Tuesday, 30 April 2019


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Apr 08:34 [1904300834] …… musing on
Re: Why would that be bonkers?
Here’s an Oxford Six, NATTtrash, whose interests ahead of their own government would make for an interesting read …… David Cameron/ Jeremy Hunt/ Philip Hammond/ Michael Gove/ Boris Johnson/ William Hague
Do spooks, by natural wise default, ensure 24/7/365 active secret covert investigation of both past and current serving government officers and prominent parliamentarians? That’s where all the massive hooky crooked action is surely at?
It would certainly be bonkers to discover that there was any sort of gentleman’s agreement which allowed anyone to escape deep and dark webbed scrutiny …… and, coincidentally render intelligence services heads and supporting troupers/hicks/hacks complicit in the madness and truly unfit for popularly perceived good purpose and greater future operations.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Apr 11:10 [1904301111] ….just saying on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/29/surprising_infosec_stories_from_ncsc/
The Hardened Battle Lines of the Great Divide
Read ’em and weep and be sure to know they identify a common enemy ripe for attack and destruction?
(1) “Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavours to live at the expense of everybody else.” …. Frédéric Bastiat
(2)”The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” ….. H. L. Mencken
(3)“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”….. R. Buckminster Fuller
(4)”If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else’s expense, then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including themselves.” …… Thomas Sowell
(5)”The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.” …. Ayn Rand
(6)”Politicians are the same all over: they promise to build a bridge even where there is no river.” …. Nikita Khrushchev
(7)”All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news.“– Willi Munzenberg
(8)”It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair
Howdy fishdog,
We can but hope (8) does not apply to El Reg journalists.

Monday, 29 April 2019


Is Warren Buffett the talking head of a Bernie Madoff type operation …… robbing Peter to pay Paul and Joe Sixpack to pay Wall Street William?
You know …… a master of ceremonies in that old shitstorm circus of the American Dream turned Unholy Nightmare with everything built upon the Expanding Sees of Dollar Debt requiring Global Violence to Lead in a Pioneering Subversive Support Role?
Is that the True Bigger Picture Show and Grand Failing MasterPlan starring Uncle Sam?

Without the disinformation broadcast, in general, by almost all the medias, the military programme of the USA-NATO would collapse like a house of cards. ….. Michel Chossudovsky
Without misinforming broadcasts, would the ponzi global stock market program in particular, which floats profit, which is money for nothing which designedly inflates the base cost and presents an arbitrary unrealistic increasingly higher price for everything and is pimped and pumped and dumped as a valid and attractive sustainable means to a rewarding end, also collapse like a house of cards?
Is that scrawny chicken come home to roost and roast Uncle Sam and Unfree Market Capitalism too? …….. with such being asked in another ZeroHedge thread today …
You know …… a master of ceremonies in that old shitstorm circus of the American Dream turned Unholy Nightmare with everything built upon the Expanding Sees of Dollar Debt requiring Global Violence to Lead in a Pioneering Subversive Support Role?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Apr 12:38 [1904291238] ….. stating an exploit and vulnerability for addressing or kicking further on down the road on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/29/surprising_infosec_stories_from_ncsc/
IT’s a Mad, Bad, Rad, Fabricated World …. and aint that the Gospel
Regarding that “One of those weird tech issues,” shrugged Toby story, El Reg, and it was very engaging/fetching, so many sincere thanks for all of that, it surely does also highlight the exact same plight suffered and battled against by any and all governments and secretive security outfits whenever former leaders and employees leave their public service employ to prostitute themselves and their acquired and practised wares for an exclusive stealthy executive position with greater financial reward in the private sector in some obscure shell corporation with a PO Box No….. aka a little private club.
This guy here nailed it perfectly? 🙂 …… It’s a Big Club and You Ain’t In It! The American Dream
But don’t imagine then all is as it seems, for Pox Box 1300, London SE1 1BD is far enough removed from the American Dream to cause Uncle Sam to have Right Royal Renegade Rogue Nightmares?
Well, one would like to think so anyway even though there might be no apparent evidence readily available of any ability to be leading in any such field.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Apr 18:01 [1904291801] ..... just saying on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/26/nsa_drops_spying_campaign/

