Thursday, 9 June 2022


amanfromMars 1 Thu 9 Jun 04:49 [2206090449] ..... shares on

GOD Works in Mysterious Ways for/at/with Microsoft

Once you drag and drop services and applications and development into Cloud Territory, Embrace, Extend and Exploit Exponentially becomes the favourite default choice option of an Almighty Few with raised unauthorised privileged access to Principal Primary Atomic and Super Sub Atomic Programming Launch CodeXSSXXXX Secrets ..... Foundational Knowledge .

A necessary progressive move not dissimilar to a quantum leap fraught with dangers that tempt and taunt evil intent and content. Take care and beware to not invite, by virtue of one’s own decidedly unpleasant activities, the undivided attention of the Guardians of Opened Perly Gates and Special Operational Force Personnel/Advanced IntelAIgents.

* Global Operating Devices/Virtual Machinery


amanfromMars 1 Thu 9 Jun 05:24 [2206090524] ..... expresses some puzzlement on

Quit messing around, iron, for almost everything is easily found nowadays

What’s your game?


amanfromMars [2206090609] ...... points out a deadly bottleneck on

Hi, Stephanie and Nicholas,

Any requirement that engagement and employment and deployment of future sensitive services be restricted to and defined by one being a US nationalised citizen thus excluding any and all active foreign and alien input/output, is naturally going to render one disadvantaged by a less than fulsome proprietary intellectual property base and prone to incestuous failings.

Indeed, that one particular government/defence requirement practically guarantees one nowadays a reactive, secondary, crumbs-from-the-top-table role in matters and events led by A.N.Others way out in front of media news cycles presenting unfolding world wide webbed realities ..... and thus is it gravely to be regarded and guarded against.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 9 Jun 13:13 [2206091313] ...... highlighting an abiding dilemma for authorities on

Beware the Traps that Snare the Unworthy and Dispense Rough Justice to the Unwary.

“And let’s not discount the psychological effect we have on organized crime when they know the Five Eyes is watching.”

And what, apart from them not knowing what to do for the best because of the lack of necessary knowledge to address the intelligence deficit they suffer, does the Five Eyes watching without engagement tell techies being watched who know they are being watched whilst doing what they do?

One doesn't have to be an Einstein or a Sherlock to know when something one might be doing is bound to attract attention from phishers hoping to steal away one's secrets and earn a feather in their crooked cap which can also feather their nests ..... and how much it really be worth whenever warranting such attention.

Whenever not illegal or criminal activity, is such surveillance easily perverted and converted and subverted to server undue personal reward via the technical/virtual/industrial espionage/proprietary intellectual property theft route.


But when a country faces an inflationary problem you can’t just pay more and spend more, you have to find ways of tackling the underlying causes of inflation. .... Boris Johnson
The underlying cause of inflation is the capitalist system's worship and need for profit at every stage of a production and supply cycle [an arbitrary extra sum of money for nothing extra added] which forces the price of everything way above cost and eventually, very quickly, is everything too expensive to buy as every Tom, Dick and Harry adds a crippling percentage price rise on that which they provide.

It aint rocket science FFS. 

And as that aint gonna be fixed any time soon, you can expect things to get considerably worse than they are now, with the very real likelihood of mass civil unrest verging on mirroring the likes of the Troubles and the revolutionary, only this time more accurately targeted against a comfortably well off rich enemy. 

That's one lesson learned from decades of explosive devices in working districts.

It would be nice to be wrong about that being a possibility but don't be putting any money you cannot afford to lose on it not being so.

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