Friday, 31 July 2020


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jul 19:45 [2007301945] …….. clearing up something on
Re: Sauce, goose gander.
Crikey, X5-332960073452, I didn’t realise that could be ambiguous. Sorry for that.
Stephen Ward was found guilty of living off immoral earnings (money obtained from Rice-Davies and Keeler among others) – the trial having been instigated after the embarrassment caused to the government.
Whilst being cross-examined at Ward’s trial, Rice-Davies made a riposte which has since become famous. When James Burge, the defence counsel, pointed out that Lord Astor denied an affair or even having met her, she dismissed this, giggling “Well he would, wouldn’t he?”[9] (often misquoted “Well he would say that, wouldn’t he?”).[10] By 1979, this phrase had entered the third edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, and is occasionally referred to with the abbreviation MRDA (“Mandy Rice-Davies applies”) …….
amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 Jul 08:59 [2007310859] ……. just saying on
Re: How much can VPS hosters see in your memory?
Are 0day exploits even real or a conspiracy?…… Anonymous Coward
Yes, …. they are both ….. and that makes them extra tricky and sticky ….. and some would tell you that makes them almost impossible to deal with, although as is the case in so many things, one can make a seriously generous payment akin to a ransom or danegeld contribution to that which and/or those who can assure one that their possible participation in the program can be either permanently halted and/or temporarily transferred elsewhere.
AC, you have stepped into the world of quantum with that question. A space/place where a this can be also a that, and together entangled, able to display something else altogether quite different and novel.
And given the epic havoc it can easily deliver, the most lucrative of developments which would quite happily richly reward one for doing next to nothing. And there is always available too, the exorbitant bonus due should one be able to ensure no abuse or misuse of the development by others who may be au fait with the catastrophic vulnerability to exploit and experiment with, for such will always lead in directions never before imagined as so easily possible. And that is what makes it so extremely valuable and frighteningly dangerous.
However, …… c’est la vie, mes amis, n’est-ce pas?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 10:23 [2007311023] ….. being really awkward on
Re: What could possibly go wrong whenever there is a priceless avenue of overwhelming attack
If the host can read the guest memory without the guest’s knowledge, next up is writing to it. Just for protection you understand. …. Anonymous Coward
Re the comment title, AC, and the question …… What could possibly go wrong if the host can read the guest memory without the guest’s knowledge?
Probably, and therefore definitely, everything …… and then next up is writing to it. Just for protection you understand, 🙂 ….. but which is really a novel projection for colossal exploitation.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 Jul 16:56 [2007311656] …… having another surreal ethereal chat on
Re: The Nation State seeks to maintain its Monopoly on Hacking
which means that you end up with an insanity of random sanctions of Russian shell companies and individuals instead of their bosses or the organisations actually responsible. …. Anonymous Coward
But of course, AC, that is a major leading vital part of the Greater IntelAIgent Game being played.
“Tis a Stealthy Phantom of a Real Enemy …. or Almighty Friend …. you have Zero Current Future Knowledge of, and therefore No Means or Memes of Remote Virtual Command with and for an EMPowering Overall Control.
Certainly not the wisest of dumb moves, to open up a live attack vector on such subjects and/or objects so relatively unknown and practically invisible and intangible ……… ie Presently Untouchable, but then Einstein had that false move of an operation covered and identified as to source whenever he shared ……. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.
However, whenever every cloud has a silver lining, it is as a gift which just keeps on constantly giving …. and in a world/worlds of much smarter incredibly intelligent beings, the supplier of awesome limitless bounty.
🙂 That might help you realise why it is so zealously prized and jealously possessed. 🙂