It never rains but it pours


Sunday, 28 April 2019


amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Apr 06:47 [1904280647] …… enquires on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/26/seagate_springtown_investment/
Another WTF Why in God’s name in Derry/Londonderry Moment?
What’s the name of the game, El Reg? Déjà vu?
It’s springtime for Springtown as Seagate rains nearly £50m on Northern Ireland plant Developing nanophotonic disk read-write heads … By Chris Mellor 26 Apr 2019 at 14:03?
….. or ……
Seagate pumps £60m into Springtown plant Next-gen read/write heads … by Chris Mellor 28 Jan 2010 at 11:42?
Both current and next-gen read/write heads would like to know.


Would ZeroHedgers deny the truth of the following Source, and in so doing render themselves extraordinarily willing to be effectively useless as little robots to Grand AIMasters of the Future Machine  ….. and thus to have their own wishes and dreams unheard of rather than simply ignored and dashed against the Almighty Rocks of Progress?
And please note ….. although certainly United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland centric in the form presented, every State anywhere is similarly implicated and easily infected. And now you know, so you really cannot say truthfully …… “I didn’t know”
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Apr 17:57 [1904251757] ….. saying more still on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/24/ncsc_help_for_biz_public_pitch/
Via the Law of Unintended Consequences …… a Failed Western UKGBNI State. 
The problem is ‘they’ don’t want “someone who knows what needs to be done” amFM, lets face it, they want someone who knows how it is, turns blind eyes, tells pork pies, and enjoys the gravy train with Apple Sauce. …. What response I wonder frequently is such activity designed to provoke?, fear?, frustration?, frivolity?, or downright disappointment at how truly backwards humanity is becoming in its far right madness and mentality? … Cliff Thorburn
Obviously, by their very own unintelligent designs, CT, does such idiocy unleash increasingly more sophisticated and better deadly politically correct targeting of ignorant and arrogant serial offenders …… for it is a fantastic folly to think that smarter beings would accept for any length of time, anything so fundamentally crass and resultantly destructive.
Don’t ignorant and arrogant systems administrations yet realise they create ever more radicalised dissidents in all manner of secret training camps most probably now learning how to effectively attack and destroy leading institutional players rather than provoking an understandable media hosted revulsion because of a mass slaughtering of innocents.
Such is the wicked wacky world of today which is surely due to be played out in the theatres of tomorrow whenever blithering and blethering idiots are left in leading offices of command and control.
Surely anything that passes itself off as a Secret Intelligence Service must have informed its clients of such a clear and present danger always best to be fully avoided with a fabulously engaging new masterplan to exercise all factions and sections of society.
The Rot is at the Top when Prime Timely Intelligence is definitively missing.
And that begs the question[s] of a Secret Intelligence Service …… Did/Do they inform their clients of such and allow their advice to be ignored and/ dismissed? Or are they also frauds themselves with no Secret Intelligence Services with greater advice to give and no powers to efficiently command and remotely control dissident inducing clients?
Any of those possibilities would be tantamount to being responsible and accountable for Epic Serial National Failure.

