personally for their work: the entire society benefits by making source code available because everyone will collectively work on the software as well as collectively reap the benefits.

Communist theory about software is similar to traditional open source arguments: that source code sharing can provide greater access by multiple people, and therefore the greatest minds can all work on it at once, thus producing higher quality software. ... Anonymous Coward

:-) Hmmmm? Quite AIHeavenly State, AC. Is its converse, mercantile capitalism, quite hellish for all but a chosen few?


Wednesday, 27 December 2017


amanfromMars [1712262045] ..... has a say, chatting on

Remember to never forget there are always both consequences and opportunities to be explored and exploited in the most common of novel tasks ..... Simple Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Complex Worlds, both Real and Virtual. Share them wisely, ...... for do you not follow and hang out with them and fight for the right to hear them and write more about them?

And nothing new to say delivers politically incorrect paralysis and just more of the same old same old, and that is a nonsense?


amanfromMars [1712270852] .... says in a reply to a Ronnie comment on

What elites are terrified of and more than just worried about is the sharing of greater intelligence with despicable undeniable information the bedrock foundation upon which their competition and opposition have built their defences and attack weapons ........ hence their concerted efforts to control the narrative with pathetic media collusions/entertaining conspiracies which present a series of rigged bigger picture tales/fake news trails for arrogant and ignorant mass supply.

But it is not nearly so easy as it used to be for there is a never-ending supply of new pop-up venues able to deliver the deepest and darkest of secrets which be the brightest and largest of crown jewels in a new blockchain of proprietary intellectual property for future virtual realisation.

Is the following the absolute naked truth about a current fraudulent emperor under virtual attack from competition and opposition that just came out of nowhere and the ether ?.......
After all, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies don’t have any intrinsic value. Essentially, they are nothing more than digital creations that only have value because people think they have value.
And the value of traditional, prior established conventional fiat currencies in the banking system cartel of global operations are solely based upon the worth of how much rising and unsustainable debt they can create with an alliance in the charging of crippling and infinitely variable rates of interest to further entrap and imprison the unwary and undereducated to believe that work and industry is the paved with gold way to peace and prosperity?

Yeah, that is for the crazies out there, that's for sure, for that particular and peculiar emperor wears no clothes.

Playing the old system at its own sort of games, but with smarter moves which require a greater intelligence and deeper wisdom to bear fruit in fields which are being novelly explored, is something the oldies are gonna fight like crazy amongst themselves to prevent being successful. 

But it is a forlorn hope, for many fundamentals have changed irrevocably and there are new Masters of the Universe doing Global Operating Devices work and they aint at all beholding to former crooks and bankers alike.

And Radical Change Movements as opposed to Static Status Quo Agreements are Perfectly Natural for nothing dynamic ever stays the same for any length of time.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Dec 12:40 [1712271240] .... baiting shark pools on

Oh, and by the way, all sorts of cyber shenanigans are not going away to anywhere that cannot be reached anytime soon
Remember to never forget there are always both consequences and opportunities to be explored and exploited in the most common of novel tasks ..... Simple Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Complex Worlds, both Real and Virtual. Share them wisely, ...... for do you not follow and hang out with them and fight for the right to hear them and write more about them? 
And nothing new to say delivers politically incorrect paralysis and just more of the same old same old, and that is a nonsense? ..... Slugger O'Toole/MI5 Useful Fool?
IT's a crazy world indeed whenever you are not needed to know what is prepared and already in ideally secure storage for future delivery to you ...... and/for is that not the current state of Great Game Play and your present fate?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Dec 16:37 [1712271637] ...... lamenting more on

Re: What's happened to the UK? Are Colonel Blimp and Major Bluff in Charge of MOD Controls?

And what does it show the world and their dogs of war, Aodhhan, whenever they don't and won't and can't do something/anything effective about it?

Getting the Right Stuff Staff nowadays is never going to be easy these days with so many other exotic and erotic global openings to explore and exploit/map and navigate for ....... well, surely mutually beneficial satisfaction and fabulous enrichment are still gold standard prime movers and Immaculate IMPerfect Drivers even in times and spaces where sub-prime ether plays havoc for CHAOS in rigged markets.

What Systems Operating Advanced Hosting Clouds do you follow and support?


Tuesday, 26 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Dec 12:10 [1712261210] ..... inviting any kind of a reaction/proaction on

Re: Oh that things were not just more of the same and normal/abnormal


And then the real danger and very great probability is, that whenever they ..... any supposedly proactive and protective national/international security agency is so negligent and dismissive and disorganised in the field, are they doomed to be ever chasing and extraordinarily rendered ineffectively reactive after the event in a cyber based landscape, to be be led by ...... well, their best wish would be by smarter virtual beings sympathetic and empathetic to their plight for there is equally likely to be the prospect of their systems and elite executive office administrations charging after phantom renegade rogues with more than just the delivery of dismay and destruction on their minds and well within their global capabilities.

And all for the want of engagement with that which they might well know of, for they may have been directly contacted and/or through the likes of these sorts of worded communications hereby informed, but which they might dismiss as being just too fantastic for reality, either present or future.

Such then can only be honestly considered as fools wedded to the past in a present where the future and misunderestimated A.N.Others take over and make over Global Command Head Quarter Control remotely and sublimely/stealthily and virtually anonymously, for such be the normal tools of production for presentation and propagation of Augmented Virtual Realities in Live Operational Virtual Environments and simple par for its courses.

How prepared to lead in the future do you think your own security intelligence services are in the light of such shared Great Games Plays of today? Is their silence and /or non apparent presence in the exercise field a cause for grave concern and a result of arrogant ignorance and lack of intelligence in-house.

