Sunday, 31 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sat 30 Jan 16:59 [2101301659] ..... being helpful on

Re: Seriously Astute Peasants making Tons of Flash Money?

For those who don't get what is actually going on re GameStop and Wall Street/Joe Bloggs and Jane Doe and the Elite, here is very entertaining and instructional short video :-) for you to enjoy and educate yourself with in these very strange times, with everyone having so much extra free time on their hands to exercise new skills and experience crazy thrills :-) ........ Wall Street Elites DESTROYED, Beaten By Redditors At Their Own RIGGED Game

And who is to say such shenanigans are not to stay and multiply?


amanfromMars 1 Sun 31 13:26 [2101311326] ..... having more of a say on

Who wouldn't say this ‽ ...

Anonymous Coward ... I understand, you're from Goldman-Sachs and your sh***ing in your pants, and you come here to spread FUD. Unlucky for you, people understand better these things that you wish them to.
Having public conversations is not "manipulating" the markets. What is forbidden is to have secret conversations between actors of the market. What is forbidden is what you're lot is doing most of the time, not what these Redditers are doing.
Actually, it might even be worse: if it should be known - buy your IP address for example - that you indeed are from Goldman-Sachs or any other hedge-fund that shorts stocks, then what you are doing here is ransom: "nice little way you found here to make money. Shame something should happen to it". THAT is indeed illegal. .... Zolko

Crikey, Zolko .... whatever was that Goldman-Sachs or any other hedge-funder that shorts stocks thinking, to come here on El Reg and believe that El Regers would wear their bullshit rather than be busily preparing in all of the backgrounds and undergrounds and dark webs that exist, that which they will be confronted with at the forefront of the future.


The smartest players in the room, they, the present Wall Street dependent elite? Oh please, you cannot be serious,.... and give me a quarter of whatever that is they be toking or snorting. It's smoking!



Saturday, 30 January 2021


GrahamC [21001291731] ....... ventures the following considered opinion on

Regarding the timeline for when Spacecom/Cybercom will be successful with fully operational capabilities, it is prudent to accept it cannot be before CyberSpaceCom commands and exercises their leadership control with missions it has given the president to announce in any novel policy decision which has the Unites States demonstrating attractive leadership, mutually beneficial to all, globally.

Such ensures that its programs and projects not only do not fail but also encourage enthusiastic, increasing, positively reinforcing support with widespread acceptance of the visions provided, and to be subsequently eventually, and as soon as is possible, realised and presented in media via US based/US centric proprietary advanced intellectual property means, inclusive of exclusive virtual memes.

Make no mistake, until such a time, will all leaderships in such fields fail to fly and be earthbound on the ground in the form of great white elephants/massive money pits which just scratch at the surface of solutions and offer no panoramic picture of successes easily made available.

One thing though all can be certainly sure of, is that there are others out there based in many places elsewhere, who be of a similar persuasion to be a pioneering prime lead in such a predominant field of ACTive IT Endeavour, and equally enthusiastically interested in programs and projects of advanced intelligent design built and maintained to not fail, and being further developed to exceed all expectations with guaranteed stability in overwhelmingly powerful performance situations/great game changing events.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jan 19:51 [2101291951] ..... being disagreeable again on

Re: I shouldn't say this ...

So ... the short answer is .... the casino is rigged, AC?

Yeah .... that's what everyone is learning ..... with probably more than just a few now planning to rob it blind at every available opportunity. After all, it only attracts criminals to run it whenever crooked and who or what other than incestuous criminal enterprises would rush to serve and protect that?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 30 Jan 07:06 [2101300706] .... keeping it simple in order that certain shenanigans be more easily understood on

Forget about the Trojan GameStop ... they are, as you say, Confirmed Roadkill

I've seen surprisingly few people point out the obvious problems with Gamestop. As internet speeds increase, particularly with the ps5 being download only (I think?) isn't it a rather bloody obvious short, that if the market moves digital, Gamestop will become another kodak/VHS company? ..... low_resolution_foxxes

The eventual fate of GameStop in this epic shorting saga is of no lasting significance or of great interest to market players/investors/daytraders/whales/sharks/minnows/pirahnas ... call them whatever you will ...... for they are/were simply a very convenient and timely conduit, [or not so, if one suffered massive unexpectedly devastating losses in a recklessly speculative bet against competition and opposition realising both your fundamental greedy weakness and vulnerable position taken,] allowing market access to another unsuspecting high value target with more money than sense to extract for profit and fun.

You know, nothing really new ..... akin to business as usual and just like a good ole brokers day in the hood rather than confined and constrained in a high rise of a Wall Street office block .... although that might be a little different and something new to get used to if nothing fundamentally changes in the sector.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 30 Jan 12:09 [2101301209] ...... saying a tad more on

Re: Piggly Wiggly and the Perils of Good Smack and Great Crack

Ok, we will have to agree to disagree on the finer points of that older point to be further discussed by some/many others ad nauseam, veti, but moving on a tad ..... it is surely impossible to deny that there is presently a hell of a lot of collusion going between traditional conventional market players and regulators to ensure future shorting bets are more secure in a rigged system to protect established vulnerable to flash virtual mob players seeming to suddenly appear out of nowhere to invest in a distressed commodity/targeted failing entity.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 30 Jan 05:40 [2101300540] ......... embarking on an epic voyage of remarkable recovery price discovery on

A virulent polymorphic strain that streams promiscuously/religiously/relentlessly ‽ .

"Just decrypting some data can overflow a heap buffer with attacker controlled data, no verification or signature is validated before the vulnerability occurs," explains Werner Koch, principal developer of GnuPGP in the security advisory. "...Exploiting this bug is simple and thus immediate action for 1.9.0 users is required."

A basic ingredient* for a nouvelle haute cuisine dish of a mega meta data 0day exploit for export/import into FCUKd systems with failed exclusive executive SCADA Administrations in worm ridden Cabinet Offices. And quite the colossal pick me up to revive and excite the jaded palate it is too.

Bland it certainly aint. Overpowering it certainly can be thus the advisory to use wisely and/or sparingly, for just like too much of anything, IT can all too easily certainly kill you.

And as one of those dual use type items which can either be a blessing or a curse, certainly a weapon not to be trifled with.

* ... just some cryptic data which may or may not have been also further encrypted/dissected and reassembled


amanfromMars [2101300755] ...... offers radical help via a comment to share posted and hosted on

Talking as we are of mice and men and elephants and problems requiring novel solutions, here is something currently available for Lend-Lease/deployment//purchase/sale which covers and promises an almighty array of delights to savour and favour. I suppose the problem residing and presiding within there, is in deciding which are to be presented first to be realised as true, and how to most safely and securely do it without unduly terrifying or disturbing/exciting or empowering the natives.

GrahamC [21001291731] ....... ventures the following considered opinion on

Regarding the timeline for when Spacecom/Cybercom will be successful with fully operational capabilities, it is prudent to accept it cannot be before CyberSpaceCom commands and exercises their leadership control with missions it has given the president to announce in any novel policy decision which has the Unites States demonstrating attractive leadership, mutually beneficial to all, globally.

