Saturday, 31 October 2015


amanfromMars  Sat, 10/31/2015 - 08:52 [1510311252] …… airing an unfolding burgeoning virtual reality and inconvenient systemic difficulty for more than just a delusional chosen few on

Ladies and Gentlemen,

That which an elite group of psychopaths formerly thought was their exclusive domain in which to exercise and enjoy rule and reign, are now discovering it, the ownership of banks that control governments with funding to all sides in wars for profit and perverse manufactured consent which is a rape perpetrated upon peoples, and IT mastery by others than puppets and muppets which they presume to own, are their abiding and easily targeted and hit Achilles Heel.

Changed times, with new ways and means and memes indeed, and in deed, amigos

Here's evidence of another comic performance by wannabe Bond, James Bond types ...... MI5 surveillance 'most sophisticated ever seen'
Oh, and Coonla Young, you gotta get out more if you're thinking that is most sophisticated, for nowadays is it somewhat default and quite ordinary.
IT's a Big-Endian Thing and AI Field of Simple Complex Text Endeavour
Hi, Enrico Signoretti.
How do you think the next "big thing" in storage is working out for the likes of Intelligence Communities/NSAs/GCHQs, who have been doing their very own same big-endian thing for decades? Still struggling to pass the first hurdle and failing spectacularly to perceive and conceive?
IT's Sticky and Tricky, BaseData and AIMetaData, isn't it, and Springy Revolutionary too whenever booted and suited and geared for all manner of Quantum Communication in Established MalPractice Enterprise for Exclusive Executive Order Administrative Expert Export and Exploit Import, and a Veritable Venerable Mined Mind Field too, Virile and Viral and Venal and Venereal.

Спасибо, Serge C. Высоко ценится и понял 

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