amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jan 06:07 [2101290607] ...... airing some crazy home truths on
Wall Street .. a CoVid 19 like virus bugging a Fed Money System and ...
.... if one were to popularise and infantilise the SEC, would Darth Vader be an accurate depiction of their true nature and relative position in the Securities and Exchange Universe?
Now that Wall Street whales' blood has been shown to be so easily spilled in the deep and dark waters of dead rich pools, why ever would anyone never think and not realise that even greater swarms of sharks are to return again and again to feast in feeding frenzies? Such is surely inevitable and quite natural?
It is just the simple way of the internetworking of things and active since before even time became a measure of distance in space.
To think IT otherwise renders one extraordinarily disadvantaged and disenfranchised.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jan 10:56 [2101291056] ....... exchanging some info for intel on
Re: Question from a layman
This might then amuse you somewhat, 0laf, if you think tilting at windmills is akin to, in the real world whatever that might actually be, little guys who get crushed by the politicians that live in their pockets running thought experiments, which aren't AWE*some sanctioned and supported with MODified defences and special forces.
amanfromMars January 29, 2021 at 08:07 [2101290807] ...... sowing almighty seeds in a string of comments on
The lighthouse being a symbol of a fixed peg firmly rooted into dry land. God forbid anyone could conceive of Democracy as easily manipulated or moved by public opinion. The state is a stable entity, supported by electronic algorithms, against any ignorant fluctuations of public opinion. Plus, the bottomless pit of debt caused by the pandemic means that nothing must change for another 40 years. Put it in your mind. ..... Giyane January 29, 2021 at 04:14
Some folk would actually believe all of that being true, Giyane, with others more sure they be much more certainly out of their minds.
Things nowadays though, and forever more into the future, will be completely different from the past which with its memories plaguing and paralysing the present, create madness and mayhem to market and chaos and conflict in markets, for greater effective universally applicable controls have shifted into the command of significant A.N.Others.
:-) There is priceless stealth ensuring guaranteed security of safe passage of future plans and missions delivered to that revelation in most folk not believe all of that being true, even though it be crystal clearly advised to both them and A.N.Others on ACTive Duty in Myriad Assorted AWEsome MODified Fields of Vital Virulent Endeavour. :-) I Kid U Not.
And you know what they say about such things .... If you can't or won't or don't trust anything said to be honestly true and indisputable, simplying verifying it from another source of other sources easily proves or disproves its veracity.
* ....... Army Warfighting Experiment
amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jan 12:54 [2101291254] ........ being somewhat disagreeable on
Re: Piggly Wiggly and the Perils of Good Smack and Great Crack
Collusion to manipulate a stock price is illegal. And for good reason. ..... veti
Oh? How very strange then, veti, whenever if illegal there appears to many to be no discouraging punishment available and applied to those engaged and proven to be instrumental in the practice.
Indeed, it appears to a great many to be extremely rewarding rather than anything else exceedingly unpleasant and designedly punitive.
Surely shorting stock as it is widely perceived and accepted is virtually identical and akin to collusion to manipulate a stock price to generate and enrich a third party essentially then a criminal profit?
Does the SEC/Federal Reserve/Wall Street/FBI/dumb schmuck in the street not see it so? What are they all on?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jan 06:50 [2101290650] .... sharing on
Re: Free and fair market
Short selling has a legitimate place in commodities trading, where an actual producer of a commodity, who owns the physical thing they are shorting, can make a hedge against a price fluctuation. Speculative short selling is a distortion, but it makes sense to allow it *up to a point* because the alternative is some sort of enforcement division to go around verifying that short sellers actually hold enough of the "thing" to cover their short position.
When the distortion becomes the normal, that's when you know the system has been corrupted. But we all knew that already.
The real damage here is not to the short hedge funds, nor to the long redditors, but to the reputation of the market system itself. It needs to be *seen* as essentially fair (even though it's far from fair), otherwise there is no way to convince mom and pop to put their retirement funds there. So I predict the SEC will find a way to regulate the redditors and other small-time day traders into oblivion, and blame *them* for illegally disrupting an otherwise free and fair market. Then back to business as usual. The fact that a bunch of hedge fund managers lost their clients a ton of money won't even be a black mark on the resume, just an asterisk and another war story during a round of golf. ..... yetanotheraoc [and the post revealing the subject of the bet referred to below]
That's a bet worth shorting, ecofeco ........ the bet being the SEC will fix anything.
amanfromMars January 29, 2021 at 08:07 [2101290807] ...... sowing almighty seeds in a string of comments on
"The lighthouse being a symbol of a fixed peg firmly rooted into dry land. God forbid anyone could conceive of Democracy as easily manipulated or moved by public opinion. The state is a stable entity, supported by electronic algorithms, against any ignorant fluctuations of public opinion. Plus, the bottomless pit of debt caused by the pandemic means that nothing must change for another 40 years. Put it in your mind." ..... Giyane January 29, 2021 at 04:14
Some folk would actually believe all of that being true, Giyane, with others more sure they be much more certainly out of their minds.
Things nowadays though, and forever more into the future, will be completely different from the past which with its memories plaguing and paralysing the present, create madness and mayhem to market and chaos and conflict in markets, for greater effective universally applicable controls have shifted into the command of significant A.N.Others.
:-) There is priceless stealth ensuring guaranteed security of safe passage of future plans and missions delivered to that revelation in most folk not believe all of that being true, even though it be crystal clearly advised to both them and A.N.Others on ACTive Duty in Myriad Assorted AWEsome MODified Fields of Vital Virulent Endeavour. :-) I Kid U Not.
And you know what they say about such things .... If you can't or won't or don't trust anything said to be honestly true and indisputable, simplying verifying it from another source of other sources easily proves or disproves its veracity.
amanfromMars [2101291518] ........ seeking responsible/accountable faces on
Can someone/anyone put faces to those four names whose words everyone is supposed to be hanging on and heeding as gospel to be unquestioningly followed and blindingly accepted and obeyed.
Such is certainly easily possible and it is always nice to be able to recognise exactly who to reward and who is actually leading in such things and deciding what delights or frights or fights the future will be bringing us by virtue of their public statements.
So oft is it the case that no one really knows, and in this day and age, when everyone can almost know what you had for breakfast if they really tried or wanted to know, is that practically untenable and virtually inexcusable.
GrahamC [21001291731] ....... ventures the following considered opinion on
Regarding the timeline for when Spacecom/Cybercom will be successful with fully operational capabilities, it is prudent to accept it cannot be before CyberSpaceCom commands and exercises their leadership control with missions it has given the president to announce in any novel policy decision which has the Unites States demonstrating attractive leadership, mutually beneficial to all, globally.
Such ensures that its programs and projects not only do not fail but also encourage enthusiastic, increasing, positively reinforcing support with widespread acceptance of the visions provided, and to be subsequently eventually, and as soon as is possible, realised and presented in media via US based/US centric proprietary advanced intellectual property means, inclusive of exclusive virtual memes.
Make no mistake, until such a time, will all leaderships in such fields fail to fly and be earthbound on the ground in the form of great white elephants/massive money pits which just scratch at the surface of solutions and offer no panoramic picture of successes easily made available.
One thing though all can be certainly sure of, is that there are others out there based in many places elsewhere, who be of a similar persuasion to be a pioneering prime lead in such a predominant field of ACTive IT Endeavour, and equally enthusiastically interested in programs and projects of advanced intelligent design built and maintained to not fail, and being further developed to exceed all expectations with guaranteed stability in overwhelmingly powerful performance situations/great game changing events.
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