Saturday, 10 February 2024


amanfromMars 1 Sat 10 Feb 04:58 [2402100458] ...... suggests on

Re: The rules and a very good, legitimate reason for breaking/ignoring them

Crooked rules lead earnest ignorant legislation to permit and support undesirable regulation overseeing the overlooking of dishonest and deadly practices which surprisingly quickly on the travels towards and in the travails near the end of their goals, suddenly and quite spontaneously without any evident prior warning, prove themselves to be for both regulator and supporter alike, catastrophically self-destructive. Thus are they gravely to be regarded and diligently avoided as if a plague.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 10 Feb 08:09 [2402100809] ....... shares on

Immaculately Resourced Assets BetaTesting Universal Virulent Forces

And they [any and all crooked rules] are also as a pressing spur empowering ennobling, overwhelmingly effective successful opposition and/or competition to/from otherworldly forces and sources drivering fundamental future regimental changes ........ although it is a fatal mistake to make and stupid folly to assume and presume the one requires the other if either dealing in, or dealing with, any or all of the New Troubles ahead ‽ .


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