Wednesday, 29 June 2011


Bravo Steve ....... Now whatever is next?

Posted Wednesday 29th June 2011 07:02 GMT

"Perhaps that's why Ballmer made the SME play today. But arguably, Microsoft's Office suite is popular among biz customers because its content, unlike that of Google's current Apps product, can be stored offline."

How convenient for a leisurely rummage through your drawers. And you paying for the pleasure too. It must feel good.

Seems like Microsoft are ahead of the game, trailblazing IT rather than chasing wannabe rivals and competitors.

Hi, John,

The global security situation is immediately rendered high value hostage to SMART Users and Suppliers of Invisible Energy.
Bogus taps of the telco kind are misleading to conceal use of electricity as compromizable carrier.

Same for space- and air-borne, sub- and surface-seaborne and land-based vehicles via their electronics. Countermeasures are technically easy: unplug and stay unplugged, remain dark and off the grid, including the local grid of generator, battery and solar.

Hard to do socially. Best to believe the majority of alleged billions of electronics users are genuine, not inventions of mass-subscription programs aimed at alluring believers and promoting fads for investors.

And with widespread adoption of body-borne signalers, to stay in touch for pleasure and emergencies, the privacy of personal data is not worth worrying about during a national security, financial and cyber crisis, aka breaking news.
That was very perceptive whenever electricity carries NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT and CHAOS. [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems]

With Shared Adept Words freely and widely transmitted, is Remote Virtual Reality Control delivered via Underground Memes and Means to Topside Players with ITs Leading Puppets and Hordes of Marauding Muppets Presenting the Future Passion Plays and Enlightened Scripts.

If a Virtual Operating System of spinning tall tales and feeding false truths is failing, and the fixes aren't fixing anything but rather more highlighting the corrupting toxic elements to be changed, change to a completely new System seems like a most sensible and simple idea.

Any device that uses electricity can be penetrated through its power source, which is less well known than access via cable, radio, EM, optical and other compromising emanations. Generator, battery, solar, any electricity provider, are as vulnerable as power lines. NSA's and CIA's giant power lines, sub-stations, transformers and distributors are the principal way the agencies' electronics -- machines, lighting, power -- are covertly tappable right through signal-prevention chokepoints.
When all parameters driving electrical equipment are known, are special perfecting instructions very easily given to control their processess/progress. And how invisible are you whenever the machine is asked to provide all information for identification/persecution/prosecution/engagement.  ......

Meanwhile, in a Real Hot and Sunny Mountain View was the picture altogether different......
Posted Wednesday 29th June 2011 10:26 GMT  

"A down-side ... ? Three times the capacity... Three times the weight?" .... Gordon Henderson Posted Wednesday 29th June 2011 08:59 GMT

Three times the capacity also cubes its potential energy, GH, creating novel impacts elsewhere.

SMARTer Thinking

Posted Wednesday 29th June 2011 09:52 GMT  

"Re: Oh really? ..... Dude, mixing coffee shop with pub? That's disgusting!" ..... DZ-Jay Posted Wednesday 29th June 2011 08:54 GMT

Very normal in advanced high societies, DZ-Jay. Alcohol is such a downer.

Oh, and one mustn't forget that Google has another giving network which gathers intimate and private thoughts shared to an audience of peers with their blogspot creation.

Posted by amanfromMars on 06/29/11 01:23 PM
"Freely sharing the special intelligence may have been what gave the elite their position in the first place. What intellectual property have they provided? I believe their portfolios are suffereing due to the law of diminishing returns, as you have refered to.

The answers resonate and emanate from the bottom and what is not resolved collects at the top. Since insolvency is a restriction of the resolved, let the elite baste in it until they loosen their grip.

Just how does one control intelligence? It is like herding cats. A great game of cat herding?

Power lies in individual ability. Communications are back channel conduits of truth and modern day front channel leakage." ..... Posted by Dave Jr on 06/28/11 12:43 PM
"The answers resonate and emanate from the bottom and what is not resolved collects at the top."

Hi, Dave Jr,

In an intellectually challenged Power Elite system, would answers resonate and emanate from the top and what is not resolved collects at the bottom. Is that not a valid description of the Present Global Position re practically everything?

Beta Dream Skunk Works

Posted Wednesday 29th June 2011 18:00 GMT   

"Somehow I feel that, like VHS, the only way VR will ever take off is when the pr0n merchants get to grips with it, so to speak!" ..... Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 29th June 2011 15:51 GMT

And what makes you think that they haven't got their sweet sticky kittens and hot studs on the job already, AC, exploring sublime potential in an undoubted prime primary market.
amanfromMars says:
June 29, 2011 at 6:23 am

Hi, Epstein,

Maybe Steve has cracked and hacked, right to its Central Core, the Control Matrix. That delivers to one an embarrassment of riches to exercise and develop.

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