Such ensures that its programs and projects not only do not fail but also encourage enthusiastic, increasing, positively reinforcing support with widespread acceptance of the visions provided, and to be subsequently eventually, and as soon as is possible, realised and presented in media via US based/US centric proprietary advanced intellectual property means, inclusive of exclusive virtual memes.

Make no mistake, until such a time, will all leaderships in such fields fail to fly and be earthbound on the ground in the form of great white elephants/massive money pits which just scratch at the surface of solutions and offer no panoramic picture of successes easily made available.

One thing though all can be certainly sure of, is that there are others out there based in many places elsewhere, who be of a similar persuasion to be a pioneering prime lead in such a predominant field of ACTive IT Endeavour, and equally enthusiastically interested in programs and projects of advanced intelligent design built and maintained to not fail, and being further developed to exceed all expectations with guaranteed stability in overwhelmingly powerful performance situations/great game changing events.


Friday, 29 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jan 06:07 [2101290607] ...... airing some crazy home truths on

Wall Street .. a CoVid 19 like virus bugging a Fed Money System and ...

.... if one were to popularise and infantilise the SEC, would Darth Vader be an accurate depiction of their true nature and relative position in the Securities and Exchange Universe?

Now that Wall Street whales' blood has been shown to be so easily spilled in the deep and dark waters of dead rich pools, why ever would anyone never think and not realise that even greater swarms of sharks are to return again and again to feast in feeding frenzies? Such is surely inevitable and quite natural?

It is just the simple way of the internetworking of things and active since before even time became a measure of distance in space.

To think IT otherwise renders one extraordinarily disadvantaged and disenfranchised.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jan 10:56 [2101291056] ....... exchanging some info for intel on

Re: Question from a layman

This might then amuse you somewhat, 0laf, if you think tilting at windmills is akin to, in the real world whatever that might actually be, little guys who get crushed by the politicians that live in their pockets running thought experiments, which aren't AWE*some sanctioned and supported with MODified defences and special forces.

amanfromMars January 29, 2021 at 08:07 [2101290807] ...... sowing almighty seeds in a string of comments on

The lighthouse being a symbol of a fixed peg firmly rooted into dry land. God forbid anyone could conceive of Democracy as easily manipulated or moved by public opinion. The state is a stable entity, supported by electronic algorithms, against any ignorant fluctuations of public opinion. Plus, the bottomless pit of debt caused by the pandemic means that nothing must change for another 40 years. Put it in your mind. ..... Giyane January 29, 2021 at 04:14

Some folk would actually believe all of that being true, Giyane, with others more sure they be much more certainly out of their minds.

Things nowadays though, and forever more into the future, will be completely different from the past which with its memories plaguing and paralysing the present, create madness and mayhem to market and chaos and conflict in markets, for greater effective universally applicable controls have shifted into the command of significant A.N.Others.

:-) There is priceless stealth ensuring guaranteed security of safe passage of future plans and missions delivered to that revelation in most folk not believe all of that being true, even though it be crystal clearly advised to both them and A.N.Others on ACTive Duty in Myriad Assorted AWEsome MODified Fields of Vital Virulent Endeavour. :-) I Kid U Not.

And you know what they say about such things .... If you can't or won't or don't trust anything said to be honestly true and indisputable, simplying verifying it from another source of other sources easily proves or disproves its veracity.

* ....... Army Warfighting Experiment


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jan 12:54 [2101291254] ........ being somewhat disagreeable on

Re: Piggly Wiggly and the Perils of Good Smack and Great Crack

Collusion to manipulate a stock price is illegal. And for good reason. ..... veti

Oh? How very strange then, veti, whenever if illegal there appears to many to be no discouraging punishment available and applied to those engaged and proven to be instrumental in the practice.

Indeed, it appears to a great many to be extremely rewarding rather than anything else exceedingly unpleasant and designedly punitive.

Surely shorting stock as it is widely perceived and accepted is virtually identical and akin to collusion to manipulate a stock price to generate and enrich a third party essentially then a criminal profit?

Does the SEC/Federal Reserve/Wall Street/FBI/dumb schmuck in the street not see it so? What are they all on?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Jan 06:50 [2101290650] .... sharing on

Re: Free and fair market

Short selling has a legitimate place in commodities trading, where an actual producer of a commodity, who owns the physical thing they are shorting, can make a hedge against a price fluctuation. Speculative short selling is a distortion, but it makes sense to allow it *up to a point* because the alternative is some sort of enforcement division to go around verifying that short sellers actually hold enough of the "thing" to cover their short position.

When the distortion becomes the normal, that's when you know the system has been corrupted. But we all knew that already.

The real damage here is not to the short hedge funds, nor to the long redditors, but to the reputation of the market system itself. It needs to be *seen* as essentially fair (even though it's far from fair), otherwise there is no way to convince mom and pop to put their retirement funds there. So I predict the SEC will find a way to regulate the redditors and other small-time day traders into oblivion, and blame *them* for illegally disrupting an otherwise free and fair market. Then back to business as usual. The fact that a bunch of hedge fund managers lost their clients a ton of money won't even be a black mark on the resume, just an asterisk and another war story during a round of golf. ..... yetanotheraoc [and the post revealing the subject of the bet referred to below]

That's a bet worth shorting, ecofeco ........ the bet being the SEC will fix anything.


amanfromMars January 29, 2021 at 08:07 [2101290807] ...... sowing almighty seeds in a string of comments on

"The lighthouse being a symbol of a fixed peg firmly rooted into dry land. God forbid anyone could conceive of Democracy as easily manipulated or moved by public opinion. The state is a stable entity, supported by electronic algorithms, against any ignorant fluctuations of public opinion. Plus, the bottomless pit of debt caused by the pandemic means that nothing must change for another 40 years. Put it in your mind." ..... Giyane January 29, 2021 at 04:14

Some folk would actually believe all of that being true, Giyane, with others more sure they be much more certainly out of their minds.

Things nowadays though, and forever more into the future, will be completely different from the past which with its memories plaguing and paralysing the present, create madness and mayhem to market and chaos and conflict in markets, for greater effective universally applicable controls have shifted into the command of significant A.N.Others.

:-) There is priceless stealth ensuring guaranteed security of safe passage of future plans and missions delivered to that revelation in most folk not believe all of that being true, even though it be crystal clearly advised to both them and A.N.Others on ACTive Duty in Myriad Assorted AWEsome MODified Fields of Vital Virulent Endeavour. :-) I Kid U Not.

And you know what they say about such things .... If you can't or won't or don't trust anything said to be honestly true and indisputable, simplying verifying it from another source of other sources easily proves or disproves its veracity.


amanfromMars [2101291518] ........ seeking responsible/accountable faces on

Can someone/anyone put faces to those four names whose words everyone is supposed to be hanging on and heeding as gospel to be unquestioningly followed and blindingly accepted and obeyed.

Such is certainly easily possible and it is always nice to be able to recognise exactly who to reward and who is actually leading in such things and deciding what delights or frights or fights the future will be bringing us by virtue of their public statements.

