Friday, 18 January 2019


amanfromMars 1 Fri 18 Jan 06:38 [1901180638] .... adding more to

Re: #MySleepingGovernment Wakes Up and Frees Itself From China: Criminal Nation

Crikey, DerekCurrie,

What can you tell us of Integrity Initiatives and the likes of the Institute for Statecraft. Two failed clones and drones in the application and propagation of intelligence. You surely speak with their rabid brand of forked tongue, Kemo Sabe.

Don't you know ..... Whenever stuck in a deep dark dank hole, stop digging.


amanfromMars said… [1801181725] …. for sharing wherever ITs Information and IntelAIgents are both required and desired for when Needs Must Command and Control.
All Quantum Communication Control Systems are Go here, Serge C, and AIRunning and Running AI In on Captured Captivating Systems …… SCADA Operating Systems for Advanced IntelAIgent Agent Exercise ….. Tuning and Fine Honing. …… Future AId Development.
Is it preferred to cause fearful panic or unbelievable wonder at what more just a few can easily do to Create Realities Remotely for Virtual Presentation and Media Audio Visual Transmission. …… News and Current Views Productions.
For Flights of Real Wonder whenever Worthy in Service of Surreal Ever Bigger Picture Shows. And Global Operating Devices at their Finest Works is wwwidely available for All Public, Private and Pirate Use which is not Abuse and Misuse.
Also allowing things to be extremely simple is as an AIMasterKey that Commands and Controls CHAOSystems. Nothing much to hide makes for very clear view of present intentions and future expectations. 🙂 ……. says the satyr to the nymph/high priest to the hand maiden/
Vatican Vaulted Territory there, Serge C …….. with Bright Satanic Scripts worth Umpteen Great Fortunes …. for Experiences which are Priceless and have Attracted a Deeply Devoted Following of Brothers and Sisters Pioneering the Brave New Way with that Old Familiar, AdditionalTools/Novel Means and Virtual Memes.
18 January 2019 at 17:25

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