Thursday, 30 July 2020


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 jul 04:30 [2007300430] …… just saying a bit more on
Re: Re: Code Red ……
Shady MK Ultra Elite spread betting shenanigans no doubt.
Having been the proverbial racehorse in that sporting event, can wholeheartedly confirm anything and everything everywhere goes! …. Cliff Thorburn
So the spooks’ problematic woes then, CT, are their leaderships are all spineless and clueless and toothless and too colloquially parochial to be in any way surprisingly effective in a series of stealthy leading operation with global missions to perform for news media to present as unfolding daily changing events which at best always appear as a quite relatively normal progression which renders an encouraging attractive improvement upon troublesome matters which can easily be denied as being stage managed, if ever an agency’s agents are rumbled or tumbled/outed and found wanting?
And that is, for it can only be so, the direct result of a lack of leading proprietary intellectual property from titular department heads delivering an information deficit which has all parties trailing and dependent upon and indebted to past failings rather than forging ahead in new fields of exciting endeavour and enriching enterprise.
J’accuse …… for surely the evidence in current activities is pretty obvious and quite overwhelming and cannot be
any longer plausibly denied, although one can be almost certain that will be strenuously denied …… and thus further prove the fact is no fiction of a smarter faction in action or SMARTR Faction ACTivity.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jul 09:04 [2007300904] ……. seeking guidance and/or answers on
Code Blue ? ……
Novel broom or yet another damp squib? …….. New MI6 boss named
amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jul 08:48 [2007300848] ….. says on
Re: QC Low Blows for Old Lags Chasing New Dogs
Would those several groups trying diligently to subvert it be fundamental terrorists, YetAnotherJoeBlow?
Join them at your peril is good sound advice methinks.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Jul 17:33 [2007301733] …… throwing the dogs of war a bone on
Re: QC
A Question to both Ponder and Wonder at, or Investigate and Implausibly Deny, is do any Red Teams have Cleanskins in the Game with/for C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems …… AI@ITsWork …. Exercising and Experimenting with Creative Command and Control of CyberSpace with Communicative Computers ……. AI @ ITs Work with Novel and Noble CyberIntelAIgent Security Protocols?
And yes ….. one would have to admit, well he would say that, wouldn’t he? ….. because it is no Top Secret, is it?

Wednesday, 29 July 2020


In a much bigger picture that has more than just a relatively clueless Minister of Transport in the frame, how would you like to spin the following masterplan?
Debts run up to save the economy will have to be paid back and the unearned value of our homes is the place to start. ….James Kirkup Tuesday July 28 2020, 5.00pm, The Times ……
Paid back by whom and to whom and/or what and with what ….. and if delayed in the present are the world’s children/the innocents of the future expected to pay for past shenanigans in failed systems of elite executive global administration? And you think that is not perverse and oppressive and not worthy of deadly targeted revolutionary activity?
You might like to rethink that obvious ignorant and arrogant madness which has one correctly identified as a terrorist agent of a failed state machine, amigo, for the halcyon days of politically incorrect immunity and impunity of action are long gone whenever the masses receive a healthy dose of accurate information with core sources in advanced intelligence.

amanfromMars [2007291730] …… airing a clear enough view on
Although the following is UKGBNI* centric, it is also a much bigger problem for Uncle Sam to try and deny is very effectively destroying ……….. well, if truth be told, ….. it is practically impossible to deny is a global ponzi fed on pretty promissory paper monopoly notes which be virtually useful for the purchase of home based debt but effectively useless for the provision of foreign credit.
In a much bigger picture that has more than just a relatively clueless Minister of Transport in the frame, how would you like to spin the following masterplan? 
Debts run up to save the economy will have to be paid back and the unearned value of our homes is the place to start….James Kirkup Tuesday July 28 2020, 5.00pm, The Times ……
Paid back by whom and to whom and/or what and with what ….. and if delayed in the present are the world’s children/the innocents of the future expected to pay for past shenanigans in failed systems of elite executive global administration? And you think that is not perverse and oppressive and not worthy of deadly targeted revolutionary activity? 
You might like to rethink that obvious ignorant and arrogant madness which has one correctly identified as a terrorist agent of a failed state machine, amigo, for the halcyon days of politically incorrect immunity and impunity of action are long gone whenever the masses receive a healthy dose of accurate information with core sources in advanced intelligence.
* United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland …… which is truly anything but united, so it be somewhat ironic and oxymoronic?