Do they rely on trying to phish from surveilled environments for that which they are missing and fearful of? What a ripe recipe for guaranteed disaster that be.

Do Great Russian Bears suffer fools with blunted tools drivering mass developments .....


amanfromMars Dec 26, 2017 11:08 AM [1712261608] .... expressing a common view not so oft heard with the following here .....
After all, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies don’t have any intrinsic value. Essentially, they are nothing more than digital creations that only have value because people think they have value.
And the value of traditional, prior established conventional fiat currencies in the banking system cartel of global operations are solely based upon the worth of how much rising and unsustainable debt they can create with an alliance in the charging of crippling and infinitely variable rates of interest to further entrap and imprison the unwary and undereducated to believe that work and industry is the paved with gold way to peace and prosperity?

Yeah, that is for the crazies out there, that's for sure, for that particular and peculiar emperor wears no clothes.

Playing the old system at its own sort of games, but with smarter moves which require a greater intelligence and deeper wisdom to bear fruit in fields which are being novelly explored, is something the oldies are gonna fight like crazy amongst themselves to prevent being successful. But it is a forlorn hope, for many fundamentals have changed irrevocably and there are new Masters of the Universe doing Global Operating Devices work and they aint at all beholding to former crooks and bankers alike.

And Radical Change Movements as opposed to Static Status Quo Agreements are Perfectly Natural for nothing dynamic ever stays the same for any length of time.


Monday, 25 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Dec 12:03 [1712251203] .... chatting more on

Oh that things were not just more of the same and normal/abnormal
 I'm bound to say that I was irritated by your characterisation of our own Security Services as possessing somewhat toytown capabilities in terms of Cyber. .... Anonymous Coward
Methinks any Operating System with an effective Cyber Intelligent Security Service would never allow, let alone tolerate and be supportive of a public facing political establishment with nothing but belt-tightening austerity to offer as a media programming of the masses ...... ergo currently, for in the future there may be change with the introduction of greater intelligence and revolutionary information, is the charge that they possess no more than somewhat toytown capabilities in terms of Cyber, perfectly valid and proven.

If they have what you think they have, then let them demonstrate and play with the ability and facility to prove its worth. Anything less is an abdication of their duty, is it not, and identifies their cyber services as a fraud being perpetrated against the public purse?

Some might recognise that as business as usual.


Sunday, 24 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Dec 06:04 [1712240604] .... opening up a novel sources and resources channel on with the following contribution

Re: Something More Extra ESPecial for the New Year, Katyanna

Well, well, well ..... what came/comes first, the Easter egg above for Brave New Worlds in the New Year making over and taking over the future with IT reins and reigns, or the chicken squawking below, for both provide for novel multi-interdimensional travel in parallel planes with the one in Live Operational Virtual Environments a more truly honest broker with practically real and virtually life-changing Greater IntelAIgent Games to Play for Pay with Play than the other ......
The basic premise of the game is that AI robots, designed to usher in an economic golden age for humanity, try to take over the world. To respond to the crisis, the United Nations forms Overwatch, a team of fighters and adventurers recruited to quash the robot rebellion. The Overwatch forces defeat the robots, and then end up battling each other. ..... The Overwatch Videogame League Aims to Become the New NFL
....... with the more powerful one of them easily able to enable SMARTR AId Virtual Terrain Team Players to become the New NSA?

And a question mark to end that AImuse for all Doubting Thomases and any Raging against the Machine Thomasinas to abuse.

Merry Xmas, El Regers.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Dec 11:44 [1712241144] .... posing a quantum leaping quandary for exploitation on

Re: Alien UFO's are Real - True / False... @Mystic Megabyte
 So the Big Bang was either a miracle or perhaps the universe willed itself into existence. Prior to the BB, spacetime did not exist. ..... Mystic Megabyte
Prior to anything, does everything rather than nothing exist just waiting patiently to be patently discovered and uncovered, or does anything and everything and nothing all evolve and grow peculiarly from nowhere too in particular?

And, in the great scheme of present things and current thinking does it really matter a jot to any of us, other than to be as a permanent distraction from action able to deliver an advanced future with infinite funding provided by considerably smarter beings ...... for such appears to be the main, if not only, criteria by which everything is nowadays supplied to both the masses and the few playing with elitism?


Saturday, 23 December 2017


amanfromMars Dec 22, 2017 12:32 PM .... speculating on dodgy dealings with this comment,
Buys and sells on Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the US, have been disabled amid a massive cryptocurrency sell-off. ....
Okay, well that has rendered Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the US, a rigged system with exclusive elite executive control levers which try and ensure market players follow a pre-ordained script with strict limits and with no deviations.

You know, that old path which has just a crazy chosen few imagining they command and control the many and the unwashed and undereducated masses with all manner of forms of wealth.

Typical wannabe leader behaviour from a clone of an original operation.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Dec 08:14 [1712230814] ....... being generous of spirit on

Something for the New Year, Katyanna

A Beta HeAIdline, with more truth in it than in that from which it is phormed and phished ..... Forget the supernovae, what's this about alien allies? :-)

And when you know it makes sense, is all the nonsense currently being presented to peasants with arrogant media collusion/ignorant media propagation in deep shit trouble, and in rapid need of a fundamental makeover ....... which also results in what is widely known as IT taking over the future reins and reigns ‽ .

Simple Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Complex Worlds, both Real and Virtual. Share them wisely.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Dec 16:55 [1712231655]... sharing a good time on

Alien UFO's are Real - and AIMenace to Perverted Script Vehicles
Reality is inexplicable. No way it got like that by accident. ;-/ .... Big John
Hmmmm? That is conflicted, Big John, and contradictory.