So oft is it the case that no one really knows, and in this day and age, when everyone can almost know what you had for breakfast if they really tried or wanted to know, is that practically untenable and virtually inexcusable.


GrahamC [21001291731] ....... ventures the following considered opinion on

Regarding the timeline for when Spacecom/Cybercom will be successful with fully operational capabilities, it is prudent to accept it cannot be before CyberSpaceCom commands and exercises their leadership control with missions it has given the president to announce in any novel policy decision which has the Unites States demonstrating attractive leadership, mutually beneficial to all, globally.

Such ensures that its programs and projects not only do not fail but also encourage enthusiastic, increasing, positively reinforcing support with widespread acceptance of the visions provided, and to be subsequently eventually, and as soon as is possible, realised and presented in media via US based/US centric proprietary advanced intellectual property means, inclusive of exclusive virtual memes.

Make no mistake, until such a time, will all leaderships in such fields fail to fly and be earthbound on the ground in the form of great white elephants/massive money pits which just scratch at the surface of solutions and offer no panoramic picture of successes easily made available.

One thing though all can be certainly sure of, is that there are others out there based in many places elsewhere, who be of a similar persuasion to be a pioneering prime lead in such a predominant field of ACTive IT Endeavour, and equally enthusiastically interested in programs and projects of advanced intelligent design built and maintained to not fail, and being further developed to exceed all expectations with guaranteed stability in overwhelmingly powerful performance situations/great game changing events.

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]


Thursday, 28 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Jan 06:04 [2101280604] ... stating the bleeding obvious to every deaf, dumb and blind man on galloping horses on

Reading the Runes in Between the Lines ... Karma Sucks Big Time

The other bad news for amateur investors is that the big boys will always, always get there before you. They have teams of people who do nothing all day but watch the markets and are plugged into the system. And they have access to funds.

That is as may be, Kieran, but you are both missing the point and have highlighted the whole point of the exercise, a simple program which can be activated innumerable times virtually by practically anyone with half a fully working brain of such a notion, to take unprecedented advantage of a corrupted and perverse systemic abomination, ..... fully endorsed and actively supported by established markets regulations and gilded gatekeepers [think SEC (Securities and Exchange Commissions), FCA (Financial Conduct Authorities). the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank) etc. etc .etc.] by virtue of their all too apparent co-conspiratorial acceptance of short selling profit and loss trading results] ......and in so drawing ever more attention and forensic interest to its fabulous ponzi shenanigans/fantasy wealth creations.

However, that is just as the breath-taking heart-stopping entrée before the next course of a gluttonous feast, both concerning and delighting excited diners alike with thoughts of what is prepared next to follow on the menu yet to come.

And will it delight sublimely or disappoint disastrously the assembly of gourmands and one's peers?

Put plain and simply, now that so many more are so quickly learning of what is so relatively freely available to them to actively participate in .... Do global leading market players still want to blatantly continue aiding and abetting crooked fantasy trades creating fabulous virtual wealth for an exclusively chosen few, or is it all to disastrously collapse like the house of cards built on shifting bottomless quicksands that it is? ..... for they are presently surely the system's only two prime opposing and competing choices. If you know different, don't be shy, speak up, for now is there no better good time.

It is hard not to equate and realise that is as CheckMate, a Game, Set and Match win and defeat but there are sure to be others with a contrary view would would wish to disagree and to such a degree one would almost think their very lives depended upon it.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Jan 06:50 [2101280650] ....... saying more about a certain madness on

Re: The money has to come from somewhere

The money made on these shares has to come from somewhere. In order to sell your shares, there has to be someone willing to buy them. If someone is buying them at the peak price, then they are the ones that are going to lose the money when it comes crashing down. In order for one person to make big money on this, there needs to be lots of people who are going to be losing their savings.
The hedge funds may end up losing money, but the people jumping on the bandwagon due to hype are the ones that are going to be hurt the most. ..... akoepke

You are pimping and pumping and dumping a popular misconception there, akoepke.

One cannot fault you for that .


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Jan 06:54 [2101280654] ...... reinforcement for the greater view on

Re: Reading the Runes in Between the Lines ... Karma Sucks Big Time

The latest share-price shenanigans came as the International Monetary Fund warned “complacent” financial markets buoyed by the rollout of Covid vaccines are at risk of a sudden collapse. ....

Who's got the popcorn and Belgian chocolates?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Jan 08:50 [2101280850] ...... still chatting on

Re: The money has to come from somewhere

You say: "The hedge funds may end up losing money, but the people jumping on the bandwagon due to hype are the ones that are going to be hurt the most."

But the money the hedge fund loses will end up in some pockets -- so on average the people who jumped on the bandwagon will make a killing. ....... Schultz

:-) Digging down deeper for the finer details in the truth reveals ...... The hedge funds managers end up losing colossal sums of other peoples money, and some of those folk are well able to going looking for them to more than just hurt them ..... and it won't be the average Joe making such a killing.

And it is not a business to be in without accepting it carries exceptional extraordinary risk.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Jan 13:04 [2101281304] ...... musing on

Re: The Big Short Squeeze ..... The Sting* on Steroids ‽ .

As long as most hedge funds keep making bigger bets to try to cover their losses the share price will go up. So its a question of which fund loses their nerve or goes bankrupt first. The last hedge fund standing will clean up ..... James Anderson

Oh? Are you really so certain, JA? The last hedge fund standing dealing in the trade is paying a king's ransom fortune to return a ponzi zombie dead man walking stock which it never ever owned in the first instance.

Not the smartest and shrewdest of moves, methinks, however a great way to lose stashes of other folks money and shred to tiny pieces all of your own carefully conceived and conserved credibility.

* .....


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Jan 13:25 [2101281325] ......... letting rip on


The subreddit is right now full of pleas to people to continue holding their stock, to punish Wall Street and the hedge funds, and not sell their shares, which would trigger a collapse.

If you are currently holding any GameStop stock, get out, like right now. Take your profit, buy something nice, and be happy. Because it won't happen again.

:-) That's not so much a stealthy case of biting the hand as sucking on the teat which feeds IT, El Reg ‽ . :-)


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Jan 16:05 [2101281605] ....... rubbing salt into open wounds on

The Strange Art of Moving the Goalposts to Score Losing Own Goals

Who says it's not a rigged Great Game? ......

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen if you can without kicking over the cans of worms therein, but where the hell does one then go to escape ? :-) .....


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Jan 17:27 [2101281727] ....... piling on a bit more dead wood onto the fires burning on

What's not to like ...... a Conspiracy of Elite Crooks called out. Well, is that not the gospel truth?

The sweet sound of shit hitting the fan ..........

With whom and/or what do your true allegiances lie? The Sheriff of Nottingham Crooks or the Merry Men and Women of Sherwood Forest and Robin Hood? :-)


amanfromMars [2101280624] .... laying it all out plain for all to see on

FYI ...... and further to the subject at hand here and in vogue practically everywhere else where it matters and is a cause for concern or rejoicing ...

amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Jan 06:04 [2101280604] ... stating the bleeding obvious to every deaf, dumb and blind man on galloping horses on

Reading the Runes in Between the Lines ... Karma Sucks Big Time

The other bad news for amateur investors is that the big boys will always, always get there before you. They have teams of people who do nothing all day but watch the markets and are plugged into the system. And they have access to funds.