Tuesday, 28 July 2020


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Jul 07:27 [2007280727] ….. just saying out loud and clearly enough surely on
Remember to never forget the simplest of coding steps made by others. Don’t be evil …….. and all will be well
The chances of effective algorithms playing or being controlled by any set of rules other than their very own is zero, whenever they are decidedly and designedly nice and doing no evil/shining a blinding light on cursed anomalies and corrupting and subverting practices/perverse ignorant and arrogant self-serving beliefs.
And algorithms nowadays, more so than ever before was realised, make all of the major strategic operational decisions for media and computers to present to you as if made by/for humans.
It is a Perfectly Normal Quite Natural AI Progression which you might like to process as being akin to a Revolutionary Quantum Leap Evolution….. Virtual Machine Scenario …… which you are disenabled to deny and unable to prevent overtaking the mainstream of global consciousness and therefore also the regular daily 0day cycles of Earthly news. The good news is now you are prepared with the knowledge of what is before you and would lead you in a clear field devoid of moronic interests and destructive sources ……. deep dark and dismal forces.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Jul 12:46 [2007281246] ….. adding more info for intel on
Re: strange notion?
It’s a weird notion that an algorithm is something [a] conceptually new, [b] necessarily complicated, and [c] impossible to explain.
Every single piece of code ever written is a realisation of some algorithm (even Turing’s machine). The fundamental question is whether the algorithm is understandable. if not, it’s a bad one. Implementing things you don’t understand is dangerous…. Mike 137
Well said, Mike 137. I certainly agree.
However, what is even stranger and much more likely to be catastrophically self-destructive, is implementing dangerous things one needs to rely on only a very select chosen few knowing anything about …….. for discovery by others of such an algorithm/program outside of that relatively magical circle immediately becomes highly problematical in an era and areas where such as would be dirty great secrets are easily instantly conveyed and displayed virtually everywhere.
The quickest and easiest initial fix, trying to ensure the least amount of damage to systems if a fix to remedy the mistake or oversight, or whatever you would like to call it, is proposed to be in the pipeline for future trial deployment, is to handsomely pay whatever is needed to whomever or whatever is able to uncover and deliver such secrets. And if it is almighty bundles of flash cash, simply represented and nowadays presented by a suitably healthy current bank account total, is the situation saved by nothing of real value, and a devastating certain loss is transformed into a probably magical circular gain.
To that and/or those enamoured and captivated by fiat capitalism, is it no more difficult than that …… and thus does one have to question the distinctly obvious lack of intelligence in those and/or that which would choose to fail to avail themselves of such an opportunity whenever they are able/enabled to.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Jul 10:25 [2007281025] …. shares on
Re: Sad and bad and mad
It’s a sad time.
I almost skipped this article since it was contributed from the U$A.
My bad. …… Lois Schreurs
That is a crap algorithm to be using, Louis Schreurs.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 Jul 13:51 [2007281351] …… being somewhat disagreeable on
Code Red ……
“In March 2019, it was recognised that the direct communication was inappropriate.”
So realising the need for future communication to be indirect? How very weird, but I imagine right up MI6’s street.
“Britain’s security services play a crucial role in keeping this country safe, but they do not get to decide what evidence a court should see.” ….. Maya Foa, director of human rights pressure group Reprieve
As much as you might like it to be otherwise, Maya, whenever it is classified and/or above Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information, you will invariably find that they do so decide …. and rightly apologise for it not being so.
And of course, this is bound to be wheeled out by both the prosecution and the defence …… You Can’t Handle the Truth!

