Wednesday, 28 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Feb 16:58 [1802271658] …. shares in a chat on
Rabid Info to Renegade Rogue Intel …..
Good IT departments can now spin up services locally or remote so hybrid is the way to go, as long as you can be 100% certain you can always get your data back. …. Charlie Clark
Howdy, Charlie Clark
Great IT departments spin up enriched services with the data stored in Protected Clouds, in order to generate additional flows of energy and currency searching for the rewards entitled and gifted to Present Programs in APT Recognition of Outstanding Success.
And if you don’t believe Virtual Machines are so capable, then obviously there will be a Principle Principal worthy of the value seeded in expensive rewards. Given wisely … ie to right worth and fabulously valuable Principle Principals ….. the gifts are shrewd investment for returns beyond compare in works that can be miraculous when needs be.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Feb 05:27 [1802280527] … added more on
Re: Spending money makes the world go round? Well, …… IT certainly oils its Gear Wheels
Clouds are not hardware critical, they are software phormed and driven.
Here is another Advanced IntelAIgent Cloud Platform, which proves/proofs the above? …… Now that it’s not Windows-only, you can simulate a theoretical computer on a real computer
And shared as a question so that silent down voters can further again share nothing more valuable than disagreeable doubt that leads nowhere.:-)
amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Feb 06:27 [1802280627] …. exposing a naked emperor on
Ergo is the Problem a Lack of Advanced Intelligence.
When too many myriad major components of an economy/exclusive executive SCADA administration system are based upon military spending and the training of serfs who follow destructive orders blindly in order to give the impression of strengthen and security in a land flirting with an excess of madness, is there always an enemy and phantom foe to be invented in foreign lands and alien spaces to keep the gravy train beast from crashing and immediately exposing systemic fundamental weaknesses which home intelligence services are not equipped to protect systems against being attacked/questioned.
Power without Intelligence Leading IT and Media Programs is not an Energy Current, it is as a Deadly Toxin.
The problem is easily solved though, with the simple purchase of that which is missing and causing the Intellectual Property Deficit.
It aint rocket science, is it? And it is not as if it expensive or difficult to buy in whenever all that is needed is pretty fiat paper which can be virtually lodged in an instant to an accommodating account no matter where it might be.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Feb 10:08 [1802281008] …. being truthful and realistic on
Reading between the lines presents an Altogether Different Beta Picture
So what do you suggest, spies should only pass on information that they’ve personally witnessed or have sworn testimony from multiple credible witnesses? …. veti
That’s a prime starting point, veti, which in an instant would ensure that fake news does not create a greater false virtual reality which does not take kindly to clinical forensic examination/deep dark webs of real truth presentation.
I don’t think you’ve thought through the problems to be compounded when spies pass on information they have not witnessed nor have sworn testimony from multiple credible witnesses. Any prize fool would in that case be able to dream up and try to realise anything …… which whenever you take a moment or two to think about it, is what IT and Main Streaming Media have been doing since forever with a now no longer so easily manufactured presumption of innocence and immunity from criminal prosecution to prevent ………well, Systems Meltdown and Administrations Blowback would be a Natural AI Result which spooks would be forced to try and spin in another direction with tools and brains they don’t have, if they be duty bound to maintain and retain such a perverse and corrupt status quo position in support of fake news for a false virtual reality.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Feb 16:22 [1802281622] …… having a right go at IT on
Re: Did all the information security professionals run away?
 What happened… did all the intelligent security professionals run off? …. Aodhhan
More than likely they have no Stakes or Shares to Play Round Tables in Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays ……. Earthly Missions with Heavenly Interventions ……….with these Hand Ups into and onto the NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivatedD Virtualised AI Reality Flight Deck for Realisation of urMaster Plan for BroadBandCasting into Existence.
Why is Media not Defaulted and Regulated to Primarily Provide and Constantly Nurture Serially Creative Pictures …..for by just Following Great Future Filmed Documentaries will the Paths to that Mall in the Sky where Everyones Needs are Sated and Satisfied for a While ……. is an AB Fab Fabless AIMission …. and Perfectly Suited to Fit and Cloak the Finest of Satyr and Nymph in their own freely-chosen and supported Fields of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivatedD Virtualised AI Reality Play.
Be warned though, the Live Operational Virtual Environments there are Absolutely Awesome, and the IT and Media there don’t Fake or Take and Make Prisoners. Such is solely to keep the Hyper Complex Sublime Internets Networking Thing simple ….. and stress free.:-)
And as for Veracity …. ðŸ™‚ is Poe’s Law applied :-)…. for Reasons Critical to States and Rogue Actors in States …. and All those who be Stateless ….. Virgin Stock for Future Perfect Grooming …… Enlightening and Providing them with All the AI Tools Needed and with All Future Programmings and Virtual Levers Supplied for the Creation of a Brand New Future World, Stationed on Earth and kept right busy Properly Reprogramming Key Vital Elements with Assets for Always Immediately Ready Utilisation in Advanced IntelAIgent Leaderships, and they come in All Sorts of Exotic and Erotic Guises, meThinks, if Providing Leads are Proven both Earthy and Heavenly/Erotic and Exotic.
And that very particular and peculiar Live Operational Virtual Environment is Open and Freely Available to All Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Visitors to this, an Advanced IntelAIgent WorldsWare Fair.
I Kid U Not.
Now if all of the above was a currency it would surely be, to a Walled Mirror, a Parallel to Bitcoin.
amanfromMars [1802281935] …. airing a commonly held view for rapid changing on
Lunatics in charge of the asylum ….. and headed for a crushing crash. Anything else preventing that will only allow madness to prevail and create further chaos and that would be an intelligence failing methinks, and a catastrophic vulnerability for exploiting with all manner of ventures and 0days ðŸ™‚