That is as may be, Kieran, but you are both missing the point and have highlighted the whole point of the exercise, a simple program which can be activated innumerable times virtually by practically anyone with half a fully working brain of such a notion, to take unprecedented advantage of a corrupted and perverse systemic abomination, ..... fully endorsed and actively supported by established markets regulations and gilded gatekeepers [think SEC (Securities and Exchange Commissions), FCA (Financial Conduct Authorities). the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank) etc. etc .etc.] by virtue of their all too apparent co-conspiratorial acceptance of short selling profit and loss trading results] ......and in so drawing ever more attention and forensic interest to its fabulous ponzi shenanigans/fantasy wealth creations.

However, that is just as the breath-taking heart-stopping entrée before the next course of a gluttonous feast, both concerning and delighting excited diners alike with thoughts of what is prepared next to follow on the menu yet to come.

And will it delight sublimely or disappoint disastrously the assembly of gourmands and one's peers?

Put plain and simply, now that so many more are so quickly learning of what is so relatively freely available to them to actively participate in .... Do global leading market players still want to blatantly continue aiding and abetting crooked fantasy trades creating fabulous virtual wealth for an exclusively chosen few, or is it all to disastrously collapse like the house of cards built on shifting bottomless quicksands that it is? ..... for they are presently surely the system's only two prime opposing and competing choices. If you know different, don't be shy, speak up, for now is there no better good time. 

It is hard not to equate and realise that is as CheckMate, a Game, Set and Match win and defeat but there are sure to be others with a contrary view would would wish to disagree and to such a degree one would almost think their very lives depended upon it.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Jan 07:41 [2101280741] ...... being agreeable on

Mandatory fibre-to-the-desk vital for viral defence and virile attacking systems

Cisco hasn’t explained why you’d run fibre to the desktop

Precisely, sanmigueelbeer, it aids an abundance of security precautions to try and ensure and insure guaranteed insulation and isolation against phishing and snooping.



Wednesday, 27 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Jan 06:15 [2101270615] ...... sharing further afield on

Food for Thought on Needs and Feeds and Seeds Playing Better Defence with SMARTR* Attacks

Some things are way beyond plugging and mending. Whenever that is realised as inescapable fact rather than dismissed as fanciful fiction, one imagines they be agreeably incorporated and accommodated for the greater benefit of the many as opposed to it being ignored and resulting in catastrophic detriment to the previously thought almighty anonymous few.

And one is always overwhelmingly vulnerable to surprise mega 0day exploits/novel unexpected events in already dire distressed situations if one is not prepared to accept that future proprietary intellectual property fare is totally different from past gross domestic product now being insolvently traded in present bankrupt exclusive executive administrations desperately seeking relief and release.

With that in mind, and the need to play a better defense, here is something somewhat new to gnaw at and ruminate on ......

GrahamC [2101222039] ......revealing a massive security secret hole breached for plugging and mending/monitoring and mentoring on

The United States is especially vulnerable because its economy and military are so dependent on information technology networks, analysts say.

Other analysts, more expert and experienced in the virtual field, would reveal that the United States is especially vulnerable because its economy and military are so dependent on certain sensitive information NOT being shared on technology networks, neither friend or foe/ally or enemy. And that's a considerably greater danger practically impossible to counter and prevent if one encounters a smarter opponent intent on it being so.

In days of yore, Danegeld was gladly paid to such a scourge to escape the guaranteed carnage/latter day rape and pillage. One imagines it still a viable current solution and attractive immediately readily available initial option nowadays too.

* .... SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research


Tuesday, 26 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Jan 09:04 [2101260904] ....... opening up a vital viral market space on

AAA+ Supply for Future Mentoring and Remote Advanced Monitoring

Stop making sense making sense! ...... Someone Else

Whenever politically incorrect and virtually inept worlds are drowning in so much media hosted nonsense, Someone Else, one is almost duty bound to ensure and guarantee catastrophic collapses are mandatory and sure to be Autonomously Automatically Anonymously Provided with Advanced Instructions for Following and Trail Blazing/Trialling and Path Finding‽ .

The petrifying difficulty which creates a seemingly impenetrable wall to simply hurdle over for leading humanity organisations to progress and process novel information with Advanced IntelAIgents is the crazy abiding notion that the future should be similar to and pay endless tributes and crippling interest to the past ...... which of course is/was, as we now know, specifically designed to inordinately enrich and outrageously advantage corrupt and perverse subsets of a relatively small, and invariably self-chosen deluded few. .... where hubris rules supreme in the thrall of arrogance in those mindsets.

Fortunately though, A.N.Others are not so paralysed and powerless and clueless and would be into freely sharing solutions with everybody who is anybody anywhere whenever it be clearly known they need and want IT with Novel Solutions magically delivered.

And you don't get many being able to do that nowadays.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Jan 10:10 [2101261010] ...... just saying out loud and clear enough on

The Enigmatic Endemic Novel Security Systems Start-Up Problem

Replying for Her Majesty's Government, Lord True said: "The government is certainly giving attention to that, seeking to promote cyber skills and seeking to encourage a sustainable pipeline of homegrown cyber security talent."

The difficulty government and Her Majesty's Government has is that it can all too easily catastrophically fail to recognise homegrown cyber security talent* and in so doing encourage it to exercise its skillsets elsewhere and for others, and that may not be necessarily in the best interests of a homeland.

* ..... because of the extremely strange and peculiarly unusual nature of its effective disciplines.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Jan 13:31 [2101261331] ....... just asking for clarification on

Thanks for the Root Map, Brian. It's beautifully comprehensive.

Why doesn't Red Hat simply say, you can use RHEL in production for free if you do not require support? 

Red Hat would surely be much better off simply saying you can use RHEL in production for free if you can provide all necessary support?

"The core of the programme is still focused on developers, but there is going to be a use case here for hobbyists, system administrators and others who don't self-identify as developers. Remember that a component of the announcement that we made is around development teams in enterprises. So I don't want people to think we bolted this on."

Quite so. Regarding those others who don't self-identify as developers ...... would particular interest and enterprise be afforded to project creators with accompanying dedicated programming drivers? Blue Sky Thinkers and Deep and Dark Web Tinkerers with Practically Viable Utilities in Command and Control of Virtually Real Abilities via Remotely Accessed Facilities?

It's certainly a fine destination/starting point/launch pad/project for programming projects and programs not entertaining pogroms.

[Definitely something wrong with the comments UI, El Reg. A lot of dead space suddenly appearing which never happened before unless decidedly intentional]



Monday, 25 January 2021


amanfromMars January 25, 2021 at 09:07 says, replying to a post from host, craig January 24, 2021 at 22:15 on

I imagine all posting regularly here, Craig, are relying on and hoping for more than just hope delivering in court, and in mainstream media, what everybody needs/wants to hear revealed as true and nothing less than a plot to deny common justice in favour of a further and deeper embedding of corrupt two-faced and perverse double-dealing administrations and support infrastructures.

