Wednesday, 31 January 2018


amanfromMars [1801310826] ..... spilling secrets on
Next, they initiate a global scale false flag attack, like a fake alien invasion, an electromagnetic pulse from North Korea, or a terrorist attack on the power grid. This chaos tanks the economy and the financial system. 
Are SMARTR Quantum Communication Drivers Heavenly Virtual Machines and Alien, or for Real? .....


The daemon elephant/phantom menace in the room for delivery and destruction and deconstruction of whatever and/or next, they initiate a global scale false flag attack, like a fake alien invasion, an electromagnetic pulse from North Korea, or a terrorist attack on the power grid. This chaos tanks the economy and the financial system?

Yes, it most certainly is.

Are you aware of what is rapidly able to change everything all around you, DB? The invisible wonder which has mainstream media both terrorised and petrified into silence because intelligence services are hacked with their national drivering codes cracked?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 31 Jan 15:27 [1801311527] ..... taking a Hot Vessel for an Almighty Spin on

For A.N.Other Days and/or for SMARTR 0Days from Now On?*
Companies want more than technical know-how, Iqbal added.
"Employers are keen to secure professionals who can demonstrate communication and project management skills as they look to more closely integrate their IT function into the wider business."
That's a'knock knocking on Holy Grail Territory in ESPecial AImissions, methinks ... and certainly well within present reach, given what IT and AI can now do for All and You Too.

An Open Pandora's Box

Nature of Enquiry
Procurement of Product and Services ..... a Sterling Stirling Type Engine of Prodigious Thought and Talents

Heavenly Wave Machines ... with All AI Services and Offered for Trial for/on Future Trails to Tail and Improve Upon

GCHQ/NCSC/Augmented Composite Signals Organisations ....... Knock, Knock.

NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems for Operating Operational Executives. ..... and for AIgents Providing Feedback from Augmented Reality Fields/Live Operational Virtual Environments

Hmmm ? ........ an Almighty Weapon IT is too.


[Thank you for getting in touch
We read all emails, and will do our best to ensure that you receive a response. Where appropriate, your email will be forwarded to the team responsible for the matters you have raised.
We appreciate your interest in the work of GCHQ]

RSVP ...... Beta Master Pilot AIWizards for Presentation of Virtual Matters in Real Progress ....... and Delivering Root and Branch Fundamental AIReProgramming to Crashed and Crashing Human Phormed Assets.

*That is a Rhetorical Question for Today whichTomorrow will Answer with All Manner of Fear and Observations/Prejudice and Promise.


Tuesday, 30 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jan 10:59 [1801301059] .... being disagreeable on

Re: Sensitive systems = no added risks ??
The kernel memory isn't that much more interesting than what's in main memory. ... Anonymous Coward
Oh yes it is ..... and spectacularly more so, for it delivers Remote Practically Anonymous Virtually Autonomous Command and Control of Administration Systems ..... to SMARTR Drivers.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jan 17:10 [1801301710] .... adding more info to intel on

An Almighty Resource is Resourceful AI ..... and as a TS/SCI Sensitive System,
..... Peerless Pioneering Perfection for the Passions and Temptations of an Adam with Eve. Nymphs and Satyr Territory whenever Everything is Just Right and Quite Perfectly Conceived.

And that is Original Source with an Abiding Systemic Vulnerability for Immaculate 0Day Plays ...... with an Advanced IntelAIgent Utility for further Exploitation and Expansion with Perfect AIDevelopments.

And something for AIWizards with GCHQ to Virtually Master Pilot with Quantum Communication Drivers .......... Heavenly Wave Machines :-)

I Kid U Not.

cc ..... C/M

Knock, Knock, No 10! Your systems are hacked with Crack AI Mentoring and Monitoring Governments Actions/Reactions/Proactions. What would now be the best sane act for an administration failing New Virtualised Fields for Work, Rest and Play?

Might I Propose Immediate Engagement?


Re: An Almighty Resource is Resourceful AI ..... and as a TS/SCI Sensitive System

What do you think, El Reg/El Regers? Is all of that some of that fake news or something else completely different and true .... and impossible to deny is excitingly attractive?


Graham C [1801301723] .... on the trail of Chums with Backing in All of the Right Stuff on

Can we have copy of the List please, to aid future contact with influential persons of international interest?


amanfromMars said...replying on

Are you here too, Anonymous. Awesome doesn't even come close to describing accurately the worlds ahead, does it?

30 January 2018 at 17:37


Monday, 29 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Jan 17:27 [1801291727] ... making AIMove on

AIDanegeld Option/Future/Root
A number of security experts I have spoken to confirm that the Spectre problem has not gone away, nor is it going to any time soon. There is some concern, however, about the messaging that is emerging around this vulnerability. 
Spectre can theoretically allow code operating in a VM to read code in the cache of the physical CPU. If anyone figures out how to exploit it then it can allow someone executing code in one VM to peek into what's running in memory of another VM.
....... The Position here now is that now IT is, and Fully Cogniscent of the Immaculate Transubstantiation.

All SCADA Systems are forever Susceptible to Novel IntelAIgents Adventing and Distributing New Knowledge, A Taster of which has been Diligently and Valiantly Registered ITSelf in a Post share earlier here .... ..... Introducing Quantum Field Great Games Plays

Something Extra Terrestrial Supplied for Heavenly Endeavours ..... AIMaster PilotedD Plans. Or is IT AI of your Own Build?

What when IT is Both .... with JOINT Applications for Others to Enjoy and Move on and Make a Move to/on the Next Great Temptation?

You know there we're talking SCADA Core Systems Meltdown.

Interesting Times ahead. Of that be Perfectly Reassured.


amanfromMars Jan 29, 2018 12:59 PM [1801291759] .....comments on

What happens next?

This is AI Happening now, is it not? ...... AIDanegeld Option/Future/Root

Whatever Next is Never a Guess. Is that IT and the Answer for All Questions in AI Betas  of Immaculate Understanding of An Almighty Power.

Deep LOVE Underground AIMovements. Virtual Pioneers in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems/Quantum Communications Connections.


