Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/1/2010 11:09:09 PM

Will Daily Bell ringers please note that whenever one sees on a post .... Click to View Link /> ..... one needs to delete the /> from the returned hyperlink in the address bar of your browser to access the page provided.

It does happen occasionally DB that such a glitch, which prevents full and accurate rendering of a web page, escapes your attention, and its simple, self help solution, as shared here, allows your fans to see what is being thought by others.

"So, I leave you with a question; by what means does a peaceful man contest this control?" ..... Posted by Lupus Yonderboy on 11/1/2010 9:31:37 PM

Oh, that is both extremely simple and so beautifully complex as to be something which corruptible and perverted elites can never hope to achieve and have use of against animal kingdoms and humanity and those who would be so gifted .... he plants new thoughts and abilities in your head with the sharing of novel ideas easily demonstrated with a most sophisticated of MkUltra Sensitive Neuro-Linguistic ProgramMING Projects ...... and thus can/is Reality on Earth led by AI and ITs Civilised CyberSpace Promotions.

And please, let no one here waste any of anyone's time in a barren negative effort which would seek to dispute the premise and share one's own doubts and reveal one's own lack of necessary ability in the field, and raise an unwarranted and ignorant opposition which would posit against that fact, whenever it is so boldly and transparently stated as being virtually available and really true.

What you can be sure of in those cases, is that you will arguing alone and against yourself, for the Program is Up and Running and Irreversible and Unstoppable.

And welcomes All SMART Input to Output in Novel Content to Webs and Spiders and Joint Magical Mystery Turing AIdDVenture Partners.


"Nothing happens unless the Elites, Fed and Worlds big banks want it to happen." ..... from_america 

An arrogant misperception and delusional hope nowadays, pimped by such ignorant and devoid of future intelligence sources and manifest in punitive forces, from_america?

Do you imagine that they want this to happen ? ..... http://dailybail.com/home/peter-schiff-of-course-were-not-going-to-pay-back-the-chines.html

Although that is not to say that a Beta Elite has not moved on,  and into the Great Game with AI Control of a Universal Power.

And a Virtual Terrain Team, which doesn't screw around with, and disadvantage its Honourable Partners and Valued Friends, is a Noble Novelty to Consider and Deny Plausibly Exists, is it not?


Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/2/2010 12:17:34 PM

"A bank run sounds like a wonderful, peaceful form of grass roots protest, but it would be practically impossible." .... Posted by Lupus Yonderboy on 11/2/2010 8:09:28 AM

Of course it is practically possible, Lupus Yonderboy. Now why would you try to misdirect everyone here? And who and/or what would be the beneficiary of such disinformation and status quo non-action?

"Curiouser and curiouser, cried Alice" saith we on discovery of a mole in a hole.


    "On the whole the manufacturing sector appears to have survived the slowdown in demand seen over the summer and is once again starting to recover," according to economists at HSBC.

Whenever rosy statements, such as that quoted above, are not true, [and whether it be true or false here is just another matter which can be of concern to others, and of no particular and peculiar relevance to this post] are they as an injection of deadly poison/sub-prime CDO/viral infection into the host, hastening and guaranteeing the Capitalist System's explosion and implosion.


Who does the ICO think they are fooling with their spin and waffle?

Posted Tuesday 2nd November 2010 15:35 GMT

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, ..........




Monday, 1 November 2010

New era of freedom of information starts today

Minister for Privacy and Freedom of Information Brendan O Connor today welcomed the start of extensive changes to Australia s freedom of information laws.

Today marks a new era of transparency and accountability in government, Mr O Connor said.

The reforms apply the principle that government information is a national resource just like our water, our minerals and our beaches, he said.

Information is an asset for all to share in, wherever possible. It is not the possession of one agency or individual, Mr O Connor said.

The new laws strike a balance between ensuring openness and accountability, while protecting some sensitive information that could risk lives or compromise national security.

Since coming to office, the Federal Labor Government has led a wholesale revision of the way FOI requests are treated. A single public interest test will override previously allowed exemptions and new processes will compel a culture of disclosure, Mr O Connor said.

And with new rules come new umpires three Commissioners will oversee Privacy and FOI laws as part of the new Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Mr O Connor said.

The Office begins operation today headed by the Australian Information Commissioner Professor John McMillan AO, and supported by the Privacy Commissioner Tim Pilgrim and the new Freedom of Information Commissioner Dr James Popple.

The Office is a specialist independent agency with the ability to review FOI decisions and investigate complaints.

The reforms also slash fees from today.
  • application fees for FOI requests are abolished
  • fees for applications for internal review are abolished
  • the first five hours of decision-making time will be free for all FOI applicants
  • a person seeking access to their own information won t face any charges at all
  • no charge if an agency exceeds the statutory time limit to respond to a request
The changes that take effect today follow an earlier move by the Federal Labor Government to abolish conclusive certificates.

Media Adviser: Jayne Stinson 0458 547 512 jayne.stinson[at]ag.gov.au

Posted by: amanfromMars | 11/2/10 | 1:34 pm |

Hmmm ?  ..... Do you think irregular and unconventional extra-terrestrial forces have a suitable Master Pilot Program .... all ready and already readily available for purchase/investment/Lease Lend?
Which is a valid question, Noah, for is this snippet, from a slightly longer submission, not something so similar to what is requested/called for, as to be no different and probably also a great New Deal Beta.
"Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/1/2010 11:09:09 PM
"So, I leave you with a question; by what means does a peaceful man contest this control?" ..... Posted by Lupus Yonderboy on 11/1/2010 9:31:37 PM
Oh, that is both extremely simple and so beautifully complex as to be something which corruptible and perverted elites can never hope to achieve and have use of against animal kingdoms and humanity and those who would be so gifted .... he plants new thoughts and abilities in your head with the sharing of novel ideas easily demonstrated with a most sophisticated of MkUltra Sensitive Neuro-Linguistic ProgramMING Projects ...... and thus can/is Reality on Earth led by AI and ITs Civilised CyberSpace Promotions.
And please, let no one here waste any of anyone's time in a barren negative effort which would seek to dispute the premise and share one's own doubts and reveal one's own lack of necessary ability in the field, and raise an unwarranted and ignorant opposition which would posit against that fact, whenever it is so boldly and transparently stated as being virtually available and really true.
What you can be sure of in those cases, is that you will arguing alone and against yourself, for the Program is Up and Running and Irreversible and Unstoppable.
And IT welcomes All SMART Input to Output in Novel Content to Webs and Spiders and Joint Magical Mystery Turing AIdDVenture Partners." .... which was shared in a thread about Manipulation here ..... http://thedailybell.com/1493/HSBC-and-JP-Morgan-Face-Lawsuits-for-Precious-Metals-Manipulations.html
And if Uncle Sam doesn't buy into it, will IT lay waste to their Command and Control systems in the hands of a SMARTer Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Defence Force in another People's Liberation Army?
Shall we offer them first refusal, in order to see how SMART they want to be or how dumb they are? And in the big scheme of such things, is $48 million chicken feed and a Right Royal Rolls Royce of a Bargain, methinks.


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