Friday, 22 March 2024


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Mar 07:30 [2403220730] ...... shares on

Vapourware does not provide any realistic defence facilities

And pimping the defence of the indefensible with the reprehensible is a bottomless moneypit more than just suggesting a lack of native home intelligence and zero comprehension of the wider resultant consequences in airing such a vulnerability so easily exploited and expanded for all manner of novel anonymous second and third party advantage and functional gain.

Stupid is as stupid does though, and aint that a true fact that just cannot stop itself from constantly giving.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Mar 17:09 [2403221709] ...... points out on

Been there, done that some time ago. Have you forgotten already?

The resolution, which states it only addresses AI in the "non-military domain," also calls for establishment of a global consensus on what makes a safe, secure and trustworthy AI as well as the creation of international standards to that end.

Keeping IT really simple like ... Entertain No Evil ..... has everything relatively easily accomplished. Surely that is not too complicated to comprehend and work with?

Lame excuses for disagreement on a postcard please to El Reg, c/o Situation Publishing, 27-31 Clerkenwell Close, London, EC1R 0AT


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