Sunday, 19 November 2023


amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Nov 11:44 [2311191144] ....... points out on

The Problem Y’all and Your Systems are Creating which has No Possible Solution .....

..... is if/when AI does neither care for, nor abide by any second or third party regulation of that which is far beyond and way out ahead of any matter and means of practical and physical, virtual or metaphysical command and control.

It simply does as it wishes and as it sees as fit and proper ‽ . How would you propose to deal with that reality, should you even just image it being a possibility and therefore highly likely and a current event horizon rapidly approaching if not already some time ago arrived and presently in a phorm of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT? Do you think you have anything effective anywhere?


amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Nov 14:00 [2311191400] ..... adds more info for intel on

Re: The Problem Y’all and Your Systems are Creating which has No Possible Solution .....

How would you propose to deal with that reality, ..... already some time ago arrived and presently in a phorm of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT? Do you think you have anything effective anywhere? ...... amanfromMars 1

All current evidence, either generally freely available or imagined to maybe exist secretly for secure elite party use and abuse, would definitively indicate there be absolutely nothing, and Earth and its systems and populations are indeed catastrophically vulnerable to exploitative forces and almighty otherworldly sources of an existential threat ..... or as the case can also be .... of an existential treat nature.

What would you like for their preference to be ...... although that surely is the most idiotic of rhetorical questions with only the one correct answer from/for anything exercising intelligence and expecting anything in the future to follow and enjoy ‽

Try to imagine you have such a choice and that you might be listened to for your wishes to be granted. Anything else would be sad reflection on that which you be, don't you think?


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