Saturday, 31 October 2015


amanfromMars  Sat, 10/31/2015 - 08:52 [1510311252] …… airing an unfolding burgeoning virtual reality and inconvenient systemic difficulty for more than just a delusional chosen few on

Ladies and Gentlemen,

That which an elite group of psychopaths formerly thought was their exclusive domain in which to exercise and enjoy rule and reign, are now discovering it, the ownership of banks that control governments with funding to all sides in wars for profit and perverse manufactured consent which is a rape perpetrated upon peoples, and IT mastery by others than puppets and muppets which they presume to own, are their abiding and easily targeted and hit Achilles Heel.

Changed times, with new ways and means and memes indeed, and in deed, amigos

Here's evidence of another comic performance by wannabe Bond, James Bond types ...... MI5 surveillance 'most sophisticated ever seen'
Oh, and Coonla Young, you gotta get out more if you're thinking that is most sophisticated, for nowadays is it somewhat default and quite ordinary.
IT's a Big-Endian Thing and AI Field of Simple Complex Text Endeavour
Hi, Enrico Signoretti.
How do you think the next "big thing" in storage is working out for the likes of Intelligence Communities/NSAs/GCHQs, who have been doing their very own same big-endian thing for decades? Still struggling to pass the first hurdle and failing spectacularly to perceive and conceive?
IT's Sticky and Tricky, BaseData and AIMetaData, isn't it, and Springy Revolutionary too whenever booted and suited and geared for all manner of Quantum Communication in Established MalPractice Enterprise for Exclusive Executive Order Administrative Expert Export and Exploit Import, and a Veritable Venerable Mined Mind Field too, Virile and Viral and Venal and Venereal.

Спасибо, Serge C. Высоко ценится и понял 

Friday, 30 October 2015


Re: "[...] but they are not elected and answerable to nobody."
Seems like Compassionate Conservatism has morphed into a Feral Federal Fascism, sysconfig, and history tells us all what happens to those in that sort of a lead whenever they cannot hide, and there are no secret places to hide away today, are there.
Re: Re: Trust judges more than politicians? ... @MrXavia
Yes, MrXavia, there is a real fight on as to who and/or what controls and leads the ignorant masses into an increasingly intelligence led future with media command and control powers. The likes of Congresses and Senates and Parliament are for scapegoats and sheep herders.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Oct 05:01 [1510300501] ….. sharing the Future of Futures on
A See of Limitless Opportunity and Titanic Reward
It is an inescapable true fact in all worlds striving to thrive and survive with factions into perpetrating and perpetuating fictions,* that one cannot secure cyber space unless and until one can pwn it ...... and that is much more/just as much a blackest of black hats domain as whitest of white hats one for penetrations testing/zeroday vulnerability exploitation.
And then there is also the added elemental quantum complication, which has one, able and enabling in the field, capable of doffing both worn hats at the same time to present the creation of something else fundamentally different and quite unique and revolutionary rather than selective evolutionary.
Can you insure against and mitigate/monetise risk whenever dealing with FutureBuilders? In so doing, are they constructively engaged and anonymously encouraged?
* Is that not the true current present nature of reality ...... a virtually led imaginative construct made to appear real by the power of shared and implanted thoughts? What happens whenever one delivers novel viable thoughts? Does life take an alien change of direction and production?
The posit here is that it does easily with IT and Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Communications and Computers ........ ITs Virtual Ways and Means with Memes.
And is the prime major decision to be made in the here and now ..... Will it be heralded and remembered as an Eastern Triumph or Western Delight for Fools to Fight over in Search and Service of Heavenly Sight with Devilish Opportunities?
Have a Nice Day, Y'all.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Oct 08:59 [1510300859] …. letting cats out of bags on
Re: Re: A See of Limitless Opportunity and Titanic Reward
Yar, right. Reading this just before going to what I laughingly call sleep. .... Jack of Shadows
After that comedy of indolence and recharging of the batteries, which be most commonly known as sleep, Jack of Shadows, is there much there to be getting one's teeth into ..... to feast on the beast and live high on/off the hog.
And to any who would not think far enough and be moved to register a down vote, think again please and further, to realise the present and past are phorms of the future and simple crooked designs in the minds of both fools and tools and Man and Global Operating Devices and which be both carefully and carelessly shared and oft a classified TS/SCI for Expert Exclusive Executive Export.

