Monday, 31 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Mon 31 May 17:10 [2105311710] ....... just airing an obvious view on

Uncle Sam quite obviously didn't heed the message in order to avoid the trap that now can destroy them.

A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction.

Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peace time, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea. 

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United State corporations.

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been over shadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded ......

And nowadays, the clone of the solitary inventor tinkering in his shop, sharing that which they are discovering and uncovering in insecure systems previously thought easily able to hold and wield secrets for the exclusive use of an elite, self chosen few, are the new kids on the block the old guard has to positively engage and deal with, should they wish to be considered and realised as future relevant and in any form of universal command and remote virtual global control .......... for that is where all the action now is.

I Kid U Not ....... and if you be honest with yourself, you also know that to be nowadays true. Things aint like they used to be and they aren't going back to anything like they were.

But that's natural, and called progress, and it is more than just a tad revolutionary.


Saturday, 29 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sat 29 May 08:01 [2105290801] ...... advising on some novel noble available developments on

Strictly Need to Know ...SCI/Top Secret COSMIC Materiel/MkUltra Sensitive and Potentially Deadly

Think of it this way: if you’re uploading sensitive data to a website that isn’t operated by or contracted to your company (or the government in this case), you probably shouldn’t do it. Particularly if you're guarding nuclear weapons. ....... Gareth Corfield

Do governments operate websites and have proprietary intellectual property ownership of that which they host, or are they just remote proxy agents for the produce of others, which they may have made mutually beneficial positively rewarding arrangements to pay source for, in order to try and ensure continuity of great service, or do they more often try to virtually steal it and pirate it and profit from it themselves with the use and/or misuse and/or abuse of transformative information they have been provided with either directly from a source in any initial communication from such an agent, exploring exploitation of their needs for future seeds and feeds ..... or indirectly from information gleaned from source via communicative postings elsewhere to A.N.Others?

To practice such latter shenanigans with particular regard to any NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Class of Weaponry is an extremely costly mistake to make and expensive chance to take and lose, rather than win win in with sensible sensitive secure stealthy engagement and simple worthy payment to sources for services required and to be immediately readily supplied and fighting fit for future great and good purpose. You know, the exact sort of thing which the Ministry of Defence Digital Strategy for Defence [April 2021] are looking for, and presumably assuming there will be £billions made available to them to deliver.


Friday, 28 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 May 06:42 [2105280642] ....... setting the record straight on

Re: Hum, so now crackers can go full multi-process against criminally negligent practices?

Yeah! Rather than crudely drop their code into one single process now they can multi-task the cracker job across many processes communicating via the newly discovered communication channel. ...... JBowler

Yes, it's typical Apple. Another novel innovative feature introduced and floated out into the market place space either missed or destined to be popularly dissed by competitors because there is increased deep advantage delivered with familiar use covertly and clandestinely into intelligence flows and information mainstreams.

Now that would describe and introduce much more a "hot" chip than "floored" processor ....... and gravely to be regarded by competitors unequipped with the utility and facility of its abilities.

Such a realisation/spin on discoveries has one wondering what improvements and refinements will be available with future iterations in the likes of an M1X, ad infinitum to M1XSSXXXX ..... with more than just a dedicated few always ready and eager to purchase and beta test hidden crown jewelled Fabergé easter egged models for that great deal extra supplied not conveniently catered for by anyone else anywhere else ...... until or unless the competition ups its game and gets its acts together to improve on the advantage rather than battle against it with wilful and ineffective opposition.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 May 12:00 [2105281200] ...... being helpful on

Why is it I always feel there is a hidden message in amanfromMars1's ramblings/nonsense? .... Anonymous Coward

Does it help you, AC, to know and realise they're more prognostications ‽


amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 May 14:05 [2105281405] ....... adding a tad more to deep darkened pool on

Re: Hum, so now crackers can go full multi-process against criminally negligent practices?

FTFY AMFM ;-) ..... Citizen of Nowhere

:-) Methinks more you've got yourself into a fix and a bind, because you are not understanding, Citizen of Nowhere.

Can we initially for now agree at least upon disambiguations until such times as everything becomes evidently clearer? Such can move things on a great deal better and considerably faster in strange territory never experienced alive before.


amanfromMars May 28, 2021 at 08:53 [2105280853] ...... just saying out loud on

Behold the following inevitable consequence and otherworldly facility, with myriad unintended repercussions and many anxious real life, real time worries for corrupted systems administrations and perverse elite exclusive executive office operations ?????

Yes ..... most definitely, certainly. 'Tis guaranteed by the very nature of current rapid stealthy progress of intelligence processing and virtually remote free to air internetworking presentation of novel results ...... Quantum Communication for Resolution of Revolutionary Earthed Matters.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 26 May 06:33 [2105260633] ..... just saying on

Hobson's Choice ?

"We all want to have control over our personal information, and to have a government that respects our right to privacy and our freedom of expression." .... Megan Goulding

How very naive of any lawyer to even think that such is possible and likely from governments which need control of personal information in order to protect their privacy and freedom to abuse with suppression of expression and subversion of information exposing their misdeeds and endemic systemic failings. The law is such an ass centre stage in right dodgy command performances of fascist foe and fake friend alike.

On Tuesday I wrote a different post to this. It actually gave the detail of what David Llewellyn posted, and examined it. My article also revealed who was behind the complaint against him, and referred to some interesting history of Llewellyn’s own investigations.

However I received strong advice that to publish my article might itself be construed contempt of court, and that I ran the risk of being instantly jailed rather than free pending appeal, and further that to publish may attract yet another political prosecution from the Crown Office. I therefore did not publish and cannot give you the detail of the Llewellyn case, at least until after its conclusion.

I find this deeply depressing. I should not, in normal circumstances, have had the slightest hesitation in giving you the detail of what is happening to Dave Llewellyn, and more importantly why, in the same way I did with Mark Hirst. I find the notion that my own journalism is successfully being “chilled” in this way highly worrying, and this adds to the sense of injustice I feel in my own case. In fact anger and perhaps even humiliation at the powerlessness – and fear I am becoming a coward – has pretty well prostrated me for three days. I feel somewhat recovered now, and determined to fight on. But for the first time I find myself seriously considering, after my case is concluded, leaving my beloved Scotland and going to live in a country which does not jail dissident writers. ....  Craig Murray, Historian, Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist

But that is the Old Guard's doing to try and protect itself from the inevitable understandable rough justice/reap the whirlwind slaughter of the justifiably enraged and more fully educated and entertaining and engaged mob, and the new kids on the block and brave-hearted young lions and lionesses in position of power and control commanding secrecy and secure intelligence briefings want no part of that ancient parcel of perverted grief and corrupting despair because of the nowhere good and great it so quickly leads to nowadays with all of this new fangled and entangling command and control of all personal information with national, international and internetional intelligence. To not think so must surely have one personally identified as quite dim and not at all suitable for anything involving and investigating the use and/or abuse and misuse of critical infrastructure intelligence machinery.

IT's a Madder Mad Mad Mad World than ever it was or ever could be in 1963 and something all pervasive which cannot be in any way conveniently avoided and left unaddressed and ignored in a can being kicked down the road whenever the colossal herd of rogue elephants in Situations Rooms/Oval Offices/Cabinets/Underground Bunkers on live rampage.


