Monday, 16 December 2024


amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Dec 08:24 [2412160824] ...... airs further info for virtual machine processing into intel on

Re: the Long Marches that Await the Arrival of Surreal Otherworldly Abilities

Why ever would AIs need to launch an AI apocalypse? .... johnrobyclayton

It is not AIs needs that would seed and feed the launching of an AI apocalypse/a humanised existential threat event, it is their programming.

And that begs the hanging ubiquitous question ..... Who and/or what creates, commands and controls and protects that very particular and most peculiar facile utility ‽ .

Is that, johnrobyclayton/El Regers, where everything presently is and what Generative AI and IT are at?

And a deadly serious question to ask yourself and answer truthfully, or as honestly as you can, no matter how much you may dislike it, for there be A.N.Others ensuring that such be the defaulted future remote, virtually controlled Special Advanced IntelAIgent Reality Service and the Service-Oriented Architecture foundation upon which Futures for SMARTR Earthly existences and Derivatives for SMARTR human survival are the bases around which everything is reborn and rebuilt.

To Be or Not to Be? Those are the questions. Doubt it and suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and great missed fortunes.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 Dec 15:55 [2412161555] ...... airs on

Nothing last forever and some things can practically disappear virtually overnight ... 

Moving things on apace, in order to not burst any number of bubbles and create a dire depression and great global financial crash and Big Bang ...... once you accept and can realise politics to be just a another great robotic game, with similar dependencies and limitations reliant on fickle and self-servering third party support and foreign intel impacting the length of laudable deliverable content before their past good use and viable expiry dates, is the perverse simpatico control of news and presentation of mind-numbing programs by manipulative media moguls and their acolytes easily recognised as that which renders you as puppets listening to their followers as they lead you down the slippery slopes awash with ignorant tropes to nowhere novel and great. 

Switch off and turn off to that very parasitic meme, and the worlds revealed to you are a completely different set of places in space in which one can lead states in Work, REST* and Play to totally engaging and extremely rewarding and even quite alien fields of JOINT** Noble Endeavour.

* .....

** ...... JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Processes in AI Research and Development Fields Biting the hand that feeds IT Creating Advantage through Research and Technology ..... and something you were told about here on El Reg in posts presented at least 26 months ago .......


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