amanfromMars said... replying to Casey Evans on
Hi, Casey E,
Can you imagine the energy released and power efficiently and eternally generated if all subjects were bombarded and freely loaded with fiat currency, which you can surely agree costs next to nothing to create ...... and which nowadays is being morphed into electronic cash for a virtually remote and quite anonymous command and control of live assets, brave hearts and wayward minds?
With the worry of a manufactured lack of flash cash eliminated, what wouldn't be able to be enabled and built by the bold and the free from remote virtual product slavery?
30 October 2015 at 15:13

Thursday, 29 October 2015


amanfromMars …… Thu, 10/29/2015 - 01:25 [1510290525] …..
commenting on
Our advice to Ben, do what we do: instead of getting angry at the central planners who know the game is almost up, just laugh at them. It drives them nuts.
Oh please, ZeroHedge, that is a simple madness the arrogant psychotic fool finds easy to accommodate and it accomplishes nothing but more of the same nonsense. It is a cop out and you are not worthy if that is the best that you have to offer the ignorant fooled. :-) Poe's Law Rules :-)

You just can't get quality serving staff, nowadays.
Wow, an undemocratic Parliamentary Party coup to silence and neutralise both the Lords and the masses. Go luck with that folly in search of fool support. More than that though will certainly be needed to halt revolutionary reaction and all manner of attacks, both real and virtual, on dishonourable members and administrators, methinks.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Oct 04:11 [1510280411] …. having a right go on
Re: No surprise to me
Better flash that message again across to Nos 10 and 11, ecofeco, for they appear not to have understood the upper house memo. They certainly received it. ....... Osborne, the Fluffer
Oh, and with regard to .....
Skidmore and other members of the Osborne camp have one powerful argument in their armoury – that the blow was delivered by unelected peers who have overturned votes in favour of the cuts by MPs.
...... Skidmore and other members of the Osborne camp would do very well to remember and never forget that they only serve at the pleasure of unelected peers, who be you and me and not they.
Only a ignorant shipful of arrogant fools would embark on a journey to do vainglorious battle in such stormy seas of that. It will be enlightening to witness the future unfold and prove the disreputable fact is no errant fiction.
amanfromMars 1 28 Oct 10:03 [1510281003] …. saying more on
Re: A perspective from the inside ... @AC
Thanks for your service in supplying that vivid information, AC. The only cold crumb of comfort might be that all militaries are very much in the same boat whenever it comes to dealing with virtual invasion and dark web cyber penetration of strategic assets.
And when it be ripped from stem to stern below the waterline, is there a titanic problem and quantum opportunity to exploit with zerodays.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Oct 09:49 [1510280949] ….. asking questions on
AI Leading Question[s]
Is the UK following the US, with a clone of the operation, or has it been leading the US with its own spooky systems already in place and working?
And what are the chances of things working badly rather than effectively?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Oct 14:33 [1510281433] ….. giving IT a blast on
Re: Simple solution ... @NoneSuch
Vote with your wallet and let them wither on the vine. They're 18 trillion in debt now and pissing off the world. Let's see how that works out for them. .... NoneSuch
These two clocks, NoneSuch …. and ….. tell a fundamentally sad and quite mad tale of systemic western malfeasance and surely continuing bankrupt insolvent activity, for Uncle Sam is not alone in the lunatic asylum, is he? John Bull also skulks in there spinning viral nonsense via Parliamentary proxies to the masses.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Oct 15:41 [1510281541] …. saying yet more on
What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander. A Golden Rule in Great IT Gamesplay Circles.
Psst: If you're not an American citizen, none of this applies to you – the US government and its intelligence agents consider you completely fair game for surveillance, anyway. .... Iain Thomson [El Reg]
It is madness confirmed whenever America cannot accept that other governments and intelligence agencies consider them fair game for surveillance and secret treasure trove capture.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Oct 07:58 [1510270758] …. opening a dialogue on
Bug bounties are as sweets for children. Solutions are the domain of fortune hunters.
Is the route and root problem, BASIC*, and in the flawed fundamental premise that past seemingly successful established practices and resultant exclusive executive hierarchies/SCADA Operating Systems are future fit for more generous mature expansive purpose, whenever in fact they are rather more unseemly and ultimately inevitably catastrophically destructive at an ever increasing rate?
And if one is in the military and/or military-minded, is it not only natural to expect The U.S. military simply isn’t able to keep up with threats generated by hackers and cyber spies, an Army official said Oct. 14. for such a virtual space place is definitely quite alien and akin to a postmodern Area 51, albeit with roles somewhat reversed ‽ . :-)
* .... Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
Oh, and the aforementioned difficulties and revisions for Future Greater CyberIntelAIgent Game Services are ubiquitous, and invade all theatres of operations with clones of the flawed fundamental premise active.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Oct 11:08 [1510271108] …. spilling more on
The US generals we have seen in recent years seem a lot more capable of critical thought than their political masters. ... Dave 126
Hmmm? However, does the fact that they seem to do the bidding of their political masters somewhat explode and flash crash smash that myth to smithereens, Dave 126, and they be just as cuckolds in feathering nests of vipers/snakeoil salespersons/past grand masters of the Great Game and who be at their right dodgy work in NonREST and Virtual Reality Play?
They are the fields to master which so easily are able to be enabled and defeat them. And do you imagine that is Classified TS/SCI or an open source of relentless force?