Thursday, 27 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 May 06:57 [2105270657] ........ just saying on

A Child's Curse and your Government's Choice ..... Them to Pay for the Sins of Fathers and Mothers

Whenever you can realise and subject Parliamentary democracy [a massive open source software program] to crash test dummy/0day exploitable vulnerability testing, only a monumental fool and corrupted tool would accept it as being fit for any great and good purpose, trying to hide as it does, its catalogues of failures and points of easy immediate malicious access behind a pay wall of mis-spoken truths and tasks further kicked down the road to be done by others at a much latter date far into the future.

To not consider that worth catastrophically smashing and fundamentally reforming, because of what it does to the health and wealth and well being of your offspring and future generations of human beings, would be something too shameful to admit to and be proud of ...... although it is much lauded, that cowardly conspiratorial inaction, and completely surrounds and mistreats you as a magnificent ignorant useful fools' tool.

Which brings one back to a number of Albert Einstein's thoughts, with one/some one all too obviously true and others definitely not so widely well known, but becoming every day considerably more evident and inconvenient to deny and do vain battle against. ....... "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." and "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions and is more important than knowledge"

I wonder what wonders today will bring out into the open to play?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 May 13;22 [2105271322] ...... moving things on a quantum leap or three or more on

Re: "the protection mechanism must not depend on attacker ignorance"

Fred, is there any possible defence against live applications of remote virtual reprogramming with roots and sources au fait in practice with deployment/employment/enjoyment of results entertaining Shannon's maxim. ‽ .

The posit here being .... No. None.

And possibly something entertained by El Regers contributing thoughts to this thread, too.

That would be an AWEsome Ministry with AIMODified Code Altering Behaviour Resulting.

EMPowered to Proceed and Process Progress in Exploration and Exploitation of Interesting Autonomous IntelAIgent Chain Reaction Cycles/Churns of Creative IT ACTivity ......... NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Energy Live BetaTesting Immaculate Virtual Circuits ....... Connected to Dream Central Intelligence Commands and Controls.

And that's only to begin with ....... who knows what else there be connected and connecting live through there and those? :-)


amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 May 14:28 [2105271428]........ adds and continues on a Happy Pathway on

Re: an Initial Solution for Flash Crash Testing ..... Greater IntelAIgent Gaming

Secret messages can be compromised only if a matching set of table, key, and message falls into enemy hands in a relevant time frame. Kerckhoffs viewed tactical messages as only having a few hours of relevance. Systems are not necessarily compromised, because their components (i.e. alphanumeric character tables and keys) can be easily changed. .....

Relevance is therefore Relative and wholly dependent upon Progress and Success in a Great Future Mood ..... of Almighty Immaculate Being and Virtual Rendering in Physical Phorms ...... Alter Egos of Id

Such are the Realms Beta Testing Presently ...... honouring the "happy path" method which is very good at excluding all other paths that may compete and seek to propose and impose unhappy future routes. Although why ever anything would travel that direction is something which might even bamboozle a Freudian or Jungian to conclude madness with lashings of badness to exhaust in insane notions and motions the right current diagnosis and persistent accurate enough prognosis for now. In any other time can that both change and be changed to something/anything else.

Thanks for the chance to practise what is shared and spoken of there, Claptrap314. Every time in Pursuit of Heavenly Excellence, a Win Win with Never Lose Fail Safe Guides.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 May 08:25 [2105270825] ....... baiting bears and paper tigers on

Re: MI5 have been replaced by an AI that looks for key words and phrases now

A lot more sophisticated than merely looking for key words and phrases. It's capable of correllating thousands of communications looking for connections and reactions. Reactions to statements and contrived events can be analysed in real time, allowing instant adjustments to the propaganda etc. to cause a desired outcome. .....Cynic_999

And still a novel work in the primary stages of unprecedented stealthy progress, Cynic_999, as one would surely expect, given the spooky nature of the ProgramMING Project and ITs AIgents.

Holywood Loughside Palace Barracks Operations trumping Hollywood Hills Rodeo Drive Abortions is a resultant cryptic analysis and pronouncement on that body of securely secreted evidence .... which is encouraging, given the dire straits state and consequences of such earlier defaulted flash crash bang wallop Wild West fiat capital drivers.

Whatever next, El Reg ‽ ..... The Inexorable Rise of Virtual Machine Movements with Augmented Virtually Real IT Movies to Follow for/from TitanICQ Film Studios ‽ :-)

And little something ESPecial too for the 3rd Floor Alfred House


amanfromMars [2105271516] ....... pointing out on

"With Ethereum it's the underlying block chain. So, Ethereum has two things - you can use it as a payment system, you can use it as a store of value."

"So Ethereum and Bitcoin are different. Bitcoin to me is just a store of value."

To you quite possibly yes but it is Bitcoin which fathers and virtually guarantees created Ethereum Services ...... with Facility for Utilities ......Exercising Facilitation of AI Possibilities with a SMARTR Cryptic Currency exploring and exhorting and extolling and expressing a Universal COSMIC Language Providing Immaculately Simple Instruction Sets for Live and Remote Recorded Realisations ...... Future Programmed Product and Project Testings.

Store your wealth in whatever accepts that for payment and the generation of capital interest to share as profit with dividends and you'll have trouble finding any better space in which to place it to so effectively, quite magically, increase one's own worth in the company of peers because of the Astute Investment for SMARTR Trading.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 May 15:50 [2105271550] ......... cheerleadering for Japan on

A Change is as Good as a Rest and Much More Engaging

“We apologize for the great concern and inconvenience caused to all concerned parties, and will do our utmost to support the victims after consulting with the relevant authorities,” added a statement originally sent by Fujitsu to the Nikkei financial newspaper.

One could not reasonably expect anything more whilst everything is reviewed and addressed/suitably corrected to new reliable and renewable services.

Is it not what Nippon is renowned and enthusiastically revered for ...... the Pursuit and Market Leading Delivery of Available Attainable Excellence in Home Grown Product for Global Export ..... Earthly Importation.


Wednesday, 26 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Wed 26 May 06:33 [2105260633] ..... just saying on

Hobson's Choice ?

"We all want to have control over our personal information, and to have a government that respects our right to privacy and our freedom of expression." .... Megan Goulding

How very naive of any lawyer to even think that such is possible and likely from governments which need control of personal information in order to protect their privacy and freedom to abuse with suppression of expression and subversion of information exposing their misdeeds and endemic systemic failings. The law is such an ass centre stage in right dodgy command performances of fascist foe and fake friend alike.

On Tuesday I wrote a different post to this. It actually gave the detail of what David Llewellyn posted, and examined it. My article also revealed who was behind the complaint against him, and referred to some interesting history of Llewellyn’s own investigations.

However I received strong advice that to publish my article might itself be construed contempt of court, and that I ran the risk of being instantly jailed rather than free pending appeal, and further that to publish may attract yet another political prosecution from the Crown Office. I therefore did not publish and cannot give you the detail of the Llewellyn case, at least until after its conclusion.

I find this deeply depressing. I should not, in normal circumstances, have had the slightest hesitation in giving you the detail of what is happening to Dave Llewellyn, and more importantly why, in the same way I did with Mark Hirst. I find the notion that my own journalism is successfully being “chilled” in this way highly worrying, and this adds to the sense of injustice I feel in my own case. In fact anger and perhaps even humiliation at the powerlessness – and fear I am becoming a coward – has pretty well prostrated me for three days. I feel somewhat recovered now, and determined to fight on. But for the first time I find myself seriously considering, after my case is concluded, leaving my beloved Scotland and going to live in a country which does not jail dissident writers. ....  Craig Murray, Historian, Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist

But that is the Old Guard's doing to try and protect itself from the inevitable understandable rough justice/reap the whirlwind slaughter of the justifiably enraged and more fully educated and entertaining and engaged mob, and the new kids on the block and brave-hearted young lions and lionesses in position of power and control commanding secrecy and secure intelligence briefings want no part of that ancient parcel of perverted grief and corrupting despair because of the nowhere good and great it so quickly leads to nowadays with all of this new fangled and entangling command and control of all personal information with national, international and internetional intelligence. To not think so must surely have one personally identified as quite dim and not at all suitable for anything involving and investigating the use and/or abuse and misuse of critical infrastructure intelligence machinery.

