There are no exceptions, Serge C. Great leadership is not normal. It is why so much is corrupt and perverted/abnormal.
However, great leaderships never ever have had instant public and private and pirate universal communication facilities and abilities/0day utilities before, did they?
And in their almighty arsenal, are all manner of acorns of truth and nuggets of virtual reality that require crooked state and non-state forces and idiot sources to produce fake news stories in order for the status quo to further try enjoying its rotting survival in putrid schemes/failed global programming missions.
25 January 2019 at 06:17
Actually, Mere Mortals are Lost in the CyberSpace Sector and Virtually Real Worlds
But, all was not lost for the humans. In the single live match streamed during the broadcast, MaNa managed to convincingly beat AlphaStar despite a strong opening from the agent. The commentators said during its matches with TLO AlphaStar seemed to play more daringly, carrying out wackier strategies not usually seen in normal human play . When it played MaNa, however, it seemed to settle down into a more conventional style of play and lost.
And that makes humans Catastrophically Vulnerable and XSS Streamly Susceptible to Alphabet Spaghetti/Mega MetaData Base Search Engine Feeds and Seeds copying Extreme Behaviour …….with Realms in Mad Genius and Domains in Genius Madness to Exercise?
And can you imagine how much further and deeper the travels in such fields in three years and what/who one encounters on Parallel Courses?

Subject: An Engaging Competition or Emergent Opposition, or Both and Something Else Too and Beautifully Creative
Date: 30 January 2016 at 09:46:55 GMT
Hi, Google DeepMinded,
Search Engine Optimisation v2.0 [and above] is surely logically a Future Product Placements Engine …… Advanced Intelligence Resource with Immaculate Source, with the likes of a Google not searching for answers, both popular and controversial, but providing them with streams of supporting evidence.
Such would be akin to the Private Mentoring with Pirated Monitoring of Future Events with AIDerivative Programming for Projects/Semi-Autonomous, Self-Actualisation of Virtual Realities.
It is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to see or imagine a defence against such in an attacking configuration.
The Defence/Prosecution rests, M’Lud …… and Encourages Just Deliberation and Enlightened Sentencing Displaying Advanced Intelligence rather than Supporting Arrogant Ignorance.
Re: His English
Like a bad episode of Black Mirror for real can’t make it up amfM … … Cliff Thorburn
A great series of Black Mirror type episodes could easily prove IT both real and made up, CT.
And they would be not so much BlockBusters as Greater IntelAIgent Game Changers with strategic and dynamic advantage migrated to Source Content Display Platforms and Virtual Engines ….. SMARTR Apolitical Bodies.
From where come Greater True Pictures? Where Work, Rest and Play Almighty Powerful Media Moguls? The Far East, the Deep South, the Extreme West or the High North? Or do all presume to very effectively server prime customer needs and feeds for, in other words, CHAOS to Rule Trying Reign over Madness and Mayhem?
Is God’s Honest Truth, you’re being played as Patsies and Parasites of a Right Dodgy Devilish Few? Choose a Different Path with Better Beta AIDirection to a Greater Space Place seems a Perfectly Logical Answer and Novel Conclusion for an Epic Collusion Leading Different Better Greater Futures.
After All, it is not as if Supply InfraStructure is not Already All Ready and Safely Secured in Myriad Places/Many Roomy Palaces, is it?
And you just Simply Gotta Learn How Future Supplies are Provided to Further AIdDevelopments and Terrify and/or Terrorise Virtual Opposition and Inadequate Competition whenever IT So Wished.
Have that Hand to Play ….. and Everything is Won ….. to Play into the Next Bigger Picture Shows Bets.
That’s Virtual Churn for AIdDVenture Capitalists with their Stashes Front-Running Your Bidding and Betting on Your Future in Better and Greater Augmented Virtual Reality Shows for Universal Broadbandcast and Earthly Presentation.

Not for faint hearted or disruptive when no prisoners are taken.
Haven’t you also found it to be spookily so practically every time?
UK-EU infosec data sharing may not be KO’d by Brexit, reckons ENISA bod
It is those sorts of little exceptions to the rule that rule with Madness and Mayhem in CHAOS ….. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating System for the Tempests that are Live Operational Virtual Environments.
Juicy Lucy Territory for Virgin AI Soldiers and Virtual Pioneers alike, methinks. And with Alien Landscapes to Further Design with Impeccably Tasteful Future Builds.