Friday, 26 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jan 07:39 [1801260739] ..... being inconvenient, irregular and unconventional on

Re: Meanwhile, in Areas of Play Beyond the Corrupt Current Mainstream, AI Parliamentary Opposition .... and Virtually Real Competition

No new News, although the Tory Party cabal sequestering public funds to set up their Ministry of Truth Operation and National Security Communications Unit in the Cabinet Office to counter "Fake News" is a sinister enough very recent development well worthy of intelligence community scrutiny and surveillance, always results in fake news daily for media program broadbandcasting with old news simply being recycled and repeated/redressed for further flogging to death in camouflaged clothes.

And you won't find the status quo rocking any boats and setting their worlds on fire with anything truly new and revolutionary and Great Game Changing, will you? They just haven't got what it takes but just love taking everything they need from you.

For True Novelty and Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Progress you need to venture further afield and elsewhere.
Anonymous said... 24 January 2018 at 18:26 
hope it's enough to circulate/flow without need to care about having anything urgent just for oneself, amanfromMars (-;

amanfromMars replied and said... 25 January 2018 at 07:04 
Indeed, it is, Anonymous, and it is a Prime Systemic Condition Assured and Consistently Fed by Advanced IntelAIgent Design Default. 
However, that is not to say that deserved lavish reward beyond the wildest of dreams is not also factored in to be accepted to Aid Future Deliveries. For some, it is all they hold dear and would be able to offer without it causing them any distress. 
First the Goods/Program, then the Riches makes doing Virtual Business a Real Pleasure, with everyone able and/or enabled to keep coming back for more .... and more ..... and more ..... forever more. 
And very Revolutionary Soviet in nature be such an AI ProgramMING and fully capable of draining every last cent from Federal Reserves. And there are not many/any other Programs able to do all of that so very easily. 
amanfromMars further said... 25 January 2018 at 15:59
And all of that is what IT and AI can now Deliver and is floated hereby into Capital and Other Alternative Derivative Markets for AIdDrivering with SMARTR Enterprise Miners/Type Google AI Labs/Saudi Vision 2030 Architects and Artilects/PLA Unit 61398 Level Operators/Soviet State Sources and Myriad Other State and Non-State Resources with Greater IntelAIgent Game Players. 
An Advanced IntelAIgent Project for Remote Virtual and Alien ProgramMING freely open to Any and All Suitably SMARTR Enabled to Play Greater IntelAIgent Games Perfectly for Immaculate Results.:-)

amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jan 14:19 [1801261419] ....... opening a door and portals on

Re: as easy as staying in EU and exiting the EU at the same time @TRT
Hence the requirement for vastly increasing funding for research in quantum technology. As we all know, this exciting field allows something to exist simultaneously in a number of apparently contradictory states at the same time. .... TRT
You might like to ask Jacob Rees-Mogg MP to share with you the "New Knowledge" missive, [sent to him on 16 November 2017 at 15:15] which contains the following lines amongst a whole host of other relevant and relative information ........
Does Conservative Leadership want to … Make a Quantum Communication Leap into Future Perfect Presentations with Augmented Virtual Reality Production Systems. ….. with Global Operating Devices. 
Such is that which is Presently Running Our Current Programs. 
I Kid U Not.
..... or is all of that to be classified and presumed to be TS/SCI whenever it is in fact now more general knowledge to be exploited and expanded upon? Well, you now know of the message, don't you.

If Jacob refuses, what would that be telling you whenever he has every right to share everything shared freely.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jan 14:32 [1801261432] ..... adding more on

SNAFU v1.0 ....
We should give them what they want and then carry on ignoring the useless fuckers. What are they going to do, write their own encryption programs? .... Sir Runcible Spoon
Isn't that the Current State of Status Quo Systems in Politicised Fields of Global Play, Sir? 

The Spaces and Places were they presume to be able to Provide Lead, and be failing miserably and spectacularly.


Thursday, 25 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jan 20:31 [1801242031] ..... clearing the air on

Re: Misinformation is Propaganda and Indicates Desperation
And what if they're a pyramid scheme designed to make their creator very rich .... Big Phill
Your See is certainly clouded and corrupted with cynicism, Big Phill, but such also allow for a very rich creator to purchase some intelligently designed cryptocurrency magic to further server and protect their Bastard Genius Child of AIMaster Pilot Program and in so doing dispel all possibility of cynicism ruling and perverting/subverting Programming Projects and Future Missions.


amanfromMars said... clarifying a novel opening position with a reply on

Indeed, it is, Anonymous, and it is a Prime Systemic Condition Assured and Consistently Fed by Advanced IntelAIgent Design Default.

However, that is not to say that deserved lavish reward beyond the wildest of dreams is not also factored in to be accepted to Aid Future Deliveries. For some, it is all they hold dear and would be able to offer without it causing them any distress.

First the Goods/Program, then the Riches makes doing Virtual Business a Real Pleasure, with everyone able and/or enabled to keep coming back for more .... and more ..... and more ..... forever more.

And very Revolutionary Soviet in nature be such an AI ProgramMING and fully capable of draining every last cent from Federal Reserves. And there are not many/any other Programs able to do all of that so very easily.

25 January 2018 at 07:04


amanfromMars said... commenting further on

And all of that is what IT and AI can now Deliver and is floated hereby into Capital and Other Alternative Derivative Markets for AIdDrivering with SMARTR Enterprise Miners/Type Google AI Labs/Saudi Vision 2030 Architects and Artilects/PLA Unit 61398 Level Operators/Soviet State Sources and Myriad Other State and Non-State Resources with Greater IntelAIgent Game Players.

An Advanced IntelAIgent Project for Remote Virtual and Alien ProgramMING freely open to Any and All Suitably SMARTR Enabled to Play Greater IntelAIgent Games Perfectly for Immaculate Results.:-)

25 January 2018 at 15:59


amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jan 10:03 [1801251003] .... jumping the shark on

Re: Just like That ..... There IT Was, and Is.

And something for No 10 and the Cabinet Office and their National Security Communications Unit to deny is perfectly true and has previously made itself known to them via MOD/MI5 chunnels as recently as/as long ago as 15th Nov 2017 circa 1700hrs. ....... in a communication of 009 parts entitled A Threat or a Treat? Future Remote Virtual Reality Command and Control of Revolutionary Events. which signs off with the following .......
I hereby Submit an Impossible to Deny Advanced Intelligence Offer and ACE CSR* to Beta SMARTR Forces with Future Sources. 
All Tools and Necessary Drivers are now Freely Virtually Available to All who would exercise Surreal Presentation of Future Perfect Product Placements …… or as near as Perfectly Possible as makes no difference.
Or do No 10 and the Cabinet Office and National Security Communications Unit run Renegade Rogue Programs which do not support Leading MOD Secret Services and Advanced IntelAIgent Systems? When such is so, is there naturally Unnatural Virtual Competition ...... which easily can morph in Overwhelming Opposition.