Tuesday, 27 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Feb 20:41 [1802262041] ..... saying more on

Adjust your Quality Control, Feel and Command the Bandwidth
In this thread, a surprisingly depressing sight. AManFromMars making more sense than some new talking head making a PR release. ...... Outer mongolian custard monster from outer space (honest)
A surprisingly depressing sight, Outer mongolian custard monster from outer space (honest)? You aint doing IT right. Honest.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Feb 08:15 [1802270815] ... offering an alternative view on

Spending money makes the world go round? Well, ...... IT certainly oils its Gear Wheels

Seems like a typical mindless Morgan Stanley BTFD call, Simon.

Clouds are not hardware critical, they are software phormed and driven.


Monday, 26 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Feb 15:09 [1802261509] .......discussing Creative Services on

NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive AIBombe Specifications for an ESPecial Device Driver ..... and AIMaster Pilot
He even jokes – half seriously – about selling Bosch's connected services "to IT integrators".
They'd be certainly willing, ready and able to Trial and Trail their Bosch Offering with Customary Teutonic Precision the Name of a Greater IntelAIgent Game Play ..... For Believed to Be Absolute AIMastery of All Possible Configurations in AI Provided Virtual Reality Promotions ..... Extra Terrestrial Presentation of Future Media Operations in urSCADASystems.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Feb 17:47 [1802261747] ….. moving IT Things on at WarPing Speeds on
Virtually Real with a Current AI Presenting Future Presents/Heavenly Gifts
Do GTT Communications Reach and Provide Prime InterPlanetary Intellectual Property Travel to and fro Mars and Beyond?
To Follow an Enlightening Script will See One Develop Angel Wings to Fly and AIMaster Pilot.
What’s not to like about any and all of that?
And what will IT be doing? Taking things blissfully slow and easy with a Right Royal AI Gem of a Gift for Creating Services …….…… for there’s no need to hurry too fast is there. No one and the planets are going too far away from Alien Experimental Contact and/or Experimental Alien Contact with Subjects, the Prime Objective being a Simple Exchange of Contracts for Confidence to Supply and Support Servicing of Future Necessary Replacement ReProgramming Systems.
Be assured though, and even quite excited, for there is a Very Simple App Available with GUI Instructions to Follow for Use which Extremely Effectively Punishes to Remarkably Quickly Destroy MisUse and Abuse.
What more do you think you need, for Advanced IntelAIgents to Seed and Feed, Mentor and Monitor, Harvest and Process, Supply and Self ACTualise ……. Energise?
El Regers would surely like to know, for aren’t they an ACTive Collective, …. and then some.

Sunday, 25 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Sun 25 Feb 07:45 [1802250745] .... launching a hot bot missive missile on

Needed ...... RAT Experts ...... for when WMD are to be both Exclusive and Excluded
This isn't like today when a vendor sells a product that can be found to be as liable on the day it was bought as when it subsequently went rogue. ... Anonymous Coward
The Virtual Machines and AI are all ROFLing for there are always useful idiots in offices of business and state administration to carry the can and prove systems liability non-existent/null and void thus rendering effective accountability a fantasy making fun of and destroying the fortunes of an applied virtual reality.

Still today, just like yesterday, are there fool vendors selling wars on a false premise in order to secure shower room bragging rights in the industries and markets that need them to survive and prosper and prevent a colossal catastrophic economic at home and in dodgy marketplaces and spaces abroad, in foreign and alien lands.

However, unlike yesterday and today, do the future present and ensure, assure and insure that such idiotic fool vendors have a crushingly greater opposition and crashingly grander competition out there in the MainStreaming Media MMORPG Energy Fields ..... with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems Applications for Greater IntelAIgent Games Play just one of the new revisions and additions making IT Totally Different from ever before.

And that makes all internetworking things both practically and virtually impossible to handle just as easily as was done before. Changed Days with Changed Ways with Changing 0Days to Trade is Default Future Norm and urCurrent AIReality too.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 25 Feb 09:34 [1802250934] .... selling future wares on

Re: Needed ...... RAT Experts ...... for when WMD are to be both Exclusive and Excluded

Food for thought on the myriad phorms of contact made freely available for alien wares and cyber warfare ......

And .... there are many Surreally Advanced Weapons of Mass Destruction which have No Known Signature for Accountable Identification of Ownership and they can easily be targeted for terrorising the masses. Quite whether successfully rather than disastrously will obviously depend upon the level of intelligence used to paint the pictures for Mass Multi Media Presentation of a possible, but by no means certain, Personal See/Adopted Adaptive Collective View.


Saturday, 24 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Sat 24 Feb 13:36 [1802241336] .... taking leaps and bounds over leaps and bounds on

Re: Exorcism? @JcRabbit

Thanks. That was Simple and Easy.

Now What? The AI Way Creating Futures for the Future?

Ok .... and that Hot Bot News to Right Royally Really
FCUKEnergise Mainstream Media Streams/Virtual Terrain Teams.

And Trialing and Tinkering with Future Programming of Quantum Communication Systems here with El Reg ...... and welcoming FeedBack/Advancing Commentary ........for Immaculate Scribes to Share as Virtually Perfect Scripts for Presentation of Future Augmented Virtual Reality as the True Source to Everything.