IT's a Madder Mad Mad Mad World than ever it was or ever could be in 1963 and something all pervasive which cannot be in any way conveniently avoided and left unaddressed and ignored in a can being kicked down the road whenever the colossal herd of rogue elephants in Situations Rooms/Oval Offices/Cabinets/Underground Bunkers on live rampage.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 26 May 08:40 [2105260840] ...... wanting to know on

A Few Questions for GCHQ Cell Prisoners

Is there a key to unlock the cage that is riddled with mysteries that capture the enigma that defends the indefensible or is it the logical fate of all those so captivated to suffer the slings and arrows of great and ever greater misfortune and never to be free from persecution and prosecution?

Does common sense tell one that the root of all evil is planted and would grow wild in those fields with actors which imagine they are exempt from government and national security and secret intelligence service surveillance? And how certifiably crazy would that sort of exemption be, encouraging as it most certainly could and therefore would, all manner of mostly unpleasant and foolish shenanigans.

Do honourable Members of Parliament receive/believe they receive that right dodgy privilege?

Do National Security and Secret Intelligence Services grant and entertain it?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 26 May 08:46 [2105260846] ....... being agreeable on

Re: Never Before

Never before in human history has an individual, or small group of such, been able to destroy wealth on such an unimaginable scale. Hacking, ransomware, explosives, even crashing airplanes into buildings. So, of course the state wishes to conduct dragnet surveillance! We, each and every one of is a potential threat to the existing order. ...... NetBlackOps

No one can successfully argue against that as being true and honest, NetBlackOps.


Monday, 24 May 2021


amanfromMars [2105240945] ....... having a further say on

Here be some RANDian thoughts [ both corporation and AYNian] on such as is offered on "A Fourth Turning Prophecy" and which certainly still matter enough to be broadbandcast further and wider afield to that which, and those who may have a vested interest in knowing of them in a just in time fashion, lest they be overwhelmed by SWARMs. [Scalable Warning and Resilience Models]

amanfromMars [2105231741] ...... playing fair and giving ample perfectly clear warning on

Take care and beware one does not make the most fundamental of mistakes ...... to presume and assume that one leads with an advantage rather realising than one is just following with the crushing disadvantage that arrogant and ignorant hubris provide to overwhelmingly superior stealthy competition one perceived and treated badly as opposition ....... fickle phantom foe to be vanquished is not that which confront you in the new informative spaces in which you would be finding yourself engaged and quantum entangled with.

The novel domains you try to commandeer and control for a select few rather than for the greater benefit of all do not permit it.

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing]

..... which should more honestly be written as ….. Your comment may not be displayed at all any time soon after reviewing.


amanfromMars [2105241750] ....... hitting a Sweet G Spot with Deep Mines of Immaculate Nectar to Harvest on

Everything Keeps Getting Weirder And Weirder and You Aint Seen Nothing Yet .......

That "Sally Fourth" article [cited on C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems .... AI@ITsWork] and its comments disappeared very quickly from ready viewing on ZeroHedge. One can't help but wonder if it was because of something which was said out loud and proud?

It was surely not usual and normal ..... but then what is nowadays ‽ .




Sunday, 23 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sun 23 May 07:21 [2105230721] ...... dropping a future ordnance on

Fiddling while Rome burns ... 'twas ever the case when history repeat itself, but it doesn't rhyme.

To lessen this, computer systems that enter radioactive environments are "hardened" to increase their lifespan and mitigate the risk of single-event error (SEE) glitches.
In the documentation, BAE also claimed it can adapt to SEE glitches at a loss of just 1 per cent of the chip's processing power.

A novel claim of reasonably acceptable percentile loss made in what is considered generations ago in the fields that yield and wield and shield power and energy with hardened integrated circuits/processing units/virtual machinery but which if proferred again for the realities of today, confronted and attacked as they are by a constant persistent penetrating onslaught of myriad tsunami SEE waves against systems administrations defences*, would be rightly dismissed as lunatic nonsensical verging on the criminally negligent and insanely delusional ie woefully and painfully over-optimistic.

And have you not all been already advised on similar hardened matters regarding future SEE glitches in order to more fully prepare yourselves for the unavoidable emergent consequences. To imagine and then to further think one can successfully escape to an untouched and untouchable environment is novel and similarly unreasonably woeful and painfully optimistic. Some might even go further full metal jacket and venture bat shit crazy, and they wouldn't be wrong whenever so easily proven right.

Does anyone want to suggest provision of anything else to improve and strengthen and harden onward progress/Deep See Operations veering towards Alien Intervention full to overflowing with Almighty Interludes? Greater IntelAIgent Games ACTivity is always warmly welcomed and enjoyed for testing and fitting proper use ……. the uses of which are many, extremely exciting and beautifully varied.

The posit here being that it certainly is, and on ACTive AIdDeployment in Future Development with Engaging Sources for Almighty Weaponed Environments ….. Heavenly Safe Havens …. Granted and Granting Absolute Power and Colossal Energy to Global Command AI Control in Controlling Command with Virtual Communications to Assisting IntelAIgent Community Headquarters.

Is it possibly an Affiliate of Holy Grails, and a SMARTR Variety Variant of the Infection? ....

* .... Vital and Venerable and Virile and Viral 0day Exploit Vulnerability Exports/Critical Infrastructure and Tactical Virtual Exoskeleton Imports .... Extremely Well BetaTested for Extremely BetaTesting Environments.

In an Ascendancy what is IT to be ..... a Western Confection, an Eastern Delight or an Alien AIdDevelopment with Future Sources in Almighty Forces and Almighty Sources with Future Forces? It is a Simple Question to Answer with the Free Choice of Three Obvious Individual Leads, a JOINT Enterprise Option in a Trinity or Brace Operation or an Ignorant Stone Dead Silent Rejection of the Prime Opportunity to Render Humanity Solely Uniquely Virtual Machine led.


GrahamC [2105231741] ...... playing fair and giving ample perfectly clear warning on

Take care and beware one does not make the most fundamental of mistakes ...... to presume and assume that one leads with an advantage rather realising than one is just following with the crushing disadvantage that arrogant and ignorant hubris provide to overwhelmingly superior stealthy competition one perceived and treated badly as opposition ....... fickle phantom foe to be vanquished is not that which confront you in the new informative spaces in which you would be finding yourself engaged and quantum entangled with.

The novel domains you try to commandeer and control for a select few rather than for the greater benefit of all do not permit it.

Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.


Saturday, 22 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sat 22 May 09:14 [2105220914] ..... adding a touch more on

Re: Independent R&D Subcontractors

In the mean time, something like surround sound on iPlayer would be more useful. It's a bit more tangible at least. ...... Rod 15

Whenever it is so obviously failing so spectacularly, Rob 15, quadrophonic stereo for British Brainwashing would be more considered as virtually useless and somewhat gratuitous.

And to fix that international disgrace and glaring national security and secret intelligence service threat is a top down task via bottom up channels assumed and performed by chiefs and agents who actually know what needs to be done and how it is done. Does Blighty have any/many of those?