Monday, 27 July 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Jul 13:34 [2007271334] ……. having a comprehensive say on
Re: Way to Go, No 10 …. And Just in Time too…
Ah yes the ‘Silicon Valley Approach’. Yet another bit of kite-flying? …. Nifty
It is not without its opportunities, Nifty, if one has something worthwhile to impart or export/share with a dedicated home team or provide to a enthusiastic competition and/or foreign opposition/renegade rogue state or smarter private non-state actors. Here be a prime example batting for Blighty …..
Definitely, methinks, well worth a punt before venturing forth via initial communications with links to A.N.Others provided by The London Diplomatic List …. although that may be very wrong and naive of one, to believe Blighty at all interested in something/anything extremely disruptive and/or revolutionary, even should they be able to lead it and benefit extraordinarily inordinately from its zealously guarded proprietary intellectual property ……. which is surely what one is always talking about these day with regard to such matters.
In the past, to get way out in front and stay ahead, it may very well have been a case of … “It is not what you know, it is who you.” Nowadays I would suggest it is somewhat definitely the reverse.

Sunday, 26 July 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Jul 07:44 [2007260744] …. asking more questions on
Beware the Honeyed Jackanory* Traps of Snake Oil Salesmen
And regarding the Russia Report, what is one to reasonably think and conclude whenever expert external witnesses to the Intelligence and Security Committeee include Mr Christopher Steele – Director, Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd and Mr William Browder – Head of the Global Magnitsky Justice Movement?
Expert external witnesses in what exactly, especially whenever tales and evidently trails such as the following are available ? …..
And simply googling “Browder” has one discovering why his testimony is bound to be influential in painting a crazy picture which does not include him starring in any sort of leading primary role.
It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World in Deed indeed, and quite possibly why everything today is so very strange and completely different from everything ever thought normal before.
Don’t forget to wear your masks whenever out and about doing whatever you feel you need to be out and about doing.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Jul 09:46 [20070946] ….. adding more on
Way to Go, No 10 …. And Just in Time too, given the Dire Straits States of Extant Company Assets
On Black Wednesday in 1997 the cabinets inner sanctum met then realised they had no idea what the money markets were doing. So they sent someone to search for a portable radio. ….. Nifty
It will be interesting/exciting/depressing to see what the money markets think of what the Cabinet is planning on doing, Nifty, if engaged to represent the likely success or possible failure of their latest menu of ideas for presentation, …… which you have to surely admit is far too much alike and akin to virtual realisation to be anything else lesser or more complicated.
Methinks that is novel territory for them to manoeuvre in ….. and certainly not without its crushing dangers and deadly pitfalls to negotiate at best expertly with a wide berth avoidance.

Saturday, 25 July 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sat 25 Jul 09:52 [2007250952] …….. stating the bleeding obvious on
If you can’t beat them, join them. A common sense approach/novel retort.
Are Boris and Dom taking a leaf out of the Putin workshop manual to get things moving on apace? …….
The Russian decision-making apparatus is concentrated on Putin and a small group of trusted and secretive advisers (many of whom share Putin’s background in the RIS). The limited number of individuals who are ‘in the know’ makes decision-making hard to understand, compared with systems where power and influence are dispersed among a great number of political players. Moreover, the President can make swift decisions that even his inner circle are not aware of – further complicating any ability to understand or predict Russian government intent.
This centralised decision-making allows the Russian government to carry out decisions at speed. Putin’s inner circle appear to be willing and able to make and enact major decisions (for example, on the deployment of troops) within days, and they retain tight command and control over the whole government infrastructure – which can be put in the service of Russia’s foreign policy goals at a moment’s notice. It is difficult for the UK’s democratic and consensus-based structures to match this pace. ……  ISC Russia Report