Monday, 26 October 2015


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Oct 03:46 [1510260346] ….. playing doctor and patient/metadata physician with qubit players on
Vapourware is as Vapourware does ISIS
Whenever one considers all of the many major growing problems which are increasingly quickly destroying the notion of the land of the free and the brave and the United States dollar, does it not make you wonder and ponder on the distinct evident lack of intelligence in its exclusive executive administrative and SCADA and military industrial operating systems, even with all of the supposed ubiquitous intrusive snooping firmware delivering Upstream Base MetaData.
ITs virtual effect in realisation is akin to a contagious infection for allies of virile viral plague and certain lingering death without ...... well, I suppose and presume, the Advent of a Quite Magical Novel Technology with Advanced IntelAIgent Antidote in the Rabid Rapacious XSSXXXXual Phorm of a Red, Green and Blue Virtual Machine Pill.
Do you know any of ITs Pushers, Man :-) ........ The Pusher …. Steppenwolf


Sunday, 25 October 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sun 25 Oct 04:42 [1510250442] ….. seeding a feed on
Cyber Weaknesses are a Field of Cosmic Force to Servers with Secured Secret IntelAIgent Strength
It is encouraging to imagine that stalwart El Regers fully enough realise the Great Phishing and Phorming Game which Google is playing.
Seed and feed the Virtual Machine news and tit-qubits it ignores and declines to finance reveals its zeroday vulnerability exploit flash crash pressure points.
And that beats tilting at windmills, El Reg, with an eloquent raging at the machine.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 25 Oct 08:41 [1510250841] …. saying more on
Re: Cyber Weaknesses are a Field of Cosmic Force to Servers with Secured Secret IntelAIgent Strength
Oh, and should not ....
Stories exposing alleged wrongdoing at Google are unlikely to draw huge online audiences. Advertisements placed on the same page as the stories would bring in significant income, i.e., traditional online news revenue.
...... be written when true, in order to make greater sense and direct significant income elsewhere whenever the free choice is made to utilise other search engines ..... Stories exposing alleged wrongdoing at Google are likely to draw huge online audiences. Advertisements placed on the same page as the stories would bring in significant income, i.e., traditional online news revenue, to virtual peering and pioneering non traditional online media news streams
And should one then discover an A list blacklsting and subsequent rapid removal from, or prime place relegation in the smart targeted search engine listings, is non state actor censorship in a capitalist state sponsored and sponsoring enterprise fully proven and universally exposed and highlighted and made ready for exploitation and Deep Thought Strip MetaDataBase Mining?
And surely that is more something of a heaven sent opportunity for pioneering investors in a petrified free trading market place stagnating in dark pools of incompetently developed purloined intellectual property space ..... and beyond, than anything else and lesser.
amanfromMars [1510251003] …. sharing* a common view and strategic difficulty on
The abiding and growing problem for tardy cyber defenders and wannabe beta cyber attackers is the defence of the indefensible and oppressively inequitable and secretive and economical of the truth.
It and IT are not a field of endeavour and virtual realisation for the bankrupt of novel ideas and intellectually challenged ...... resolutely deaf, institutionally dumb and future blind.
[ And bearing in mind all of the above which has been said and freely shared, whatever are we to reasonably think and make of the non appearance in a national defence magazine of news of an abiding and growing problem which defeats all manner of systems, both secretive and repressive and oppressive, especially whenever it is so easily shared universally elsewhere, and thus able to deliver and enable a quite inequitable superior advantage to others in a different frame of mind too, and in so doing, prepare a Worshipful Grand Master Feast of APT ACTivities in a Festival of AI Programs of Great Game Proportions]
* ...... Or, as the case may prove itself to be, denied the opportunity to present a common view and strategic difficulty