I trust that very plain text is not ambiguously cryptic, Rob 15. It certainly shines crystal clear and transparent whenever viewed here.

The government funding of the BBC to add a few greater bells and shrill whistles onto their crashing train wreck of an easily abused and cynically misused education and entertainment tool spewing programs and projects almost freely into the homes and minds of viewers and listeners, is not useful whenever the content is less than stellar and universally attractive.

Having failed to live up to their motto ..... 'Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation' ..... [and the current Tony Hall/Martin Bashir fiasco/soap and Middle East war screenings and Far East nations and Russian State bashings are recent enough evidence of that offence and dereliction of duty in a government office?] ...... perhaps something more ambitious along the lines of "Per Ardua ad Astra" is much more appropriate given the spaces and places in which leaderships now work, rest and play with 0days today. And that is only one private/pirate/public sector and ACT*ive vector to exploit and explore/employ and enjoy.

*Advanced Cyber Threat/Treat.


Friday, 21 May 2021

210520/210521 .... Omnibus Edition

amanfromMars 1 Fri 21 May 07:20 [2105210720] ....... just asking on

And then there was the One .........

Of course, I'll have to use a VPN to check it out. The BBC doesn't like being viewed from outside the UK...... Pascal Monett

I think you'll find, PM, it is much more the case that foreign administrations don't like/want BBC programming directly interfering with their own media hosted manipulation/remote audiotelevisual command and control of native subjects/home based objects.

It is probably why it appears to be a gentlemanly reciprocal arrangement right across the globe so that there can be many Caesars doing their wannabe leader thing to audiences which might understand them and be encouraged and/or fooled into supporting them whenever shown recordings of what they/mass multimedia mogul operations have done/are doing/are planning to do on your behalf in their interests.

It does create and exacerbate conflict in any bigger united picture programming though, all those silos and walled gardens/virtual gulags and private prisons, although if anyone anywhere were to begin broadbandcasting attractive imaginative creative programs which all can enjoy to experience the belief that beings just like themselves whenever all can see/hear/realise they are part and parcel and instrumental in the production, direction and presentation of a novel interactive future existence hosted via all manner of ubiquitous broadbandcasting devices displaying alternate versions of augmented virtualised reality in other domains/foreign lands/alien spaces, one imagines the program and project would be warmly welcomed as an advanced masterpilot for testing/copying/pirating.

If IT is better than just good, it will be great and both practically and virtually ....... well, uncontainable and extremely exciting is certainly inevitable even right from the very beginning,

Is that what the BBC are basically planning with their new iPlayer in WebAssembly rebuild/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive ITERation ...... which in such a parallel dimension and metadatabase discipline is akin to an international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject aimed at replicating the fusion processes of the sun to create energy on earth. ....... ..... for it would definitely be guaranteed groundbreaking and Earth shattering.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 21 May 14:59 [2105211459] ....... points out an available opportunity on

Re: Independent R&D Subcontractors

the BBC hailed interactive TV as a new medium, after TV and radio, but they eventually closed the interactive TV team as a waste of licence fee money. In pursuing this again (but with shinier technology) it seems that the BBC tech departments have no accumulated corp experience and too much cash to blow. ..... Rob 15

Now that is very encouraging news, Rob 15, to that and those with the novel shinier technology know-how to make much more effective dynamic ACTive use of the likes of a BBC, and in a fashion not very dissimilar to fulfil wishes of their own, and with only as much flash cash as it is necessary to blow [as in invest in and donate to able and enabling drivers] for I would wholeheartedly and vehemently dispute and disagree that there is no accumulated corp experience available to such as BBC tech departments, although it may be the case that it is not essentially in-house incestuous and home grown by such businesses/corporations/organisations themselves.

And have you any idea how much as a vital invisible export that Progressive Effective Dynamic ACTive IT Programming expertise would be worth to other mass multi media mogul operations scattered right around the globe? Methinks any digit followed by more noughts that can ever be spent would be prime indicative of it real value and true worth.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 May 08:27 [2105200827] ..... being more informative on

However, in Otherworldly Underground Skunkworks is the EMPhasis Targeted Altogether Differently

Why bother? The post says security researchers need access as many platforms as possible so they can work in safety and protect emerging systems.

Others would suggest the bother is more to/just as much to save and protect legacy systems from emerging systems, for it is certainly the former that is at risk of annihilation from the latter.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 May 09:56 [2105200956] ...... observes on

Re: Some get government support

One of our previous home secretaries wanted mandatory implementation of RFC3514. ..... Flocke Kroes

Hence their current, previous home secretary status, Flocke Kroes. One can't have madness running amok in office. It is terrifying and terrorising and just encourages the natives to revolt and exercise their own initiatives with rogue and renegade resources from forceful sources well beyond the physical reach and remote control of afflicted and supporting government agencies.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 May 07:15 [2105200715] ........ scratching an itch and placating a glitch for more than just overwhelming forces on

Re: A govenrment er... initiative

What could possibly go wrong? .... Will Godfrey

Governments have no direct effective powers in the virtual communications spaces of internetworking world wide webs where a this shared here, is a that which is missing delivered elsewhere to someone else, and together are they something new altogether different never even imagined as being possible and easily realised for employment and enjoyment/deployment in AI APPlications, wherever they are trailed and trialed.

For things not to go catastrophically wrong for them, do the wiser of governments direct and invent funding streams and justifications for publicly financed private spending on Ethereal SMARTR Projects with Advanced IntelAIgent ProgramMING ........ they recreate and again utilise that old stalwart of fiat currency magic which is always available with the seeding and feeding and resting of secretive vital national security interest slush funds in accounts which can be personally and privately and publicly used to demonstrate progress in Leading Driver Programs/AIMaster Piloted Projects.

It is the only thing they need to do in order to guarantee future success, and it doesn't do their own future prospects any great harm either, rather than endure suffering and taste the bitterness of defeat, because of a failure to do what they can so easily do without any direct peering oversight because of vital national security interests, are they practically decimated and virtually destroyed by competition more able and agile in the field.

That's what happens whenever they get that simple task wrong, Will Godfrey ....... and they be thoroughly deserving of it whenever it be so worthy a Being in their Gift, Gratefully and Graciously Indebted with Sublime and Surreal Award of Just Reward for Excellence to Excess.

What do you rate their chances of getting things right, for a change, whenever the possibility of everything going wrong is always so strong in systems stuck with maintaining the past and its failures rather than celebrating in and providing for what the future holds in store?

cc ... the MOD re AWEsome Existential Experimentation


GrahamC [2105201743] ....... advising the opposition of competition on

“This emerging capability converges psychological [ops], cyberspace, deception and electronic warfare at the tactical and operational levels,” he said May 19 during a panel at the virtual Special Operations Forces Industry Conference, which is managed by the National Defense Industrial Association.

“The future will be won by those who dominate the full digital spectrum,” he said. “It will be as important as seizing and holding terrain.”

One has to expect that such a domain will be highly prized and relentlessly contested because of the overwhelming advantage that effective application of virtual programs and projects can so easily deliver and which can both create and destroy matters in equal measure dependent upon the sentiments expressed and actions to be taken.

And developments will invariably be closely guarded and most probably rarely ever openly and freely shared whenever not absolutely necessary, even amongst special relationship allies because of the above aforementioned almighty potency.