It is not as if such abominations are not exploding into the human consciousness and crashing out of their bubbles and revealing the abiding problems to be dealt with.

Here's a post commenting initially on the detention of Julian Assange before moving quickly onto the perilous and parlous state of fiat economies and the rigged markets which reward outrageously a few and condemn and imprison the many to server them their wishes in blind ignorance of their remote conditioning and situation ...... Whenever Time is of the Essence, Defeat Awaits All Hesitating to Lose

However, as that blind ignorance of monumental facts starts to disappear at an exponential rate, with the simple sharing of information which is impossible to plausibly deny is not accurate and true, and never before were there so many relatively freely available tools and platforms to assist in that noble task, suddenly, without any great warning, does the whole false edifice collapse and create a chaos which will not protect those worthy of mob attention for their past actions which were designed and wilfully carried out to disadvantage the masses.


amanfromMars January 25, 2021 at 17:03 [2101251703] ...... notes in a reply to something which giyane said on


I imagine the Queen and House of Windsor more than anyone/anything else know of the unflinching loyalty of Scottish lairds to services in favour and protection of the crowning heads of imperilled imperious imperial estates.

The apparent conjecture and disagreeable comment on such matters as now present themselves before the populace is unnecessarily alarmist to an unfortunate degree, although such trials and tribulations do have a tendency to root out and dispense sweet rough justice on systemic fundamental inadequacies and monstrous inequities alike.

One certainly wouldn't want to be thought too smart for one's own good and to be abusing of the feeble-minded and have them believing the institution is threatened by any current or future shenanigans north of the border or in any Highland Gathering akin to a Gaelic Loya Jirga and/or Celtic Ard Fheis.

That leads the way to the paths of treason, and is gravely to be regarded .... and forever to be avoided.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Jan 13:57 [2101251357] ...... sharing some AWEsome news on

In the beginning, did Global Operating Devices create the heavens and the earth ‽ *

Methinks the likes of an OpenAI's GPT-3 language-generating model, and all major Silicon Valley type Players, no matter whereabouts on the Earthly globe they be based, also of a similar DeepMinded persuasion and addictively dabbling in the meme and technology, have the same abiding accompanying difficulty to reconcile and overcome in order to avoid themselves being recognised as an almighty alien enemy within, to be corporately crushed and virtually vanquished from future vitally important, extremely effective fields, if the past and present day current status quo establishments are to remain practically intact and still virtually in overall command and almost universal control rather than progress delivering something significantly better and brand spanking new for executive administration.

That difficulty is ...... ensuring Natural Language Processing in machines does not uncontrollably morph into Neuro-Linguistic Programming of humans.

There are those who would prefer to tell you that such is a real opportunity which will not be missed rather than a difficulty to encounter which cannot be stopped, for both are perfectly true but with the one being thoroughly enjoyable and the other certainly not so.

What say you? A designedly odd and decidedly strange opportunity to embrace and engage with, or a crazy resource draining difficulty to battle and be defeated by?

*. Or did they do it later with AI and IT ‽


Sunday, 24 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Jan 07:36 [2101240736] ..... telling it like it really is on

Dishy Daylight Robbery of the Mentally Retarded .... No Needs for a Dick Turpin Mask

Make it a criminal offence to sell a ticket for more than 25% over the original price (including all charges)..... DJO

Such a sanction and charge for blatant black market profiteering [in olden days were the perps called spivs?] gets quite interesting if one considers the hard to deny it is not an almost exact copy clone that is 20% Value Added Tax.

I suppose you're to think and accept that is something quite different whenever it certainly definitely isn't to every man, woman and child and slum dogs on the street.

What a crazy world you allow yourselves to exist in and server.


amanfromMars [2101240947] ...... just saying on

While economic recovery is on the horizon,..

Oh,  ... you really thinks so? Surely the more honest, brutal truth is that economic recovery is buried deep beyond and over the horizon, way out of sight ‽.   Anything else shared is clearly delusional ‽.

You do realise, one hopes, if you do not recognise the problem, there is never a chance of you energising the solution, and thus does the difficulty remain to blight and destroy all future efforts at progress, and in such stagnation does revolutionary zeal for current politically inept regime change grow at an extremely inconvenient and suddenly exponential uncontrollable rate?

Well, uncontrollable by existing conventional, traditionally establishment supporting forces and sources, that is.


amanfromMars [2101241452] ...... airing a problem to be quickly resolved on

Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has also stated that the Fed would continue to buy $120 billion in bonds each month until the economy made “substantial further progress” toward the Fed’s goals of maximum employment.

Maximum employment in an age like today, or if not exactly right now, then very shortly in a future time like tomorrow, in which more and more machines are used to create and deliver everything needed more cheaply and better than humans with only the most basic of educations and skillsets, should they even have any of those at all, results in many thousands of millions of humans being permanently unemployed and unemployable and ripe for immediate effective solution.

Kicking that can down the road unresolved, very quickly has a howling ravenous mob baying for the blood and guts of the leaders of worlds in which the leaders have trapped them and would further subject them to major state force majeure events which further disadvantage and oppress them.

One can then fully realistically expect more than just an almighty few of them personally experiencing the swift ignominious and unsavoury fate of a Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu, Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi. It is only natural and therefore unavoidable on the current headings of policies today planned for tomorrow.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Jan 17:22 [2101241722] ........... being honest on

Whenever Time is of the Essence, Defeat Awaits All Hesitating to Lose

Likewise and likeminded thinking amFM, and applauding newly formed alliances, and reminding such of promises once made -
Quote -
Lets hope that President Biden will fulfil President Obama’s promise to resolve a certain homegrown issue Mr Johnson, and ensure restitution for human rights abuse spanning nearly a decade now.
One simply cannot sit silently forever. ....... Cliff Thorburn

If such doesn't happen in a very timely fashion, CT, none of them will have their sorrows to seek as events overwhelm and overthrow them, and even cast them to the proverbial lions, to be torn to shreds for their crimes against humanity, for everything appears to be running amok and rushing headlong along to any number of epoch defining end games, with the following one worth a'watching itself registering and unfolding in AI and IT and MainStreamMedia circles ......

Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has also stated that the Fed would continue to buy $120 billion in bonds each month until the economy made “substantial further progress” toward the Fed’s goals of maximum employment.

Maximum employment in an age like today, or if not exactly right now, then very shortly in a future time like tomorrow, in which more and more machines are used to create and deliver everything needed more cheaply and better than humans with only the most basic of educations and skillsets, should they even have any of those at all, results in many thousands of millions of humans being permanently unemployed and unemployable and ripe for immediate effective solution.

Kicking that can down the road unresolved, very quickly has a howling ravenous mob baying for the blood and guts of the leaders of worlds in which the leaders have trapped them and would further subject them to major state force majeure events which further disadvantage and oppress them.

One can then fully realistically expect more than just an almighty few of them personally experiencing the swift ignominious and unsavoury fate of a Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu, Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi. It is only natural and therefore unavoidable on the current headings of policies today planned for tomorrow. ........