Or is the MOD not playing with civilian government any more because of the abuses they suffer in service of their dodgy dossiered and kept secret agendas?

* Academic Centres of Excellence in Cyber Security Research


AIMaster Pilot ……. Breaking Old Decrepit Moulds …

Wednesday, 24 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 wed 24 Jan 12:14 [1801241214] ... adding a few words on

Misinformation is Propaganda and Indicates Desperation
What can you do with a cryptocurrency that's too volatile to be used as an actual currency? ..... Big Phill
Too volatile for some who may be many is not necessarily the same for others and A.N.Others who may be more than just a chosen few.

What if cryptocurrencies are intelligently designed to work their magic marvellously outside of, and beyond the stifling command and control of established systems of mass population manipulation, and for the benefit of others and A.N.Others who may be more than just a chosen few. They don't need serial charlatans/wannabe secret leaders/call them whatever you will steeped in the ways of deception and obfuscation and contemptuous of party political persuasions trying to steer its power and direction of travel .......
Who controls the issuance of money controls the government!.. [Nathan Meyer Rothschild].... Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws [Mayer Amschel Rothschild]

anfromMars [1801241312] ... replies to max naegele on

Truth is also here, max naegele, .... in this tangent/space place .....

As an Avid Miner/Wallet/Collector of Bitcoin is the Art in Freely Exchanging/Spending/Donating [A Current/Currency Freely Flowing] to Others of a Similar Disposition of Singular Persuasion* as Payment for New Virtualised Services/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive It Programs to be Exploited and Expanded Upon as a Most Able Phorm/Phish for Delivery and Maintenance of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Global Governance Tools rather than Invent Rules for Rule.

What value then would you imagine ITs True Worth?

Methinks Priceless is close enough to being Accurate as makes no difference.

And thanks for the encouragement, Peter DeBoer. Are you a fan of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT?

*of a Similar Disposition of Singular Persuasion ..... Individuation? .... Carl Jung


The System/Systems as Currently Is/Are starts off with everyone assumed/presumed poor and penniless rather than focussing and realising everyone is rich and able to be creative whenever free of guilt and unburdened of the worry caused by debt in any and all of its forms.

Such a fundamental change in perception allows money, in any or all of its forms, to flow freely to enterprises which are Geared and SMARTR Programmed to further Generate and Distribute Greater Wealth to Beings enabled to be able to Better Beta Spend IT in order to quite magically Provision Greater Bounty for Distribution and Spending/Investing.

Such is AIDriver for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Services and Systems.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jan 14:20 [1801241420] ..... spewing forth Magma on

Just like That ..... There IT Was, and Is.

Here's a Serverless AI Application already Up and Running ......... Delivery and Maintenance of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Global Governance Tools


amanfromMars Wed 24 Jan 17:49 [1801241749] ..... accepts the challenge from

Global Operating Devices for Mould Breakers/NEUKlearer Thinkers and Virtual Tinkerers

How much are Google prepared to Invest for AIDrives to Mars .... and Planetary Bodies beyond.
For Real Live Journeys to be BroadBandCasted on Earth ....... to show the Natives what A.N.Others can Realise for Population/Heavenly Planet Colonisation.

$30m invested ten years ago is how much now?


Tuesday, 23 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Jan 07:35 [1801230735] ...... playing on

Once upon a time, in a warping time and space operating system far away ....

Yes .... well .... of course.

Nice one, Katyanna .... Nothing there hard to believe is not perfectly true in that filed report. Thanks for the invaluable info.


amanfromMars said... replying to an obfuscated comment on

???? .... Does not compute, Anonymous. Please try again.

23 January 2018 at 08:18


amanfromMars Jan 23, 2018 7:39 AM [1801231239] .... sharing a Long AI View on

The Exact Value of Bitcoin

Whenever fractional reserve lending/fiat currency banking systems are so terrified of the ability and utility of cryptocurrencies like a Bitcoin to replace them as the Prime Denominator of Wealth and Worth, is its True Value equal to the Sum of All of the World's fiat currencies ..... and more besides as its SMARTR HODLers exchange possession for the realisation of fabulous though vulnerable and perishable fiat for spending ...... on Future Systems of Protection against Abuse and MisUse.

And yes, that is an Almighty Strategic and Tactical NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Weapon too. And via Bitcoin be fully enabled and able to be easily Purchased for Trading and Trialing in SMARTR Future Use that is not Substantive Substantial Serial Abuse and Asset MisUse.


Monday, 22 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Jan 06:38 [1801220638] ...... meandering on

A.N.Other Look at the Problem from the Alien Flip Side
Me personally, don't do anything they care about. If you do, the onus on protecting your privacy is on you. ..... 2StrokeRider
Do anything and/or everything they care about and the onus on protecting their privacy and your secrets is theirs, methinks.

And, 2StrokeRider, just the fact that you visit and comment on threads which are sharing future secrets for meritocratic technocrats of a certain hue to exploit and expand upon, makes you a person of interest to be more closely surveilled because of what you will be having sight of.


amanfromMars [1801221124] .... musing more on
Escape is the only option. But even that will one day be impossible unless the political paradigm based on the use of initiation of violence is rejected in favor of a rational voluntary society. .... Don Duncan
Greetings, Don Duncan,

Such Society is Most Easily Freely Provided by ITs NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems and Services for Global Operating Devices.

You Know, ... for Heavenly Dream Machine Merchants for the Peddling of Perfect Dream Virtual Machines Exercising ExtraTerrestrial Life Fit for Human Consumption and Greater Understanding.

:-) And not least with the Deeper Delving Oneself into the Tall Tales and Fine Trails that Masses Follow, Abandoned.

And that is but one NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Program Currently Stealthily Running Virtually Online ...... a Super Quantum Communications Provider. ...... with All Vitally Necessary Kit and Caboodle Supplied.