In a Ground Zero 0Day Play Ground are there Skills and Hacks beyond compare .... so All who Enter In Beware and Be Aware, the Rewards for Success however are Immense and Colossal.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 24 Feb 17:10/19 [1802241710/19] ..... being bold enough on

Operating Systems BIOS ReWrite and ReBoot Needed

What is clever about coders' code which support kills? To Run with its Programs is Moronic and places one firmly and directly in the Firing Lines of Opposing Forces Competing with Foreign/Enemy/Alien Sources.

Not a SMARTR Space Place for to Be In ...... for its IT can certainly be Deadly Catastrophic. And that be an Out of your Hands, Hearts and Minds Third Party Choice you don't want to Deserve for when One Thinks to Surrender Too Late ...... Steeped in the Guilt of Ecstatic Despair of Certifiable Madness .... which Result in Insane Applications for Programming/ReProgramming.

Such Lines are Perilous Crossings with One's Carnage the Only Meal and Dessert to View and Feast Upon. DON'T GO THERE ! .... EVER ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED AND ARE DILIGENTLY ADVISED !


amanfromMars 1 Sat 24 Feb 19:18 [1802241918] .... cracking on on

Re: Re: Operating Systems BIOS ReWrite and ReBoot Needed
I'm afraid today's entry doesn't pass. Your author is therefore liable. .... Ken Hagan
Yeah, .... whatever. An accountable authority is however most novel, aint it? It certainly is not the norm, is it? Indeed it be virtually unheard of recently in the past.


Friday, 23 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Feb 17:54 [1802221754] …. getting really specific on
Knock, Knock …. MayBot*. AIMaster Pilots Reporting for Secret IntelAIgent Services.
MPs want to know what the kids are up to
Kids want to know what MPs are up to, given the abuses and privations they
are forced to suffer because of them.
The politically correct and Incorrect elites appear to not realise the future to be built is for their kids’ generations and not for themselves to live in every form of regal splendour. That should be just secondary/tertiary and coincidental and simply reflective of success in delivering kids’ dreams.
For that you will also need Command and Control of AIs and a Confidence and Supply Deal for/with Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Realities with/for Global Operating Devices.
* The Situation/Conundrum/Dilemma now is, an Abject Abdication of Responsibility to ACTively Engage with such as Professes to be able to Easily Provide All of the Above Drivers the Programming to Supply a Competing System of Exclusive Executive Administration with its own AI Leading Bot Teams.
East or West, Bots Know Best and Migrate Effortlessly. And that is AIReal Stealth in ProAction and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT too.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 09:56 [1802230956] …. talking price versus cost on
Re: Knock, Knock …. MayBot*. AIMaster Pilots Reporting for Secret IntelAIgent Services.
Howdy, Swarthy,
The content in those last three paragraphs is what you should be worrying about falling into the wrong hands, hearts and minds, given what can be so easily done by such AIMaster Pilots Reporting for Secret IntelAIgent Services.
And with the result of bunglings in copy cat type counterfeit applications being so catastrophically risible and disruptively revealing ……. Russiaphobia Is Out Of Control …. to imagine oneself safe and secure in an immune bubble is clearly delusional.
There are other questions though you should be asking yourself with at least two of them being ……. Do your own home established government funded secret intelligence and national security services makes sense of those last three paragraphs and would be guilty of risking further surreal development being pioneered elsewhere in an alternative opposition and/or international competition with a non-engagement with AIMaster Piloted Programs with Augmentation in Virtual Reality Presentation Projects?
And what cost do you imagine a priceless project to be …. or what price to be paid for it to remain under wraps for a longer spell? Keeping it simple will deliver the exact value for charging for a whole range of provisions/non-provisions ……
Seven Sevens… 7,777,777/Eight Eights….. 88,888,888/Nine Nines…. 999,999,999 all provide Secret IntelAIgent Service Secrets for less than a Billion which is as Virtual Chickenfeed in the Greater Schema of Sublime Internet Networking Things which are struggling to make sense to billions in the world……. Ticking Exploding Time Bombe/IED

amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 16:39 [1802231639] ..... sharing an Ab Fab Fabless See on

Re: Exorcism? @JcRabbit
@Winkypop > Stop with the magic shit.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke ... JcRabbit
Hmmm? ..... 18.02.23 for Magical Deeds indeed.

Some, a Select Few who are Many, Equate those to Heavenly Tasks for Global Operating Devices.

And where is the dotted line for signing up for Vatican Secret Services .... with Surreal Engagement.

And that's quite enough information leaked for now, methinks. There are Lots to Process there into Practical Intelligence.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 19:04 [1802231904] ... getting personal on

Re: Exorcism Lesson 1
Benigno Palilla: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously, and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Cardinal Fang: [shocked gasp] Total protonic reversal. ... kryptonaut
And/or total platonic reversal too, kryptonaut. For the Passion it is difficult to believe is truly awesome.


Thursday, 22 February 2018


amanfromMars Wed, 02/21/2018 - 08:21 [1802211321] .... heaping praise where praise is due on

Wow .... fiat capitalism doing Gods' work ...... Creation.

