Wednesday, 29 July 2020


In a much bigger picture that has more than just a relatively clueless Minister of Transport in the frame, how would you like to spin the following masterplan?
Debts run up to save the economy will have to be paid back and the unearned value of our homes is the place to start. ….James Kirkup Tuesday July 28 2020, 5.00pm, The Times ……
Paid back by whom and to whom and/or what and with what ….. and if delayed in the present are the world’s children/the innocents of the future expected to pay for past shenanigans in failed systems of elite executive global administration? And you think that is not perverse and oppressive and not worthy of deadly targeted revolutionary activity?
You might like to rethink that obvious ignorant and arrogant madness which has one correctly identified as a terrorist agent of a failed state machine, amigo, for the halcyon days of politically incorrect immunity and impunity of action are long gone whenever the masses receive a healthy dose of accurate information with core sources in advanced intelligence.

amanfromMars [2007291730] …… airing a clear enough view on
Although the following is UKGBNI* centric, it is also a much bigger problem for Uncle Sam to try and deny is very effectively destroying ……….. well, if truth be told, ….. it is practically impossible to deny is a global ponzi fed on pretty promissory paper monopoly notes which be virtually useful for the purchase of home based debt but effectively useless for the provision of foreign credit.
In a much bigger picture that has more than just a relatively clueless Minister of Transport in the frame, how would you like to spin the following masterplan? 
Debts run up to save the economy will have to be paid back and the unearned value of our homes is the place to start….James Kirkup Tuesday July 28 2020, 5.00pm, The Times ……
Paid back by whom and to whom and/or what and with what ….. and if delayed in the present are the world’s children/the innocents of the future expected to pay for past shenanigans in failed systems of elite executive global administration? And you think that is not perverse and oppressive and not worthy of deadly targeted revolutionary activity? 
You might like to rethink that obvious ignorant and arrogant madness which has one correctly identified as a terrorist agent of a failed state machine, amigo, for the halcyon days of politically incorrect immunity and impunity of action are long gone whenever the masses receive a healthy dose of accurate information with core sources in advanced intelligence.
* United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland …… which is truly anything but united, so it be somewhat ironic and oxymoronic?

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