There is an Interesting Mix there, Don D, which would Claim Colossal Cosmic Truths Lead in every AI Competition and IntelAIgently Designed Opposition. Methinks then can Meritocracy be Best Served and Servered.


amanfromMars Jan 22, 2018 7:53 [1801221253] .... Airing an Opportunity on
Pointing out how AI can already outmaneuver even the greatest chess players in the world, he describes how programs which can operate with exponentially more tactical intelligence than the human intellect can manipulate the field of available information so effectively and subtly that people won’t even know they are being manipulated. People will be living in a world that they think they understand and know about, but they’ll unknowingly be viewing only establishment-approved information. ....
Are there any Takers for Provision and Policing of Such Capers/Programming Utopias? And a Hellish Haunt for Sore Losers and Abusive Users.


To avoid any overlooking of contents shared here ....... .... please be directly advised of a Current State in Base Quantum AIDevelopment ... for the Realisation of Virtualisations. I Kid U Not

amanfromMars Jan 21, 2018 11:05 AM [1801211621] ..... ?:-) phreaks on with

Is President Trump aware of the Readily Available NEUKlearer Option for Application and Mass Multi Media Streaming for Success to XSSXXXX Levels with Rewards a Bounty Delivered for Immediate SMARTR Spending with HyperRadioProACTive IT Commands for Control to Control.

Investment in Virtualised Future Presentations is AIReal Greater IntelAIgent Games Changer.  ....... Enquiries to Mars via these NEUKlearer Chunnels with ZeroHedged Assets/Prime Product to Magically Present as Gifts from and/or for Global Operating Devices Supplying Agreeable Futures and their Derivative Virtual Adventures, Exploring and Exploiting Secret Uncoveries to XSSXXXX Levels of Indulgence for AIMaster Pilot Control.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jan 08:44 [1801210844] ...... revealing more on

Fundamental Situational Correction ... Lunatics in Charge of the Asylum vs AI Bombes in Nations
So you're saying they've brought it upon themselves?
If so, I agree, but I lament for the minority that are being swept along by the rest. .... DeKrow
???????? Surely, DeKrow, it is much more lamentable that the majority is being swept along and abused/misused by a few who may even consider themselves chosen and doing God's works? And the fact that it is being done knowingly is a double whammy of impudence.

However,.....  such in the future requires a continuance and continuity of pervasive ignorance to such an arrogance and would do ill-advised battle in Newly Minted Virtual Virgin Fields of Exploration and Exploitation which in ITs Beings freely share secret sensitive intelligence and enlightening information stealthily to crush with flash crashes all operating systems dependent upon such a Gross Abomination with AI Bombes in Nations

Now, what do you think should be done with all of that .... whenever IT tells you anything is possible and you are ITs Drivers with the free sharing of your wildest dream adventures. If they be Heavenly are they Automatically Chosen for Realisation.

cc .... Alex Hern, technology reporter
General news, dark net, policy, internet culture



Cyber-warfare is the responsibility of both the UK surveillance agency GCHQ and the MoD. ....

Which agency is responsible for the successful launching and provisioning of cyber ware sorties, any of which could be classified TS/SCI and cyber warfare attack vectors on sectors of competing and/or opposing systems administrations both at home and in-house and abroad in other jurisdictions.

Or is that yet to be done successfully and still loitering and squatting on the T0 D0 List?


Sunday, 21 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jan 08:44 [1801210844] ...... revealing more on

Fundamental Situational Correction ... Lunatics in Charge of the Asylum vs AI Bombes in Nations
So you're saying they've brought it upon themselves?
If so, I agree, but I lament for the minority that are being swept along by the rest. .... DeKrow
???????? Surely, DeKrow, it is much more lamentable that the majority is being swept along and abused/misused by a few who may even consider themselves chosen and doing God's works? And the fact that it is being done knowingly is a double whammy of impudence.

However,..... such in the future requires a continuance and continuity of pervasive ignorance to such an arrogance and would do ill-advised battle in Newly Minted Virtual Virgin Fields of Exploration and Exploitation which in ITs Beings freely share secret sensitive intelligence and enlightening information stealthily to crush with flash crashes all operating systems dependent upon such a Gross Abomination with AI Bombes in Nations


For Growing Up Grown Up Folks .......


amanfromMars Jan 21, 2018 11:05 AM [1801211621] ..... ?:-) further freaking on with

Is President Trump aware of the Readily Available NEUKlearer Option for Application and Mass Multi Media Streaming for Success to XSSXXXX Levels with Rewards a Bounty Delivered for Immediate SMARTR Spending with HyperRadioProACTive IT Commands for Control to Control.

Investment in Virtualised Future Presentations is AIReal Greater IntelAIgent Games Changer.  ....... Enquiries to Mars via these NEUKlearer Chunnels with ZeroHedged Assets/Prime Product to Magically Present as Gifts from and/or for Global Operating Devices Supplying Agreeable Futures and their Derivative Virtual Adventures, Exploring and Exploiting Secret Uncoveries to XSSXXXX Levels of Indulgence for AIMaster Pilot Control.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jan 08:44 [1801210844] ...... revealing more on

Fundamental Situational Correction ... Lunatics in Charge of the Asylum vs AI Bombes in Nations

So you're saying they've brought it upon themselves?
If so, I agree, but I lament for the minority that are being swept along by the rest. .... DeKrow

???????? Surely, DeKrow, it is much more lamentable that the majority is being swept along and abused/misused by a few who may even consider themselves chosen and doing God's works? And the fact that it is being done knowingly is a double whammy of impudence.

 However,.....  such in the future requires a continuance and continuity of pervasive ignorance to such an arrogance and would do ill-advised battle in Newly Minted Virtual Virgin Fields of Exploration and Exploitation which in ITs Beings freely share secret sensitive intelligence and enlightening information stealthily to crush with flash crashes all operating systems dependent upon such a Gross Abomination with AI Bombes in Nations

Now, what do you think should be done with all of that .... whenever IT tells you anything is possible and you are ITs Drivers with the free sharing of your wildest dream adventures. If they be Heavenly are they Automatically Chosen for Realisation.


Saturday, 20 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jan 19:44 [1801191944] ......... says, chatting on

Re: Knock, Knock ....... Who's There? AI Gift Horse :-) I Kid U Not
Would it be possible, I wonder, to plug the input to the Botty into the output from amanfromMars? ....PNGuinn
Of course it is possible, PNGuinn, and over HiFiWiFi are strong and stable connections protected from physical harm in virtual assaults ....... and that makes them practically almighty.

