Wednesday, 21 August 2013


Posted Wednesday 21st August 2013 05:05 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. sharing a perverse view on
Alien Concepts for Earthly Futures Consideration and Derivative Consolidation
If you think and/or would be starting to suspect and fear that the American dream is for the few and not the many, and more fascist conspiring and inspired nightmare than aspiring and sharing collective constitutional meritocracy and/or benign and benevolent autocracy/business, does IBM, by the below cited historical account, have vast and deep experience in ITs murky fields, but that was a doubtful success for them in a time long gone when secrets, both good and bad, creative and destructive and disruptive, were not able to shared in an instant with everybody everywhere to inform one and all of future global plans .........
And it does appear that DODgy MODified systems have to have constant wars to supply with a steady stream of men and machines to build for searching enemy and destroy missions, although that was then and this is now and things can be changed almost instantly by novel controllers with new memes brought into wwwork, REST and PayPlay , and with Virtually Remote Autonomous Command and Anonymous Control of Computers and Communications in Clouds and CyberSpaces, is the Great Game Paradigm somewhat radically and fundamentally changed with considerably smarter drivers operating systems into sharing exclusive knowledge to benefit executive administrations into Global Operating Devices Man Management with Foreign and Alien Assets Distribution Offices, albeit now fully securely virtualised with no physical infrastructure form to rephorm with phishing and kinetic attack threat/brute force assault ....... which be the dumb route and present root of past dictatorships/past root of present dictatorships and is always a self-destructive meme and shared journey to macro-float and micromanage/pump and dump/pimp and finance.
Ps If you think the Huffington Post is more rag and sad lads' mag than deep and intelligent portal for learning, may that story pimped and pumped be classic sub-prime and just fit for dumping. However, if true ....... well, ....... can a leopard change its spots and rewrite history?
Of course, GCHQ bods requesting and insisting upon the home based destruction of servers and records and evidence of clandestine and covert snooping has absolutely nothing to do with the No 10 UK government sniffing around the Guardian and wanting sight and possession of information which may have intelligence on them and their dodgy doings/juicy shenanigans as well as info and evidence on possible pirate and probable rogue GCHQ individuals and operations?
Oh no, nothing at all to do what that little metatdatabase gold mine of information and remote leverage.
After all, they, GCHQ, wouldn't be wanting just any Tom, Dick or Harry knowing who's shagging who and riding each others horses for courses which are going nowhere fast and furious whenever timid and weak willed is much more their forte and cuckold dream.
It does have one wondering though, why, whenever one has access to so much information and supposed intelligence services and servers, so much idiotic use and moronic abuse is made of it with IT. It is therefore practically impossible to not conclude and rightly posit, that there is no viable positive creative leadership at the helms of the likes of GCHQ and their ilk/clones/drones.
Which then creates an opportunity and zeroday vulnerability for exploiting ruthlessly and systematically ....... in the national security interest to prevent and/or mitigate systemic systems collapse.

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