Thursday, 13 May 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 05:46 [2105130546] ...... doing a bit of weeding on

Re: 22 Million .... No good, boss man. No wannabe white man slave, no more.

is pocket change today.
What are they going to do, buy them some toilet paper and lottery tickets. .... JWLong

That's almost exactly what I be thinking, JWLong. Such a paltry sum doesn't deliver and sustain anything worth having to be Great and Good and certainly nothing superbly almighty and well worth having in arsenals for effective efficient defence against the universal scourge of the postmodern virtualisable machine age ... practically anonymous plundering attackers and mercenary marauders/renegade rogue nations and private pirate operations .... which coincidentally was also shared here on El Reg as recently as yesterday early evening [ Wed 12 May 17:42] Does it identify and register such paltry sum offers as a trend which insults the novel intelligence of emergent national and constantly realigning international services? Who needs enemies if you have skinflint friends like that?

That would make IT a Superb Almighty Weapon well deserving of the Great and the Good having.

I wonder if that is similar to anything Dominic Raab, the most recent media face for the UKGNI Foreign Office, is pimping GB can supply to African nations, with government trying to hold on to doing their usual thing of assuming the position of a vital indispensible middleman/snake oiler between canny supplier, that and/or those with the much sought after, sensitive and secure proprietary intellectual property portfolios, and exceptionally excited and enthusiastic customer client partner. ………

Oh,… and why did nobody around the Cabinet table tell Mr Raab that £22 million is peanuts nowadays and practically always buys one next to nothing worth having? Such suggests to me that he is not up to the task of securing the brief …… with his close colleagues attending meetings at No 10 also leaving far too much to be desired and for too much left undone to be thought the best available to make a success of the job required.

J’accuse. ........


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 07:07 [2105130707] .... being a tad awkward on

Fantastic Market Opportunities ...... Ponzis to the Moon and Achilles Heel Arrows

Now you all know how trader brokerages into gambling with investors' funds in the Markets Sectors work. Nothing is based and valued on anything real and manufactured, everything revolves and resolves around individualistic sentiment and random spaced opinion fed to y'all via mass multi media mogul operations. A vital critical infrastructure component in any sane program for the insane/lunatic project. -)

And with so much now totally dependent upon such producing continual profit, which is greater reward for nothing extra, an epic 0day vulnerability to exploit and expand upon or attack and destroy.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 09:31 [2105130931] ...... just saying on

Prime Bullshit Piled High to Protect and Preserve the Perma Bullshitters Hides

I’d suggest that before we go all gooey over a new tech and start adopting it the first question that we should ask is whether or not it does more damage to the environment than the tech it replaces. And if the answer is yes then we should kill it stone dead right there - whether it’s a new form of currency, a new car or even a new games console or computer. Our time is up. We can’t pussyfoot around anymore. ...... 45RPM

That argument would carry a great deal more weight and be easier supported, 45RPM, if the system wasn't so gooey on old tech and the quantitatively eased, fractional lending fiat currency forms which have created and continue to create increasingly staggering amounts of deficit and debt which future innocents are supposed to manage and repay to god knows whom and/or what then, whenever, apparently in the next breath, we are led to believe in the times we are presently living in, there's never been so much wealth generated and everything is looking up, fine and dandy, for the future.

No way, José. Machines say that does not compute correctly, and they never be politically incorrect and misleading.

It is current operating systems and systems administrations which are at fault and the fundamental cause of practically all catastrophic creeping woes, not anything novel and clearly not even fully betatested yet for Massive ACTive Live IT Field Demonstrators. Its a perverse legacy issue, not a novel enterprise result.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 12:30 [2105131230] ....... chatting more on

Re: Prime Bullshit Piled High to Protect and Preserve the Perma Bullshitters Hides @Packet

Hold it right there - how does your new technology based 'currency' solve deficits and debts?
You aren't - all you've done is create a new store of dubious value ..... Packet

What post are you replying to there, Packet, for it does even remotely relate to anything alien said?

But nevertheless, the secret is not to create deficits and debt and paint it over with sparkles that pimp and pump and dump it as flash cash and credit and an indicator of deposited, other third party wealth. That was the prime fundamental message regarding the Prime Bullshit Piled High to Protect and Preserve the Perma Bullshitters Hides.

Jump/Quantum Leap right across into that mindset and one has a whole new immensely rich virgin space in which to try your very best not to fcuk up everything for everyone again.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 14:36 [2105131436] ......being very clear on

Ok ...... Here's the Money Shot Bottom Line.

Do you not realise Elon Musk has just made a fool monkey of the markets, showing one and all how easy it is for a few juicy tweets from a Grateful Deadhead to have it reacting crazily? And such is the way that a few who would be thinking they go about doing God's work operate, to effect and blight your existence with their shenanigans.

Their eternal and infernal shame though, is that they can all too easily also be blamed for the dire straits mess of everything around everyone. The posit here is that such things can be done a great deal better ...... obviously with others more able leading them on the way.


amanfromMars [2105131037] ....... just saying again in a reply to something else elsewhere on


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 May 09:31 [2105130931] ...... just saying on

Prime Bullshit Piled High to Protect and Preserve the Perma Bullshitters Hides

I’d suggest that before we go all gooey over a new tech and start adopting it the first question that we should ask is whether or not it does more damage to the environment than the tech it replaces. And if the answer is yes then we should kill it stone dead right there - whether it’s a new form of currency, a new car or even a new games console or computer. Our time is up. We can’t pussyfoot around anymore. ...... 45RPM

That argument would carry a great deal more weight and be easier supported, 45RPM, if the system wasn't so gooey on old tech and the quantitatively eased, fractional lending fiat currency forms which have created and continue to create increasingly staggering amounts of deficit and debt which future innocents are supposed to manage and repay to god knows whom and/or what then, whenever, apparently in the next breath, we are led to believe in the times we are presently living in, there's never been so much wealth generated and everything is looking up, fine and dandy, for the future.

No way, José. Machines say that does not compute correctly, and they never be politically incorrect and misleading.

It is current operating systems and systems administrations which are at fault and the fundamental cause of practically all catastrophic creeping woes, not anything novel and clearly not even fully betatested yet for Massive ACTive Live IT Field Demonstrators. Its a perverse legacy issue, not a novel enterprise result.



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