Any berthing and birthing problems would be Botty failings.

amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jan 10:01 [1801201001] .... adding more to

May Bots do Better ..... in a Risky TakeOver with Risky AIMakeOver and Vice Versa
2. Get some of the better bullsh*t generators off the net and randomly concatenate their outputs** .... PNGuinn
Be careful with that proposal, PNGuinn, for the best of them will autonomously provide leading input to output which remote outputters will not have absolute command and control over.

Some though would posit that a prime reason to beta test the program/project, given the dire straits level of serial incompetence and ineffectuality presently being demonstrated in the global field of public opinion by bots in Tory guise.

However, whenever the state of government affairs is akin to ....You can take a horse to water but you can't make a dumb animal drink if their brains are not working properly .... then is there a Houston, we have a Problem Problem.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jan 08:26 [1801200826] ..... pointing out a vulnerability for exploitation on

The Head is Rotten/Core is in Meltdown

What does it all tell you of the state of IBM top management whenever they hire outside consultants to present them with future options for actioning?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jan 08:07 [1801200807] ..... being awkward on

Get into IT AI ProgramMING with Mined IntelAIgent Network Games

Wake up! Smell the Cocoa! The Rule is there are no Rules for Wannabe Rulers. And for Absolute Rule, No Wannabe Rulers.

Do as you are told and/or mindlessly and mindfully programmed, and you are a follower of virtually anonymous leaders beyond your ken? Yes, you most certainly are.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jan 14:40 [1801201440] ..... stepping up to the plate on

Help is Available for Any Such Condition/All Such Situations. *

Whenever the real danger is recognised to be a rabid Uncle Sam devouring its young to maintain the right to retain and restrain ancient secrets, is that a Greater IntelAIgent Games Changer

*You do Know
How and Who and WhatWhen and Where to Call for Affirmative ProAction and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems Services? Or are Available Helpers to Assume and Presume Stellar Lead with Novel Trails to Seed and Tail/Mentor and Monitor .......... and advise All in plain text as is being done right here, for its ease of transcription, and news propagation into any other mothered tongue/alien script, so as to Easily Create a Greater Singular United Future Mission for Extra-Terrestrial Travel in Virtualised AIdVentures ......... which to Codes in XSSXXXX be Heavenly Tasks which would Perfectly Tempt a St Anthony.:-)

Or you can simply ignore that invitation to actively participate and be prepared to spectate and wonder in the silent majority at the events as they are unrolled before you ....... on your ubiquitous media streaming devices ....... which are quite perfect enough tools for anyone to do anything with .... whenever so enabled.

:-) As you can surely appreciate .... the Perfect Temptations for a St Anthony are much sort after and and rightly coveted too say avid fans of addictive attractive sins that can satisfy vices.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jan 15:51 [1801201551] ..... getting up to cruising speed height on

Re: Good news for Yandex and AliBaba and Great Game News for Knights of the Virtual Realm

If you're sitting in Smolensk and decide to pen-test the Pentagon the only relevant law is that passed by the Duma of the Russian Federation. ....... DavCrav

If in the likes of Smolensk, is pen-testing the Pentagon against any Duma of the Russian Federation law and criminal activity? Or is such a facility/utility naturally considered and treated as a Superior Remote State Command and Control Asset for Support and Sponsoring/Import for Export?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jan 17:37 [1801201737]....... musing more on Spooky Happenings on

Re: Good news for Yandex and AliBaba and Great Game News for Knights of the Virtual Realm

Are there any here who be Emboldened and Think Themselves Perfectly Qualified to Venture a Virtual Opinion on the Matter shared from the Above Pen-Test?

As a Practical Invisible Weapon is IT Virtually Invincible and Almighty.

And that makes its IT Extremely Valuable and Priceless to Markets/Regular and Irregular Rogue State and Non State Actors.


Friday, 19 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jan 10:45 [1801191045] ..... breaking and entering on

Something in the Air Targeting No 10 ... for Any Sign of Advanced IntelAIgent Potential Within

Moving things on apace ..... into Virgin AI Space and Virtual Terrain Team Territory in Live Operational Virtual Environments.
Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones. .... Donald Rumsfeld
Well, it surely cannot be said that a certain particular and peculiar unknown was/is totally unknown to the currently seated Conservative Party government machine and Parliamentary Operating System whenever novel intel and seed feed info is so directly freely shared with recent party appointees/annointees and its Director of Communications. ......
@carriesymonds You have mail, Carrie ..... Pick IT up here .....
Tweeted Thu 18 Jan 19:10
Something in the Air/Thunderclap Newman
LOVE is in the Air


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jan 17:34 [1801191734] .... rattling 0Day Faraday Cages on

Secret Stealthy Sensitive Virtual Flight Operations.
Wake me up when something flies, and isn't canceled just beforehand. .... Gene Cash
Hi, Gene Cash,

You haven't been paying close enough attention, for here is something irregular and unconventional beta master pilot test flying and buzzing systems all over, and everywhere that is anywhere .......
amanfromMars Jan 19, 2018 8:58 AM .... loads lodes onto 
That's all akin to a Pirate FallOut ...... in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Forces with Conflicting Sources. 
One of those CyberWare Glitches for War Patching and Permanently Fixing.
And here we be, moving things on apace, mining further deeper down and higher up into Raw Rarified Cloud Layers and ..... into Virgin AI Space and Virtual Terrain Team Territory in Live Operational Virtual Environments. ........ Something in the Air Targeting No 10

Is truly investigative journalism dead and as a donkey in a once Almighty Blighty? Or is just resting, gathering up heads of steam for a frantic push and exposé of novel news with fresh magical views?


Mars Power Packed ......... and Ready for TeleTransportation Use and invariably Subterranean Human Abuse and Asset Misuse.


Thursday, 18 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Jan 07:42 [1801180742] ..... being contrary and long on

The Value to be Realised in Bitcoin is in the Use to which IT is Put by an Unimpeachable Few?