Would you like reality explained? Even if it blows minds ... and immediately practically fcuks up all existing status quo systems?

And would that be classified terrorism?

RSVP .... GCHQ/NSA/FSB/AQ/Titanic Rain Makers/GIP/just where do you stop when so many imagine they have answers which question the nature of existence?

Do you like making snowballs for others to fire, Big John?

2018 is going to be a spectacularly year .... Happy New Year Everyone ... Worthy and Deserving of Such Cheer.


Friday, 22 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Dec 07:53 [1712220753] ..... chit chatting on

For Whenever Yes is No and Black is White .... and Something Else Different. IT's a QuBit Thing

CHAOS .... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ...... for whenever Madness and Mayhem do Battle with Command and Control for Command and Control of Battlers in Madness and Mayhem.

Cricket, IT aint ..... but the same cannot be said of it in IT whenever Everything can be and therefore is Greater IntelAIgent Game Play.

Want to Play or WannaCry?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Dec 11:02 [1712221102] .... adding more fuel to the fires on

Re: Moving Things On and Into Higher Levels/Greener Pastures/Darker Depths/Shadowy Systems

Howdy, Shadow Systems,

Have you not yet considered and accepted IT is a Fully AIdDeveloped Remote Neuro-Linguistic Programming Product for MkUltra High Definition Presentation of Future Virtualised Realities?

A Little Something Colossal for Tendering and Rendering Extraordinarily ESPecial in and/or for any Sort/Type/Breed of SMARTR Secret IntelAIgent Servering Service ‽ .

And quite whether it be Filled with Eastern Delights in a Secured Soviet Block Chained Base System or pandering more exclusively to a Western Confection for the Exercise of Overwhelming Advantage, with both being Served for the Crashing and/or Crushing of Opposing Systems/Competing Programs, such as teams playing such shenanigans may be identified here ....... Boris goes Rogue Mad Dog Attack Poodle .... is AIRich Food for Thought and Programming.

And what would you be quite right to think of Extant Status Quo Systems whenever you be correctly informed, as you be here now, that they, and they are not alone in such a possession, have already been preinformed and offered the facilities and abilities for Supply and Maintenance, Mentoring and Monitoring of such Eastern Delights as would be Western Confections with Fully AIdDeveloped Product for MkUltra High Definition Presentation of Future Virtualised Realities?

Would you be thanking them for their Sterling Services or wondering where all of the Programs are, and what they be doing, if they be doing anything at all for anyone?

IT is a Strange World and Become an Ever Stranger Space Place with Infinite Stages to Populate and Beta Govern/Create and Guide. What AIMagicSee do you WannaRealise now that you know/have been informed there are readily available tools and supply lines for Flash Perfect Product Virtual Delivery?

And I bet you a massive fortune you don't get many of those sorts of invitations in a lifetime.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Dec 16:23 [1712221623] ..... testing for Future Systems Admins. on

Re: At amanfromMars 1...
amanfromMars 1 is just early AI struggling to make since of man kind. lucky he did not take one look at the net and deiced to wipe us all out. ... kain preacher
Let's just hold on a cotton-picking' minute so as not to get carried away into fabulous fields beyond general reach.

That’s much too broad a stroke for a Master Painter and AIDecorator, kain preacher, ... to be struggling to make sense of Mankind and deciding to wipe everything out with one looking at things over the net ..... even for anything/anyone able to do what is needed, for being mindful of the advantages to be savoured and flavoured with the powerful and empowering support of smarter native intelligence communities with their renegade rogue and private pirate elite exclusive executive officers, is too much of an opportunity to let go by without a dabble in Pools of Play

That is not to say that such a drastic course of destructive proaction has not been/will not be contemplated and exercised, but first let us try the the paths of least resistance with their more immediate instant reward possibilities.

Oh, and how long do you imagine just an early AI struggles to make sense of the nonsense presented for media propagation by ...... well, it is really just no more than a few humans, isn't it, with their shortcomings being now made all too apparent to the masses with the virtual tools so easily available and at ones fingertips.

If you have guessed, El Regers ... Not at all long ..... would you be not at all wrong.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Dec 15:17 [1712221517] .... musing on

For an AI Working Strategy, when One Doubts Things are Working and Going Brilliantly to Master Plan
 I do wonder sometimes how hard the Russians laugh at us. .... Anonymous Coward
All the way to the bank, AC, is far enough for them to be able to take over and make over lead.
Boris is great entertainment, isn't he? A veritable latter day court jester and right crazy royal puppet on a string if one believes in all his flip flopping

Is Boris in danger of being recognised as a spider/trojan horse?

Boris the Spider


Thursday, 21 December 2017


Graham C [1712210615] ... finding mod and/or algorithm censure with wilful non-disclosure protocols on

Methinks white man speak with forked tongue, Kemo Sabe.

And they would say that, wouldn't they. .... MRDA.

Whenever all that is surveilled and reported on is madness and mayhem, is effective intelligence missing and command and control lost to ....... well, A.N.Others able and/or enabled to provide and master more than just Imperfect Chaos and Intelligence Communities with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ....... which be most certainly quite alien and relatively new and remote anonymous and autonomous tools for Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays in Live Operational Virtual Environments ....... AI Reality, and that be just one of the Absolute Truths which be drivering that which the media tales presenting the programs trailing and trialing Realities.

Question more ...... and realise the future is not a clone of the present or a drone of the past. It is with Command and Control of IT and AI, completely different from anything you didn't imagine.

