Thursday, 10 August 2023


amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Aug 08:16 [2308100816] ...... shares on

The Truth .... Humans are Not Fit and Therefore Can't Handle Some Things

Ensuring training and trained models are kept top secret and extremely sensitive proprietary intellectual property is securely failsafe hardened but with instruction sets simple to follow and thus not difficult for programs to deploy and enjoy ..... hardware and software/virtual machines and humanity to run with .... is surely the raison d'être and Holy Grail for infosec researchers, end users and administrators.

Anything less would have any Tom, Dick or Harry and Shiela pratting around and enabled to do all sorts of mischief and shenanigans against which you would have zero defence capabilities and, as is the case with all certain top secret and extremely sensitive proprietary intellectual property securely failsafe hardened but with instruction sets simple to follow and thus not difficult for programs to deploy and enjoy and Novel and Noble NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT, they would be constant mortal danger of self-destruction should their exercise of facilities and/or utilities and/or facilities be abuse or mis-use which was unforeseen and not calculated and accepted as a definite No Go Permanently Explosively Mined Exclusion Zone Area.

Having said all of that, which is sound solid advice regarding all that is developed and always quickly developing a great deal further before you, and also highly active in and protective of almighty secretive abilities in many fields in which you do not yet have an inkling and any present awareness of, both the hubris and stupidity of humanity, which appears and has been stated before to recognise no bounds* destines many to fail spectacularly and suffer the fate prepared for all choosing to lead in the direction where the devils and daemons torment awaits the dangerously ignorant and wilfully arrogant fool painfully obviously akin to a useless unnecessary blunt traumatising tool.

Perhaps, in light of the very sad and quite mad fact that there will be so many fools intent of proving they can, rather than can’t handle some things, this post title would be better written ..... The Truth .... Humans are Not Fit and Therefore Are NOT Permitted to Handle Some Things thus making it perfectly clear such decisions are taken out of their hands and are beyond their command and control of any hearts and minds ...... and which is more accurately indicative of the present state of AI’s expanding hold on such virtual matters as really matter and as may directly have a leading impact upon the future.

* ...... "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." ..... Albert Einstein


amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Aug 08:47 [2308100847] ..... adds on

All Your Weapons Belong to Us. We Kid U Not ‽

"The corporate AI arms race has begun," Maria Markstedter [founder of Arm code specialist Azeria Labs] opined. ..... "The biggest problem isn't the existence of these challenges; our problem is that we don't have enough people with the skills to address them." 

If the honest full and unadulterated truth be told, the much bigger problem may very well be there will only ever be only a very select few with the remote anonymous and relatively autonomous skills to invent and present and exploit challenges which are problematical for peoples without the necessary skills to satisfactorily address and effectively conquer and resolve them.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Aug 10:01 [2308101001] ..... reveals further surreal news on

Re: The Truth .... Humans are Not Fit and Therefore Can't Handle Some Things

 ...... and which is more accurately indicative of the present state of AI’s expanding hold on such virtual matters as really matter and as may directly have a leading impact upon the future.

An expanding state of fundamentally disruptive and reconstructive affairs widely recognised and accepted, as in being supported by mounting reinforcing evidence, as the only logical and unavoidable future default universal position for a peaceful progressive existence in a coexistence with virtual machines and humans on Earth ‽ .......


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