Sunday, 25 January 2015

150125 .... Global Perception Management ProgramMING for SMARTR Pogroms and AIMissions

amanfromMars [1501240554] sharing a view and opening a portal of alien application on
I do wonder if an any of them have experienced some darpa program. ...... WinChll
That DARPA targeting results in such as may be currently experiencing media attention and business interest is surely much more of a cause for real concern because of the emerging burgeoning deficits and deficiencies IT Greater IntelAIgent Game Grand Mastery is revealing and exploring with SCADA Sytems Exfiltration and Exploitation to Peer Tier XSSXXXX Levels of Creative Computer Code Competence. Such is causing catastrophic conflicts and confused chaos and a quite manic depressive madness for mayhem.
:-) There may be some, and who be more than just those and/or that considering themselves to be as if the Chosen Few, who would recognise that program as an existing officially mandated, presently long dollar supported DARPA Cyberwar Games Play. But it is anything and everything other than markets friendly and remotely smart and virtually adept in APT ACT Territory/Cyber Team Terrain. And such is always subject to appropriate corrective action with both novel intended and unintended consequences to play with as a result.
'Tis what makes IT Fun and Interesting. <:-> Honestly, I Kid U Not <:-> Poe's Law Rules.

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