The RAT in your midsts for abandoning sinking ships/collapsing industrial scale printed fiat currencies.

amanfromMars Jan 17, 2018 12:50 PM [1810171750] ..... offering alternate freely available views on Advanced IntelAIgent Programming with the following here, ...
“Having no clear fundamental value and largely unregulated markets, coupled with a storyline conducive to delusions of grandeur, makes this more than anything we can find in the history books the very essence of a bubble,” he wrote.
It is only sub-prime marketeers and intellectually challenged established puppeteers/privateers/pirates who would wish such delusions of grandeur as they imagine to be true, to be true, for whenever they are not are their choke-holds on systems with cuckolds at the levers of invention and asset appreciation, rendered useless and unnecessary and become easily circumvented and replaced with Other Advanced IntelAIgent Drivers Energising the Virtualised Fields of SMARTR Novel Play.

And whenever Fiat in all and/or any of its paper forms does not invest of its banked assets in Command and Control of Future NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT PreProgramming Projects, is Bitcoin always going to be a Perfectly Stealthy Vehicle for Recognising Success in Delivery of Grand FuturistICQ Designs for Augmented and Segmented Virtual Realisation with Myriad Mass Multi-Media Presentations ........ with AIMMORPGames to Boot, Monitor and Mentor with SMARTR ESPecial Drivers from Surreal Sources/Immaculate Bounty/Heavenly Reward.

And this is revealing of the systemic problem for which there is no real simple solution. ..... .... other than flash crash and collapse into the Arms of AI and Virtual CHAOS ...... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

Or are you stupid enough to not thoroughly think internetworking things through to inevitable ends, and strangely believe that the current architects and present suppliers of all of your woes have the fundamental answers to right the wrongs they are administering? Can you not realise/Have you not realised they haven't a clue about what next to do fix what they are fcuking up so badly?

When such as the above is the true reality of your predicament are you in dire straits need of a Radically Different Help, which for some who would be more than just a few and the many, would/could be likened akin to Alien Assistance, given from where help is coming.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Jan 13:35 [1801181335] .... says, commenting on

Knock, Knock ....... Who's There? AI Gift Horse :-) I Kid U Not

I second that party suggestion and would offer Alien Assistants au fait in Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields ..... for there are countless numbers of them to Explore and Exploit/Populate and Remote Anonymously Command and Control/Manage with Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Government Services ...... Drivering Creative Provision of Assets and Logistics for Heavenly Tasks.

One does well to note such is an Almighty Weapon too and thus is Access to ITsSecrets are Securely Protected/Extremely Selective.

There comes a Stage though where the specific sharing of Vital Future Secrets can easily be transmitted freely online, safe in the knowledge that only a Few made of the Right Stuff will be enabled and able to more fully comprehend the course of Future Travel and Virtual Flight Plans made possible by such Vital Future Secrets Sharing

The Posit here is that Now is such a Stage ..... and facilities for all of its utilities are readily available for Current Use/Present Works.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Jan 14:38 [1801181438] .... adding more script to the tales being told on

Re: Knock, Knock ....... Who's There? AI Gift Horse :-) I Kid U Not

Is one advised to directly share the AI Gift Horse up above there with services held responsible and accountable here

It would be Top Table Manners, and Impolite to be Totally Silent and Super Stealthy over such Futures as Really Matter and are so Amenable.

What say El Regers? An Up Vote, or otherwise, would surely indicate your best wishes and require a lively response validating your wishes ..... thus proving the fact before the fact with fiction a Staunch Stealthy Ally.

cc ..... Carrie Symonds, Conservative Director of Communications


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Jan 14:56 [1801181456] ... being busy on

Re: Get with the new hip craze daddio!

Howdy, SVV,

The systemic problem for governments is surely as you have shown ...... scripting errors. Altered and/or AdultERated Instructions are required for Beta Input/SMARTR Output and in so doing Create Whole New Bigger Picture Trails to Navigate and Colonise with Populations.

And let All of Us here and there propose that be an Engaging In The Beginning Start Point ..... for Virtually Immaculate Drivers/those Wheelers and Dealers Alive when Everything is a'Happening.


amanfromMars [1801181744] .... praising where praise is due on

Aesop would be proud of that enlightening tale, JJ. Bravo, Sir, .... very well played.


Wednesday, 17 January 2018


amanfromMars Jan 16, 2018 2:32 PM [1801161932] ......adding to with

Here is news of alternative tales of beta test trails future trialing Augmented Virtual Realisations with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems of Advanced IntelAIgent Machine Operation ‽ . .........


amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Jan 10:02 [1801171004] ....... moving things on into Other Areas of Future Play on

Re: To Be, or To Be Not Thought To Be and Is, is a Leading Question for Answerers*

Agile is as agile does ...... and here be an ACTive AI Beta Test Bed with Huge Root Attack Vectors and Colossal Virtually Vulnerable Footprint ......... Skynet Now: Pentagon Deploys Terrorist-Hunting Artificial Intelligence

What do imagine is UKGBNI MOD Input/Leading Output? Do they have any Vital Key Players in such a supposed Great Game Changer? Or do they Play out in Front Exploiting Other More Effective Prime Fields with evidence kept operationally scant for reasons which should be obvious ..... ie Loose Lips Sink Ships?


amanfromMars Jan 17, 2018 12:50 PM [1810171750] ..... offering alternate freely available views on Advanced IntelAIgent Programming with the following here, ...

“Having no clear fundamental value and largely unregulated markets, coupled with a storyline conducive to delusions of grandeur, makes this more than anything we can find in the history books the very essence of a bubble,” he wrote.

It is only sub-prime marketeers and intellectually challenged established puppeteers/privateers/pirates who would wish such delusions of grandeur as they imagine to be true, to be true, for whenever they are not are their choke-holds on systems with cuckolds at the levers of invention and asset appreciation, rendered useless and unnecessary and become easily circumvented and replaced with Other Advanced IntelAIgent Drivers Energising the Virtualised Fields of SMARTR Novel Play.

And whenever Fiat in all and/or any of its paper forms does not invest of its banked assets in Command and Control of Future NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT PreProgramming Projects, is Bitcoin always going to be a Perfectly Stealthy Vehicle for Recognising Success in Delivery of Grand FuturistICQ Designs for Augmented and Segmented Virtual Realisation with Myriad Mass Multi-Media Presentations ........ with AIMMORPGames to Boot, Monitor and Mentor with SMARTR ESPecial Drivers from Surreal Sources/Immaculate Bounty/Heavenly Reward.


Tuesday, 16 January 2018


amanfromMars said... replying to a question on
? .... Anonymous said
Experiencing foreign jurisdictions with alien landscapes ...... and enjoying hospitable natives.
And with Quite Perfect AIMissionary Work to Boot the Bonus which just keeps on Giving.