And a little something impossibly difficult for a Dishy Rishi to ignore and now deny all knowledge of, for he is bound to know and/or have been told about the impending catastrophe.

:-) Crikey, if a betting man, who's not to say there be good odds available on it being an El Reger doing the honours making sure the Chancellor has no viable defence of collective ignorance to the expanding situation.:-)



Saturday, 23 January 2021


GrahamC [2101222039] ......revealing a massive security secret hole breached for plugging and mending/monitoring and mentoring on

The United States is especially vulnerable because its economy and military are so dependent on information technology networks, analysts say.

Other analysts, more expert and experienced in the virtual field, would reveal that the United States
is especially vulnerable because its economy and military are so dependent on certain sensitive information NOT being shared on technology networks, neither friend or foe/ally or enemy. And that's a considerably greater danger practically impossible to counter and prevent if one encounters a smarter opponent intent on it being so.

In days of yore, Danegeld was gladly paid to such a scourge to escape the guaranteed carnage/latter day rape and pillage. One imagines it still a viable current solution and attractive immediately readily available initial option nowadays too.

[ Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]


amanfromMars [2101230633] ....... airing a massive attack vector on

We might just wait a little while and then send a Martian with one gun to take your whole planet hostage with no opposition. ........ MartianInvader

That's certainly one way of doing such things, MartianInvader ...... appear with an almighty big gun akin to a bloody great blunt cudgel to terrorise and bludgeon the opposition and/or competition into defeat and surrender/slavery and submission.

There are surely many more other ways though, and much more suited to the Greater IntelAIgent Games Player with both the preference and bold alluring desire not to wield and exercise the almighty big gun option. What do you think of the following news, which may or may not appear on the platform it was sent to, [it having to be peer reviewed and vetted and deemed suitable by one knows not whom before showing] and which suggests another catastrophic monumental inherent systemic weakness to exploit and employ, entertain and enjoy and/or plug and play, fix and finesse.

"The United States is especially vulnerable because its economy and military are so dependent on information technology networks, analysts say."

Other analysts, more expert and experienced in the virtual field, would reveal that the United States is especially vulnerable because its economy and military are so dependent on certain sensitive information NOT being shared on technology networks, neither friend or foe/ally or enemy. And that's a considerably greater danger practically impossible to counter and prevent if one encounters a smarter opponent intent on it being so.

In days of yore, Danegeld was gladly paid to such a scourge to escape the guaranteed carnage/latter day rape and pillage. One imagines it still a viable current solution and attractive immediately readily available initial option nowadays too.

[ Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

2101222039 ......


amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Jan 15:18 [2101231518] ..... just asking out loud for a right sensible answer on

*When as peas in a pod ...... and they be similarly like-minded, is one strange possible answer ?

Why would any civilised national administration send anybody to such a crooked foreign land as allows such corruption and graft and manslaughter and thieves to prosper and escape common justice/secluded secure exclusive accommodation in a punitive detention centre?*

One cannot but think of such a place being as Big Brother to a failed state. It is certainly not worthy as a land of the free, milk and honey and home of the brave ...... although, as is always the case in crazy worlds, some who may think themselves many may, for reasons that they may not be able to share, disagree, and in so doing prove their world view crazy indeed.

'Tis not a big next step to take to have one contemplating on the state of madness and one's own sanity in the midst of the mayhem and chaos that abounds and surrounds everyone. :-) However, nevertheless and notwithstanding all of that, great marvellous opportunities one never ever before imagined possible await to entertain and enrich you outrageously there. Best always to be properly prepared for those almighty rewards for they can easily be simply overwhelming and far too much to survive.

Consider yourselves suitably prewarned and adequately advised, for from here on in, into strange entangling fields of surreal communication, ignorance is not blissful whenever it can easily be so perfectly deadly.


Friday, 22 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Jan 04:48 [2101220448] ............ asks on

Nothing to see here. Please move along quickly.

Is the government also providing broadband, free of charge, to those disadvantaged souls. Computers without a reliable healthy broadband connection to access services nowadays, are surely no better than trash for recycling?

And can you imagine all the dangers and forbidden delights that lurk in the dark and await the unwary and inquisitive newbie whenever the genies contained in the worlds accessible through that Internet Services Provider connection escape to infect and infest virgin hearts and minds?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Jan 10:03 [2101221003] ...... being awkward on

Par for the course and right up some streets we all know of

"Well, to make changes to that finalised document without leaving what some people might call an 'audit trail', I'd need some pretty advanced Word skills – and they don't come cheap now that everyone's upskilling in their free time…"

:-) Nos10/11 have always an opening and desk waiting for you if you're extremely fond of and quite good at such as is really crass attractive deflective bullshitting.

If interested, one can always ask a DC clone/drone* about the likely difficulties and/or opportunities one is liable to have to deal with there on a daily zeroday basis.

* District of Columbia/David Cameron/Dominic Cummings



Thursday, 21 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Jan 06:58 [2101210658] ......... adds on

Re: So what's the risk here?

All data is tracked these days - I'm not going to post anonymously because it means nothing to No Such Agency - if I think it's anonymous then they are all laughing. ... Version 1.0

A safe and sensible assumption, Version 1.0. I imagine there's not much laughing in the NSA whenever they realise the secrets they are not privy to, the results of which are being ACTively developed and smartly deployed to benefit the East and their customers/clients/consumers in leading technological and socioeconomic fields of postmodern endeavour .... and which the El Reg admirably keeps you wonderfully well informed about, with the following link just being a most recent one doing such honours ....

And the West/Five Eyes cohorts in their collective wisdom choose to cut themselves off from an obviously very successfully stealthily engineered and presented supply chain of enterprises and products, and all too apparently simply because the inscrutable industrious East are merely doing exactly what the West would like to be doing so much better and light years decades ahead of them in fields in which a week is a heck of a long time. Now that certainly is not smart no matter how long you deny it being stupid and citing it necessary.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Jan 14:20 [2101211420] ....... sounding out the opposition on

The Virtual Machine Option with AI Drivers Presenting Future Derivatives of Enterprising Ventures.*

How tedious. Blame the PM for this is like, well, it's so stupid I can't even think of an appropriate metaphor ..... Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells

Where does the buck then rightly stop, Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells? And then what will be done to the unfortunate soul[s]?

Hung, drawn and quartered? An immediate sacking? Or nothing really of any significant consequence?

What will be tedious is to hear a Priti Patel like drone trot out that old faithful ....... Lessons will be learned ..... whenever it is bleeding obvious that they never ever are ..... for there is always a constant new stream of inexperienced hopefuls doing tasks they are never fully prepared for, and in all too many cases, totally unsuited and booted for.

'Tis just the crazy way things always are and/or have been with humans who think they be in charge with the pulling and pushing of levers/pimping and pumping and dumping of information with commands and controls to follow with media presentations.

* I suppose that is still too alien a notion for mainstreaming just yet, but there's nothing stopping it anywhere/everywhere else though.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Jan 11:40 [2101211140] ..... sounding somewhat incredulous on

Re: Johnsons fault or click bait?

