Monday, 8 December 2014


amanfromMars [1412071638] sharing a worldly view on
The bigger picture you may be missing and living in ignorance of ......
It is an old, discredited and self-defeating program though, these novel days with ITs zero-days.
We need Assasination Politics now. We have the bitcoins. ..... Maj Variola
Surely we have that already, Maj Variola? :-)
This, from Merriam-Webster ….
as·i·nine adjective \ˈa-sə-ˌnīn\
: very stupid and silly
Full Definition of ASININE
: extremely or utterly foolish
: of, relating to, or resembling an ass
And certainly the system is righteously fearful of the masses realising their potential without the chains that politicians and their bankers and backers imprison them with, and understanding that their elimination and permanent removal from the future scene as a powering element and empowering faction in its present exclusive executive terrorising phorm, is a necessary evil for smart exercise and clandestine operation.

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