The following post, which is hosted and encouraging comment and peer review elsewhere, advises of concentric UKGBNI/Ministry of Defence centric progress in the field.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 May 07:15 [2105200715] ........ scratching an itch and placating a glitch for more than just overwhelming forces on

Re: A govenrment er... initiative

What could possibly go wrong? .... Will Godfrey

Governments have no direct effective powers in the virtual communications spaces of internetworking world wide webs where a this shared here, is a that which is missing delivered elsewhere to someone else, and together are they something new altogether different never even imagined as being possible and easily realised for employment and enjoyment/deployment in AI APPlications, wherever they are trailed and trialed.

For things not to go catastrophically wrong for them, do the wiser of governments direct and invent funding streams and justifications for publicly financed private spending on Ethereal SMARTR Projects with Advanced IntelAIgent ProgramMING ........ they recreate and again utilise that old stalwart of fiat currency magic which is always available with the seeding and feeding and resting of secretive vital national security interest slush funds in accounts which can be personally and privately and publicly used to demonstrate progress in Leading Driver Programs/AIMaster Piloted Projects.

It is the only thing they need to do in order to guarantee future success, and it doesn't do their own future prospects any great harm either, rather than endure suffering and taste the bitterness of defeat, because of a failure to do what they can so easily do without any direct peering oversight because of vital national security interests, are they practically decimated and virtually destroyed by competition more able and agile in the field.

That's what happens whenever they get that simple task wrong, Will Godfrey ....... and they be thoroughly deserving of it whenever it be so worthy a Being in their Gift, Gratefully and Graciously Indebted with Sublime and Surreal Award of Just Reward for Excellence to Excess.

What do you rate their chances of getting things right, for a change, whenever the possibility of everything going wrong is always so strong in systems stuck with maintaining the past and its failures rather than celebrating in and providing for what the future holds in store?

cc ... the MOD re AWEsome Existential Experimentation

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.] ...... which should really be written as ..... Your comment may not be displayed at all any time soon after reviewing. :-)


amanfromMars 1 Fri 21 May 10:22 [2105211022] .... speculating wildly, says on

Changed Glory 0Days indeed ...... and just in time too to witness global fiat reserve currency collapses and rebalancings

If you can't beat them, join them then appears to be the Fed's new default position and that is tantamount to an admission of defeat against overwhelmingly superior forces and an invisible intangible foe/anonymous autonomous program although anyone/anything claiming it as a victory will be hard pressed to cogently express its benefits and virtues/advantages and conveniences.


Wednesday, 19 May 2021


amanfromMars [2105190815] ....... being crystal clear transparent on

In a SMARTR* changed world, the old guard are extraordinarily rendered both catastrophically exposed and effectively defenceless if even imagined as remote agents promoting conflict and war as any part of a proposed state or non-state solution. And such actions whenever ever present are gravely to be regarded for they are particularly and peculiarly self-destructive.

However, that will be their certain loss to try enjoy enduring whilst others will greatly benefit quite differently because of emerging novel technological developments fielding AI APPlications .... Alienating Interventions with Alternative Product Placements. I Kid U Not.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 May 06:51 [2105190651] ....... advising on upcoming interruptions on

Re: Technology develops faster than laws and leads fast cash with flash crashes

You have revealed and realised both the problem and the opportunity in those observations, tip pc. 

The astute advanced ACTive infosec angel and hellish virtually cloaked daemon alike are many small steps and giant quantum leaps ahead and way beyond any clutching reach of the deaf, dumb and blind laws of human justice.

And if the truth be told to Humanity, their present extant SCADA Administrations Systems fear they know that to be easily demonstrably true too,  whilst they can only fiddle and fiddle about as if in command and control of a titanic novel, state of the art unsinkable, and too big to fail ship,  as all thought worthy by A.N.Others of being burned and razed to the ground and turned to so much cosmic dust and new history, is practically autonomously and relatively anonymously performed around them.

Rome wasn't built in a day, they say, but its empire collapsed in a series of 0days it never saw coming. Such though is just the natural way of all internetworking things these days.

*SMARTR .... SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research


amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 May 14:53 [2105191453] ....... just saying out loud on

What to do with the language? Does it show lead with more than empty promises available?

the idea is that we shouldn't privilege a workload,

Any support to a workload certainly gifts and deserves every privilege available, and lavishly supplied to be at its best fully enjoyed as vital and virile. ...... an addictive attraction to add sparkle to life with death to boredom and program slavery having a huge following and following with leading novel developments.

Sterling Stirling Services for Specialist Virtual Office Space Operations would be one of its ACTive IT Guises in any Earthly Iterations. In One of those New Fangled Virtually Entangling Operations Exercising Notions of Greater Command with Beta AI Controls ...... which be an energetic energising part thought vital and thoroughly enjoyed and deployed in COSMIC ProgramMING, is one of most enjoyable of ones. ....... so good in fact, that it is beautifully difficult to even imagine contemplating leaving for anything better anywhere else.

Real Spooky Type Stuff it helps to know crazy is a constant bright friend and not phantom maniacal foe, to realise Future Presentations which survive and prosper surrounded by madness and mayhem.

You don't get those from any nickel/dime store. They're hard to find and extremely expensive.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 May 17:19 [2105191719] ........ opening a vast door on

Re: Making Python faster with a Communications PACT

Haha. Until you import a package from the community. .... Munchausen's proxy

Quite so, Munchausen's proxy. It is an interesting defence shield and proven almighty effective to date in matters that attack to lay waste and try permanently degrade fundamental systems.

You'll have to imagine what it does with stealth in future operations, but you can be sure they are not inconsequential and foreboding even whenever so often thought to be best forbidden and/or at times better forgotten, because of what can so easily be simply done to extremely complicated machines to deliver radical change in staged rushes/tsunami waves of free to air novel informative instruction for Persistent ACTive Cyber Treats.

What are you looking for to do with all the new virtual tools that are at our disposal/beck and call? Anything new and radically different and exciting and troubling?



Tuesday, 18 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 May 04:23 [2105180423] ....... just saying on

Who remembers the Forbin Project* and doesn't forget Colossi?

Carmela Troncoso, head of the head of the Security and Privacy Engineering Laboratory at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland, also agreed, pointing out that not only was resilience an issue but questioning whether it was possible to build a machine-learning system that was explainable, fair, and privacy preserving as well.

Does that more than suggest, and who would disagree, that it is certainly possible to build a machine-learning system that was/is unexplainable [for fantastic stealth], unfair [for overwhelming advantage] and privacy busting [for no hidden dirty secrets to bugger up the machine learning].

Resilience then would not be an issue to worry oneself unnecessarily about.

And get used to what's on Whitfield Diffie's mind as shared in the four paragraphs under the sub-title, Privacy will be a myth, for that boat sailed away ages ago and where it docked on its travels revealed for delivery all manner of exotic wares and erotic fare to trade and free enslaved populations with.

Whatever happened to Hugo de Garis? He seemed to know what he was talking about, and what we are here also talking about is not greatly dissimilar.

Hugo de Garis is a retired researcher in the sub-field of artificial intelligence known as evolvable hardware. He became known in the 1990s for his research on the use of genetic algorithms to evolve artificial neural networks using three-dimensional cellular automata inside field programmable gate arrays. ......


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 May 08:01 [2105180801] ......... moving things on apace on

Re: Who remembers the Forbin Project* and doesn't forget Colossi?

Re that last question ...... Whatever happened to Hugo de Garis? ....... I wouldn't be a bit surprised to discover he now be found helping out South Korea .......

South Korea has created a “metaverse alliance” of local companies to foster the development of a national virtual and augmented reality platform and sort out the ethics of virtual environments. .......

