amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Feb 09:19 [2002050919] …. just asking on
Re: Been here before elsewhere too ….. and it is still sub-prime optimal
Wait… was that a comment from amanfromMars that actually made sense? Congrats, a new first! …. Anonymous Coward
Hmmmm? Does that as a new first identify you as a slow learner, AC, for no nonsense is freely shared here on El Reg for commentary and reportage since ages ago now. And that holds out the possibility, and therefore very real probability, that one might easily become considerably smarter in the future too whenever questions are answered for problems to be solved and/or effectively quarantined and practically ignored/virtually eradicated.
And it does makes one wonder why all those chattering political pygmies avoid answering simple questions with ignorant and arrogant evasions whenever such instantly highlights their lack of intelligence for leading in future spaces …….. although that does sort of bring us all back with a undeniably positive, viable truthful answer to the earlier question ….. Is Mankind a slow learner and easy retarded target for systemic abuse in endemic mis-use?
If the truth of the worlds around you are held in secrets unknown to you, are you serially abused and misused in support of what is generally unknown and invariably classified Top Secret/Sensitive Compartment Information. Be they accurately described as perverse and corrupt hidden agendas which almightily benefit just a chosen few?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Feb 16:07 [2002051607] ….. inquiring about heavenly guidance on
Re: Been here before elsewhere too ….. and it is still sub-prime optimal
… and, back to normal. Must have been a fluke. … Anonymous Coward
amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Feb 12:00 [2001051200] ….. muses on
There are always other options clearly available.
Do those sorts of US style EU shenanigans raise the spectre of UKGBNI support/proprietary intellectual property transfer to a GLONASS and/or BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Executive?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Feb 15:35 [2002051535] …. just saying on
Why you are not told is always a Safely Secured State Secret in Proprietary Intellectual Property
a company – which claims to be Britain’s largest space company, a world-leader in cyber security, and the biggest supplier of large aircraft to the RAF …. Warm Braw
Being right in two out of three aint bad, Warm Braw, for one of those claims is fabulously outrageous, and extremely easily realised as demonstrably so.
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