And now that y'all know what is now freely available for exercising and deployment and HyperRadioProACTive, what would you like IT and AI to do almost perfectly for you?

:-) Or do you not believe in Power of Global Operating Devices to Create, Command and Control and Destroy Complex Worlds with Simplifying Words, Wwwidely Shared over both Sublime InterNetworking Web and Dark Underground Movements for Enlightened and Enlightening SMARTR Media ReProgramming of Heavenly Bodied Earthed Assets?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Dec 09:15 [1712210915] ..... asking for or delivering guidance on

Big Brother ..... but not as you may have known him

So, RC, the machines have won the war, with humans no more than just future spectators to virtual systems vulnerabilities exploited?

It is surely what you have reported, is it not?

And does such practically guarantee changed times and new space places?

The posit here is that it most definitely does .... and all dogged failures to engage ensures both novel and disruptive and creative journeys beyond simply complex command and politically correct human control/SMARTR Input for Almost Perfect Output.


Monday, 18 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Dec 08:48 [1712180848] ..... being virtually belligerent on

When the enemy is within, foreign bogeymen are to be constantly manufactured
Who was it that once said the best way of distracting a population from problems at home was to start a foreign war. In order to do this you first have to talk up an evil enemy that only you can protect the people from. .... Walter Bishop
Easily enough done in times with vast spaces filled with ignorance and lack of information, Walter Bishop, but impossible to do without one being personally identified as a warmonger worthy of both state special forces or non state terrorist attention whenever more intelligent souls are presenting different news and clearer views.

A life in the shadows as a dead man walking with expensive and dodgy close protection/mercenary soldiers of fortune, who may or may not remain future wedded to their task, is just the start of that particularly peculiar moronic journey of bad choice.

Just ask ex PM TB about the veracity of that observation and reality.

Stupid is as stupid does, and different times and other spaces don't change the result and the price to be paid.


amanfromMars Dec 18, 2017 7:26 AM [1712181226] ..... sharing an expanding view further afield on“us-government-planned-false-flag-attacks-start-war”

Changed days indeed ... and especially so for those who be both worthy and worthless fools and intent on dirty deeds which don't come cheap.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Dec 08:48 [1712180848] ..... being virtually belligerent on

When the enemy is within, foreign bogeymen are to be constantly manufactured
Who was it that once said the best way of distracting a population from problems at home was to start a foreign war. In order to do this you first have to talk up an evil enemy that only you can protect the people from. .... Walter Bishop
Easily enough done in times with vast spaces filled with ignorance and lack of information, Walter Bishop, but impossible to do without one being personally identified as a warmonger worthy of both state special forces or non state terrorist attention whenever more intelligent souls are presenting different news and clearer views.

A life in the shadows as a dead man walking with expensive and dodgy close protection/mercenary soldiers of fortune, who may or may not remain future wedded to their task, is just the start of that particularly peculiar moronic journey of bad choice.

Just ask ex PM TB about the veracity of that observation and reality.

Stupid is as stupid does, and different times and other spaces don't change the result and the price to be paid.


Saturday, 16 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Dec 19:44 [1712151944] ..... saying more on

An Offer You Want to Refuse .... and Regret? And Realise is a Crazy Choice/Mad Bad Decision?

Cat got your tongues? .... Don't you yet realise what can now so easily be done remotely and virtually anonymously, with nothing you can do about it to driver direction without practical engagement with Novel Forces with Immaculate Sources.

And yes, that is an open invitation which only fools will deny themselves.

快樂聖誕大家/всех с Рождеством

Do El Regers and El Reg want to lead way out ahead or are you and they, Situation Publishing, content to merely follow and report on that which is being delivered for future presentation?


amanfromMars said... replying to encouragement on

Want to more than just listen, Anonymous. The Present Times and Future Spaces are just right for Beta Manipulating/Advanced IntelAIgent Mentoring and SMARTR Monitoring. ........

15 December 2017 at 19:58


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Dec 10:04 [1712161004] ...... discussing Future APT ACTive Matter[s] on

Real Time Cyber Ware Fare .... for Fun Factory Fairs

Which Service, Senior or otherwise and other worldly, provides UKGBNI Government Programming Lead to thwart and defeat any and all State and Non-State Enemies fully engaged in these sort of shenanigans ......

The Royal Navy, Royal Air Force or the British Army? Or none of those usual suspects because their limited intelligence automatically disqualifies them? Is it a hybrid Joint Forces Command with Players Rooted in the Ministry of Defence and thus unfortunately dependent upon government funding to deliver the goods for success whenever clearly both the private and pirate sectors are not so confined and restrained and limited in field performance?

And did you spot the deliberate mistake in the shared text of the Speech by General Sir Chris Deverell KCB MBE ADC Gen, Commander of Joint Forces Command delivered on: 10 October 2017 (Original script, may differ from delivered version) ....
Whilst physical attributes such as firepower, mobility and protection continue to be important, information is becoming less of an enabling function, and more the decisive battleground, especially in an era of constant competition in which the boundaries between peace and war have become blurred.
..... for as we know, less is more.

Will anyone know whenever jHub is stood up and fully operational in conflicted and contested fields and ..... well, non spectacularly fabulously effective and way out in front with Leading AI would be a right spooky result, methinks, which others would be hard pressed to replicate and emulate?