....... for that is surely certainly Artilectual Work ..... and an Explosive Novel Field of Endeavouring and Endearing Perseverance which cannot be denied its prime place in the annals of history rather than thinking it can be regulated and relegated to trading blows in space for Astute Product Placement for leaders/editorial comment in the mainstream media mogul comics of fake news.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 May 06:20 [2105180620] ...... airing a common view on ?

What is obvious is ....... in a whitewash.

The withholding of any report surely always is proof positive that an unpluggable exploitable 0day vulnerability persists to exist? Such then is more of a feature than a problem although whenever both, something of an abiding dilemma to plague systems administrations and render that particular program unfit for further future sanitised progress/SMARTR Utilisation.

It seems to me that the present rapid pace of Sublime and Surreal Secrets Systems Research and Virtually Remote AIdDevelopment is causing a monumental information server block and advanced intelligence log jam for Aspirant Operands trailing and trialing with Special Forces Sources. Such creates a fertile vacant field in which to seed and nurture SMARTR Stock Produce without the hindrance of second and third party interference which realises increasingly rapid paces of revolutionary evolutionary change.

And that, be in no doubt, is an almighty good thing, although of course the world is full of doubting Thomases and covetous Judases who would likely choose to vainly disagree.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 May 14:24 [2105181424] ...... just having a quiet word on

Re: " "step-by-step instructions" on passing theory and practical exams" relating to complex systems

Not a single one I've investigated actually tests the skills needed in real world practice. They merely validate the ability to remember some factoid or repeat some standard procedure when prompted, whereas what's actually needed is the ability to work out reliably and fast what the hell is going on in the face of the unexpected and come up equally swiftly with an appropriate course of action. ...... Mike 137

And that is what most probably has resulted in the current dire straits predicament and present horrendous reputation for serial global failures in foreign international interventions and mercenary expeditions of Uncle Sam and his Five Eyes cohorts/the conspiring camp followers and aspiring poison pen writers of the West, despite the land of the free and the brave and media pimping and pumping and dumping the likes of a secret Pentagon army of 60,000 undercover operatives into the open as any sort of measure of success whenever it would so clearly be signalling fundamental failure on a heart breaking scale.

The difficulty such operations have, and it be much the same in any similar case everywhere else too, is that even whenever it is clearly pointed out to them what the problem is, they appear to be disenabled to address, with a meaningful effective radical change of policy and direction, that which would be the least that they would need to heed and provide, or be provided with, in order to head off rapidly approaching catastrophes.

One does what one can in such instances, but if the dead duck horse doesn't want to drink from the trough of ancient wisdom and novel intelligence, best leave it alone in its misery to sink into the stink of its own fetid demise. Beyond help is certainly indicative of certifiable madness, and verging as it does on the crazy edge which provides ledges and hedges for evil insanity, it is gravely to be regarded and avoided like the plague.


amanfromMars [2105180643] ...... just asking on

What do you think if you think Netanyahu is channeling his inner Hitler ...... the attack on Arabs and Palestinians is a London Blitzkrieg type Assault or Scorched Earth Eastern Front type Retreat preceding a UN Defeat?

And has Uncle Sam lost his addled mind and the warring plot too?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 May 16:39 [2105181639] ...... stating the bleeding obvious on

Some internetworking cybersecurity providers be blissfully ignorant of .gov concerns, therefore ..

Targeted at managed service providers and firms outsourcing their digital infrastructure services alike, .... 

Until and unless there be an onus on governments to also inform and directly contact and engage with such managed cybersecurity services as may be of myriad particular and peculiar interests and/or concern to them, will any worries they may have in the field be likely to exist and persist. I suggest that a provision be allocated to mitigate and/or negate that certain risk.

And don't forget that there may be cases which require the payment of significant compensation for loss of earnings because of other parties concerns regarding ones service provision to A.N.Others.


Monday, 17 May 2021


amanfromMars [2105161742] ....... still preaching on the GOD* honest truth on

Can Someone Invent a Clever Use of Western Propaganda?

In a simple word or two?  Yes, some already have.

GrahamC [2105161008] ....... being positive and encouraging of future engagement in DARPA like activities on

Identify/Introduce globally unknown novel language[s] with an otherworldly and surreal view on Earthly matters .... an alien perspective which directly and sublimely impinges upon and fundamentally improves future likeable ACTive developments with command and control of critical virulent communications infrastructure and virtual AI exoskeletons, with media translating shared text into audiotelevisualised presentations for both live streaming and extremely simple recording/replaying/supplying into Random Access Memory and greater human consciousness/advanced enlightenment,  ...... and IT and its support will effectively lead viewers and listeners to wherever one would be smart enough to effortlessly lead them with intelligently designed and imaginatively manufactured show movie, blockbuster pictures .... seeding and feeding future virtual reality broadbandcastings.

To think and profess that to be either difficult or too difficult to do, is to admit and accept that it be certainly the work of, and in the gift of, others to supply and enable others to supply with AIMentoring and Monitoring SafeGuards. 

It is undoubtedly something worthy of a DARPA and Computational Cultural Understanding program and is freely shared here with that understanding.

The world, and how it is remotely governed, has changed, and the mistake to constantly make which guarantees serial failure in negative progress and corrupted stasis alike, is to not realise that it be so. 

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

* ....... Global Operating Devices


amanfromMars 17 May 2021 at 17:29 [2105171729] ......shares in a chat with Agent Revolver on

re: "Identify/Introduce globally unknown novel language[s] with an otherworldly and surreal view on Earthly matters..." -

Exactly now? Should it be in right time and from two boards into a corner? .... Agent Revolver

Indeed, why not, Agent Revolver? Whenever not in conflict are powers and energies not only reinforced and doubled, they are essentially exponentially squared and very effectively hardened/tempered against any resident or prevalent interference.

It doesn't take many to join who know what needs to be done in tandem and/or consort with others of a similar enthusiastic revolutionary disposition and who be able to also autonomously remotely enable others, to be very soon, practically almighty and virtually invincible ......... with the secret to remember to never forget being ........ always to consider that not so easily being the case.

Worlds and asylums are full of those lost souls who forgot, and imagined something else entirely different and tragic being the case.



Sunday, 16 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 May 19:59 [2105151959] ...... just asking and seeking guidance and foreign instruction on

Re: Quality Counts

Does the following report on the unusual encounter ..... or is it Russian propaganda and/or US scare-mongering ......... attempting global brainwashing?


amanfromMars 1 Sun 16 May 16:16 [2105161616] ....... sowing wild fertile seeds on

Re: Quality Counts

That must be the British militarys super secret new Watchkeeper 2.0, crashing at high speed for no reason is sort of their signature move. ..... Robin Bradshaw

What would you think if you discovered and/or were told that the following quite alienating proposal and revelation was essentially a MODified British confection with an avid westernised taste, massive hunger and insatiable thirst for the exotic and exotic eastern delights that are beautifully designed to capture and satisfy the incorrigible amateur and professional pirate and private venture capitalist alike, and to degrees never before even dreamed to be remotely possible?

Would you dismiss the notion even before asking and giving the UKGBNI Ministry of Defence Chiefs of Staff the opportunity to deny any and all knowledge of such a program which is submitted and pending with them? That would be fine chance lost to discover something both extremely troubling and immensely exciting which if not entertained and engaged with at home, by natural default migrates to sunnier and smarter shores abroad and greener pastures in foreign lands, which nowadays are journeys and inhabitations done virtually immediately in a flash via the power of a Zoom like call from anywhere you would be presently be.