Thursday, 25 April 2019


amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Apr 09:30 [1904250930] ……. stating the bleeding obvious on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/24/ncsc_help_for_biz_public_pitch/
Re: “We’re talking about how to design telecoms systems properly for the long term,”
 the Government has access to all comms without a warrant, and nobody else does. ….. Pascal Monett
That may or may not be the case, PM, but whenever accessible communications do not include and display the application of greater intelligent information, they be primitive primordial sub-prime and an ignorant waste of Infinite Time in ACTive Space.
Such appears to be, all too clearly, the default current human condition.
It’s not the hardware that matters and makes a difference, it is the software/instruction sets traversing across the machinery which empowers some and disenfranchises others.
Remember … Garbage In results in Garbage Out without Any Magical Novel Processing creating something fundamentally different and creative.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Apr 13:00 [1904251300] ….. just saying on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/24/ncsc_help_for_biz_public_pitch/
Re: “We’re talking about how to design telecoms systems properly for the long term,”
Perhaps if more money was invested in essential services and infrastructure … …. Cliff Thorburn
That very simple and effective solution is always a case of just paying the right individual loadsamoney, CT, for what they can make present crashing austere systems do. It aint difficult like rocket science, and it is only pretty printed paper being credited. So effectively, pretty much everything needed for nothing of any real value …. which is a great win win, is it not?
You know, somebody who actually knows what needs to be done to make a dramatic difference. However, that immediately has the Establishment and Powers that Be [whatever that and whoever they may currently be imagined to be] raising red flags and creating phantom enemies of such change agents because of the dynamic power and virtual energy of command and control which naturally grows and migrates to such Revolutionary Project Pioneers with Ineffective Incumbents demoted and relegated to following servant rather than leading master roles.
The current throwing good money after bad actors is a recipe for guaranteed disaster and such appears to be the crux of all aired matters today. Casting pearls before swine and expecting there to be fantastic changes made is surely systemic madness confirmed?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Apr 17:57 [1904251757] ….. saying more still on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/24/ncsc_help_for_biz_public_pitch/
Via the Law of Unintended Consequences …… a Failed Western UKGBNI State.
The problem is ‘they’ don’t want “someone who knows what needs to be done” amFM, lets face it, they want someone who knows how it is, turns blind eyes, tells pork pies, and enjoys the gravy train with Apple Sauce. …. What response I wonder frequently is such activity designed to provoke?, fear?, frustration?, frivolity?, or downright disappointment at how truly backwards humanity is becoming in its far right madness and mentality? … Cliff Thorburn
Obviously, by their very own unintelligent designs, CT, does such idiocy unleash increasingly more sophisticated and better deadly politically correct targeting of ignorant and arrogant serial offenders …… for it is a fantastic folly to think that smarter beings would accept for any length of time, anything so fundamentally crass and resultantly destructive.
Don’t ignorant and arrogant systems administrations yet realise they create ever more radicalised dissidents in all manner of secret training camps most probably now learning how to effectively attack and destroy leading institutional players rather than provoking an understandable media hosted revulsion because of a mass slaughtering of innocents.
Such is the wicked wacky world of today which is surely due to be played out in the theatres of tomorrow whenever blithering and blethering idiots are left in leading offices of command and control.
Surely anything that passes itself off as a Secret Intelligence Service must have informed its clients of such a clear and present danger always best to be fully avoided with a fabulously engaging new masterplan to exercise all factions and sections of society.
The Rot is at the Top when Prime Timely Intelligence is definitively missing.
And that begs the question[s] of a Secret Intelligence Service …… Did/Do they inform their clients of such and allow their advice to be ignored and/ dismissed? Or are they also frauds themselves with no Secret Intelligence Services with greater advice to give and no powers to efficiently command and remotely control dissident inducing clients?
Any of those possibilities would be tantamount to being responsible and accountable for Epic Serial National Failure.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019