Friday, 23 October 2015


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Oct 19:25 [1510221925] ….. telling it like it really is on
The Long Great Game Rave is not for Short Sellers of Snake Oil, Dave
The Register has not received any explanation of what the particular mechanism for the "high-level security dialogue" will be. We will update this article if and when we receive a response.
:-) China denying a Blighty false flag operation is the usual smoke screen which is generated as a cover to conceal a loss of leadership in the UK and in its dependencies and former colonies. Methinks things there in the future will not really change at all.

Thursday, 22 October 2015


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Oct 12:28 [1510211228] …… saying a few words on
Taking things logically quite a bit further .....
“[Parliament] should be unsurprised that agencies use their powers to the limit. If I were working for MI5, MI6 or GCHQ, I would use every power that I was given to the limit, just as I would if I were a policeman," he added. "The tendency is to stretch the limits or for those limits gradually to move.” …. Tory MP David Davis
Methinks it should most definitely be the case, for if it is not then surely are security services rendered quite farcical, that if I were working for MI5, MI6 or GCHQ/FSB/NSA/Mossad/PLA Unit 61398 etc., I would use every power that can be thought of, and can be securely and/or secretly enabled to the limit and beyond, in order to achieve and maintain an overwhelming advantage. And those sorts of powers are invariably never given, they are ones which one assumes and activates with practically/virtually everyone presuming such a facility and capability, virtually/practically impossible and most improbable.
And indeed, in deed, it would not be wrong to view them as Special Powers.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Oct 04:56 [1510220456] giving IT a GO GO GO on
Re: Novel Concept....The Law applies to ALL people
Writing yourself an exclusion is illegal as far as I am concerned and as such should be ignored. .... Anonymous Coward
Quite so, AC. And availing oneself of such a provision conveniently indelibly marks one as a person of particular and peculiar interest to leading secret security authorities and virtual protection services.
Is it imagined anywhere that the likes of MI5/MI6/GCHQ supply competence and provide effective and efficient cover for leading secret security authorities and virtual protection services in Blighty? Or is the whole practical truth and nothing but a virtual reality somewhat different and disturbing and perturbing?

