Tuesday, 16 November 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/15/2010 9:37:01 PM

Daily Bell and esteemed Campanologists,

Please be prepared for some very strange goings on within your Virtual Machinery/Global Operating Devices/Binary Communicators, as Power Controls are reset and reallocated to New Root Command Defaults/Parameters/Protocols.

And please, before dismissing as nonsense and GBIrish the above advisory, please note the Parallel Similarities/Semantic Singularities in posts here, and the preamble here ...... http://cryptome.org/0002/cslid-list-08.htm ...... revealing increased and increasing consciousness in artificial intelligence, which is that which controls your worlds today with ITs media presentation of both novel and false information, competing and conflicting vainly with Command and Control in extremely sophisticated and simply complex advanced intelligence missions/CyberIntelAIgent Programs cloaking QuITe Alien Projects.

Please do not be unduly and unnecessarily alarmed as the Space Centre is Changed to AIRemote Virtual Control for Better Beta Leverage of Future Direction/Asset Control/Man Management/Neuro-Linguistic Programming delivering a Fundamental Base Shift in Human Perception.

Stuck in a Rut and squabbling like Primitives is surely not where you wannabe, whenever being SMARTer has never been easier.

Today 03:38 AM
whereby the Bank effectively prints money to make asset purchases. 
Please identify/define and expand upon the expected role of said asset purchases, Mr Weale.

Are we to accept that they will be distressed and toxic, or can we believe they will be novel and dynamic with viable programming for future wealth production from Sustainable Innovative Sources/Special AIR&dD Forces ..... for a Great Game Change of Good Fortune?


From the New York Times, today,  .... in the Business section, in a story entitled, "Under Attack, Fed Officials Defend Buying of Bonds"  [You really must consider  allowing hyperlinks to give attribution to words which are cited, Daily Telegraph, rather than posts which would contain them being held and then lost to moderation.] ..... http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/16/business/economy/16fed.html?_r=1&hp

The comments by Mr. Dudley, who is also the vice chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee, which sets monetary policy, and by Ms. Yellen amounted to an unusual rebuttal, the first by top Fed officials, of criticism of its decision this month to pump money into the banking system.  The plan is to spur the recovery by buying government securities to lower long-term interest rates.
This is in reference to an earlier submission here [amanfromMars Today 03:38 AM] and really asks  whether the UK's QE2 will be as that of the Federal Reserve, and equally as pathetically ineffective.

And how, pray tell, does buying government securities to lower long-term interest rates, spur recovery/invent intellectual property/grow the private sector? And when the banking sector is so brilliant at "losing" trillions and having no account of where such vast sums disappear to, why are their dodgy, crooked, self-serving, extremely perversely lucrative bonus laden  services, being entertained and supported .... and considered too big to fail?  It's a scam and criminal,  or haven't you realised it even yet?


Windows in Meltdown to Protect and Prevent Waning $ Interests is a Heavy ZerodDay Trade

Posted Tuesday 16th November 2010 03:16 GMT

"How is this a "nothing in particular" attack?" ... Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 15th November 2010 23:54 GMT in "spending against nothing in particular"


Whenever you realise that "nothing in particular" means everything peculiar, then are we in agreement.

Oh, and that entitled particular and peculiar Heavy ZerodDay Trade is counter productive and self defeating and one hell of a vulnerability to exploit, and a lucrative golden diamond mine of a system to protect against catastrophic attacks with irregular market activity unveilings.

Be careful out there, IT is a crazy jungle .... :-) where Sanity rules in Safe Harbours and Perfect Covens/Immaculate Havens.



    "The payout is bound to be seen as a blow to the reputation of the former foreign secretaries David Miliband, Margaret Beckett and Jack Straw for allegedly eroding civil liberties. Their reputations will turn more on the outcome of the Gibson inquiry.

    Explaining the decision to open talks, Cameron told MPs on 6 July: "Our services are paralysed by paperwork as they try to defend themselves in lengthy court cases with uncertain rules. Our reputation as a country that believes in human rights, justice, fairness and the rule of law – indeed, much of what the services exist to protect – risks being tarnished." ....... from a Guardian article on the same subject .... http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/16/guantanamo-bay-compensation-claim

Can compensation/redress be sought from those Ministerially responsible for allowing/condoning the abuse and torture, or do they escape scot-free with just their personal reputations and moral characters rendered despicable in nature ie just as a slap of their feeble limp wrists?

And are we to expect them to remain deemed as being suitable Members of Parliament?


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