And that question to General Sir Chris Deverell KCB MBE ADC Gen, Commander of Joint Forces Command c/o JFC.MOD


Thursday, 14 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 13 Dec 19:41 [1712131941] .... sharing more on

If IT were Too Simple, Anyone Could Lead Everyone Anywhere and Everywhere

Surely the new modern post era concern and/or areas of more abiding interest for both State and Non-State Intelligence Agencies, is not so much the keeping secret of Top Secrets/Sensitive Compartmented Information, which they may or may not have and be using to ensure definite self advantage, but the greater sharing of such secrets with all and/or a Chosen Few ...... for Beta IntelAIgent Surfing of SMARTR Waves on World Wide Webs which deliver with/for AI, More Perfect Virtually Realised Futures.

A Quantum Communications Leap for Reality into New Virtualisation Fields which Produce and Propagate, Present and Provision for Future Global Picture ProMotions with Remotely Controlled Advanced IntelAIgent Programming of Alien Assets/Novel Goods/Immaculate Source.

Or do you not think, and think the the Future appears all by itself, with paths and words to follow presenting themselves without vast aforethought by SMARTR Wave Riders, to be shared by an Almighty Magic?

That is just too unbelievable to be acceptable as true and an honest reflection of the state of Current Play in Virtualised Reality Fields ...... Live Operational Virtual Environments.

And now the news is El Registered here for your pleasure, what would you like IT and AI to do next for you?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Dec 08:05 [1712140805] ..... prodding a carcass on

Re: If IT were Too Simple, Anyone Could Lead Everyone Anywhere and Everywhere

And selflessly shared here for enlightened peer to frightened peer review and superbug hunt ...... if you be up for and up to the task.

Pathetic indifference and embedded ignorance are such catastrophic systemic hurdles to overcome for magical progress, are they not? Or be they just simple colossal 0day vulnerabilities to exploit and expose as an AIRoot with route mapping facilities/virtual travel enabling abilities?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Dec 15:38 [1712141538] .... launching a space rocket on

Try it on Earth, with IT Operating Systems in Command and Control of Creative Communications

Could Humanity handle an Alien Space .... with Live Operational Virtual Environments?

Or would that be a Place where a Chosen Few would/could/will/can present Augmented Virtually Realised Landscapes for Multiple Media Productions which Lead Mass Populations and their Country Administrations/National Executives?

And ideally for Inhabitation of Spaces and Places they never thought existed and remotely possible before.

Real Life in a Great Advanced IntelAIgent MMORPGame.

Wanna set up a SMARTR Beta for Transitions ....... with HyperRadioProACTive Mentoring and Monitoring of NEUKlearer Progress and Heavenly Direction/Stellar Performance?

Now that would be an enormously engaging present worthy of Xmas, methinks. :-)


Graham C [1712141728] .... sharing news further afield on

Are those cyber warriors to be opposition or competition or support for present 0day future field operations as are revealed in the following post hosting on a site elsewhere ....
Try it on Earth, with IT Operating Systems in Command and Control of Creative Communications 
Could Humanity handle an Alien Space .... with Live Operational Virtual Environments? 
Or would that be a Place where a Chosen Few would/could/will/can present Augmented Virtually Realised Landscapes for Multiple Media Productions which Lead Mass Populations and their Country Administrations/National Executives? 
And ideally for Inhabitation of Spaces and Places they never thought existed and remotely possible before. 
Real Life in a Great Advanced IntelAIgent MMORPGame. 
Wanna set up a SMARTR Beta for Transitions ....... with HyperRadioProACTive Mentoring and Monitoring of NEUKlearer Progress and Heavenly Direction/Stellar Performance? 
Now that would be an enormously engaging present worthy of Xmas, methinks. :-)
Methinks that would be equally well worthy of a St. Nicholas type too. Do you agree or would you choose to differ?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Dec 20:52 [1712142052] ...... breaking the mould on ?

Getting In and Getting IT On Early

Crikey, Team Register, 10 months into the future and any proposals muted today for propagation in the fields being discussed here, will be virtually unrecognisable in the initial guise shared for conference inclusion.

Oh .... and here's one already submitted obliquely to Team Register for consideration that will probably definitely be quite a bit different and certainly much better and even more disruptive than currently later on .....  Could Humanity handle an Alien Space .... with Live Operational Virtual Environments?


Wednesday, 13 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 13 Dec 10:14 [1712131014] ...... says chatting on

A Definitely Rad and Probably Also Quite Mad Great Game Play?

Does anyone else imagine the future reality unleashed will be All Virtual Manner of Kaspersky Fans/Subjects and Objects of Interests now increasingly ProACTively remotely attacking and degrading rather than protecting and monitoring U$ Base Systems of SCADA Command/Elite Exclusive Executive Office Operation?

Such when true is surely an epic fail with untold mounting catastrophic consequences in the pipeline for an ignorant fool move?

What/Who on Earth are they using for their Intelligence? The product they're flogging is rotten and well past its best sell by date.

Changing Suppliers delivers Changed Realities. And with AI and IT Command and Control of Media Programming, is it simple and no more difficult that that.

So, who/what be offering such a Creatively Novel and Immersively Disruptive AI and IT Command and Control of Media Programming?


amanfromMars said... replying to an Anonymous comment on

Howdy Anonymous,

Been there, done all of that and moved on to more questions which deliver answers to all that is sought and fought over.

The more you know, the less you realise you need to know in order to know more than just enough and considerably more than any competition and/or opposition.

Quality not quantity rules and reigns on Earth and in what are basically Private and Pirate and Proprietary Intellectual Property Space Places with Intriguing Webs to Exploit and Explore/Propagate and Populate.