Re: The Truth is an Omniscient and Omnipotent Ally and Foe, is it not?*
In a country in which Hillary The Liberal Bombardier can be a presidential candidate with her only asset being that she's a feminal state-power-worshipper instead of a male state-power-worshipper, anything can happen. … Destroy All Monsters
I agree, Destroy All Monsters, and whenever something can happen, it invariably always does happen. And a quite magical enablement of portfolios of weird and wonderful things way beyond the power and ken of traditional sources and conventional forces are happening all over the place and in cyberspace.
It is no totally bad thing at all though, unless one is into provoking and poking it evilly, and in pursuit of an oppressive and regressive inequitable advantage/intellectually challenged status quo position/banked situation.
And trying to hide and/or ignore that virtual reality mainstream merely exposes and highlights its expanding power in command and control circles and SCADA operations to presumptive powers that be in terminal decline and delusional systems collapse.
Whenever Dumb and Dumber Execute Plays with the Dumbest of Moves
Take a whole lot of top experts in malware and make it impossible for them to get a legitimate job using their skills, while getting them seriously pissed off about it.
What could possibly go wrong? .... Christoph
A probable move would be to go to work for another regime in another jurisdiction/landscape/Live Operational Virtual Environment, where such skills are highly prized and rewarded and much sought after, Christoph. Smart folk don't normally hang about doing practically nothing, do they? Well, not unless they be outrageously rewarded and prepared to do virtually nothing, I suppose.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Oct 07:03 [1510200703] ….. getting clarification on
Common Sense Prevails Occasionally
 ...where the primary benefit of the intrusions seems clearly aligned to facilitate theft of intellectual property and trade secrets, rather than to conduct traditional national-security related intelligence collection which the Cyber agreement does not prohibit.
So, all sides agree that hacking each others national-security related intelligence collection is perfectly acceptable, for it is not prohibited. Brilliant.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Oct 11:01 [1510201101] …… telling IT like its is in IT nowadays and for the foreseeable future in futures too on
Ye Olde PEBKAC Enigma and Abiding ZeroDay Vulnerability Exploit Portal for Virtual Machine Masters
A machine may easily be able to highlight a problem and suggest a logical solution but that does not mean that humans will follow the advice whenever it upsets vested interests hell bent on retaining and sustaining a lucrative inequitable advantage that delivers excessive perceived reward/fiat riches/apparently anonymous and virtually remote, politically incorrect command and control/arrogant media maintained manipulation of ignorant masses.
And Virtual Machine Masters are an expanding explosive phenomena/futures trading initiative/ab fab fabless opportunity and certifiable nightmare of an intangible problem for hands on resolution in recalcitrant and degenerate established vested interest circles/clubs/orders.
Life with AI is a Great Head Game and that is what you have to deal with, for to ignore it and the power of exploring ubiquitous IT and Mass Media ReProgramming will see IT takeover and makeover everything in images of ITs own choosing, with no discernible input from supposedly in command and control human administrators/exclusive executive systems operators.
cc GCHQ [your Ref TJ245] …..Subject and Object Lesson. Nothing much hidden there to bamboozle and entertain Communications Technology Analysts.

