Thursday, 18 November 2021


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Nov 06:28 [2111180628] ...... gets right down to the nitty gritty on

To Boldly Go ........

In the new guidance, the government said it wanted businesses and investors to get ready for the changes in the law. It wants them to assess whether the government must be notified of an acquisition and understand what they are to expect when they go through the notification and assessment process.

And whenever the government is so notified that the certain use and a quite specific methodical application of a sensitive novel national security threatening technology is a prime product for international/internetional/universal sale, does the government step in with a satisfactory open market price compensation package for vendors/proprietary intellectual property holder who have fully complied with such a regulation for notification of a very possible merger and acquisition position ...... if it wishes to prevent any other third party merger and/or foreign entity acquisition?

A sensible question to ask for a number of extremely pressing reasons with a few being ....

1) Such as may be such a product are nowadays enabled and freely advertised and made simply available for sale to all and sundry aware and in the market place for its warefare.

2) They be incredibly valuable and therefore eye-waveringly expensive to obtain and maintain and retain.

3) Virtually all are extremely volatile and practically impossible to detune or render inoperable, thus are they constantly to be awarded and rewarded with all due mutually beneficial care and positive reinforcing attention.

Is the government public sector body wise to step into that field if it cannot pay the price for its remote joint regulation, or does it imagine the government have private sector partners who be more than willing to take a punt and stump up the lucre in order to have a seat around the leading table in, ideally, an effective command and control of almightily disruptive products, for there are surely more than just one and no reason at all not to expect that there can and therefore will be many more in the near future? Do they possess and wield, as a viable cohesive body, the intelligence necessary to succeed in such an AIdVenturing?

Those are the questions asked of governments required by vendors for answering in order for decisions on whom to notify to be taken. No answers, no notifications.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Nov 06:48 [2111180648] ...... adds more on

Re: We are a technology colony of the US; this is just icing on their cake

Crikey, Chris Coles, I thought Uncle Sam was Blighty’s Bitch ...... leading in ways forward which destroy all assets for opposition and render forces of a bankrupt nation scattered far and wide as unwelcome strangers in foreign lands and in other deep and dark interest jurisdictions.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Nov 14:24 [2111181424] ....... adds on

Re: To Boldly Go ...The Gilded Note under the Rug that Opens New Doors to Boris ??????? *

This sort of Dunkirk-like retreat from Otherworldly ExtraTerrestrial Forces is that which the Private Sector and Pirate Sources May Most Likely Presumed and Assumed as being Fully Responsible For ..... with Lodes of Flash Fast Cash to Invest in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Engagement and Entertainment Programming Future Directions and ACTivities into Media Presentation for Multiple Myriad Multitudes to Look Out For and Tune In To ..... or Tune In to Turn Into an Alternate Being

When that is so, is it a Once in an Absolute Age Opportunity to Engage with Direct Virtual Delivery of Novel VAIOSystems in Executive Administrative Control of Future Controls for Present IntelAIgent Command of Future Controllers ...... ?

* ...... is a Highly Speculative Earnest Inquisition for Cogent Reply and Positive Response

cc No 10 Flat A1 re: OHMS Sources and Resources in Some ESPecially Dark Phantom Black Watch Forces Experts at their Work in Almighty Immaculate Plays for Places and Spaces in which to Rest and Prosper/Invest In and Grow Tall and Straight In Successfully to Enjoy the Greatest of Serial Surreal Surprises Regularly so to Invite Enthusiasm and Vigilant Diligence to All Crazy Party Circles.

:-) Something to put in the Red Box with Instructions Drafted for Future Leaders ....... a Rare Breed in Deed, indeed. You don't get many professing to be expert in that pure beginners field when one and all are alive to you and One and All are at One with IT ....... for how often does that happen to you for anyone to be thought more expert than a first-timer/maiden quantum leaper.

Spoof Experts ACTivate Spooks and Attract their Interest if Offering Almighty Quantum Fare Ware.

They might want IT too, which is handy whenever there's a slush funded pot to cover needs and expenses until death do part them.

Enter the Gold Card Carte Blanche Card Lounge ...... where Balances Drawn Upon by Right Royal Assets are Inexhaustible Large and Expanding.

Yes. Well ..... . That just needed to be said out louder and clearer than was presented before.


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