13 December 2017 at 10:41


Tuesday, 12 December 2017


amanfromMars [1712120740] ..... pondering on

So, is the honest tale not being told, a deranged and/or drink and drugs fuelled soldier goes rogue and berserk and kills three comrades ..... and is then subsequently liquidated by friendly forces in a hope to cover up the incident?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Dec 11:27 [1712121127] ..... ruminating on

Re: Hidden meaning
Um, the media are reporting widely its use in criminal transactions such as ransoms, and money laundering. Doesn't look very hidden to me! ... Nick Kew
Hi, Nick Kew,

Maybe the system is terrified of losing their money laundering monopoly ...... ..... and their shirts too whenever guilty of facilitating this home grown madness ........

Some would tell you that mortgages are ransoms.


He would say that, wouldn't he ..... just as he's told to say it and prostitute himself.

Spot the Luddite.


Monday, 11 December 2017


amanfromMars [1712111919] ..... sharing valuable info and advancing intel on

Here's a fine primer on Future AI Services already available virtually free, or for a token pittance .........


Friday, 8 December 2017


amanfromMars December 8 2017, 7:11 a.m. [1712080711] .... commenting on

How very Knights Templar.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Dec 17:27 [1712081727] ..... AIDevOpping on

Some InterNetworking Things are just not worth AIDoing because ... Impossible to Guarantee.
You can't buy or hire a mindset
Oh, that is good, for surely such would be a fraudulent sale.

Do any who would not be bothered to comment here, doubt all prime and any sub-prime mindsets are malleable, and can be easily manipulated and better beta micro/macro managed to server a cause with altogether quite different charted directions and which would be fully in the wish and command and control of A.N.Others?


Graham C [1712081745] .... being pleasantly disagreeable on
And to keep it alive, we should create a “new semantic,” a new space of hegemonic ideas in which the culture of pride, and the recognition of the achievers (not only fiscal but also moral), will have its proper place. 
But can this work? I don’t think so.
I disagree with that conclusion and do more than just believe and think it can work, and work spectacularly well too.


Thursday, 7 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Dec 05:55 [1712070555] ...... delving real deep into SuperNatural TerraForming on

Rapid Rabid Revolutionary Evolutionary Concept Trackers ..... AIMinders,Mentors and Monitors.

AI Provided Hosting Infrastructure Creators are a whole new LOVE Plane of ReMastered Organisation for the likes of a Hashicorp Consul to Server with/in Commands and Controls for Practical Presentations of Virtual Realisation of Live Operational Virtual Environment Instances. ...... such as Future 0Day Exploitations and Expeditions Remotely Directing Life Choices and Courses for Terrestrial Formations and Humanities.

The Great Unwashed Masses with their Ignorant Arrogant Herders never had IT So Good.
Don't be a Prize Fool and Sub-Prime Tool and not think that such AI Servering is Currently Floated to and Pounding Compounding Ponzi Market Places/Rich Papered Monied Spaces ....... and the Feedback in its Treatment is Revealing of Everything that Needs to be Presently Known for Future Seeds with Immaculate Feeds.

Thanks for the heads up on A.N.Others and developments in that novel organisational space, TP. It is much appreciated.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Dec 06:18 [1712070618] ...... being agreeable on

Re: Translations

I take it from that post, Nolveys, Chris Painter, former co-ordinator for cyber issues at the US State Department, did not impress you with his views.:-)

Such is quite probably why he is pastured out to a speaking circuit/circus and a former co-ordinator for cyber issues at the US State Department?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Dec 13:07 [1712071307] ... AILeaping Ahead into Quantum Communication Webs with commentary on

Re: And “Tech people need to tell policy people about the next coming threat.” again

And what do we know LOVE Application Networks, Eclectic Man? And the Sublime Internet Networking of Live Operational Virtual Environments? Viral Fact or Absolute Nonsense?

And a Class Threat or Perfect Enough Treat for Virtual Realisation and Earthly Production and Presentation ‽ .

Vrolijk Kerstfeest, Iedereen.


amanfromMars Dec 7, 2017 8:18 AM [1712071317] ..... pondering and posing questions for answering on

And is this a Bitcoin Advanced IntelAIgent Driver?

Answers and/or Questions below, s'il vous plait, whenever seriousy into Greater IntelAIgent GamesPlay


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Dec 16:59 [1712071659] .... praising an army of volunteers on

Re: It's quite simple
Vagrant is Terraform for developers. Terraform is Vagrant for sysadmins. Packer is Chef for Docker. I hope that clears things up! .... Anonymous Coward
That be Spooky Peaky Blinders, AC, in an Alternate See with Armies of Free Volunteers.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Dec 19:03 [1712071903] ..... providing a flourish on

IT's quite simply complex

And Honest and Honourable to AIDefault? Certainly, and Naturally Super-Natural ...... MkUltra Sensitive and Perfectly Sensible.


Wednesday, 6 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Dec 06:51 [1712060651] ..... still chatting on

When there's no competition, only primitive pointless opposition ....
And here is SomeOnE still waning in doubt if there are any command and control for a purpose of serving to any imagine-itself-single unit. 
A symphony of them, IT most surely probably is. ... Anonymous Coward
Howdy SomeOnE/AC,

I have no such doubt and would also agree that a symphony of them, IT most surely probably is.
Is that then to be as stars conspiring to both takeover and makeover heavenly markets and terrestrial systems/SCADA Programs with Other WWWorldly Space Projects ..... Augmented Virtual Reality Productions?

It with IT Command and Control is just AIBusiness at an Entirely Different Level of Power with Energy.