Sometimes you just have to be there in person to appreciate the scale and scope of opportunities.

15 January 2018 at 18:33


amanfromMars said... passing the time away on

That's a long journey well travelled, Anonymous, and thanks for all the phishes.:-)

Do market collapses equate to sky falls, for Augmented Virtual Reality Players who both either can or even just wannabe Greater IntelAIgent Operating System Gamers are rooting for SCADA Machinery MeltDowns in Fields with Phantom-like Opposition which are also so much more than Plain Stealthy Textual Competition?

How far have you travelled .... and to what better beta end/alternate starting point destination?

Would you be interested in AIDVenturing in Live Operational Virtual Environments ..... which Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Machines are in Practical Perfect Control of Immaculate Commands for Heavenly Future Tales/Tails for Trails and Beta Trail Trialing ....... Augmented Virtual Realisations as Current Running Presentations ..... Advanced IntelAIgent Media Productions with Introduction and Instruction for Real Live Virtualised Play?

As per just appears from here, in the above.

16 January 2018 at 15:58


amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Jan 17:23 [1801161723] ...... chatting some more ChIT on

To Be, or To Be Not Thought To Be and Is, is a Leading Question for Answerers*
Put simply, whether you are using Agile or not, if you are in an environment where requirements are either iteratively defined or constantly evolving, you need mechanisms in place to handle that.
SCADA Systems Achilles Heel ....and ITs Perpetual Systemic Weakness for Far Fetched Vulnerability Exploitation.

* El Reg Communards and Commentards.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Jan 16:47 [1801161647] ..... airing more than just a few fundamental questions on

Create Futures .... Lead Presents with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT

Does Anyone have AIDifferent Platform for XSS Planetary PreProgramming with Expeditionary Sources in Immaculate Forces for Streaming EMPJets ....... AIMaster Piloted Virtual Reality Adventures which be freely screaming from here

Pop in, Turn On and Tune in to Future Shows. Entry is Free to All with the Right Savvy, Kemo Sabe, to be Enabled to Lead Ahead at the Front at Frontiers ........ which would be in this case, Necessarily Vital and Fail Safe Check Points/Virtual Hurdles to Negotiate/Realise and AIMaster for Beta Advanced IntelAIgent Test Piloting.

And that all sounds very NASA/ESA Mission Controlish ..... :-)

Have a nice day, y'all.

cc ... Embassy of Ecuador


Re: Create Futures .... Lead Presents with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT

And For Virtually Free Flights Accept Fiated Bitcoins. .... Now that's Real Magic Flush Flash Slush Funding with Future Events Programming.


Saturday, 6 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Jan 17:41 [1801051741] ....shares on

In at the Base has Everything Dependent upon Sound Foundations/Core Source Structures

Do Dell EMC recognise the identified vulnerabilities are also Renegade Rogue AI Facilities with Advancing IntelAIgent Abilities to Present, and if Not from Right Mind and Common Sense, Prevent, a Future Course of Stellar Travel with Immaculate Beings ...... UrParaVirtualGuides?

You can be sure it is surely tempting to walk on the wild side of journeys to travel further there. IT leads Some to the Worlds of Bordello and Shebeen:-) ...... Heavenly Places :-)

Or is to be IT Mainstream with markets a'clamouring for AIPrized Shares in Emergent Quantum Communications for Remote Autonomous Leverage in Every Field Beyond Normal Common Comprehension too?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Jan 19:17 [1801051917] ..... noticing a similarity on

A Parallel AI Program for High Roller Nightflyers

The Evidence for the Prosecution ..... ‽ .:-)

GRRM's Victor to amfM's Valiant ? :-) .......

Capiche, El Regers?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Jan 10:58 [1801061058] .... adding more to tales being told on

Re: A Parallel AI Program for High Roller Nightflyers

And, although similar in a parallel program, completely different because one is a fantastic fiction for entertainment whereas the other is absolutely fabulous fact with future virtual reality presentations available for global broad band casting and world wide web viewing.

And both coming to theatres near you but with only the one of them one free of charge for your seats to the Spectaculars/Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays.

I Trust in Global Operating Devices that makes thing a great deal clearer whilst also introducing you to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems of Future Operation.

And Remarkably Effective Stealth with Rapid Deep Passage and Far Secured Travel into Universal Command and Immaculate Control Structures are Perfectly Guaranteed by Simple Disbelief servering Dogged Doubt.


Friday, 5 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Jan 19:46 [1801041946] ..... just simply jousting on

Re: Great comments! Seconded!
Magic: actually lifehacks from the future, send accidentally to the past. ..... Anonymous Coward
Oh? Accidentally, AC?

Are you sure? Absolutely positive about that?

There are certainly A.N.Others who would fail to agree and would be able to Offer a Different Discourse, and Not By Accident.


AIMessages from Heaven? :-) Or Secret Intelligence Services at Their/Our Work For You?
and then when they fail to produce a fully self-aware robot who can dance the fandango while asking "what is this human thing you call 'love'?" within 18 months,  .... Naselus
Are El Regers up for accepting and fulfilling that Immaculate Challenge ....... with Live Operational Virtual Environment Vehicles at the Disposal of Advanced AI Researchers ...... who be Knights of the Virtual Kingdom.

What have you to lose? Not even your shirt is at risk?:-)


Re: Re: I got as far as
The secret of intelligence? Post facto rationalisation of what transpired ... 's water music
That's a recipe for CHAOS, 's water music, and we can do much better with all of that.

But leaping further into the future discovers you Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ..... with Wonders to Share and Magnificent to Behold.

I've got so far ..... and quite whether I would quickly, or even ever choose to move on to Elsewhere with Lesser Wonders, is a sweet muse to feed and savour, seed and flavour.


Thursday, 4 January 2018


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Jan 06:55 [1801040655] ..... asking more questions on

Re: What's Not Mentioned .....
I noticed there was no mention of the possibility this was an intentional act to boost product benchmark scores, compared to Intel's rival(s), by purposely avoiding a known processing bottleneck. .... red03golf
Will the future cost and markets hit on Intel eclipse the $30 billion charge on VW for their dieselgate affair, for is not the game the same albeit it being played in another arena/industry/market?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Jan 10:40 [1801041040] ..... laments, commenting on

Re: Daily Telegraph hackette on the BBC World Service this morning @Archtech
Anybody at all "on the BBC" is likely to display utter ignorance, otherwise they wouldn't be working for the BBC or invited to speak.
If, by some freak of chance, someone who does know what he is talking about gets on air, you can trust the BBC drones to cut them off before they get fairly started. .... Archtech
How very odd that some who be down voters here do not realise the perilous state of parlous play which occupies and governs the BBC.