Monday, 19 October 2015


The Much Bigger Present Future Pictures Show
The first, second and third greatest inventions of all time are surely all simply absolutely fabulous fabless works in current progress and as yet totally unfinished classic works of contemporary art ......
You might like to cogitate, El Reg, on the greater elements in this reply to a comment posted and hosted elsewhere, exploring an oft cited inconvenient reality which is into destroying great orders, both past and present, with introductions and injections of chaos for CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems]
amanfromMars [1510190453] replying to a comment from FauxScienceSlayer on
That all more than suggests, FauxScienceSlayer, that command and control of the Afghan drugs trade/poppy and marijuana harvests are what US troops are now/still fighting the natives for, and why they are still to be deployed in that foreign land, despite all the empty politically incorrect promises that foretold of a foreign troop exodus.
Playing to the ignorant crowd ...... the divisive corrupt and perverse art of politics, aided and abetted by an equally intellectually challenged media mogul operation hosting rogue missions and covert activities ...... :-) deep and dark web internetworking programmes.
Methinks though, that such as the above and as may be New Orderly Novel World Order Programmes are not run by the same powers that be behind the Old Disorderly World Order Project for the New American Century. And a valid question to ask in this new CyberSpace Age, and of its true IT pedigree, is whether it is much more Sino Soviet in nature and planning than Wild Wacky West in application and delivery ‽ .
And Daily Bell ..... that is/those are the great white elephants in the room and the much bigger pictures being outed to alternative media messaging pioneers in order that the new virtual realities of the future do not terrify and terrorise the masses with their machine precision engagement.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 19 Oct 15:06 [1510191506] ….. spreading some crumbs around on
Hmm .... cc GCHQ Ref TJ245 re Advancing Steganographic Protocols and Virtual Pornography in AI
Free-wheeling universal communications would indeed be in the running, codejunky, with it and ITs mastery rendering to Caesars, what are Caesar's, and novel noble messages open up a whole new area of virtual enterprise for lucrative reward, although one has to admit it be a nightmare field of failure to be found wallowing in if and when simply only able and enabled to react to discoveries rather than practically inventing them for applications and forward base operations.
And is it spooky to find this revealing ad parading itself on Register pages ........
Communications Technology Analysts 
Listed on:
5th October
Competitive package based on qualifications and experience
Start Date:
Contact Name:
Find hidden messages in enemy communications.
Our teams in Intelligence Operations analyse the communications behaviours and technologies of our adversaries and develop and use analytic tools and techniques to fulfil a range of operational mission requirements.
Join us, and you will work alongside other analysts to develop new ways to analyse data while liaising between deep technical specialists and intelligence and security delivery teams. Communications Technology Analysts are generally specialists in one area, such as telecoms network analysis, geospatial analysis, internet communications technologies or crypt analysis. Some are specialists in weapons systems analysis. We also have data science specialists within the team.
You’ll come to us with a 2:2 relevant degree plus one year of work experience. Alternatively, you may bring considerable experience as an equivalent to a degreein areas such as internet communications technologies; designing, planning and troubleshooting communications technologies; computer security operations centre analysis; or advanced weapons technology, communications and their military applications. Skilled in using Microsoft Excel to analyse large data volumes, you will have knowledge of large-scale data programming languages. Above all, you will have a real enthusiasm for learning with a keen interest in communication technology.
For more information and to apply for this role, click the apply button
amanfromMars said... replying to an Anonymous comment on
Hi, Anonymous,
The news on 151019 should be exciting to you then, for it is certainly designed to be more than just intellectual challenging and rewarding, with steganography being a comfortable bed partner for initiative systems welcoming advanced cyber teams telegraphy.
19 October 2015 at 11:07
Coffee shops? Like a 'Starbucs'? Only if they expand the brownie line. Funny thing about legalization, it becomes more and more acceptable to smoke grass, while at the same time, tobacco smoking is frowned upon more and more. Try enjoying a cigarette with coffee in your local shop, you'll likely be tossed out on your ear.
PS-nothing against expanding legalization. …… Martin the American redux
Yes, Martin the American redux, coffee shops just like a Starbucks. And they also do a very great line in hash brownies, aka space cakes. And it has been the Dutch way of handling the traffic for decades and is a very lucrative foreign exchange money spinner too.
It should be noted though that marijuana in Holland is not decriminalised per se, it is only tolerated to a greater degree than most everywhere else, because of the realisation that it is a battle against themselves with criminals that cannot be won, for the mass of the people do not support such a criminalisation for use that is not abused?
It is a very pragmatic accommodation.
amanfromMars [1510191612] ….. sharing some flowering news on
amanfromMars [1510191626]….. asking an awkward few questions of the Establishment on
Are Blair's arrangements and actions, whenever the revelations and charges be true, tantamount to treason ...... and did Chilcot know of them? One has surely to assume that given the inordinate length of time taken by the Chilcot Inquiry and the fortune which has been spent on its gathering of evidence, it is something which they uncovered and are honour bound to print and present to the people and peoples of the world. Anything less will surely see them smearing themselves as conniving dishonourable puppets to a failed muppet of a idiot regime changer.
Or would that be considered and spun as too harsh a judgement call on the System and its minions?
Are Blair's arrangements and actions, whenever the revelations and charges be true, tantamount to treason ...... and did Chilcot know of them? One has surely to assume that given the inordinate length of time taken by the Chilcot Inquiry and the fortune which has been spent on its gathering of evidence, it is something which they uncovered and are honour bound to print and present to the people and peoples of the world. Anything less will surely see them smearing themselves as conniving dishonourable puppets to a failed muppet of a idiot regime changer.
Or would that be considered and spun as too harsh a judgement call on the System and its minions?

Sunday, 18 October 2015


Are there tentative comprehensive plans for franchisee type operations/an immediately ready prime business, in the likes of a UK whenever the tide of opposition to decriminalisation ebbs away to the occasional rant of no effective consequence, and cannabis use in all of its forms is mentored and monitored ...... and of course taxed, for that is the way of bankrupting governments and intellectually challenged political bodies, is it not?
It would surely be an astute move and very professional proaction.
As a member of the Washington State community, black market weed is avoid taxes from people in gubmint. .... Bolt Upright
And methinks that is the abiding problem for taxing government enterprises, Bolt Upright. The mighty righteous and free spirited will seek to scrupulously avoid that particular entrapment to pay excessively for what nature provides prolifically for next to nothing but a whole lot of loving, care and attention.
Methinks also, smarter "stoned" subjects are an absolute nightmare of a reality for any and all traditional/conventional establishment forms of command and control which be trying to command and control the masses with a wholesale, unquestioning acceptance of their version[s] of global events and unfolding media tales ........ virtual stories .... for is that not the true nature of media related news which purports to advise nations and peoples of the reality being delivered for their future occupation and enjoyment or horror? They are just unfolding stories of shared private thoughts not yet told to a great deceived public and nowadays broadbandcast to an increasingly hostile and more intelligent market place ...... APT ACTive Space
APT ..... Advanced Persistent Threat
ACT .....Advanced Cyber Threat
I expect that it will eventually be distributed by the normal retail chains. .... Impending Sky
As per the Dutch norm and "coffee shop" model, Impending Sky? It is a well tried and tested and quite popular distribution network which works wonderfully by all accounts/appearances.