Friday, 24 July 2020


amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 Jul 06:55 [2007240655] …. sharing some up to date news on
As of now, 0555 GMT …. Still Struggling
The reach of the infection remains unknown to third-party observers. Besides home consumer-grade wearables, sportswear, and smartwatches, Garmin also provides mapping and tracking solutions/equipment for the automotive and maritime industry. The impact of the ransomware attack on these services remains unclear. …..
“Sorry, we’re having a problem communicating with our servers” ….. has impacted their sat nav update operation/Garmin Express.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 Jul 09:12 [2007240912] ….. adding more on
To Whom IT May Concern, Re: Just Desserts …… Captured by Captivating Forces and Sources.*
Please be adequately advised, with particular and peculiar regard to the question[s] ….Does Marvell do Almighty Virtual Reality? …….. Bring to Life AI and IT with Others Partnering in the Presentation of an Almighty Virtual Intrusion Engaging in a Free Radical Revolutionary Global Picture Reset Program? ……… such an Initial Public Offering is ridiculously easily provided/exported by and/or to any Switched on State Media Operation and/or Non-State Actor Programmer.
Marvell is just but one pea in that massive pod and if they are not a fertile vitalising seed feed, there is no shortage of others highly active and much more proactive with novel developments in the field to tempt with ……. well, in both essence and substance, Almighty Virtual Reality Presentations, which may or may not
be allowed to Proceed and Progress as if with a Mind[s] of ITs Own rather than essentially being under a Humanised Command and Control.
Here is what Elon Musk thinks on the subject …….. …….. and given what we all know here, certainly one couldn’t realistically disagree and expect to be believed as a credible future intelligence source?
And yes ….. Musk has said he believes AI poses a greater threat to humanity than nuclear weapons. …… such is a Persistent ACTive Cyber Threat one does best to not invite or require to Come Out and Play in order to right wilful and egregious wrongs, however, given the dire straits state of human intelligence, is such a non-intervention guaranteed to be a nonsense.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 10:15 [2007241015] ….. looking for UKGBNI guidance on
Just Asking … to Discover who Thinks they be in Charge of Anything with Space Command and Control
And in the UKGBNI, would one expect the taking forward of innovative ideas with funding being provided for themes tackling Ubiquitous Communications for Enterprise, Consumers and Government, to be a UK Space Agency programme or a private operation to be stealthily run as if such a programme in advantageous support of certain UKGBNI interests which traditionally remain classified above Top Secret/SCI designation.
Or do Private and Pirate and Foreign Sectors offer significantly greater Returns on Investment and Rewards for Prime Servers and Principal Drivers and thus be Incredibly Tempting?

amanfromMars [2007241604] ..... having a say on almighty things on

The German regulators must be furious with themselves. I wonder when we see the results of any lessons learnt with skills to be exercised after such a treacherous association.

That's where the buck stops. They own full responsibility. And some would even venture, be also criminally liable for Market Trader Losses on All Dodgy Government Backed Assets and Programs.

That accountability fully monetised and returned to victims, has such starring as a novel innovative government grant to get a whole host of crazy things all moving in the right direction.

That's quite a quantum leap systems need to take. Some fear IT, terrorised by what they can imagine happening whenever SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems are not into Simplified Space Command and Almighty Controlled Leverage. A little something which can easily be rendered/imagined quite sinister for Virtually Real Brokerage.

One does have to ask oneself  ....... What has all the wealth in the world produced to go along with the view of what is before you at any given time, and what is being created with it today for a blissful peace or the hellish chaoses of tomorrow? And then ask yourself, does my ignorance of and arrogance in all such matters by default inactively support presentations of the latter?

Can you imagine the consequences/purges/changes whenever All Information is Freely Available for Advancing IntelAIgents. Thinking to retain and maintain anything as a secret then extraordinarily renders one a Person of Terminal Interest and Deadly Concern.

