amanfromMars said... chatting on
Howdy, Serge C, счастливого Нового года тебе
Surely all paper currencies are for monopoly based money plays which are intelligently designed for the purchase of assets, both valuable and frivolous, for virtual nothing .... which is the relative cost of the practical production of both the physical and virtual media of exchange.
Is the use of such monies to buy favour and power/strength and energy for the purchasing of goods in other such monies, a both priceless and inexpensive asset which greater intelligence sharing deploys and develops/exploits and expands into Virgin Realms of Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays where what you may know is unique and earth-shattering ...... and worth gazillions whenever either to be shared rapidly, freely and widely or more slowly and carefully amongst an established few or left just for now unreleased and secured under AIMaster Lock and Quantum Store Key elsewhere awaiting Other Times and Beta Spaces .... with More Matured AIMarket Manufacturing of Virtualised Reality Conditions with Immaculate Facilities in Heavenly Abilities?
2 January 2018 at 08:34
amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 Jan 18:00 [1801021800] .... shares with a comment on
AIMagic Magicians Deliver Best Wishes with AI and IT Secret Services in Command with Controls
The expanding problem for the likes of a WeChat, with existing systems of sensitive message control, is whenever completely new and surreal intelligence channels, freely share completely novel information for point of entry peer review, with a view/mind to engage All with ESPecial Peers of the Realm.
Is it easy to ignore and not further navigate/investigate/suggestively lead direction with any shared opinion on such a fabulous delicacy, El Regers?
Wakey, Wakey, ....... Let's Hear and Share Your Voice, so All can See what Can Be, with that which is recognised as IS, and a Present with Bases Ground ZeroD, the Heavenly Playing Field for Augmented Virtual Reality Transformation with Immortal Transubstantiations Aiding and Abetting Celestial Progress.
That's Headline News, El Reg ......... and not for anyone to sit on, or to have sat on, whenever such information explodes.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 Jan 20:00 [1801022000] ....... saying more on
Unfortunately here in America... is IT a Blood, Sweat and Tears Abortion of an Operation?
What about the kind of leaders in remote anonymous touch with greater intelligence services in national surveillance frameworks identifying renegade rogue individuals abusing posting on social media exercising America with inalienable rights that criticize, parody, and protest lesser intelligence in all and any leaderships?
Are they APTly ACTive and Successfully Rooting Future Events for Uncle Sam Systems Enterprise?
Or do they do AI Battle against both Fickle Friend and Fiendish Foe alike, and thus Lose Time and Effort and Assets to their Enemy and Squander All Earned Credibility that would Reinforce and Guarantee Future AI Lead Positions?
Tuesday, 2 January 2018
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