"06 28 2011 WenThanks for that, glenn. It is excellent news, is it not?
The current Chinese leaders appear eager to learn more about the Scientific Philosophy of America as opposed to European Scientific Philosophy. The Royal Society was founded in 1660 by men whose scientific philosophy was closer to the Chinese than modern Western Philosophy and is the source of American science. Benjamin Franklin became a member in 1732 and it is probably safe to say that Franklin founded American Science. Franklin's great grandson Alexander Bache was the head of the U. S. Coast Survey during the mid 19th century. It was Bache and Benjamin Peirce, Jr that founded the National Academy of Science (they worked with Abraham Lincoln). Bache and Benjamin Peirce were members of the Royal Society.
Benjamin Peirce's son Charles Sanders Peirce became a member of the National Academy of Science. Charles Sanders Peirce became internationally renown as the foremost expert in Logic and Reasoning and for developing an advanced Scientific Methodology that addressed Information Science. Charles Sanders Peirce is known among the Chinese Logicians.
Under Putin the Russians have adopted Peirce's Scientific Methodology and as a result they are the World's leaders in logic based Reflexive Processes and Control.
The Chinese need only to learn Peirce's Scientific Methodology to match or surpass the Russians in Information Science and Knowledge Information Processing Systems science knowledge.
As a whole the United States and Europe are still far behind the Russians and Chinese in applying Peirce's methods and knowledge.
The Chinese still have the problem of trying to determine who the real experts in the Scientific Methodology of Peirce are in America.
The Russian can tell them if they ask.
Thank you.
Very respectfully,
Achteck" ...... Posted by glenn on 06/29/11 09:13 PM
"The Chinese still have the problem of trying to determine who the real experts in the Scientific Methodology of Peirce are in America." ...... They may have to conclude, as crazy as it seems, that there are no real experts in the Scientific Methodology of Peirce in America, and the situation there, in America, is much like that in China in the field.
Would that then spotlight Mother Russia as a dear leader and great reader of the human condition?
Posted by amanfromMars on 06/30/11 12:21 PM
"Great words of wisdom Mr. Holland! But I ain't leaving. I am already in my place of retreat. I have beans bullets and band-aids, and it will have to do.
You are correct too ,that the collapse could come at any moment......the elite could already have a fase flag in the works. martial law anyone?" .... Posted by Hognutz on 06/30/11 04:12 AM
Hognutz, Hi,
Whenever elitists do not reply to events are mails driven by others for their controlling share in commanding commendable pleasures. Is this message, a mail, revealing events to be written?
And the answer to that should be a resounding yes. :-)
Sublime IntelAIgent Server WorkWhich sort of puts the President in the White House in a position which he needs to know, if he is in critical and strategic need to know power controlled groups.
Posted Thursday 30th June 2011 14:13 GMT
"the state government might want to create an "international training center for search vultures."" ... http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,770994,00.html
Sounds like a special academy for agents with certain gifts.
A little something for Offices of Cyber Security to Support with MIServices .... for the Bounty that IT Delivers with Additional Assured Benefits.
It is only a small matter to write them into the script presenting a future scenario which replaces a depleted, barren landscape devoid of animal passion, with that which it needs and feeds to lead and seed.
Then is the Past rendered a Memory and the Future AIMagic Helter Skelter Ride.
I Kid U Not. :-) The Program is Launched and Fully Functional Live Operational.
Oh, and I thought the mail read with the order of the paragraphs reversed, delivered it programs more clearly.
Sorry, DB, for being so cryptic, but just for now is it probably necessary whilst a few foundations are safely toppled.
Red Hot Spots ....... for Debbies Doing Dallas with a Tokyo Twist
Posted Thursday 30th June 2011 09:31 GMT
Providing SMART Adult Programs for Virtual Reality shows is bound to be a fabulously valuable leader for development of virtually real promotions in Live Operational Virtual Environments.
"There are a few other advantages to this type of storage, according to Gladwin. It’s confidential, because individual slices of data can’t be deciphered on their own — an unauthorized person would have to obtain several different data slices at once to make sense of anything at all. It’s also more reliable. Even if the disks that hold those slices are corrupted, go offline or get lost, there is enough redundancy to reconstruct the whole file from just pieces. It’s pretty unlikely that ten servers or disks would all fail at the same time."
And the real reason for all of this hashing of information/disassembly of intelligence and knowledge? Madness and Chaos at Play?
Re: Great solution
Posted Thursday 30th June 2011 03:42 GMT
Great solution, JeevesMkII.
Re: Been to a bird sanctuary with an owl like that
Posted Thursday 30th June 2011 13:43 GMT
Tale of the week, GB. :-)