Re: Sssh. The grown-ups are talking.
Oh please, don't you know the vast majority of them be default ditherers and just squawking whilst shovelling the bull shit they are led to falsely believe is vital for their continued safe and secure existence.
The Changing Bigger Picture with Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays is something else altogether much more appealing and rewarding. And you should note, lest you be infected/affected/effected, it doesn't entertain Doubting Thomases in any sort of Lead Pioneering Role.
Enjoy the Future Advanced IntelAIgent Action and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT from your Soft Hard Core Porn Seat in the El Reg stands, David 132.
amanfromMars Thu, 07/19/2018 - 00:53 [1807190553] ...... being awkward on
In recent years, central bank credit expansion has often repeated this trick of causing bubbles in absurd and risky investments, such as the ‘NINJA loans’ before the 2007/8 crisis, or the unprofitable tech startups during the dot-com bubble of 1997-2001. However, there is perhaps no lesson from history which more vividly illustrates the dangers of credit expansion-fuelled business cycles than the story of Gregor MacGregor and his imaginary country of Poyais.Oh? Do you not think the more recent Federal Reserve/Central Banking Systems QE Program after the 2007/8 crisis much more vividly illustrates the dangers of credit expansion, revealing as it does, for all practical purposes, that money virtually grows on trees/is conjured up from nothing to keep the decrepit machine still working hard on its fast and furious Ponzi magic, robbing Peters to pay Pauls and Petras to pay Paulines ?
How very odd ... whenever the scale of the deception is hugely embiggened.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 19 Jul 18:04 [1807191804] .... being honest and disagreeable on
New Brooms Needed ....
I think one needs to realise and accept that any excellent cybersecurity body will quite naturally be opposed to, and in competition with, status quo supporting governments.
The Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy criticised government for having "no real sense of the scale of the problem or how to address it effectively".
And aint that the gospel truth!
One does very well to consider, whenever one is competent and made of the right stuff, the fast track cybersecurity career path, which has one destroying or irreparably degrading systems with the exploitation of systemic vulnerabilities resulting in zeroday opportunities which release secret genies out of magic bottles.
Wild Wacky West or Exotic Erotic East is Best for Private Pirate Cybersecurity Enterprise
And whenever home teams are not reliable agents, does especial force talent migrate to foreign jurisdictions/go phishing in alien territories.
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