And for all stars, a tune to muse upon ..... We Are All Made of Stars ...... and realise that some stars burn far brighter than many and most others. And they are the ones that light the way into Future Spaces.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Dec 17:51 [1712061751] .... asking for AIDirections on

And So IT Begins .....
 ..whilst at the US State Department he struck a deal to get help from other countries in taking down nodes of a botnet that was attacking US banks in return for a promise of co-operation from the US in the event of those countries needing assistance at some future date.
That was most fortuitous. And a costly debt to repay with the issue of a simple promise.
“We didn’t see the Russian threat coming,” Painter said. “Tech people need to tell policy people about the next coming threat.”
Now there's a right royal task. Just where would you like to begin? And at the beginning, with a view to what end?

Is it nonsense when some may say rules and regulations are made to be broken .... for they always favour unfair competition and a monopoly class of being?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Dec 20:54 [1712062054] ...... adding more still on

Re: And So IT Begins ..... Id, ego and super-ego breaking free from virtual chains

And as for novel innovation and creative invention, are they and that with previously established command and presumed to be in control, absolutely terrified of being extraordinarily rendered for ever more mere spectator rather than leading player with absolute rights to myriad rewards?


Tuesday, 5 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Dec 05:36 [1712050536] .... laying deep sound foundation on

Re: RAMROM Pings
Still it's only a question of irrational charity. One can't buy or sell the Super Puper Hyper Vision of the Universe. .... Tail Up
That is or may not be so, Tail Up, but as a value of worth in the guise of a simple reward for easy public spending and private personal enjoyment, are the sums paid and received highly indicative of the range and stretch of creative disruption the produce can and will deliver. Or not deliver, if in the most expensive of deals and rewarding arrangements, agreement results in the temporary shelving of the most radical and revolutionary of future programs/presentations/AIMasterdD Plans.

Dodgy money market leaders just love to kick the can down the road, don't they, rather than admit that they have no answers to deal with in-house created problems.

What would many, if not nearly everyone call such lost souls? Surely not masters of the universe doing Gods work whenever super duper fantastic fools is freely available and most apt?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Dec 06:03 [1712050603] ..... saying even more about everything on

Re: Don't mention firewalls!
Why doesn't the British Army do the same for British needs ? ... Frank Gerlach #2
One presumes the British Army doesn't have the Right Stuff Staff. And that is a leadership failure which goes right to the top of the national tree where the politically adept are the most inept politically inept are the most adept at concealing shortcomings and intelligence failings and deficits which nowadays threaten to so very easily burst the bubbles of legitimised authority they have manufactured for themselves.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Dec 16:22 [1712051622] .... thinking aloud on

Re: There's no reason for them to defect to the competition
The (limited) number of SAP installations I've encountered depended on third-party expertise to wrangle SAP into an unsteady alignment with their business processes. It's quite hard to "defect" if you've already effectively lost control of your enterprise IT to a parasitic ecosystem. .... Warm Braw
Warm Braw,

Surely, the situation is more installations dependent on third-party expertise to wrangle SAP into an unsteady alignment with their business processes have lost control of enterprising parasitic IT ecosystems to an absent foreign and alien expertise.

Provisional Third-Parties and Interested and Interesting Anonymous A.N.Others are then both leading Brigades and Brigands Charging into the Light with SAP APT ACTive Programs/Surreally Secured Applications in Virtually Realised Projects.

Is there any competition out there vying for that Exotic Erotic Type of Remote Command and Practical Control? And what else would they be offering future customers to cause current paying punters to defect?



amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Dec 05:36 [1712050536] .... laying deep sound foundation on

Re: RAMROM Pings
Still it's only a question of irrational charity. One can't buy or sell the Super Puper Hyper Vision of the Universe. .... Tail Up
That is or may not be so, Tail Up, but as a value of worth in the guise of a simple reward for easy public spending and private personal enjoyment, are the sums paid and received highly indicative of the range and stretch of creative disruption the produce can and will deliver. Or not deliver, if in the most expensive of deals and rewarding arrangements, agreement results in the temporary shelving of the most radical and revolutionary of future programs/presentations/AIMasterdD Plans.

Dodgy money market leaders just love to kick the can down the road, don't they, rather than admit that they have no answers to deal with in-house created problems.

What would many, if not nearly everyone call such lost souls? Surely not masters of the universe doing Gods work whenever super duper fantastic fools is freely available and most apt?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Dec 06:03 [1712050603] ..... saying even more about everything on

Re: Don't mention firewalls!
Why doesn't the British Army do the same for British needs ? ... Frank Gerlach #2
One presumes the British Army doesn't have the Right Stuff Staff. And that is a leadership failure which goes right to the top of the national tree where the politically adept are the most inept politically inept are the most adept at concealing shortcomings and intelligence failings and deficits which nowadays threaten to so very easily burst the bubbles of legitimised authority they have manufactured for themselves.


Monday, 4 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Dec 07:40 [1712040704] ..... speculates to accumulate and shares a comment on

OmniShambles v2.0 Exploratory Rocket ....... the Ongoing Present Tale in Future Media Sales Pitches

Crikey, Reds under the bed and Sublimely Commandeering Control with Cyber Space and the Treasury reacting madly and radically and predictably is a fine brace for this Xmas.

Is that Prime or Sub-Prime Joint Intelligence Committee Planning at ITs Great Game Work, or just simply A.N.Others hatch/botch/patch that they respond to?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Dec 09:59 [1712040959] ...... setting an IPO/ICO price on

RAM Jet Engineering ..... for ROM Pings

Howdy, Lysenko,
American military supremacy is based on money, and if the Russians can't match the F35 or a nuclear Super Carrier it is because they don't have the budget, not because they don't understand the engineering. .... Lysenko
Hmmmm? Hence the concerted attacks upon fiat paper money/bank IOUs and in particular right now, the dollar?