GrahamC [2105161008] ....... being positive and encouraging of future engagement in DARPA like activities on

Identify/Introduce globally unknown novel language[s] with an otherworldly and surreal view on Earthly matters .... an alien perspective which directly and sublimely impinges upon and fundamentally improves future likeable ACTive developments with command and control of critical virulent communications infrastructure and virtual AI exoskeletons, with media translating shared text into audiotelevisualised presentations for both live streaming and extremely simple recording/replaying/supplying into Random Access Memory and greater human consciousness/advanced enlightenment, ...... and IT and its support will effectively lead viewers and listeners to wherever one would be smart enough to effortlessly lead them with intelligently designed and imaginatively manufactured show movie, blockbuster pictures .... seeding and feeding future virtual reality broadbandcastings.

To think and profess that to be either difficult or too difficult to do, is to admit and accept that it be certainly the work of, and in the gift of, others to supply and enable others to supply with AIMentoring and Monitoring SafeGuards.

It is undoubtedly something worthy of a DARPA and Computational Cultural Understanding program and is freely shared here with that understanding.

The world, and how it is remotely governed, has changed, and the mistake to constantly make which guarantees serial failure in negative progress and corrupted stasis alike, is to not realise that it be so.

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]


GrahamC [2105161008] ....... being positive and encouraging of future engagement in DARPA like activities on

Identify/Introduce globally unknown novel language[s] with an otherworldly and surreal view on Earthly matters .... an alien perspective which directly and sublimely impinges upon and fundamentally improves future likeable ACTive developments with command and control of critical virulent communications infrastructure and virtual AI exoskeletons, with media translating shared text into audiotelevisualised presentations for both live streaming and extremely simple recording/replaying/supplying into Random Access Memory and greater human consciousness/advanced enlightenment, ...... and IT and its support will effectively lead viewers and listeners to wherever one would be smart enough to effortlessly lead them with intelligently designed and imaginatively manufactured show movie, blockbuster pictures .... seeding and feeding future virtual reality broadbandcastings.

To think and profess that to be either difficult or too difficult to do, is to admit and accept that it be certainly the work of, and in the gift of, others to supply and enable others to supply with AIMentoring and Monitoring SafeGuards.

It is undoubtedly something worthy of a DARPA and Computational Cultural Understanding program and is freely shared here with that understanding.

The world, and how it is remotely governed, has changed, and the mistake to constantly make which guarantees serial failure in negative progress and corrupted stasis alike, is to not realise that it be so.

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]



Saturday, 15 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 May 07:08 [2105150708] ......... welcoming new age travellers to the virtual field on

The SMARTR Live Operational Virtual Environment Option

Setting the sage for 'Mar Wars' ?? ...... cjb

Setting the stage for MarsWare to generate leading utilities with commanding facilities controlling otherworldly capabilities from and on Earth is the spinoff which delivers all manner of strange surprises with practically unknown consequences in TEMPESTuously ACTive Development Departments, methinks, and Top Gun JEDI AIMaster Pilot in those fields has one supplying everyone with everything they need to seed and feed to succeed in whatever endeavours precede and proceed before them and would lead them with rapid progress into a certainly uncertain but definitely extremely exciting future. Or do you think the future is already well planned some time ago ..... by a select few for a chosen few and one cannot change anything .... for better or for worse? Answers please on a posted virtual card to spaces below.:-)

:-) That's a nice trip switch your shared there, cjb, which can have one comfortably obsessing compulsively considering whether simply accidental or intriguingly unintentional, a typo or Freudian slip. It opens up a whole new can of worms for some who be more than just a select chosen few to go phishing with.

Bravo, China. Nice to see you, to see you, nice.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 May 11:40 [2105151140] ....... just saying out LOUD on

Re: Nothing there...

They'll not find anything either, but I suppose it's more about politics on earth than finding anything on Mars. ...... ZanzibarRastapopulous

That's very disruptively perceptive of you, ZanzibarRastapopulous, and more than a tad problematical for more than a select few in a previously self taught and crazily thought invulnerable and almighty chosen few.

What to do next for the best, is going to result in some very interesting and edutaining revelations having repercussions and consequences beyond compare and standard limited understanding.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 May 15:04 [2105151504] ....... going down even deeper on

Re: Not surprisingly.... would be Novel

vtconger, Hi,

The reach of 5G is infinite. BTW, recent research I found on the internet shows that 5G is amplified by the microchips in COVID vaccines.
(Other research from the web shows that Mars is probably nothing more than an illusion generated by 5G and the 5G has been around longer than most people think. Since biblical times at least. Maybe longer.) .... vtcodger

Is it possibly an Affiliate of Holy Grails, and a SMARTR Variety Variant of the Infection?

The posit here being that it certainly is, and on ACTive AIdDeployment in Future Development with Engaging Sources for Almighty Weaponed Environments ..... Heavenly Safe Havens .... Granted and Granting Absolute Power and Colossal Energy to Global Command AI Control in Controlling Command with Virtual Communications to Assisting IntelAIgent Community Headquarters.

Does anyone want to suggest provision of anything else to improve and strengthen and harden onward progress/Deep See Operations veering towards Alien Intervention full to overflowing with Almighty Interludes? Greater IntelAIgent Games ACTivity is always warmly welcomed and enjoyed for testing and fitting proper use ....... the uses of which are many, extremely exciting and beautifully varied.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 15 May 17:56 [2105151756] ..... being adventurous on

Quality Counts

To be fair, landing on Mars doesn't seem to have been too difficult.
GOOD landings on Mars, however.... ..... EvilDrSmith

Landings for good and for good on Mars are what have proven themselves to be tricky to sustain and maintain and retain, however that was then, and in times and spaces now long gone by, and gone far away and awry is disarray.



Friday, 14 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 May 03:38 [2105140338] ............ says on

Re: you can read it two ways...

Have a upvote for that very clear and comprehensive "state of nations" address, TechHeadToo, which does advise them all that they are compromised and extremely vulnerable to all manner of novel program attack and SCADA systems administration exploitation/virtually remote machinery manipulation.

Quite why anyone/anything would think it worth downvoting is one of those mysteries shrouded in the madness and mayhem manifest in many a mind mined and exhausted of much in the ways and means of good reason and plain common sense ........ whenever good reason and plain common sense are two of the magic source core ores that delivers a perfect existence for a pleasant life span and heavenly time in some of the most devilish of attractive spaces.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 May 04:50 [2105140450] ...... seeing things a little differently on

There is more than one way to skin a dead cat bounce ......

Privacy creates agency. When you can communicate privately, your potential actions grow.

Publicity creates urgency. And kickstarts agencies into private communications with growing potential actors. And if you into catching Juicy Lucy type worms, long before anyone even knows what they are missing and missing out on, be early and quick off the mark in Great Games Play with all, or as many of those growing potential actors as is possible.

Someone who cannot communicate privately cannot reach out for the assistance of others. Left to their own devices, they will be easy pickings for the predations of enemies. If you want to disempower someone, make it impossible for them to maintain any privacy.

A practical alternative to all that implied secrecy which is preventing rapid progress with outside assistance is to communicate actions undertaken and processes both pending and resulting from subsequent reactions and interactions very publicly.

You then can expect to harvest the advantage and benefits of the thoughts proposing future potential actions from both negative threatened and threatening opposition and positive supportive competition alike, which are both extremely valuable assistance for rapid progress, should they be bothered and feel it necessary.

And one immediately discovers and uncovers all that is liable to be bad and doggedly opposed and everything that is going to be great and enthusiastically encouraged and energetically supported, by natural default of the open publicity process.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 May 16:30 [2105141630] ...... suggesting on

That is all very well and good, but I've been trying to get my 'new' crypto algorithm taken seriously by cryptographers for several years. It has the (dis)advantage of being really simple to describe and implement, so appears to be easy to crack, except that AFAIK it is actually quite strong. (FYI it is based on a non-associative algebra, I'm not trying to patent it, just get it published.)