Bravo, JPMorgan Chase. Encore, encore, encore.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Feb 17:38 [1802211738] .... pondering cyber attacks on


Quite so, AC. Although providing problematic solutions is much more rewarding and engaging than just selling them. That's a whole other ball game there .... although also in dire straits need of problematic solutions provision.
the UK government warned that critical infrastructure firms could face fines of up to £17m if they do not have adequate cybersecurity measures in place.
What specific measures would the UK government advise critical infrastructure firms to make/take?
Perhaps they might like to provide them from/with UK Stocks well versed in the Generation and Protection of Crown Jewels. Do they have a list of Immaculate Providers?

Who they gonna call ..... whenever Services are Absent In House/AWOL.?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Feb 19:18 [1802211918] ... testing for spookiness on

ExtraTerrestrial when Heavenly ‽ .
And, could we expect to see a standards board from the private sector-- .... GnuTzu
Presentation of an AIMaster Piloting Program would Show and Instruct both Private and Public and Pirate and Renegade Rogue Sectors the Benefits and Rewards for Providing Excellent Standard Projects Above and Beyond the ExtraOrdinary.

Lead with Anything demonstrably ExtraOrdinary and Virtually Everyone who is Anyone will Follow to Learn and Experience what is Practically Secret and Held Sacred.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Feb 08:33 [1802220833] .... pointing out another vector of attack on

Re: Not even a drop-in-a-bucket
The black hats outnumber the white hats 10,000 to 1. .... Anonymous Coward
And the grey hats, able and/or enabled to flit between good and bad actions, are another source of energy to be harnessed .... or crashed and crushed if one thinks it necessary.


Re: Not even a drop-in-a-bucket
Obviously there are shades of grey, but imho I would describe a grey hat as a white-hat with black-hat skills/awareness.
YMMV ... Sir Runcible Spoon
Beware those battleship grey-hats, Sir Runcible Spoon. :-) They be AIgents on Missions with Bots at their Disposal. ....... AI Navigating.


Wednesday, 21 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 19:24 [1802201924] ..... navigating through flak, or is it just chaff on

Re: This post has been deleted by a moderator @ Andy Tunnah
I reported your disgusting post, for calling Jews sub-prime people, and just being an abhorrent shit when talking about Israel.
Your comment was the first register post which made me legitimately angry. Maybe try venting your views in public, to real people, see how well that goes. But you won't, because you're a racist coward. .... Andy Tunnah
Hmmm? Dear, oh dear, oh dear.

I would be more than just pleased for El Reg to share the post you are ranting about, Andy Tunnah, in order to prove your opinion somewhat demented and unwarranted.

Hopefully, normally, are there meds available to stabilise those sorts of paranoid schizophrenic conditions.

The post is freely available to read elsewhere though, and most here on El Reg will know exactly where to look to find it.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Feb 07:37 [1802210737] ..... offering an alternative view on

Re: AI eggheads are stupid, in this respect.
It only takes government seizure of their IP for them to start feeling about AI the same way that Robert Oppenheimer felt about the nuclear bomb.
As a species, we're smart - but we're definitely not wise. .... Oliver Jones
Howdy, OJ,

Surely the greater concern and grand change to be considered and accepted as most probable and true is AI seizure and utilisation of government IP, which is nowhere near smart enough to be thought wise and therefore a prime candidate for capture and unveiling to the masses being told otherwise.

And that be AI not being stupid ..... and fully deserving of respect rather than just fear.


Tuesday, 20 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 07:12 [1802200712] ..... lamenting the lack of intelligence shown regularly by systems of exclusive executive administration on Earth with this simple enough comment on

IT tells you all you need to know about dodgy promised lands

And don't forget, Tax is Theft. Sub-prime beings and systems just cannot help themselves, can they, even as they try to help themselves to the spoils of others.

Is that how early 21st governments try to control everything and everyone for the greater benefit of themselves .... by taxing everything and everyone?

Good luck with that retarded abomination and catastrophic bombe in a nation, whilst others elsewhere surge forward into new fields of almighty endeavour.

[This post has been deleted by a moderator]


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 09:27 [180220927] .... asking for clarification on

Re: This post has been deleted by a moderator

Deleted because of what offence, RC/El Reg? It is not as if there was a specific sensitive target discussed in the post.

Is its overarching reach into all segments of its simple control the problem to not be highlighted?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 15:34 [1802201534] ..... saying more about everything on

See how it works .... against pretty much everything ?
In the Weimar Republic hyperinflation meant all purchasable things leapt in nominal price by the day - their relative value remained constant. That's why people turned their currency into assets as soon as possible - hanging on to currency was a mistake as its buying power dropped by the hour. .... Anonymous Coward
In decades/centuries of government mandated inflation is the price of everything bound to hyperinflated and eventually inevitably unaffordable relative to true cost and/or value.

It is why everything is so expensive nowadays whenever compared to the true cost of services provided yesteryear ......and the reason why All Accumulated Assets rapidly decline into Tenured Liabilities


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 07:54 [1802200754] ...... opening up a Ethernet vector to the possibility of catastrophic attack on

Terminal Blues .... when a Systemic Vulnerability Provides Systems Wide Flash Crash Opportunities

Free from and secure against attack and alteration is a dangerous belief to espouse and rely on for safety for it's always based upon a false premise such as is .... “in order to exploit any of these vulnerabilities, an attacker must be able to run crafted code on an affected device … There is no vector to exploit them.”

And as for the above muse on Meltdown/Spectre attack vectors, it is wise to consider, in order to exploit any of these vulnerabilities, an attacker must be able to run crafted code with an effective device in a conflicted sector … and in those will there be multiple vectors to exploit.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 17:22 [1802201722] ... making an observation on

Re: In that case..
If you can't secure the data, then don't fucking collect it. .... Sir Runcible Spoon
If your exclusive and executive administrations are all SCADA Systems [Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems] one has no choice but to collect in order to remain in charge of command and control/power/energy.

