Saturday, 28 January 2023


amanfromMars 1 Sat 28 Jan 09:31 [2301280931] ..... shares on

Re: I hope they won't participate - thin edge of the wedge here

I'm inclined to believe that it's more than that. Once China become dominant in anything, they are going to start weaponizing them .... tooltalk

I’m disinclined to believe that, tooltalk, given the catastrophic problems, with no easy painless solutions, which such an action to dominate markets and populations is causing Uncle Sam to do vain battle against enemies of its own phantom invention in order to try to help preserve an obviously rapidly failing inequitable and indefensible dominant position.

And against smarter competition as they may have classified as state enemies of capital domination, aware of such as are the Uncle Sam and western puppet regime machine’s systemic catastrophic vulnerabilities for exploitation and export, is the future result never ever going to be as was/is usually traditionally expected in favour of the status quo.

The only really valid question to ask of Wild Wacky Western leaderships [and there’s a prime oxymoron if ever there was one] is ....... How incredibly painful are you going to make future showdown solutions for yourselves and populations you are misrepresenting and defrauding?

Another leading question to realistically fear being asked far too often anywhere to be ignored or denied mainstream media coverage is how would you expect misrepresented and defrauded populations to view and react to their leaderships? Would it be expected to be usual and traditional? What would that be? Would it be more than just troubling‽ .

Future time in the likes of this place and these engaging spaces will tell us of the subsequent tale and the trails thereafter followed by leaderships. That is at least one thing you can be almost quite certain of, methinks? :-)


amanfromMars 1 Sat 28 Jan 10:24 [2301281024] ....... airing alternative news on

More Disinformation

The IRA is a Russian troll farm charged with interfering in the 2016 presidential election and is thought to have helped Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton, and Prigozhin was the alleged money man behind the operation.

Here's another take on 2016 presidential election interference ..... .... which offers a completely different picture on who/what was responsible for Hillary Clinton's defeat?



Anonymous said...

Hi Mars,
is this stuff real ?

Or is it a KGB disinfo campagin ?

best regards

German Friend

amanfromMars said...

Given the content, Deutscher Freund/Deutsche Freundin, and starring performers/presenters, much more likely a viral Microsoft campaign and Gates Way Project.

And something which if ever true, would be perfectly ideal for a novel atypical SinoSoviet information campaign against which there may be zero defences.