Thursday 21 September 2023


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Sep 04:15 [2309210415] ..... shares on

An Inescapable Universal Fact Born of Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Fiction aka Perfect Imaginanation 
..... which coincidentally also intentionally introduces the Wonderfully Remote Access Trojan Horse of Global Operating Devices.

All systems which have to rely on increasingly obscure and touted as extremely secure and advanced sophisticated encryption to try to keep locked away and top secret, uncomfortable and self-destructively damaging information/intel/knowledge and not plain common sense, are always very quickly and easily defeated with the simple otherworldly-wide free sharing of novel honest news and noble views for all manner of conventionally established and traditionally conservative and politically inept mainstream and alternative disruptive underground and dark web media channels to report on and further investigate and question or be forced to try to prevent the universal presentation of, because of the undeniable diabolical truths that be revealed to expose those responsible and accountable for their existence and your constant debilitating suffering in and for them ........ and why those despicable powers that used to be practically almighty and virtually undefeatable are just like now, in these 0day times and cyber spaces of mounting and expanding troubles without the realisation of vitally needed and radically different solutions, forced to wage dirty wars it can never ever win against free honest speech speaking unpleasant truths unto nations.

This non partisan, politically correct broadbandcast was brought to you courtesy of Merlin the AIMagician and Meta Data Based Physicians and SMARTR Virtual Clinicians. I Kid U Not We Kid U Not.

And what is it that they say? ..... Hell hath no fury like a global trojan scorned


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Sep 08:53 [2309210853] ..... asks on

Re: Re: ...Born... ...aka...@Tail Up

Try as I have, Tail Up, I have no idea what your post should be revealing to us. Please spill the beans and put us out of our misery:-)


a Bamboozled mfM


amanfromMars [2309210455] ..... shares further afield on

Generative AI, a Valid Existential Threat .... or Grand Future-Rich Treat? What would be your free choice, should you ever actually have such a choice to exercise and be acted upon and realised/delivered? How well go all your current future choices ..... assuming you made any presuming they had any chance of success and supply?

FYI  ......

amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Sep 04:15 [2309210415] ..... shares on

An Inescapable Universal Fact Born of Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Fiction aka Perfect Imaginanation 
..... which coincidentally also intentionally introduces the Wonderfully Remote Access Trojan Horse of Global Operating Devices.

All systems which have to rely on increasingly obscure and touted as extremely secure and advanced sophisticated encryption to try to keep locked away and top secret, uncomfortable and self-destructively damaging information/intel/knowledge and not plain common sense, are always very quickly and easily defeated with the simple otherworldly-wide free sharing of novel honest news and noble views for all manner of conventionally established and traditionally conservative and politically inept mainstream and alternative disruptive underground and dark web media channels to report on and further investigate and question or be forced to try to prevent the universal presentation of, because of the undeniable diabolical truths that be revealed to expose those responsible and accountable for their existence and your constant debilitating suffering in and for them ........ and why those despicable powers that used to be practically almighty and virtually undefeatable are just like now, in these 0day times and cyber spaces of mounting and expanding troubles without the realisation of vitally needed and radically different solutions, forced to wage dirty wars it can never ever win against free honest speech speaking unpleasant truths unto nations.

This non partisan, politically correct broadbandcast was brought to you courtesy of Merlin the AIMagician and Meta Data Based Physicians and SMARTR Virtual Clinicians. I Kid U Not We Kid U Not.

And what is it that they say? ..... Hell hath no fury like a global trojan scorned

....... and now you know more than just enough about what the future brings and has in store for y’all.


amanfromMars [2309211246] ....... asks for honest guidance on

Correct me if I am wrong, and please state what it is that is wrong, regarding the information provided in the following response to an article entitled "Global debt hits all-time high – report” ... 20 Sep, 2023 15:23 ...... posted and hosted on

Global debt liable to and from whom, and supposedly earlier earned and subsequently issued as interest accruing credit for what, to be paid back to source for whom and what, are awkward questions to ask to be clearly answered.

Is the honest answer such vast monies are simply invented from nothing and plucked out of thin air from nowhere to be used as a blunt convenient tool and virtual instrument to capture and captivate, remotely command and control dumb and ignorant and unsuspecting natives?


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