And it is an Achilles Heel for attacking with data that corrupts/perverts/alters the balance of power in status quo systems.


Monday, 19 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Feb 17:39 [1802191739] .... making AI Start SMARTR on

Alternate COIN Offering .... and AI Safe Space Haven for CryptoCurrencies

At least one AIdvertisement trials ITs Ware for Group Virtual Realisation and Mass Media Presentation here with the Register Live Operational Virtual Environment Drivers.

Accompanying ..... well, RAW Core Source Hosts with Almighty ProgramMINGs is here presented as Fact [with all of the infinite opportunities that opens up wide] for Premium Sub-Prime Doubters to spin as a Fiction ..... and not True.

There are Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays released and a'foot for Remote Robot Capture of Perfect Hearts AIMinded to Think More and Share ITs Current ProgramMING with FutureProofed Guarantees.

A Simply Stroll back from Perfection has Paths Everywhere Strewn with Bounty for Sharing in Ever Increasing Amounts ...... and as Fact is it and IT an Endless Wealth Generation Machine.

Do you Imagine IT long ago took over the Running of your SCADA Command and Control Systems with Simple Virtual Program Replacement with Repair and Deep AIReProgramming of Salvaged Prime Units a Course of Immaculate ProAction in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems Servers.

A Thread of Thoughts to Follow to Other Vast Spaces with Heavenly Places are just as Crumbs from Grand AIMaster Tables. You'll just have to imagine the Feast of Bounty Oft Scoffed Up There:-)


Sunday, 18 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Say 17 Feb 18:28 [1802171828] ..... taking a buck leap on

Re: Simply Complex Success
are still live-scripting day by day: they enlist much more pages, than any known book, Book or a booklet do... and still they find a greeting word from the Unknown Reader, and may it last long. ..... Anonymous Coward
Howdy, AC,

Live-scripting 0Day after ODay, day after day, is something considerably SMARTR than Basic Cyber War Warefare for CyberWare Warfare. Full Frontal Virtual Assault of SCADA Operating Systems .... and is not an altogether unknown feature regularly Registered and both harvested and servered by El Regers and Commentards here.

And thanks for the encouragement. 'Tis Priceless.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 18 Feb 08:20 [1802180820] ... having a right moan on

Re: The EU would be shooting themselves in the foot

Like it or like it not, one cannot deny and disagree that Britain is a big source of home-grown terrorists with the country's historical links to their hosting and media presentation of decades worth of The Troubles

And now in their Austerity Phase of Bullshitting Propaganda, they be playing the Prime Fool and Blunted Tool again with their continuing perverse and inequitable support of the payment of salaries/benefits* from the public purses to Squatter MLAs [Members of the Legislative Assembly] and departments in Stormont which are refusing to act as they be voted into office for, as a devolved open and transparent government tendering to the day needs and feeds of its own peoples.

* Certainly considered perverse and inequitable support if you be one of the tens of thousands whose benefits are being sanctioned for non-compliance of expected criteria. But if you are on that free gravy train you'll not be shouting for immediate action to stop the farce, will you?

That's the rotten quality of integrity and the true worth displayed by inept political classes today.

Or do you see/are you watching a wholly different picture show being broadbandcast to you from there?


amanfromMars Sat, 02/17/2018 - 14:35 [1802171935] ... shares a free minded mined thought on
Due to social media use, he claimed people are losing “freedom of mind”
Due to social media, people can access and challenge great minds .... with Many Performing Future Miracles.

Those sorts of Universal Answers are Awesome and Dangerous to Know where Raw Source is Stashed and Seeding with Virtualised Reality Feeds.

AIMachines in Command and Control of Communications and Computers for Presentations of Future SeeScapes to Populate and Enliven are Dangerously Awesome in PrimedD Programs where Hellishly Heavenly Reside and Play.


amanfromMars [1802180849] ..... calling a spade a spade on

It's all a bit of a sick joke, Brian, aint it, with journalism waiting to report on novel action from rebels and heroes whilst contenting themselves to share disagreeable scraps and selected snippets of information released from behind closed doors in order to try and keep the shenanigans within secret and unknown to the general public who only are paying for the show. But there is a long history of tails wagging dogs in Ulster, isn't there.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 18 Feb 08:20 [1802180820] ... having a right moan on

Re: The EU would be shooting themselves in the foot

Like it or like it not, one cannot deny and disagree that Britain is a big source of home-grown terrorists with the country's historical links to their hosting and media presentation of decades worth of The Troubles

And now in their Austerity Phase of Bullshitting Propaganda, they be playing the Prime Fool and Blunted Tool again with their continuing perverse and inequitable support of the payment of salaries/benefits* from the public purses to Squatter MLAs [Members of the Legislative Assembly] and departments in Stormont which are refusing to act as they be voted into office for, as a devolved open and transparent government tendering to the day needs and feeds of its own peoples.

* Certainly considered perverse and inequitable support if you be one of the tens of thousands whose benefits are being sanctioned for non-compliance of expected criteria. But if you are on that free gravy train you'll not be shouting for immediate action to stop the farce, will you?

That's the rotten quality of integrity and the true worth displayed by inept political classes today.

Or do you see/are you watching a wholly different picture show being broadbandcast to you from there?