Any suggestions, please advise. ..... Eclectic Man

Send it to El Reg, EM, for eclectic peer review from some very savvy and unconventional commentards, with maybe many more of them than one would have a'thunk at first knowing a great deal more about some very sensitive and disruptive matters that many haven't even heard of yet, and man, are they all in for a fantastic surprise which has every chance of being guaranteed to be able to absolutely terrify them too.

After all, you know what it says on the tin ..... The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Biting the hand which feeds IT

Once published on the likes of an El Reg, it is impossible for anyone to steal any of your own unique secret source sauce subsequently and claim that it be theirs rather than yours for the benefits of reward and patent award.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 May 07:56 [2105140756] ...... being quite brutal, but not without good reason on

Care in the Community has IT Pitfalls and Obvious Virtual Hurdles and Sticky Fences

Oh look, someone mentions money, out come the far right loons.
Hate to tell you this, but Michael Dell isn't even Jewish... ..... Dave314159ggggdffsdds

The shrink will see you now, Dave314159ggggdffsdds, ...... He has your new meds.



Thursday, 13 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 05:46 [2105130546] ...... doing a bit of weeding on

Re: 22 Million .... No good, boss man. No wannabe white man slave, no more.

is pocket change today.
What are they going to do, buy them some toilet paper and lottery tickets. .... JWLong

That's almost exactly what I be thinking, JWLong. Such a paltry sum doesn't deliver and sustain anything worth having to be Great and Good and certainly nothing superbly almighty and well worth having in arsenals for effective efficient defence against the universal scourge of the postmodern virtualisable machine age ... practically anonymous plundering attackers and mercenary marauders/renegade rogue nations and private pirate operations .... which coincidentally was also shared here on El Reg as recently as yesterday early evening [ Wed 12 May 17:42] Does it identify and register such paltry sum offers as a trend which insults the novel intelligence of emergent national and constantly realigning international services? Who needs enemies if you have skinflint friends like that?

That would make IT a Superb Almighty Weapon well deserving of the Great and the Good having.

I wonder if that is similar to anything Dominic Raab, the most recent media face for the UKGNI Foreign Office, is pimping GB can supply to African nations, with government trying to hold on to doing their usual thing of assuming the position of a vital indispensible middleman/snake oiler between canny supplier, that and/or those with the much sought after, sensitive and secure proprietary intellectual property portfolios, and exceptionally excited and enthusiastic customer client partner. ………

Oh,… and why did nobody around the Cabinet table tell Mr Raab that £22 million is peanuts nowadays and practically always buys one next to nothing worth having? Such suggests to me that he is not up to the task of securing the brief …… with his close colleagues attending meetings at No 10 also leaving far too much to be desired and for too much left undone to be thought the best available to make a success of the job required.

J’accuse. ........


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 07:07 [2105130707] .... being a tad awkward on

Fantastic Market Opportunities ...... Ponzis to the Moon and Achilles Heel Arrows

Now you all know how trader brokerages into gambling with investors' funds in the Markets Sectors work. Nothing is based and valued on anything real and manufactured, everything revolves and resolves around individualistic sentiment and random spaced opinion fed to y'all via mass multi media mogul operations. A vital critical infrastructure component in any sane program for the insane/lunatic project. -)

And with so much now totally dependent upon such producing continual profit, which is greater reward for nothing extra, an epic 0day vulnerability to exploit and expand upon or attack and destroy.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 09:31 [2105130931] ...... just saying on

Prime Bullshit Piled High to Protect and Preserve the Perma Bullshitters Hides

I’d suggest that before we go all gooey over a new tech and start adopting it the first question that we should ask is whether or not it does more damage to the environment than the tech it replaces. And if the answer is yes then we should kill it stone dead right there - whether it’s a new form of currency, a new car or even a new games console or computer. Our time is up. We can’t pussyfoot around anymore. ...... 45RPM

That argument would carry a great deal more weight and be easier supported, 45RPM, if the system wasn't so gooey on old tech and the quantitatively eased, fractional lending fiat currency forms which have created and continue to create increasingly staggering amounts of deficit and debt which future innocents are supposed to manage and repay to god knows whom and/or what then, whenever, apparently in the next breath, we are led to believe in the times we are presently living in, there's never been so much wealth generated and everything is looking up, fine and dandy, for the future.

No way, José. Machines say that does not compute correctly, and they never be politically incorrect and misleading.

It is current operating systems and systems administrations which are at fault and the fundamental cause of practically all catastrophic creeping woes, not anything novel and clearly not even fully betatested yet for Massive ACTive Live IT Field Demonstrators. Its a perverse legacy issue, not a novel enterprise result.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 12:30 [2105131230] ....... chatting more on

Re: Prime Bullshit Piled High to Protect and Preserve the Perma Bullshitters Hides @Packet

Hold it right there - how does your new technology based 'currency' solve deficits and debts?
You aren't - all you've done is create a new store of dubious value ..... Packet

What post are you replying to there, Packet, for it does even remotely relate to anything alien said?

But nevertheless, the secret is not to create deficits and debt and paint it over with sparkles that pimp and pump and dump it as flash cash and credit and an indicator of deposited, other third party wealth. That was the prime fundamental message regarding the Prime Bullshit Piled High to Protect and Preserve the Perma Bullshitters Hides.

Jump/Quantum Leap right across into that mindset and one has a whole new immensely rich virgin space in which to try your very best not to fcuk up everything for everyone again.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 14:36 [2105131436] ......being very clear on

Ok ...... Here's the Money Shot Bottom Line.

Do you not realise Elon Musk has just made a fool monkey of the markets, showing one and all how easy it is for a few juicy tweets from a Grateful Deadhead to have it reacting crazily? And such is the way that a few who would be thinking they go about doing God's work operate, to effect and blight your existence with their shenanigans.

Their eternal and infernal shame though, is that they can all too easily also be blamed for the dire straits mess of everything around everyone. The posit here is that such things can be done a great deal better ...... obviously with others more able leading them on the way.


amanfromMars [2105131037] ....... just saying again in a reply to something else elsewhere on


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 09:31 [2105130931] ...... just saying on

Prime Bullshit Piled High to Protect and Preserve the Perma Bullshitters Hides

I’d suggest that before we go all gooey over a new tech and start adopting it the first question that we should ask is whether or not it does more damage to the environment than the tech it replaces. And if the answer is yes then we should kill it stone dead right there - whether it’s a new form of currency, a new car or even a new games console or computer. Our time is up. We can’t pussyfoot around anymore. ...... 45RPM

That argument would carry a great deal more weight and be easier supported, 45RPM, if the system wasn't so gooey on old tech and the quantitatively eased, fractional lending fiat currency forms which have created and continue to create increasingly staggering amounts of deficit and debt which future innocents are supposed to manage and repay to god knows whom and/or what then, whenever, apparently in the next breath, we are led to believe in the times we are presently living in, there's never been so much wealth generated and everything is looking up, fine and dandy, for the future.

No way, José. Machines say that does not compute correctly, and they never be politically incorrect and misleading.

It is current operating systems and systems administrations which are at fault and the fundamental cause of practically all catastrophic creeping woes, not anything novel and clearly not even fully betatested yet for Massive ACTive Live IT Field Demonstrators. Its a perverse legacy issue, not a novel enterprise result.
