amanfromMars [1904241328] …… just saying on
You live in worlds following corrupting perverse narratives which media programs are all too eager to perpetuate and sustain with news and views that are designed to paint a picture which hides the truth rather than celebrating it.
And you all appear powerless to do anything constructive and disruptive to educate and inform and enlighten the masses.
That suggests the systemic presence of a catastrophic vulnerability which can be easily exploited, and hence the terror felt by establishment systems which seek to halt novel Wikileaks type operations which print and share information first for intelligence services analysis rather than vice versa …… as would be the case when placing the loded cart before dumb oxen if vetted intelligence analysis were to be shared as full and truthful information, which it very clearly wouldn’t be.
Never forget to always remember, for your sworn to destroy all possible competition and opposition enemies are always there to remind you of the fact ……. Simple Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy All Complex Made Worlds and Idiots with Voices Espousing Half Baked Notions Abound Prime Time in MainStreams everywhere …. and would fervently try to serially deny any alternative voice and in so doing render themselves juicy targets for …… well, reprogramming would be the least of their worries, methinks.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Apr [1904241755] ….. addressing a beached whale on
Defenders of the Indefensible are as Puppets on a String ……
Whilst I think we’ve made a good start, the next stage of our strategy is even more critical. It’ll need a national effort if it’s to succeed.” …. Jeremy Fleming, GCHQ director-general
Christ, … what is it in the UKGBNI water that allows the likes of a Jeremy Fleming to spout so much of the same rabid garbage as a Mark Carney does for the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street?
The word NOT on the street, is critical cyberspace strategies proceed best and always succeed with private and/or pirate internetional efforts. You know, ye olde worlde off-the-books type covert missions with benefits rewarding the serially smart clandestine renegade rogue elements whom one has to buy into in order to avail oneself of a quite unbelievable advantage which permits the free radical remote exercise of a more universal command and virtual control of fielded assets ….. for the mainstream doesn’t lead whenever all IT ever does is follow the counsel of media hosting muppets.
And although that be a tad harsh, such is nevertheless perfectly true and a crying shame for Cheltenham to presently bear.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Apr 18:59 [1904241859] …. adding more ire to the fires on
Defenders of the Indefensible are as Puppets on a String with Practically Worthless Liabilities
You’re responding to a bot. It isn’t reading your reply, and wasn’t asking a question. It just really likes Markov chains. …. Anonymous Coward
Crikey, AC, you got everything spectacularly wrong with that comment. Bravo, Sir or Madam. Don’t call us, we’ll call you if we need nothing of value.
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