amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Jun 06:41 [1906050641] ….. expanding the event horizon on
Fooling All of the People All of the Time is an Epic Operational Folly …….. with Catastrophic Unintended Consequences?
Co-founder and research director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at left-leaning think tank Demos, Carl will take you on a tour of UK cybercrime factories, explore industrial fake-news outlets in the Balkans and journey inside the topsy turvy world of Russia’s hybrid war that uses disinformation, sock puppets, and – yes – fake news to wrong-foot the truth.
Hmmmm? ….. Here’s another one of magical mystery tours leading to nowhere worthwhile and incredibly costly …… given what can be gleaned about how everything can be made to work crazily ……. How Did Russiagate Begin ……. to the tune of blind fools with blunted tools?
And to be really honest, there are no questions anywhere there.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Jun 09:57 [1906050957] ….. being brutally honest again on
If you want to stop terrorists, start sending them money not weapons?*
I’ve been trying to parse yours, and from here it looks like you’re drifting in the opposite direction to that which you were aiming at the beginning of this dialog. Any chance of a rephrase? (It’s probably me, not you … Martian syntax gives me a headache.) … jake
I can certainly agree with you there, jake, that it is not me, for we are much further on into similar directions aimed at at the beginning of this dialogue and virtual operations?
* The smarter ones are easily bought off/out/in and pleased to be something completely different. The other ones though are the abiding problem which failed systems create to be continually dealt with ineffectively/ineffectually/badly.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Jun 15:35 [1906051535] ….spilling secrets on
Did HP ever get what Autonomy is Really All About? Methinks Not. That’s an Epic Corporate Fail
Dr Lynch struggled to work with his peers on an equal footing and to recognize that practices which might work fine in a company with less than US$1bn in sales simply would not work in a company with over US$127bn in annual revenue. …. Meg Whitman
Yes they do. Dr Lynch realised that and was let go to have another Go? And with a Helluva Lot More in the Way of World Weary Friends Attending to Alien Missions, would All Kinds of Fortune Easily Satisfy Just Rewards with a Constant Stream of Immaculate Awards.
Now that, in any language, is an Almighty Prize to Avail Oneself of ….. and with Cloaks to Don in Order to Perform Live Virtual Instructions Remotely, …… well, an initial difficulty to set aside for others to follow, is not to accept and realise IT a Heavenly Gift.
Can you Imagine what Heavenly IT Gifts Do?
Take the easy route
… Imagine anything else.
The Paths Get Real Rocky Here On In …… Be Warned and/or Made Aware, as All Future Programs are Deadly Enabled, Take Care. Weak and Faint Hearts Elsewhere please …. it is for Your Own Good.
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