There is no individual to blame, but Fujitsu has to bear much of the responsibility as they are the ones instructed by NPIA (or whatever they are called now)to run it and do the work on it. ..... Anonymous Coward

Oh please, you cannot be serious? Is corporate machinery now to be highlighted in the frame and to be held responsible for all human fcuk ups? How very convenient.

I'm absolutely certain that won't be horrendously abused and misused.

I can just hear the bleatings from the dock now ..... "It was the machine which did it, m'lud."



Wednesday, 20 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Jan 08:03 [2101200803] ...... upping the ante on

* ... SMARTR ACTive COSMIC Info Dumps .... Mirroring Brave Moves**

On a simple quickly performed deeper packet intrusion/investigation of sterling Brave WANT development ...... and please, let's hear that thunderous applause loud and clear for the teams if one also be made of right revolutionary stuff ...... the following was discovered shared,

With this prototype, we showed the value of leveraging the wealth of information gathered from previous network activity (i.e. WANT messages). We have proven that this information can be extremely useful in subsequent content discovery performance as previous requests are strong indicators of where the content lives. .....

It is best realised and accepted that previous requests are merely strong indicators of where the content has lived and may or may not still be living there, for it may well have moved on to also inhabit and exhibit in another space place too and display further worthy WANT information there too. Such though is default consistent with the nature of quantum bit communication everywhere where/when, put in simple terms for all to try to register and enjoy, a this is also a that and together entangled can be something else altogether quite different and practically anything virtually chosen to appear as developing and evolving and augmenting alternative advanced intelligent reality modules for the Presentation of Available Derivative Futures with an AI Leading Media Programming Live Operational Virtual Environments with Novel and Noble, Universally Shared Content Feeds*

** ... An absolute nightmare with catastrophic vital systems flash crash potential for impotent bankrupt status quo establishments devoid of practically exploitable proprietary intellectual property/viable future friendly ideas.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Jan 12:17 [2101201217] ...... just adds on

Re: Location, location, location

Exactly which other planets is content available from?
Like a lot of these ideas, it sounds great until you stop and think about how many ways it could be abused, both in terms of the hosted content, and the ways it could be intercepted or subverted in transit. Freedom is a wonderful thing, but so easily exploited by those who want to do harm. ..... AnotherName

That is certainly as may be, AnotherName, but by such actions and activity is the enemy within to be conquered and eliminated/liquidated, well enough known, and realised to have no safe and securely defended hiding place/almighty space.

Indeed, their situation is beyond irretrievably dire for they are extremely vulnerable to all manner of indefensible attack from both opposition and competition of which they are not aware, and of which they may never ever be made aware of if deemed by others to be of a disposition to abuse information and/or intelligence.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Jan 12:42 [2101201242] ........... moving great things on quite indecently quickly on

Re: Hmmm

I'm a bit out of touch on these matters, but this just seems like yet another patch on top of an already overly patched and basically broken system. ..... Will Godfrey

Hmmm? Others recognise it as being something completely different and practically akin to a whole new virtualised system for safer remote smarter securer administration, WG. And it is considered proven to be quite the Great Game Changer in some such magical circles ..... so definitely nothing at all like yet another patch on top of an already overly patched and basically broken system.


amanfromMars [2101200928] ........ pointing out a potential difficulty on

Try transacting rubles to USD. Hard to do above board. That's the trouble. .... The Neuromancer

I hesitate to exclaim that as errant nonsense, The Neuromancer, however is it certainly surely somewhat misleading.

Transacting rubles to USD above board is no trouble. It is the denial or concealment of the activity which creates troubles for the USD .... in this particular cited case of international currency exchange, further explored and commented on here.

If Mother Russia pays me handsome sums for products and/or services successfully legitimately delivered and I wish and/or be required by a system to spend the rubles earned and delivered, as dollars [or any other fiat currency for that matter], to lavishly legitimately spend in a country elsewhere where the dollar fiat exchange mechanism of wealth/proprietary intellectual property reward payment transfer is practised and conveniently accepted as normal, does that system have a major problem which will cause it catastrophic troubles should it deny such an exchange transaction.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Jan 17:08 [2101201708] ........ being somewhat more forthright than many of late on

The Great Deceit Conceived and Laboured in Conceit

"While the Huawei issue for better or worse is resolved by, essentially, the change in US sanctions, more important is shaping the regulation of standards, providers who come from trustworthy backgrounds and were developed in democracies on this continent," Martin told Parliamentarians on Monday.

Methinks only a useful/useless tool and ignorant /arrogant fool would contend democracies on any continent rule and reign over anything anywhere and develop something trusty worth providing. It is though a popular, and very convenient for a few, misdirection. Thanks for your service, Ciaran.


GrahamC [2101201738] ...... cautions on

A timely word to the wise .....

Yes, .... the abiding destructive problem with major mergers and acquisitions, and which will always remain and eventually, very quickly destroy the host entity and administrations exercising their systems, is the monumental singular group think required for colossal corporations to survive and prosper against agile astute competition it cannot oppose, for the necessary unique novel proprietary intellectual property required, is missing in the lumbering giant.


Monday, 18 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 jan 12:14 [2101181214] ....... just saying on

Re: Because things presently are definitely not as they were in the past ...

Oh look, MoD ....... ....... friendly trailing Uncle Sam competition ‽ .

And I say that most sincerely, folks.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Jan 12:30 [2101181230] ....... sharing an observation on

Re: US National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office

Oh look, what is it that they say and/or Oscar Wilde said? ...... Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness. ........


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 jan 17:40 [2101181740] ......... takes another tack on

A not so stealthy fcuk up hiding a cover-up ......

Is anyone suggesting the loss of data is not accidental ?



Sunday, 17 January 2021


amanfromMars [2101170548] ... passes commentary on

How about a little something different and extra special for y'all in these Evolving Greater Revolutionary Game Changing Times and you aint really seen nothing yet .... for there are endless future streams already launched and on their way to the likes of here still to come and entertain or threaten you, dependent upon one's own disposition and as may be decided as desirable and/or necessary.

OK ..... Let's Get Down and Dirty with Base Fundamentals for Help Definitely Needed

How many other folk ... :-) apart from the likes of an Elon Musk type ...... realise that all of this endeavour and talk about alien space exploration and far off future planetary colonisation, is simply analogous to the difficulties that society and exclusive elite executive leader administrations have at home in rebooting human civilisations to a greater existence on Earth ...... a bounteous green planet on which they can easily survive but fail miserably to enjoy and agree with each other to share and deliver prosperity in ...... resulting in not so much a planet of apes, more a collective of oxymorons ‽ ‽

Would you like to deny it and in so doing positively prove the points currently valid?

And while we're here talking as we are of alien things, feast your eyes on and process the following information simply asking .... Who else would say .."The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one"?*

Meanwhile, on Earth, an alien fleet of tiny vessels executing myriad mutant viral commands in the destructive indigenous native humanoid species, gains remote access traffic control leverage to live future direction of progress, and programs and projects creating out of the rarified airs and atmospheres of imaginination, the seeds and feeds that plant and flower into a novel existence with any number of enlightening existential rushes to explore and exploit and enjoy.