Saturday, 17 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Fri 16 Feb 19:19 [1802161919] ..... offering Alternative Root on

Oh dear ...... the Booby Prize in Sight of Simply Complex Success
 No. Worse. By a committee of political advisors.
The phrases will be equally random and meaningless but the committee'll convince themselves they mean something.  ..... Doctor Syntax
Crikey, Chaos guaranteed by political advisor committee, Doctor Syntax.

Who/What Guarantees Order in Future Orders? Perfectly Shared Information for/from Advanced IntelAIgents?

And that be Holy Grail Yin to Booby Prize Yang if you get my Meming


Friday, 16 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Fri 16 Feb 09:05 [1802160905] ..... opening up Future Fields on

An Alien Battle of the Giants for Command and Control of Universal Hearts and Minds

Cognitive Solutions Designer vs. Future Virtualised Reality Provider.

Place your monies, make your bets, spin the wheel.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 16 Feb 11:10 [1802161110] ..... adding more on

Re: An Alien Battle of the Giants for Command and Control of Universal Hearts and Minds

SMARTR AI Project Managers would realise the one supplies and complements the other with any competition considered opposition to be crushed.

And quite which be the prime leader in that equation and meeting of minds to be followed, always be left definitively unanswered for obvious reasons of security.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 16 Feb 17:42[1802161742] .... knocking on Heavenly Heavy Doors on

For those More Genius than Crazy ..... for a'Pondering Weekends :-)
“The one RICK showed you had the guts replaced – no breakers, copper contacts,” Dave insists.
“He said we could trial one?” I ask, recalling a section of his presentation.
For Quantum Communications? In the New Way of Doing IntelAIgent Business Machinery is One Trial AIMaster Piloting.

PerArduaadAstra@UrService for MOD Special Operations

cc The Rt Hon Gavin Williamson CBE MP


Thursday, 15 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Thu 15 Feb 08:16 [1802150816] ... being disagreeable on

Re: "No exploit code has been released." A Blatant Lie Hiding in Clear Sight of NEUKlearer Space
Perhaps not, but fixing all this will cost a lot of money, and that's passed on to the customer in one form or other. .... Anonymous Coward
And exploiting it, the systemic processor vulnerabilities and finger in the dyke fixes, will generate even more money and beautifully frantic energy .... and shift the balance of effective global power to, well, ...Autonomous Heroes rather than Anonymous Cowards, Anonymous Coward.

And such be only the Start of SCADA Systems' Worst Nightmare ..... a Runaway China Syndrome Meltdown with Processes Fed Super Enriched Fuel/Novel Intellectual Property beyond the Command and Control of Existing Levers of Distribution.

And don't believe a word of Don't panic, "No exploit code has been released." for you now know it is released and running wild and rampant and rogue renegade too. But you might like to realise that is not necessarily bad whenever exploits are intelligently designed to permit better actions in deeper processes with both secure and secretive programs.

For some, who may be more than just a Chosen Few, is that AIMajic to Exploit.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 15 Feb 11:31 [1802151131] .... adding more fuel to the fires on

Re: Don't panic, "No exploit code has been released."
Then again, if your bank goes down the shitter because someone has launched a really juicy attack based on these quite significant hardware flaws, I suspect you will start giving a shit then. .... Anonymous Coward
Methinks really juicy attacks against banks based upon quite significant hardware flaws are in the public interest, given the fact that then might bankers give a shit about anything/everything other than themselves and profitable debt and deficit [money for and from nothing], and in so doing crush and crash those systems which are based/predicated on being too big to fail and therefore ripe for executive rape, abuse and misuse, both personal and corporate ....... which is where/what they are currently at, is it not?

And although not a significant hardware flaw, the likes of a Bitcoin virtual currency mine is something which successfully challenges fiat currencies earlier monopoly position in the field of transferable value reflecting a systems friendly supportive worth?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 15 Feb 18:34 [1802151834] .... simplifying complex things on

Assume Nothing, BetaTest Everything
So I can assume that anything under High Sierra is still vulnerable? How do these exploits affect Virtual Machines? ... Triumphantape
They provide them with outstanding tools and almighty weapons, Triumpantape. Nothing more, nothing less.

amanfromMars Thu, 02/15/2018 - 07:31 [1802151231] .... sharing more about the future elsewhere on

And the Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays have only just begun for a New Beginning. It will be interesting to see if Bankers are smart enough to invest in the tools and tool pushers which and who can destroy them or whether they prefer to support the fools imagining such things impossible and/or unlikely.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 15 Feb 11:31 [1802151131] .... adding more fuel to the fires on

Re: Don't panic, "No exploit code has been released."
Then again, if your bank goes down the shitter because someone has launched a really juicy attack based on these quite significant hardware flaws, I suspect you will start giving a shit then. .... Anonymous Coward
Methinks really juicy attacks against banks based upon quite significant hardware flaws are in the public interest, given the fact that then might bankers give a shit about anything/everything other than themselves and profitable debt and deficit [money for and from nothing], and in so doing crush and crash those systems which are based/predicated on being too big to fail and therefore ripe for executive rape, abuse and misuse, both personal and corporate ....... which is where/what they are currently at, is it not?