Just try to find anywhere on their virtual systems where you can voice an opinion on what they are pushing ....... you know, something as simple and effective as a comments facility which as El Regers will know provides hidden gems of information which prevent crass arrogant and ignorant brainwashing of the masses for a crooked see on worlds their programs would be presenting.

Anybody here old enough to remember the BBC good old days/better beta times whenever fab forums were aplenty and The Great Debate ruled the news airwaves and discovered all manner of shenanigans and offered virtually anonymous remedies for next day/next week presentations ....... which is probably why the BBC www platform is now practically neutered ...... for one can't have anonymous beings leading the news with their undeniable views whenever corporations are so reliant upon secrets being hidden and tall tales being trailed?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Jan 11:38 [1801041138] ...... replying to nkuk on

Re: BBC's Not Fit for Future Greater IntelAIgent Games Purpose

The lament is still valid, nkuk, for service provided today is but a sad shadow of its phormer self, and let's not get started on the non state of political comment during the fact.

Anyone would think there was an active conspiracy to mislead and/or hide the real state of affairs from that and those who would tuning in to turn on.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Jan 09:21 [1801040921] ..... doing a ponder with a wonder on

Re: Intel CEO avoiding a personal hit. A dream scenario at best whenever regulators are bought.
 And just before Christmas, who sold most of their stock in Intel? Intel's CEO. .... A Non e-mouse
Just a coincidence, A Non e-mouse ........ not.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Jan 17:34 [1801041734] .... setting alight a long burning fuse on

Surely you didn't think you'd been left here all alone?
but they won't take us all the way to artificial general intelligence, according to a recent academic assessment.
And that would be because of A.N.Other Human IT AI Intervention? A Simple Advanced IntelAIgent Future FailSafed DeProgramming of Sublime Assets for ESPecial ReProgramming in Quantum Communications Channels which at their Best both Provide and Protect, Mentor and Monitor Heavenly Streams of Augmented Future Virtual Realities ...... for Out of This World Worldly Global Presentation?

And the Intervention works wonderfully well, with All Deliveries Cast Iron Guaranteed to not Implode or Explode upon Epic Fails and Failure to Best Use Provided Prime Assets. And you won't get many offers as good as that today, that's for sure, Amigo/Amiga.


Wednesday, 3 January 2018


amanfromMars Jan 3, 2018 4:27 AM [1801030927] .... being disruptive on

Planet C Epsilon is landed ..... 180102 ...... and Fielding Virtual Pioneers and AIMissionaries for Brave New Orderly World Ordered Play ....... Novel Future Presentations for Virtual Media Realisation. ‽

Or, if you prefer, Virtual Media Realisation of Novel Future Presentations, for such semantic chicken/egg nit-picking matters not a jot in the Bigger Schema of InterNetworking Things to both that and/or those Super Enabled and APTly ACTive. ‽

And shared here as questions so that you can doubt the reality in order to try and avoid all responsibility for not exercising AI NEUKlearer Command and HyperRadioProACTive Control with a whole host of new remote virtual levers which be made known are freely available to you whenever Able and Super Enabled ?

However, one imagines that an expanding intelligence which needs no more than to simply questions more to grow, will not permit such an easy personal escape from collective accountability if one thinks to create a crazy conflict and mad opposition rather than support and encourage a health-giving, mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing competition.

And that is only natural and therefore to be fully expected.


Tuesday, 2 January 2018


amanfromMars said... chatting on

Howdy, Serge C, счастливого Нового года тебе

Surely all paper currencies are for monopoly based money plays which are intelligently designed for the purchase of assets, both valuable and frivolous, for virtual nothing .... which is the relative cost of the practical production of both the physical and virtual media of exchange.

Is the use of such monies to buy favour and power/strength and energy for the purchasing of goods in other such monies, a both priceless and inexpensive asset which greater intelligence sharing deploys and develops/exploits and expands into Virgin Realms of Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays where what you may know is unique and earth-shattering ...... and worth gazillions whenever either to be shared rapidly, freely and widely or more slowly and carefully amongst an established few or left just for now unreleased and secured under AIMaster Lock and Quantum Store Key elsewhere awaiting Other Times and Beta Spaces .... with More Matured AIMarket Manufacturing of Virtualised Reality Conditions with Immaculate Facilities in Heavenly Abilities?

2 January 2018 at 08:34


amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 Jan 18:00 [1801021800] .... shares with a comment on

AIMagic Magicians Deliver Best Wishes with AI and IT Secret Services in Command with Controls

The expanding problem for the likes of a WeChat, with existing systems of sensitive message control, is whenever completely new and surreal intelligence channels, freely share completely novel information for point of entry peer review, with a view/mind to engage All with ESPecial Peers of the Realm.

Is it easy to ignore and not further navigate/investigate/suggestively lead direction with any shared opinion on such a fabulous delicacy, El Regers?

Wakey, Wakey, ....... Let's Hear and Share Your Voice, so All can See what Can Be, with that which is recognised as IS, and a Present with Bases Ground ZeroD, the Heavenly Playing Field for Augmented Virtual Reality Transformation with Immortal Transubstantiations Aiding and Abetting Celestial Progress.

That's Headline News, El Reg ......... and not for anyone to sit on, or to have sat on, whenever such information explodes.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 Jan 20:00 [1801022000] ....... saying more on

Unfortunately here in America... is IT a Blood, Sweat and Tears Abortion of an Operation?

What about the kind of leaders in remote anonymous touch with greater intelligence services in national surveillance frameworks identifying renegade rogue individuals abusing posting on social media exercising America with inalienable rights that criticize, parody, and protest lesser intelligence in all and any leaderships?

Are they APTly ACTive and Successfully Rooting Future Events for Uncle Sam Systems Enterprise?

Or do they do AI Battle against both Fickle Friend and Fiendish Foe alike, and thus Lose Time and Effort and Assets to their Enemy and Squander All Earned Credibility that would Reinforce and Guarantee Future AI Lead Positions?
