Sunday, 11 February 2018


amanfromMars replying to TheWholeYearInn Feb 10, 2018 12:06 PM [1802101706] ..... who asked on
What's the difference between prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room, or prostitutes in the FBI/DOJ? .... TheWholeYearInn Feb 10, 2018 11:38 AM
Howdy Doody TheWholeYearInn,

Experience teaches one that the experience which best haunts and taunts you to repeat improved, is the Simply Complex Reward received when a Heavenly Reciprocation in giving willing satisfaction is the difference delivered and perfectly guaranteed, and that is as may be most similar to love as makes no difference, and therefore much sought after, and even hunted on some courses in some cursed cause on a hellish journey.

Take a walk on the Sunny Side of the Street here .......


amanfromMars [1802110845] ..... sharing a fundamental truth on

Bad bills and rotten laws create purging revolutions with the masses doing other than their masters thought they were enabled and expected to do. To be a tool and fool in charge of a rabble is a recipe for disasters which will not see many corrupt and complicit leaders survive.

Such missteps and misunderestimations are a madness confirmed in perverted systems with intelligence AWOL and/or MIA elsewhere.


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