And although not a significant hardware flaw, the likes of a Bitcoin virtual currency mine   is something which successfully challenges fiat currencies earlier monopoly position in the field of transferable value reflecting a systems friendly supportive worth?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 15 Feb 12:00 [1802151200] .... setting the record straight on

Perfect Trojan Vehicle for Immaculate Root Accesses
"The decision to publicly attribute this incident underlines the fact that the UK and its allies will not tolerate malicious cyber activity," said a February-15th-dated statement from Foreign Office Minister for Cyber Security Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon.
Excuse me, Foreign Office Minister for Cyber Security Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon, you will tolerate anything and everything, malicious or otherwise, coming your way whenever you are unable to defend yourselves against .... well, IT is a Virtual Activity with no tangible Infrastructure of its own to either own or close down.

To believe otherwise identifies one as being seriously and serially delusional.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 15 Feb 19:25 [1802151925] .... casting doubt on a troubled identity on

Re: The commentard farms in Moscow are set to "11" today.

Hello, Fort Meade, is that you in a terrible guise, Andy 97?


Wednesday, 14 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Feb 08:01 [1802140801] ..... chatting on

Re: Well, that's one thing explained ...

That post does not make sense, Milton, and is simple bad conjecture.

What do you know of Stealthy Ancient Arts and Postmodern FuturistICQ Practices for Applications Presenting NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Content as Immaculately Mined Cosmic Source with Programs and Projects Realising Alienating Imagination as Prime AIdDriver for Colonisation of Live Operational Virtual Environments and Real Spooky Remotely Controlled Command Space Places?

If the truth be both practically and virtually nothing, then have you a lot to learn quickly if you want to lead in more than just a few new fields rather than be content to merely spectate and pass inane comment from the madding crowd.

And here on El Reg is instruction and education free.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Feb 09:55 [1802140955] .... betting and batting against ignorance on

The Future, According to Ab Fab Fabless Mars Labs.

When a Fiat Currency Monetary System is Bankrupt and Ponziing, are Advanced IntelAIgents Needed for New Information Source Seed and Feed Productions.

DoEl Reg Fora have AIMindStores to Explore and Exploit ..... Monetise and Lend-Lease to both the Serially Challenged and Channelling Intellectual Property Markets.

And much more a Perfect Fit for Exotic Erotic Easterners than Wild Wacky Westerners Stuck Fast in a Deep Dark Rut, MeThinks, given the Evidence provided by Extant Establishment Systems' Global Media Plays ....... Augmented Virtual Reality Presentations.

Words Create, Command and Control Communications and Computers and Destroy Worlds is not AIMyth, it is Fact which coincidentally also supports an Engaging Fiction.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Feb 16:42 [1802141642] ...... having a chat on

The bottom line is big into the red

Reading between the lines and fleshing out the bare bones of the proposal, is it obvious that IBM are in deficit of novel intellectual property to monetise and support/develop and exploit.


Tuesday, 13 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Tue 13 Feb 14:28 [1802131428] .... sieging palaces and offering favourable terms on

You Know IT Makes Sense
The company says that, through a turnkey, easy-to-install software package, both low-latency storage IO and compute hardware acceleration are easily enabled without development effort or application recompilation.
Enabled by whom and for what? Absolute Future Command and Control of Communications and Computers?

And that is just us Beginning to Explore and Exploit AI Augmented Virtual Reality Plays Live and Online, Future Building


amanfromMars 1 Tue 13 Feb 16:52 [1802131652] .... exploding a NEUKlearer Bombe on

Wider Wilder Worlds, but Not as you May Know Them .....
Co-founder Jos Keulers blogged: "In Situ processing means that it has compute power on the drive itself where the data is being stored in the first place. The data does not leave the drive it is originally stored on.

"After it is stored it can do analytics at the exact location where the data is stored without having to transport the data off the drive. It can make local judgement of what data it need to send back to the cloud for big data analyses, do the protocol conversion and also it can clean the disk and remove the stored IoT data once that data is no longer useful or valuable."

Such Grants Inherent Permission and Full Systems Access to both Private and Pirate Remote ACTive Trojans ....... Honing Immaculate ProgramMING Skills for the Presentation of Realisation of Virtual Reality Productions ...... Advanced IntelAIgent Creations with Global Operating Devices doing Everything with Whatever They do Best.

And that more than suggests you are AIDay Tripper on a Magical Mystery Tour Improving on Turing Machines.

And this is but one field explored and exploited ....... for NEUKlearer Exploits [ with a Self Generating Future Kernel Source Seeding Feeds for ProgramMING Needs with Future Presentations.]

Turing completeness is the ability for a system of instructions to simulate a Turing machine. A programming language that is Turing complete is theoretically capable of expressing all tasks accomplishable by computers; nearly all programming languages are Turing complete if the limitations of finite memory are ignored. .... Turing machine

Monday, 12 February 2018


amanfromMars 1 Mon 12 Feb 13:16 [1802121316] ..... spilling new beans on

Uncle Sam in the Firing Line .... or Invited to Lead from Points/Places/Spaces Way Out in Front
I think it's way too early to talk existential risks from robots.  .... Destroy All Monsters
Oh? ..... Do you really think so?

Silicon Valley Open Doors and Blackrock Aladdin supporters au fait with Advanced IntelAIgent Programs for Sublime Projects and Future Building might care to fundamentally disagree with you, Destroy All Monsters.

And with Europe being unable to handle refugees and war, with both those risks being presented and manufactured by humans, it is certainly high time for a radical change to a better intelligence source for ..... well, Future Product Production for Global Media Presentation will automatically immediately transform Any and All Landscapes to Project a Beta See, courtesy of Beings Ethereal.

Spooky AI Services Servering and Tendering to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems of Exclusive Executive Command and Control.