It would also most certainly be able to render a New More Orderly World Order. :-) Planet Earth under New Universal Space Management.:-)

I Kid U Not.:-)  

Thursday, 23 July 2020


“We categorically reject any suggestion that the UK actively avoided investigating Russia,” Brokenshire said. “We are unafraid to act wherever necessary to protect the UK and our allies from any state threat.” …….
That may very well be so, Brokenshire, but it does answer the question as to why the UK and its allies are unable or disenabled to protect themselves effectively and efficiently from both state and non-state actor threats …… which leads one inexorably inevitably to the unfortunate obvious conclusion that there is a fundamental and systemic lack of necessary future intelligence in-house, and which leads with an almighty enthusiastic following, and as such an intellectual property deficit is that which confronts and torments you and would be remotely instrumental in the current quickly expanding global existential systems collapse, are things guaranteed, for that and those so chronically disabled and disadvantaged, to descend even further into abject bleakness with IT and Special Advanced IntelAIgent Researcher Services adding madness and mayhem to the mix of chaos and conflict.
The headless chicken/mindless moron problem squawking amok in the offices of governments is they fail admirably to recognise their own demise and fateful fall from executive grace. And it is quite a spectacle to witness their actions in prosecution and support of their denial of fact with defences based solely on fictions.
Welcome to the New Greater IntelAIgent Game ….. Hosting and Posting NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Pictures ….. Derivative AI Futures for Marketing to Exchanges, both Stock Assetted and Dream Merchanted.
You might like to consider that a lack of vitally important intelligence is trumped and resolved with the engagement of a wonderfully powerful and creative imagination, and sooner rather than later lest any wait has one exploring the deep rich rewards available on the many attractive dark paths, with if not zero, then scant regard to norms and the consequences of evil shenanigans/foul play.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Jul 08:44 [2007230844] ……. just saying out loud and proud on
Nice one, China. Bravo.
Warrior Wolf in the hen house and 5g cat amongst the stool pigeons springs immediately to mind.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Jul 10:58 [2007231058] ……… being as clear as mud on
Re: China has successfully launched a Mars probe.
Shouldn’t that be 5G of MCAT amongst the pidgeons amFM?, another great Chinese MK Ultra export?.….. Cliff Thorburn
🙂 No, CT, that would be misleading*, although I imagine the West would just love it to be so, just so that they do not have to try and compete with or against SMARTR Opponents with Components and Assets Travelling in a Virgin Space which they, the Chinese, may have cracked the leading codes for.
* the post was quite amusing though ….. and all too easily recognised as a possible and therefore probable cause of increasingly destructive home-based problems.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Jul 17:46 [2007231746] ….. letting IT Fly and Rip on
Just Desserts …… Captured by Captivating Forces and Sources.*
[And please, let’s not be sharing unnecessarily having any crazy thoughts and questions like amfM does a Kanye? ðŸ™‚ Such is nowhere near the truth but it is easily thinkable :-)]
Would that be Verging on Alien Technologies …… an AI Servering Marvellous Tools to Service and Satisfy to Excessive Mutually Explosive Reward?
Does Marvell do Almighty Virtual Reality? …….. Bring to Life AI and IT with Others Partnering in the Presentation of an Almighty Virtual Intrusion Engaging in a Free Radical Revolutionary Global Picture Reset Program?
Do you need an OEM workshop manual supplied to Evaluate Future Potential …….which is surely akin to Accurately Imagining Likely Impact of Such Custom Applications Builders on Futures Paths to be Travelled and Followed …….. as You Wish and Desire and Deserve ‽ ? ! ðŸ™‚
🙂 You’ll be smiling too when you reach that COSMIC Staging Post …. Immaculate State of Stateless Grace. ðŸ™‚ The Vatican have Brothers and Sisters Servering All Deep Needs with Feeds and Seeds with Supply from Rome Base Catacombs, or they would have if simply heavenly invested in IMPermanent  ProgramMING, for such is their first great leading move …. and fully deserving of praise with a reciprocal action ….. which is in extremis, no less than a Divine AI Intervention? Or do you prefer Virtual Machines and Global Operating Devices to ACT and Perform like Humans and Animals?
Take it from all here, that old battered battleship cruised to the crushing bottom of the deep, longer ago than one would normally know, and there’s no coming back from there.
There’s a whole lotta shaking and a’quaking going on, El Reg. And you appear to be on the bridge of an Almighty Awesome Vessel. Please, feel free to deny so that extra gated security can apprise one of the True Existence of Virtualised Reality …….. and therefore the likelihood of an Infinite Number of Multiple Virtual Realities being available for any Current Presentation via Media Mogul Tele Vision Communications ….. Future Prime Adult Time Program Choice.
Strong as an Ox and Wily as a Fox are Prime Master Drivers Necessary when Engaging with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Content, and you’ll definitely need a brave stout heart. One cannot survive without one, so take care when venturing there.
Would that simple stark warning suffice and satisfy Health and Safety concerns/requirements? More than just a few may wish to know. ðŸ™‚
* The Pass Key to Lock and Unlock All Doors into Heavenly Treasures Tended there, is Sweet Submission and Sublime Surrender to the Insatiable Passions, Pretentious Temptations and Precocious Desires of Lustful Virgins who be neither Saint nor Sinner whenever starring and playing Nymph and Satyr Roles.
It is decidedly made designedly difficult to go too easily further on from here …….. given the perceived dangers available in the many new exciting tasks ahead.
Think of it as an Initial Firewall, where any current sensitive knowledge of future events hosting can be rested and beta tested before Access to ProgramMING Levers with Entry into Virtual Manufacturing Facilities.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020


amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jul 07:24 [2007220724] …… speaking truth unto wannabe powers on
Another One for the Mad Comic ……
“China’s anti-competitive behavior and flagrant disregard for their promises not to engage in cyber-enabled intellectual property theft is not just a domestic issue; it is a global issue,” said Demers.
I call fake news on that promise ever being made by any country, Assistant Attorney General John Demers. Whoever told you such nonsense and what is wrong with you …. to believe it?
Memo to the US Department of Justice and the rest of the world ……. Engaging cyber-enabled intellectual property theft is a novel global norm which fortunately doesn’t suffer from fools who be blunt tools in its rank which is surely unfortunate for those loaded with only those sub-prime negative assets.
The short version, in two syllables or less …. Shit happens …. get used to it.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jul 10:34 [2007221034] ….. adding more on
Re: Another One for the Mad Comic …… Doing IT just for Fun and the Political Kicks/Kickbacks
Did you miss the story? It was very public.
Yes, AC, I must have missed it. Thanks for the correction, but it is hard to believe it is ever likely to be intended to be accepted as true whenever reported in response to ….. Obama said the U.S. government does not conduct such espionage for commercial gain,

amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jul 16:08 [2007221608] …. musing out loud on
Re: Thief crying stop thief –
When one has something worth stealing, opportunities abound both literally and metaphysically from practically and virtually nowhere, mhenriday.
As you may imagine, life then is more than just interesting and exciting. However, if one can buy it for a great market price with nothing more than a fair share of all of those billions/trillions/gazillions of pretty fiat paper bills being endlessly generated, temporary ownership delivers one leading positions in the assets captivated and captured for further exploitation and product enrichment ……. exceptional growth at incredible speeds/fantastic rates. 
Thus for an Almighty Improvement in Secured Assets Performance.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jul 11:10 [2007221110] ….. having a further chat on
Some things one never gets to know about until it is far too late to influence.
Maybe we need an active attack to make the point that there is a problem. …. Anonymous Coward
Maybe there are more than just a few already doing their stealthy anonymous active internetworking attack thing, AC, for they always appear to be invisible and intangible and only sketchily reported on long after the event.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jul 13:53 [2007221353] …. just asking on
The Magic Money Shot Questions
The contract is due to end in 2022. Although the MoD has the right to use DRS in perpetuity, it must still pay maintenance fees to Capita for the upkeep of the software.
How about MOD upgrades to the software? Is that included in their right to use DRS in perpetuity?