Thursday, 22 January 2015


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Jan 07:55 [1501210755] ….. having a say on
Re: amanfrimmars1 No one should be surprised.
I suppose you imagine that all you read here about the POTUS SOTU address .... ..... is not about a whole load of cock and bull, Matt?
And I wasn't drawing particular and peculiar attention to joys and pains of capitalism but to the rampant abuse made of it by some with violence in and against countries with foreign attacks spun increasingly badly as homeland defence? I trust that clear up that misunderstanding of yours, Matt.
amanfromMars Thu 22 Jan 16:20 [1501221620] sharing a new but really ancient reality too on
The Chilcot Inquiry team earned/cost millions and that is the name of the game ....... Jump on the Gravy Train and keep the intellect challenging and intellectually challenged busy forming opinions and rewriting past trails and trails ....... altering perceptions/moving goalposts. Is that too cynical for comfort, although closer to the truth than the system likes to be aired? Oh dear, what a shame!
Haven't you yet worked it out, that is how things are done in easily corrupted and perverted administations/right dodgy virtual realities, for if you aren't being provided with the truth are you living in a lie and fabricated fiction, n'est ce pas?
Methinks we need new accurate tales for a New Orderly World Order existence. Would you like to disagree and deny such a fundamental revolutionary truth? Or explore such as now supplies a new secure facility with agents displaying novel intelligence?

amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Jan 18:05 [1501221805] clearing up a misperception on
Re: amanfrimmars1 No one should be surprised.
 he's conversing with amanfrommars gibberish bot vs rightwingnut bot lol ....... Mike VandeVelde
Get it right, FFS, Mike VandeVelde. It is GBIrish and not gibberish.
Please keep up. Thanks.

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