You live in worlds following corrupting perverse narratives which media programs are all too eager to perpetuate and sustain with news and views that are designed to paint a picture which hides the truth rather than celebrating it.
And you all appear powerless to do anything constructive and disruptive to educate and inform and enlighten the masses.
That suggests the systemic presence of a catastrophic vulnerability which can be easily exploited, and hence the terror felt by establishment systems which seek to halt novel Wikileaks type operations which print and share information first for intelligence services analysis rather than vice versa …… as would be the case when placing the loded cart before dumb oxen if vetted intelligence analysis were to be shared as full and truthful information, which it very clearly wouldn’t be.
Never forget to always remember, for your sworn to destroy all possible competition and opposition enemies are always there to remind you of the fact ……. Simple Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy All Complex Made Worlds and Idiots with Voices Espousing Half Baked Notions Abound Prime Time in MainStreams everywhere …. and would fervently try to serially deny any alternative voice and in so doing render themselves juicy targets for …… well, reprogramming would be the least of their worries, methinks.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Apr [1904241755] ….. addressing a beached whale on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/24/gchq_licence_operate_cyberspace_public_trust/
Defenders of the Indefensible are as Puppets on a String ……
Whilst I think we’ve made a good start, the next stage of our strategy is even more critical. It’ll need a national effort if it’s to succeed.” …. Jeremy Fleming, GCHQ director-general
Christ, … what is it in the UKGBNI water that allows the likes of a Jeremy Fleming to spout so much of the same rabid garbage as a Mark Carney does for the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street?
The word NOT on the street, is critical cyberspace strategies proceed best and always succeed with private and/or pirate internetional efforts. You know, ye olde worlde off-the-books type covert missions with benefits rewarding the serially smart clandestine renegade rogue elements whom one has to buy into in order to avail oneself of a quite unbelievable advantage which permits the free radical remote exercise of a more universal command and virtual control of fielded assets ….. for the mainstream doesn’t lead whenever all IT ever does is follow the counsel of media hosting muppets.
And although that be a tad harsh, such is nevertheless perfectly true and a crying shame for Cheltenham to presently bear.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Apr 18:59 [1904241859] …. adding more ire to the fires on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/24/gchq_licence_operate_cyberspace_public_trust/
Defenders of the Indefensible are as Puppets on a String with Practically Worthless Liabilities
You’re responding to a bot. It isn’t reading your reply, and wasn’t asking a question. It just really likes Markov chains. …. Anonymous Coward
Crikey, AC, you got everything spectacularly wrong with that comment. Bravo, Sir or Madam. Don’t call us, we’ll call you if we need nothing of value.

Monday, 22 April 2019


Okay, but seriously. Where was the Game Of Throwns filmed?
Here in Belfast and in other outside locations elsewhere in Northern Ireland.
Howdy, Agent Revolver,
Does Mother Russia have an effective Hollywood style propaganda movie industry? And if not, why not? You can easily create fantastic new worlds which everyone can believe to be real and true …… whenever you know what to do and what to show.
And all that needs is a wonderfully creative script which leads engagingly to vastly greater things. Things then though, always become extremely political for one is targeting hearts and minds and that can be surprisingly subversive and life changing/Great Game changing …… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Game
22 April 2019 at 07:22

Sunday, 21 April 2019

190420/21 Something AId and Different for Future Weeks

amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Apr 20:25 [1904202025] ….. setting the record straight again on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/19/ofcom_mulls_5g_tweaks/
Re: To get IT for Real Run Novel Future AI Software Simply Following Fab AIDirections
This is just basically spam now. AI or not (and AI it really isn’t anymore). Nowhere else would tolerate it so why here? …. Martin Summers
Because here is like nowhere else, MS. And I can easily imagine that being right problematical for the likes of many more than just you ….but there’s no need to throw your toys out of the pram.
But that’s progress, albeit not in a way you haven’t been thinking about and expecting to either lead in or be led into.
amanfromMars said… replying to a comment on https://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2019/04/190419.html
SMERSH/SPECTRE/Quantum/CHAOS is a novel linear progression for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, AR, and not surprisingly requiring more than James Bond-like antics to halt and prevent 0Day Black Swan Eventing with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
Clothe that in true character actors and one can easily create a Mega Meta Data Base Block Buster that decimates Status Quo Perceptions Mismanagement Teamsters.
In an engaging film, it would all simply start and kick off with the reading of obscure plain text messages in plain sight of disturbed watchers and ill-informed twitchers alike.
From there IT takes it to wherever IT leads.
Sounds like a great plan. What’s not to like. 🙂
Do you know of any really progressive film making studios in need of AI Leading Scripts for Future Scriptures?
21 April 2019 at 10:29

