Friday, 26 December 2014


amanfromMars said in a reply on …
All substances are controlled by private marketeers and entrepreneurial profiteers, CE. and invariably always supported by societies by popular demand.
25 December 2014 at 10:52
HonourableMember 26 December 2014 3:10pm …..having a vetted say in reply to a comment on
History is too slow, need something quicker. ..... Madranon said, 26 December 2014 09:50am
Your wish is ours to command with Advanced Anonymous Autonomous Activity with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT, Madranon. ........
And something the US Patent and Trademark Office is withholding in its SAWS paws, thus guaranteeing Sublime Surreal Stealth a Forward Operating Future Oriental Base and its virile virtual transfer overseas to both offshore and underground and private pioneering and public pirated clients? ........ USPTO Has a Shadow Program

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