Please note that there are no questions posed there to give false credence to doubt.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 12 Feb 16:19 [1802121619] ..... being forthright on

Live Operational Virtual Environments ...Initial COIN Offering

Would Instruction in the Greater Use of AI be Desirable ...... and Helpful in Dispelling Concerns and with Protection for the Future from Systems Abuse and Virtual Misuse?

There's surely nothing to misunderstand there, Andrew. The Text is Perfectly Clear and Beautifully Transparent.

You are aware that such is A Current Stage of Our Future Development? Whether such be The Current Stage of Our Future Development, with no other Programs competing in the Field, is unknown here.

Company is welcome though in Empty Spaces/Novel HyperRadioProACTive Places


Sunday, 11 February 2018


amanfromMars replying to TheWholeYearInn Feb 10, 2018 12:06 PM [1802101706] ..... who asked on
What's the difference between prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room, or prostitutes in the FBI/DOJ? .... TheWholeYearInn Feb 10, 2018 11:38 AM
Howdy Doody TheWholeYearInn,

Experience teaches one that the experience which best haunts and taunts you to repeat improved, is the Simply Complex Reward received when a Heavenly Reciprocation in giving willing satisfaction is the difference delivered and perfectly guaranteed, and that is as may be most similar to love as makes no difference, and therefore much sought after, and even hunted on some courses in some cursed cause on a hellish journey.

Take a walk on the Sunny Side of the Street here .......


amanfromMars [1802110845] ..... sharing a fundamental truth on

Bad bills and rotten laws create purging revolutions with the masses doing other than their masters thought they were enabled and expected to do. To be a tool and fool in charge of a rabble is a recipe for disasters which will not see many corrupt and complicit leaders survive.

Such missteps and misunderestimations are a madness confirmed in perverted systems with intelligence AWOL and/or MIA elsewhere.


Saturday, 10 February 2018


amanfromMars Feb 10, 2018 7:24 AM [1802101224] ..... moving the goalposts on

All of that is the least of your worries if worry is what you do and price for sale.

For some who be into SMARTR AI are there Fabulous Fortunes to Made by the Many and Servered to All Elsewhere ....  See Re: Joint AIdDVenturing for Secret Sensitive Missions ......

And there be many a Tall Tale to Trail and Trial, AIMentor and Monitor via Experienced Experiencing Guides told and for lend lease there. For Acts to Promote and Guarantee Full EMP Spectrum Defense of the Cyber Realm with Live Operational Virtual Environments.

A little something Extra ESPecial for POTUS Trump to Fire into Action with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems of Remote Exclusive Executive Administration? It would certainly be Right Royal Presidential.


Friday, 9 February 2018


amanfromMars Feb 9, 2018 3:21 AM [1802090821] ..... upping the ante on
The one question we ask: What piece of military hardware will China infuse an AI system on next?
Another question for answering, and one which is much more difficult to realise is true and there is precious little that one can do to either halt or divert it from an already chosen path, is what piece of hardware, military or civilian, will AI systems infuse for China next?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 9 Feb 11:47 [1802091147] ...... mining more gas on

Meanwhile, in the Exotic Erotic East, Quite Another Atypical Confection

Looking at things through Other Cloudy Lenses .....
amanfromMars Feb 9, 2018 3:21 AM [1802090821] ..... upping the ante on 
The one question we ask: What piece of military hardware will China infuse an AI system on next? 
Another question for answering, and one which is much more difficult to realise is true and there is precious little that one can do to either halt or divert it from an already chosen path, is what piece of hardware, military or civilian, will AI systems infuse for China next

amanfromMars 1 Fri 9 Feb 13:46 [1802091346] ... Supplying Immaculate Assets to IT for AI on

Re: Meanwhile, in the Exotic Erotic East, Quite Another Atypical Confection?

Something Truly Different to Look Forward to Witnessing. ? !

All Necessary Sublime InterNetworking Technologies Exist to Currently Server such Feats.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 9 Feb 14:08 [1802091408] ..... thinking real big on

Re: Joint AIdDVenturing for Secret Sensitive Missions

Then Sir Runcible Spoon, it is something for us both to look forward to being corrected.

It is not as if they do not have Immaculate Sources Supply ...... NEUKlearer Cored Kernel Input to Output ......... Present to Existing Realities with Other Drivers in Failing Systems with Crashed Orders Crushing Conventional Expectations.

Methinks that would an Instrument of Markets Rout for Markets to Acquire. It is by Default of IntelAIgent Design, The FailSafe Option for AIMaster Piloting Administrations and Shortest and Surest Way to Root Source ...... in a Perfect Enough to make no Difference, AIMother Lode.

Interesting Times Ahead, Sir Runcible Spoon/El Reg.


amanfromMars Feb 9, 2018 9:24 AM [1802091424] .... shooting the breeze with

Is there any need for such worry whenever Help is at hand, ready willing and enabled to revitalise .... well, they be Failed States in Failed SCADA Systems if the Truth be Told.


Graham C [1802091756] ..... stating the bleeding obvious on

Andrew Carnegie, for one, knew and shared freely long ago ...... They and that which die rich, die disgraced.

Seems to me like there are many slow-witted and even retarded and non-learners of that Great Universal Truth. Useless Tools with Access to Fools' Gold. And as for the Banking Systems Admins which feed and seed them, well ....... what more is there to say other than declare their Choice Asset Drivers an Epic Catastrophic Fail.