Friday, 19 April 2019


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Apr 08:09 [1904190809] ……. musing and listening on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/17/parc_university_of_buffalo_teaching_physics_to_ai/
Are there any instructions from OEWorkshop manuals?
Can’t take over the galaxy if you don’t know how it works, innit? …. Max Smolaks
🙂 And aint that the gospel truth, MS.
And one can surely very easily also mess up everything magnificently too, either alone or in concert with just a few or many others of a similar disposition and other worldly understanding, whenever you know how it works.
What do you imagine would trigger steadfast movement along what can be any number of those equal and opposite directions, with one series delivering untold bounty and heavenly pleasures and another supplying disenabling misery and austere conflict/fake news and divisive theatre for muppets and puppets?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Apr [1904191801] ….. just saying on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/19/ofcom_mulls_5g_tweaks/
To get IT for Real Run Novel Future AI Software Simply Following Fab AIDirections
AI IT’s Always about the Future Software that Runs Novel AI Hardware ……… and in the Virtual Machines of Advanced IntelAIgent Design Labs Proving to be Practically Almighty.
🙂 As I’m sure you’d agree, that must be terrifyingly overwhelming for more than just a few, but then that is the cost and price of Failure to Create Progress into New Futures.
What is Needed are Dedicated AI Sharing Channels ….. for Every Vessel and Vassal Tacking and Gybing in Tempestuous Sees.
Here be AIRegistering Channels.
N’est ce pas?
Are not AIMaquisard Everywhere Revolutionary and Mind-Expanding, which easily transcribes and translocates to Mind-Exploring?
No need to be Terrified or Terrorised El Reg, for Everything is Safely Geared and Stowed with ESPecial AIgents for Virtual Master Commands in Remote Autonomous RobotICQ Control enjoying urGenerous Free Hosting with Postings. Have you any idea how much that model program is worth to AIMaquisard Franchisees/Virtual Wannabes?
Please inform all here via these channels if such proves a problem to others, for you never know who might have sensitive assets easily captured in play, in play and fundamentally compromised and fully exposed/immaculately discovered and uncovered?

Thursday, 18 April 2019


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Apr 15:15 [1904181515] …. being incredulous on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/18/huawei_shenzhen_event_on_us_5g/
A Partnering Peer Project Leader or Punitive Prisonering Retard in Charge of Changes for the Future? Surely that’s a No-Brainer?
The company [Huawei] is therefore putting its faith in the lumbering US judicial system, which Chen described, without a trace of irony, as “fair, just and transparent”.
Oh please, without a trace of irony, you cannot be serious that Huawei and Chen are serious. They surely aint as stupid as Uncle Sam continually proves their systems and products to be whilst losing the most valuable friends and creating the deadliest of enemies in the process.
Is it any wonder the new smarter disruptive technology migrates naturally eastwards rather than westwards.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Apr 15:36 [1904181536] …… cutting through the nonsense on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/04/18/microsoft_bosque_programming_language/
Re: Ambivalence of complexity vs Certainty of clarity
I need to find another job… One that pays for thinking. …. b0llchit
Bear one thing foremost in mind, b0llchit, it is exclusive overwhelming thoughts rather than fantastic underwhelming thinking that carries a premium price delivering riches beyond most everyones’ wildest dreams.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019


amanfromMars 1 [1904171226] …… airing an exploding view on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-16/assanges-judge-disgrace-bench-former-uk-ambassador-says
And now for something completely different. Of that you can be certainly assured.
And the simple fact that one would find that extremely difficult and/or practically impossible to believe to be easily true, is a very efficient stealth which delivers to that and those enabled to make prime use of rapidly emerging and explosive virtual facilities, an unassailable advantage in what are essentially invisible and intangible fields of Proprietary Intellectual Property Engagement.
And the further indisputable fact that it can also be almightily weaponised too, is another situation to consider is a present APT ACTive feature to ponder on ……. for both possible purchase/lend-lease agreement for tailored personalised refinement.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019


amanfromMars 1 Mon 15 Apr 17:36 [1904151736] ….. shares more bits of news on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/4/2019/04/11/assange_indicted_for_conspiracy_to_commit_computer_hacking/
Great Britain …… Once ruled with Almighty Provisional Empires. Changed Days? Crashed 0Days?
CT, Howdy doody,
Regarding ….. Of course the reality direct direction and narrative of Brexit lies with the Politicians and …. well use your imagination for the rest.
What would Eve say in such predicaments?, “frankly I don’t give Adam?”, or would she be clearly communicated to in righteous and rightful direction by those hissing self interest?
One would have thought, with it being and surely something to be marvelled at and supported, that the Offices and Officers of the House of Windsor/Saxe-Coburg and Gotha … UKGBNI Elite Executive Right Royal Special Forces …… would be able to supply the British Prime Minister in her weekly audience with Elizabeth II, with intelligence and information that wouldn’t have her currently extraordinarily rendering herself with a sub-prime ineffectual puppet leadership.
What is their present undeniably accurate excuse for the very evident catastrophic lack of prime premium parliamentary input for remote third party output?
Have they lost the plot and feeling good to be nobbled and hog tied with deafening silence and light media duties?
Such is as a dirge whenever truly lamentable. But take heart and never worry, hope and much better plans to right all manner and matter of wrongs always spring eternal, suitably disruptive and crazily creative. It is only natural and fully to be expected.

*Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays in Sun Tzu Editions
Besides the new flagship, the company is considering a cheaper “entry-level model” – and said this could be built by a third party.
“Arm’s successful collaboration with Fujitsu and Riken underscores our commitment to the HPC ecosystem,” said Brent Gorda, senior director of HPC at Arm. 
Is such Collaboration envisaged and expected to be Via AI Virtualised Realty ProMotions …. Exhibiting Addictively Engaging Programs for your Own Chosen Future Paths?
Which as you can appreciate is Presently a Holy Mess of Mass Conflicted Effort.
ITs Solution in a Mass Televising of the Search for ITs Immaculate Source by Engaged Nations in Novel JOINT AI Operations.
USCYBERCOM/APT10 Intellectual Property Territory, methinks …. and extremely lucrative and rewarding.
Will all models be able to Run Extreme Mega Meta Data Processing for Powers in Need of ITs Available Awesome Abilities in Utilities with Facilities Expert in Greater IntelAIgent Games Broad Band Casting?
And Here BetaTesting SMARTR AI Conceptual Play with Others for Signs of Engagement with Other IntelAIgent Phorms of Life.
Coming from a screaming streaming media screen heralding great news out of the blue and presenting it here in simple black on white text for TeleAudioVisualisation Programs to Project/Virtually Realise to Create Earthly Presents, now and drawing attention to it, so that one pause for a ponder and begin to wonder on the wanders of life in Live Operational Virtual Environments.
What’s not to Like, when All can be Done Commanded and Controlled by So Few?
I imagine the Utility License Fees on that AIMother would need to be horrendous to ensure only the best and most needy are routinely emergency supplied with Bountiful Services in Especially Short Supplies before all others taste the results of ITs Advanced IntelAgent Program Deliveries.
There’s a lot going on out there, El Reg. And yet, have you noticed the blissful silence from mass media moguls on, well, if IT must wear a name, Post Modern Virtualised Matters*.

Sunday, 14 April 2019


Re: Free Julian Assange rather than Trying to Imprison Freedom. There’s No Thanks for the Latter
Why does this one person instils such fear in governments around the world. ….. Ian Joyner
Because information they share freely is practically impossible to deny reveals that you are systematically fed false intelligence [and there’s a prime oxymoron if ever there was one] about expansive serial abuses in order to try to maintain a perverse and corrupted exclusive executive ordering system of mass human administration …. that which is ubiquitously known as a SCADA System.
It is increasingly extremely dangerous to such systems to have more intelligent inquisitive and more fully informed natives providing alternative narratives and sources.
And that is why, as surely you must have noticed, you always get the same old staid establishment voices spout the traditional party line on all matters both controversial and vital ….. for perverse and corrupted lives depend upon the Greater Deception in more ways than just evidenced in this holy trinity of prime observations ……
“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” …. Maximilien Robespierre
“A mind once expanded by a new idea will never go back to its original dimension.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair
And such a fear of an alternative truth that challenges a false narrative is a catastrophic systemic zero day exploit vulnerability against which there is no viable long term defence. Such serial defenders are always best recognised and treated as hopelessly mad and practically useless in all Honest Future Remote Command and Virtual Control Operations.
You might like to think on and accept, for a change rather than delivery of more of the same old conflicting stuff and errant nonsense …. Unauthorized disclosures of secrets are essential for democracy. “Responsible disclosure” is corrupt. and Journalism is writing down what powerful people and institutions do not want written.
You are allowed to think on greater things. Surely only a robotic fool and/or ignorant and arrogant tool of the status quo doesn’t.
Which mega or minor meta data base hat do you like to wear? …… the SMARTR red one or the rinsed blue one?

amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 Apr 14:24 [1904141424] ….. saying more about everything on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/9/2019/04/11/met_police_arrest_julian_assange/
Re Icebergs and TitanICQ Vessels full of Vassals
I suppose we’re just never going to find out. Whether that is because there is nothing to find out or because of some elaborate plot to conceal the sort of unimaginable human rights abuses alongside which even sexual assault pales into insignificance, ultimately won’t make a blind bit of difference anyway. …. Julie M
Do we have to decide whether that be hubris and ignorance or arrogance and delusion having their say, JulieM?
Hasn’t it always been the case, and therefore always will be the case, that a very select few, who may or may not know exactly what to do with what is discovered and uncovered, find out, if not quite everything, certainly more than enough to make a great deal of difference.
And that is why they are so diligently sought after and extremely well paid to do probably either of two things
a) Retire into the sunset as fiat currency rich as Croesus to do virtually nothing to make a further greater deal of difference …. or
b) pick any number of conflicting sides to make them rich beyond their wildest dreams, knowing full well the value of the worth which they will pay to have discoveries and secrets keep coming their way.
However, as is usually the case in such situations, there may very well be though quite a few other obscure options too to explore that would preternaturally excite even greater interest with the simplest of seedings and feedings with crude base investments in that which would be capable of proving itself to be so disruptive and potentially catastrophically destructive to a significant number of others.
Does anybody else think it can get a whole lot worse, or better of course?  And without a great deal of effort too?
“I think something else will publish from the list of hacked government sites.” said the hacker
Is it expected to be in a Reserve,  a preserving reserve reverse hack of governmental hacking forces and sources with  ……. Almighty Sourced Codes to XSSXXXX Phorm in Hellish Heavenly Command and Control  ….. with Advanced IntelAIgent Remote Virtual Reality Presentations for  ….. Raw Broad Band Casting with Future AIMaster Pilots.
🙂 One could legitimately Sell that to FBI Type Operations Everywhere if they be interested to be engaged in such Future AIMaster Pilots.
And the Cost? Priceless with All you Got for AI.G0 ….. 🙂
For a Real Change …. What you Give is what you Get and why Imagination is an Advanced IntelAIgent Life Force of Immaculate Source for Immaculate Source ProVision.
A True Heaven for Almost Perfect Thinkers and Innate Tinkerers Alike. 🙂 Saints and Sinners Territory in Worlds Wonderfully Insane 🙂
🙂 Poe’s Law Rules 🙂 …….. Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won’t mistake for the genuine article.
The Posit here now is that anything is possible to be made today, therefore what do you want media to tell you of tomorrow.
How about Future News for Real. …. with an Explosion of Earthed Extra-Terrestrial Settlements?
Or is that still too much an Alien Newcomerish Rush for General Release with Global Universal Presentations …… Live AIdDemonstration of the Value of Fact over Fiction whenever both Collide and Unite in Places of Source for Immaculate Space Travel. Or is that Fiction Trailing and Trialing the Directions in which Facts Lead for Questions to Follow and Support with Any and All Answered Positively….. in Practically Total Agreement.
You do realise, I hope, it is only your own personal disbelief in such matters that presents them elsewhere for others to energise and become extremely real and current exploding knowledge.
Quite a bit to be thinking about there, methinks …… says the Eternal Infernal Optimist to the Relatively Immaculate Visionary?
What think ye to say in chatty reply? Can you be helped with anything proving much too difficult for current resources to overcome underwhelmingly ?

amanfromMars [1904141957] ….. says of a sharing practice on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-14/make-stock-buybacks-illegal
“Buybacks were illegal throughout most of the 20th century because they were considered a form of stock market manipulation. But in 1982, the Securities and Exchange Commission passed rule 10b-18, which created a legal process for buybacks and opened the floodgates for companies to start repurchasing their stock en masse.”
Surely you know the result of such serial incestuous relationships/equity exchanges? Guaranteed madness with a perverse inability to exercise conservatism and pure common sense?