Saturday, 17 October 2015


Message received and understood, TDB.

Friday, 16 October 2015


There is much propagated about the fact that psychosis is a possibility for some, who may be many, and that is always played as a bad thing and forwarded as a valid enough reason to have/leave cannabis criminalised.
Methinks what governments and established old party and business leaderships are really concerned about, and probably quite rightly terrified of too, is the greater and deeper awareness of one's situation and the spaces that abound and can surround one whenever one partakes of its natural resources, determined to stay in effective control of the resulting experiences/enlightenments. To discover that one is being taken for a fool ride by that and those that one is led to believe are doing everything they can to make your life better other than worse, is certainly something terrifying, for it certainly unleashes all sorts of crazy demons which the system and their systems have no way of commanding and controlling.
And would a greater big issue on decriminalisation and an opportunity for a thriving profitable business be the fact that the plant in most of its many strains is very easily grown at home with virtually nothing in the way of expensive plant and machinery to hinder one from harvesting a great bounty?

Wednesday, 14 October 2015


amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Oct 08:53 [1510140853] …… giving IT a go and outing on
The Right Thing to Do as IT Unmasks the Rotten Root Problem for Eradication/Liquidation
When defending the indefensible and oppressive and inequitable, are astute anonymous attacks on corrupted and perverted subversive systems intellectual property only fit and proper and more than just honourable. And such applications will always be increasingly successful in an age and spaces of instantly available information for world wide web sharing.
And should not such Applied IT Missions be Prime Virtual Terrain Team Territory for any and all CyberIntelAIgencies/GCHQ type operations to capture to lead by example, rather than surveil and howl at the moon about?
Do they lead brightly from the front or follow dumb instructions from that and/or those in the dark rear and shadows? Who and/or what be providing Future Scripture?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Oct 13:53 [1510141353] ……. spouting a truth on
A Universal Constant and Convenient Restraint?
Doesn't this FireEye guy realise that the hacking cuts both ways. Maybe if he was against the US hacking other world governments what he says might carry more weight. .... Ivan 4
'Tis and 'twas ever the case of wannabe Caesar and Napoleon types, Ivan 4 ....... Do as I and we, who be few, say and not as we and I, and any who be relatively new to Great Gamesplays, do.
Will such survive and prosper and fester in the future too, do you think?

amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Oct 16:09 [1510141609] ….. adding more to
Now an EnigmatICQ Riddle wrapped inside a Mysterious AIMastery
 Who do GCHQ report to? Who do GCHQ represent? The government? The Queen? ... Syntax Error
Valid questions, Syntax Error, which methinks because it be best and prudent, will never be answered fully and frankly. All that can be currently transduced is that their intelligence product is principally sub-prime and of no practical use to that and they who would/could be of specific mutually beneficial interest to them, should they be in any way effective in playing Great Games and virtually leading the mass with remote anonymous command and absolutely fabulous fabless control .......... aka Heavenly Ubiquitous Direction.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Oct 19:50 [1510141950] ….. saying even more on
Re: Now an EnigmatICQ Riddle wrapped inside a Mysterious AIMastery
Are you ill today? That one made sense ….. theodore
Feeling real fine and dandy, theodore. Thanks for asking.
And they all make sense at the levels and to the agents they are addressed to.
I am pleased to imagine and accept that we are brighter than before and are better able to communicate and understand where we be coming from and/or going to too because of what is being so freely shared and posted worldwide.
And we all have El Reg to thank for that ISP facility and capability.
Three cheers, El Reg.... Hip, Hip, Hooray
Hip, Hip, Hooray
Hip, Hip, Hooray