:-) Well, aliens would say that, wouldn't they ‽ . What's the human explanation of the deadly invasion curtailing normal inequitable divisive activity? A simple rogue renegade bug from a fish market in a foreign land to many, escaped and free to roam wherever it pleases and grabbing an entire planet's undivided attention as it navigates and encircles the globe .... and to be defeated by a tiny prick or two of a free at the point of delivery, extremely rapidly manufactured synthesised designer drug ..... so that everything can go back to the way things were before with madness and mayhem providing conflict and catastrophe and CHAOS?

Yeah, right on, brother. Nice one. Pull the other one, it has bells on it. Psst .... Do you want a bridge for sale?

* Other than Richard Burton who is recorded saying it ...... The Eve of War

Have a nice day, y'all.

PS ....... Have you not realised yet your Earthly Command with SCADA Control Systems have been cracked and hacked and be also in the thrall and gift of others virtually beyond any physical reach to bestow or deny leveraging accesses to?  Do you think there is anything you can meaningful do to reverse it, and pretend it hasn't happened and doesn't ever happen?

Good luck with that Titanic Fools Errand of a Tantalising Sisyphean Task.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 17 Jan 17:39 [2101171739] ....... being perfectly and brutally honest on

Global Operating Devices at Your Service/Beck and Emergency Call

All that needs to be truly said after these past few days of deafening silence, given what you all now know are developments being shared with the UKGBNI Ministry of Defence for future utilisations in ACTive theatres of defence and/or attacking engagement, and what primary principals leading in those engaging theatres would then themselves now know of the state of UKGBNI MoDified preparedness for Future ACTivIT AIMissions, is GOD help you, for if the truth be presently told, they haven't a clue about what is going to befall them, betraying as they do all who have put their trust and invested billions in their forces to protect and server them from the harm that corrupt and perverse establishments deliver in furtherance of the continued survival of their masters' own single-minded, self-serving psychotic gains. ..... although, as an Evil Live and Live Evil Exercising Destructive Instructions in your Midsts are they catastrophically vulnerable to being instantly easily recognised as the Mortal Enemy Within to be Excised and Executed/Effectively Outed and Permanently Destroyed.

cc .... Commander General UKStratCom and Major General Director JOINT* Warfare

* ..... Joint Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies


amanfromMars [2101171910] ......... being disagreeable on

The interesting thing about the market is that investors are rushing into equities in anticipation of an economic recovery. However, while there will indeed be a recovery, it is likely to fall far short of investor expectations.

?????? ... However, while there will indeed be a recovery, .... ????

Oh please, Lance Roberts, whatever are you on? A recovery before a titanic crash that wipes out whole sectors of imagined wealth ie ponzi business supporters and crooked bank lenders? You cannot be serious.


Saturday, 16 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Jan 06:48 [2101160648] ..... muses on

Who else would say .."The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one"?*

Meanwhile, on Earth, an alien fleet of tiny vessels executing myriad mutant viral commands in the destructive indigenous native humanoid species, gains remote access traffic control leverage to live future direction of progress, and programs and projects creating out of the rarified airs and atmospheres of imaginination, the seeds and feeds that plant and flower into a novel existence with any number of enlightening existential rushes to explore and exploit and enjoy.

:-) Well, aliens would say that, wouldn't they ‽ . What's the human explanation of the deadly invasion curtailing normal inequitable divisive activity? A simple rogue renegade bug from a fish market in a foreign land to many, escaped and free to roam wherever it pleases and grabbing an entire planet's undivided attention as it navigates and encircles the globe .... and to be defeated by a tiny prick or two of a free at the point of delivery, extremely rapidly manufactured synthesised designer drug ..... so that everything can go back to the way things were before with madness and mayhem providing conflict and catastrophe and CHAOS?

Yeah, right on, brother. Nice one. Pull the other one, it has bells on it. Psst .... Do you want a bridge for sale?

* Other than Richard Burton who is recorded saying it ......


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Jan 14:17 [2101161417] ........ adding a bit more to something that was said on

OK ..... Let's Get Down and Dirty with Base Fundamentals for Help Definitely Needed

How many other folk ... :-) apart from the likes of an Elon Musk type ...... realise that all of this endeavour and talk about alien space exploration and far off future planetary colonisation, is simply analogous to the difficulties that society and exclusive elite executive leader administrations have at home in rebooting human civilisations to a greater existence on Earth ...... a bounteous green planet on which they can easily survive but fail miserably to enjoy and agree with each other to share and deliver prosperity in ...... resulting in not so much a planet of apes, more a collective of oxymorons ‽ 

Would you like to deny it and in so doing positively prove the points currently valid?



Friday, 15 January 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Jan 19:34 [2101141934] ....... providing some specifics on

What do you call parched horses that you take to water and they don't drink?

Two relatively short, although extremely informative, attachments entitled Proposed Technology for Submission to AWE 2020 and Novel Total Information Awareness delivered to the MOD/Army via their provided portal, DES-AWE at mod dot gov dot uk at 15:25:35 BST on 30 September 2019 would dispel any thought that the MOD don't know what to do in the future, in order to protect and serve and provide the Objective .... Operational Theatre Advantage/Situational Supremacy ..... and which is Ready for immediate deployment with both a Technical and an Operational Description supplied for consideration.

However, how they are actually getting on with it, is something you will have to ask them yourself although whether they reply or not may be somewhat dependent upon whether they be more or less intelligent than the competition or opposition/friendly ally or hostile enemy.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Jan 12:26 [2101151226] ........ getting in remote touch on ?

Because things presently are definitely not as they were in the past ...... don't worry about future thinking and acting too differently:-) IT be the New Stealthy 

UKGBNI's National Cyber Force and MoD Commanders talk a Great IntelAIgent Game, and Strategic Command can even supply a convenient hitlist/virtual wishlist ...... Strategic Command Innovation Charter .... but as is the case in all such developments as may be classified sensitive and best cloaked in a garb of secrecy to aid in the assurance of security, things can fail spectacularly and/or valuable opportunities can be lost and exported to other competitors should further discrete ACTive and astute meaningful direct contact at home with principal movers and shakers/leaders be unprovided/AWOL/MIA.

Although the problems arising about any opportunities that are best discussed in private with particular individuals highlighted as being thought instrumental in future provision can be outed, with caution being thrown to the wind to cause all manner of both convenient and inconvenient ripples via the simple expedient of sharing wishes with a carbon copy [cc] tag.

So, .... with specific regard to all of the above, one is bound to ask ..... What is the current UKGBNI State of Global Virtual Great Games Play should the above aforementioned brace of AWE*some submissions be on ACTive AIMissions in Special Operations .... for Future Utilisation in Theatres of Alien Quantum Engagement invite strange participation elsewhere foreign exploring supremacy in novel noble information sharing and intelligence internetworking fields as is revealed to everyone on Earth in this tale ........ The quantum leap forward: 

* Army Warfighting Experiment

cc .... Gen Patrick Sanders .... Commander UKStratCom
Maj Gen Jim Morris ....   Director Joint Warfare