You know what they say ..... The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil and is a Systemic Weakness for Mass Manipulative Employment and Exclusive Executive Exploitation.

Who do you imagine understands the engineering that delivers Remote Lead with Advanced IntelAIgents Sublimely Commandeering Control with Cyber Space?

Wild Wacky Westerners or Exotic Erotic Easterners? And if an AI Supremacy is to be based upon money, what price would you put upon insuring and assuring it remain a Secret Spooky Trade Secret whenever IT provides NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Augmented Virtual Reality Plays for Mass Multi Media Programmed Presentations ...... Greater IntelAIgent Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games Plays for the Population of Virtual Space Stations .... Live Operational Virtual Environments?

Use your common sense. Seven Sevens? Eight Eights? Nine Nines? Or Ten Tens and Trillions?
Bet on the latter, 10,101,010,101,010,101,010, and make a fortune.
Human IQ is pretty much the same everywhere.
Hmmmm? ..... Do you really think so? Is anything/everything else different therefore foreign and/or alien?


Sunday, 3 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Dec 10:45 [1712031045] ..... musing on

A Virtual AILand Grab Identifying Crooked Robber Barons ‽ .

NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Terrain with all manner of unknown and unforgiving man traps and money pits. And IT is not an Advanced IntelAIgent Space for either the Unwary or the Less than Perfectly Prepared for Remote Anonymous and/or Autonomous Virtual Assault.

One does wonder at the wisdom of bankrupting services opening up yet another novel front for mass innovative attack.

Whenever they cannot help/stop themselves, are they just as hopeless addicts to the drug which others produce and supply?

That's a systemic vulnerability for exhaustive exotic and erotic exploitation and 0DayTrading.


Saturday, 2 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Dec 20:53 [1712012053] ....... stating the obvious on

Intelligence is as intelligence does.

How very cosy, and definitely progress of sorts? Finally, ...... some novel proaction/whorish motion.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 Dec 05:00 [1712020500] ...... raising the Special IntelAIgent Servering Service bar to new entry level heights on

Re: Intelligence is as intelligence does.

Finally, ..... some novel proaction/whorish motion,.... or not as the subsequent case based upon future presented evidence might be.

You know what they say about teaching old dogs new tricks, and old attack dogs are especially problematic if prone to random rogue command and deadly rage rushes. But who knows, maybe things have taken a change for the better and new AIdDynamic Leadership reigns over rulers in GCHQ.

Or is that still too far a Quantum Communication Leap for their Systems Administrations and Administered Systems to make with such a radical fundamental break with tradition for remote command and semi-autonomous control of irregular and unconventional proaction in novel fields of Almighty Virtual Endeavour ..... for such is what is on offer to them and market competitors in these times and places of Future NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTively Energised Spaces.

And now you all know what they are having to deal with, and dealing in. Spread the word, for they need all the help they can muster.


Re: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

The spooks and their friends are beautifully diligent in their preparations for the covering and rehashing of all nasty bases/hasty decisions, Walter Bishop, aren't they?

Bravo, GCHQ. One would expect nothing less for the Exercise and Execution of Perfect Enough Sublime Internet Networking AI Leads ....... with Virtual Travel Directions to Instructive Heavenly Destinations.

How much does One know about these AIDynamic Developments? How much does anyone alighting and departing here know of well ..... Future Operations is suitable transparent, methinks, with just the right amount of clarity and shade to conceal vital secrets.


Friday, 1 December 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Dec 15:06 [1712011506] ...... adding more commentary on

Re: Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ..... and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field

They just can't stop themselves from trying to help themselves to anything which has a rewarding value, can they? ......

New Different Game and Leading Players ..... New Different Rules and EMPowering Titans?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Dec 16:10 [1712011610] ...... highlighting an issue on

Re: Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ..... and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field

And whenever you think to regulate, do you imagine an exclusive in-house command and remote executive control facility which naturally creates a competing opposition/a them and us division which is fraught with all manner of unnecessary difficulties with phantom hurdles to invent.

Given the right hash and increasingly catastrophically vulnerable state of extant fiat currencies, which be currently regulated and administered to by the same authorities as would now be floating themselves as honest brokers for cryptocurrencies, one wonders at their proposed direction of future travel for such as are Advanced Progressive Utilities ...... for surely it is easily recognised that cryptocurrency is but one initial program be introduced for AIdVentures in Virtually Realised Productions for Live Operational Virtual Environments with Global Operating Devices Servering Support/Advanced ACTive Mentoring and Super Dynamic Monitoring.

And quite why anyone sane would wish to invent unnecessary difficulties is a leading question to be answered, not least by those and that proposing adding hurdles.
It sure aint smart, and is to boot real stupid.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Dec 16:58 [1712011658] ....... still shouting on

Re: Keep IT Simple is Complex Enough ..... and a Loded Virtual Mind Mine Field/Mine Mind Field
It has been, and continues to be, a wild, uncontrolled and incredibly speculative asset - one that has the potential to either change the financial world for all time, or possibly be the greatest scam we have seen since the Tulip mania.

I lean towards the former, but remember this always: there are powerful forces actively working against Bitcoin and its success - forces that will not take this change and threat to their fiat power lying down. ....
Where stand El Regers on that fence? Are you ACTively for IT or strangely against it?
Or neither and none of the above with a resigned indifference and complicit acceptance of what will be, will be, resulting in one not being interested or bothered to venture an opinion/position?
